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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8186031 No.8186031 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most trashy/poor thing you've ever prepared? For me, I've made stock out of chicken wing bones before.

>> No.8186043

chicken wings are a great addition to chicken stock tho

>> No.8186105

OP Here, I should add that the bones were from buffalo wings, and that I used no vegetables like in a traditional stock.

>> No.8186142

Bread and ketchup

>> No.8186146

Visited Louisiana with a friend who was from there, he went to the store and came back with an unlabeled bag of red meat and some veggies. Figured I'd make a nice hearty stew and the meat was deer or something.

Meat is greasy and kind of smelled like mud. Guessed again that it might be goat, so I washed it with vinegar and boiled it separately before adding to the stew. Friend comes home and says it smells great, asks if I'd ever cooked Nutria before

It was a fuckin rat. A big yellow toothed swamp rat. Stew came out good though.

>> No.8186155

So OPs pic related then

>> No.8186158

At some point I was feeling a lack of nutrients, jsut moved back into my parents house after living on my own a bit.
So I just opened a can of tuna and put it in a bowl. Then I became sickened by the taste so cut up a gherkin and stuck it in there.

I'm surprised I didn't throw up desu.

>> No.8186174

Not adding mayonnaise was your mistake breh

>> No.8186201
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Made my fucking day, anon

>> No.8186268

>there are vegetables in traditional stock
Traditional for whom? Traditions vary culture to culture.

It doesn't get much more traditional than two millenia of recorded culinary history, I don't think. Our stock is made plain and strong using only animal bones and cartilage. Vegetables go into making the soup using the stock, not into the stock itself.
Like... we'll get 1kg of bones/cartilage and 2L of water, cook, skimming scum as it forms, until the volume reduces by about half then strain, filter and store in the fridge overnight, yielding one litre of stock.
Next day, we remove the congealed fat and us it to sauté whatever veg and meat go into this particular soup, top off with the stock, bring to a simmer and cook until the meat is done.
That's how to make traditional stock for us and how to use the stock in making traditional soup.

I keep stale bread for breadcrumbs and stuffing, I guess?

>> No.8186541


An armadillo was digging up my garden every night so I shot it with a .22 caliber rifle. "The Joy of Cooking" cookbook had insructions for dressing it out and cooking, so I cleaned and roasted it. Tasted like a gamey pork. Gross to dress out because it had a bunch of lice crawling on its belly.

>> No.8186546
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>> No.8186628
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I watched a youtube video of a chinaman who ate dry ramen blocks with the season packet sprinkled over it, so I tried it.

5/10 not actually that bad.

>> No.8186667

shits crunchy af. bretty good

>> No.8186668

Enjoy your leprosy.

>> No.8186697

I was hungry and all I had in the house was spaghetti and parsley, and zero money to buy anything else. So I made the spaghetti and sprinkled parsley on it. I called it "Pasta Parsley."

I ws pleased with the name. I was not pleased with the taste.

>> No.8186708


I was wondering why my nose was starting to rot. Guess I better head to the local quack. Wonder if they'll ship me to one of those colonies on a tropical island?

Seriously, I cooked it well done. I don't think I'll have any problems.

>> No.8186792

There's probably more danger from being exposed to its blood while you were butchering it than from eating it after cooking

>> No.8186802

My dumb hick of an ex girlfriend use to brag about her spaghetti sauce.

It was canned tomato paste and a stick of butter, basically.

>> No.8186865
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Feeling cheap af.
Boil up some rice.
Add some of the cheapest frozen mixed veggies I could find in the market.
Add butter, salt, and pepper.

Supper for about 30 cents.

>> No.8186886

Meh, I wore latex gloves.

>> No.8188036

its sorta like a giant crouton that way

>> No.8189806

What does mud smell like?

>> No.8189809

ramen .

>> No.8189827

> friend comes over to visit my brother

> hey anon your chili looks really good

> its a jar of spaghetti sauce

> oh

>> No.8190137


Damn it anon. Those things carry leprosy.

>> No.8190223

Boiled maize flour with cheese and oil. It's called polenta in my cunt.

>> No.8192333

It's 'Hansen's disease' now you ignorant swine.

t. medfag

>> No.8192701

What did you do with the carapace?

>> No.8192707

I've legit eating only rice and Ketchup before, for a week being a poor fag is shitty.

>> No.8192708

Wow I'm so impressed somebody with a medical degree would know that! Thanks for enlightening us!

>> No.8192712

I once cooked my dog when he got ran over by a garbage truck. Tasted good as a steak with horseradish, A1 sauce, and a fat side of buttery mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts

>> No.8192717

Nigga in elementary school I used to break up a bag of dry ramen, sprinkle the powder throughout the bag, shake it up, and eat it like chips.

Other than that, I would get cans of oysters, anchovies, and sardines and put it all in a bowl. I'd then add either leftover salsa from a Mexican restaurant, or cottage cheese.

Also, I ate nothing but black olives and Pepsi in college.

