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File: 344 KB, 550x400, strawberry-basil-balsamic-pizza-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8181812 No.8181812 [Reply] [Original]

I want your most interesting/weird pizza topping combos
Something good not weird just for the sake of weird
Your can also post your personal favorites
I make a ton of pizza and I just wanna try new shit
Pic related, made strawberry, goat cheese and balsamic pizza ones it was surprisngly good.

>> No.8181819
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>> No.8181821


>> No.8181846

>anything sweet on a pizza

>> No.8181868

goat cheese is goat. I love "this guy" pizza from pink's pizza. also tomatoes on pizza are great.

>> No.8182328
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I'm partial to olives, anchovies and fresh tomato slices myself.

>> No.8182335

The Papa John's bonanza is pretty good

>> No.8182336

Never got this meme. Would eat that tasty Pizza any day.

>> No.8182339

How do you guys manage to make good homemade pizza? I always fuck it up, maybe something with it being high altitude?

>> No.8182346

What do you fuck up? I eyeball everything and it still comes out tasty. There is hardly anything you can fuck up with Pizza, you just need the right ingredients.

>> No.8182350

Part of it is sauce, I've tried a lot of recipes and can't get a good one.

Dough also acts funny at 7000 feet. Idk what it is, but it's always too chewy or doesn't hold the pizza properly

>> No.8182358

Do you put the dough at least a day into the fridge?

>> No.8182398

Usually night before and make it at lunch next day, or at lunch and make it for dinner

>> No.8182407

This is probably going to sound really gross, but it's actually good.

Black olives, green pepper, and sausage, on a thin pizza crust, with red sauce and mozzarella cheese.

I know, I know, it sounds really gross, but if you give it a try you might like it too.

>> No.8182416

How do you prepare this for the pizza? Do you buy already dry mozzarella?

>> No.8182425
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>buying dry 'zarella
>current year

kek mah ziggy niggy, you riggy dissapointediddy

>> No.8182433

That's why I ask because wet mozarella doesn't really melt well and just leaves a mess.

>> No.8182463

if you havent put canned spaghetti/baked beans onto a pizza you need to. everybody needs to try that at least once in their lives.

>> No.8182468

oh i don't know anything about 'zarella, i was just baiting you. why doesn't moist 'zarella melt well?

>> No.8182483

>sauce hollondaise

not really weird but tasty AF

>> No.8182493

Because it's high in moisture, retard. By heating it you seperate the contained moisture which results in a watery pizza and soggy cheese clumps.

>> No.8182503
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>heat evaporates water
>'za ends up not soggy
>evaporated water moisturizes the cursted food on the roof of your oven, causing it fall down on your 'za, adding flavor


>> No.8182507
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I love a good clam pie at Lee's in Staten Island.

>> No.8182529

If you want to do this you need to build the whole Pizza for the single purpose to do this since you will need to use extremely high temperatures so anything with a thicker crust is already a no go. Even then, you need to remove a good chunk of the moisture beforehand if it's high moisture mozzarella. Since Mozzarella melts really fast it's good to just put it on the Pizza in the last few minutes of cooking.

>> No.8182544
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You gotta stop playing by the rules, man. Think outside the box.

>> No.8182552
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Mozzarella is shit tier on pizza anyway.
>mfw after putting on proper gouda cheese

>> No.8182559

Mozarella is literally the best cheese for pizza by a mile. Provolone 2nd best.

>> No.8182570
File: 11 KB, 169x157, daddys boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you man, THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. This gouda, this 'valone...IT JUST AIN'T CUTTIN' IT!

>> No.8182615

I literally don't know who you're roleplaying. Is it Elvis?

>> No.8182619

This looks fucking delicious.

>> No.8182622
File: 3 KB, 111x51, why did my dad have to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8182624

banana slices

>> No.8182628

Peanut butter and chicken

It sounds weird, but it's really not. A few salty-sweet dabs of PB really works well on pizza

>> No.8183224

keep sauce simple
get canned san marzano tomatoes, crush em by hand, fry some gorlic in olive oil in a post for minute, throw tomateoes in pot, add som s&p, sugar, dried herbs and touch of cayenne if that's your thing
simmer until the consistency seems good to you
can also add one anchovy per can of tomatoes to the oil at the start with garlic, which gives the sauce really nice rich taste but it's not necessary to do so

>> No.8183232


>Grilled onions and mushrooms, scrambled eggs, tomato

>Taco beef, pickled jalapeños, lettuce, tomato, sour cream garnish

>Red grapes, pecans, kale leaves, prosciutto, goat cheese

>> No.8183314

I love making white pizza every now and then.
For the sauce I usually fry up some chilli, garlic and pine nuts in a good amount of olive oil and add it to some creme fraice. It's really good.
Top it with mozzarella and some cured meat, usually ham, and some rucola after cooking.

It's really good.

>> No.8183338

Is it really good???????????//

>> No.8183465
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Sweetcorn and bacon. "Spring" pizza as they call it in my country.

Fuck the pizza chains here, not having sweetcorn as a topping

>> No.8183496

ice cream and shoe polish

>> No.8183497
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Lobster meat
Olive Oil

>> No.8183629

Hello chef John

>> No.8184004
File: 93 KB, 1569x939, 475965_367193916731241_1865351901_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goto as a teenager was chicken, banana, pineapple, peanuts, currysauce and some kind of yoghurt sauce that the pizzaplace had, it was godtier.

>> No.8184023

This. I add scotch tape to taste as well.

>> No.8184025

It's off the fucking chain good. Worth the trip to SI, and I don't say that lightly because there really isn't much reason to ever go there. But when it comes to Italian American food the only places that give it a run for the money are Brooklyn, New Haven, South Philly and some parts of Jersey.

>> No.8184047


Just use 1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce per can, same difference.

>> No.8184099

Awhile back I was thinking about how much I loved pickled ginger and wasabi, even though I don't like fish.

And then I thought about making a pizza with it. But I don't know what I'd do for sauce or cheese. Or for that matter, where I could find pickled ginger outside a sushi restaurant. And ideas?