>> No.8192737

One time I went to cook spaghetti, we had no mince, no pasta sauce. I did have a heap of spices and some pizza base tomato sauce, so tried mixing all of these herbs and spices in, used sandwhich ham for meat. Actually wasn't too bad for a pov meal, spicy ham and tomato spaghetti

>> No.8192786

I made a broth solely out of boiled flies.

Not, in fairness, deliberately. Ate it though.

>> No.8192789

Oh yeah, once I was pretty thirsty but we didn't have anything to drink except tap-water, so I mixed what vinegars, rice wines, soy and Worcestershire sauces remained into one cup. It was pretty good.

>> No.8192796

yo nutria is delicious

t. mississippi boi

>> No.8192814

Wet dirt

>> No.8192820

So you didn't have any butter and salt and pepper?

Can't tell you how many times I had butter noodles back when I was ultra poor. Shit is good and you can get the supplies to make like 100 servings for like 10 bucks.

>> No.8192982

Waste not, want not

>> No.8193756

One time I took some leftover Mac n Cheese, put it between two slices of leftover pizza, microwaved it, and ate it for lunch.

>> No.8193796

Same, except he got hit by a moped. Got banned for posting pics of it :(

>> No.8193813

I hope he made a hat

>> No.8194058

You should email me those pics

>> No.8194074


>> No.8194111

Ate some catfish sashimi by a fishing hole because I didn't want to make a fire and I was camping and hungry
tasted okay but gave me terrible shits in conjuction with all the booze
2/10 would do again if desperate

>> No.8194142

Bologna, Peanut Butter, American Cheese, Mustard sandwich

>> No.8194149

Its actually tastes pretty good. Kinda like a different flavor of potato chips. Definitely better than cooking it in water.

>> No.8195157

i actually like dry ramen.

I had a lot when i moved out and had to start cooking my own shit for cheap, as a quick snack i would just get dry ramen, crack it in half and spread peanut butter on it, and i liked it a lot.

>> No.8195301


At one point instead of using bread crumbs we crunched up some cereal to make fried chicken.
I think it'd might've been yummier than using bread crumbs.

>> No.8195341

>catfish sashimi

God almighty, you poor white trash, you remind me of myself.

>> No.8195556


there's this marco polo linguini recipe that was on the back of Kikkoman's bottles for years. once when me and my cousins were tweaked out bums we had nothing but angel hair pasta, peanut butter and soy sauce to eat. my cousin remembered the recipe was nothing but pasta, butter, soy sauce and clams, and that the lake was just over the levee. we made marco polo linguini with lake clams the size of fingernails, soy sauce, pasta and cooking oil. we probably would have been better off just eating the peanut butter. we ate it all, though, and none of us got sick. i ate the shells, too, and a lot of sand.

>> No.8195769

Spam and boiled eggs.

>> No.8196192

I might've used salt as well, I can't remember. There was definitely no fat of any kind though.

>> No.8196231

This I use them to thicken my stir fried
I once boiled potatoes and tried to fry them on a pan with a bit of oil and onions
In my mind they would come out these amazing crunchy fries with some onion
In real it was just boiled potatoes with onion and a bit of oil
So I ate them and then felt disappointed

>> No.8196265

Back in highschool we got to leave at lunch during Fridays so most Fridays I cake back home with my group of friends and none of us wasted time eating since we got to pocket the money and eat whatever dinner my parents made later
Now I don't remember what was special about this Friday but by dinner we were all starving
My mom came up to my room with a gigant bowl of those shitty fries that come prepared and frozen and somehow it ended up on the floor
We all ate them anyways
Now my floor wasn't an average floor, it was an ancient carpet that has seen hell it had permanent stains that my friends made by vomiting and shitting themselves after drinking too much and a million little food spills
My mom removed the carpet when I moved out and under it it was a gigantic layer of rot

>> No.8196431

>under it it was a gigantic layer of rot

A little deficient in the olfactory department, I take it.

>> No.8196468

>Caught crawfish
>gathered wild asparagus
>stole about 5 corn stalks from a field
>gathered wild parsnips
Put it on a pot on my stove top. The only thing I paid for was seasoning bag- which was 25 cents. I called it frogmore stew, but I don't think that is what it's called.

>> No.8196491

Tuna is great though. Next time try adding some mayo, or some lemon and dill.

>> No.8196514

Grilled cheese grilled with an iron. Good shit.

>> No.8197064

That feel when I eat canned tuna plain

>> No.8197081

Sounds like a good way to get parasites

>> No.8197263

>dat fucking Bacardi football cup
Pretty solid drinking glass

>> No.8197339

Was homeless once a couple years back. Had just started a job and was waiting for my first paycheck, and my workplace had some sunflower seeds anyone was allowed to take. For about a week all I ate was sunflower seeds.

>> No.8197386

I was very surprised when I tried a bit of hard dry ramen to find that it was pretty good

>> No.8197438
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pickles n' milk