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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8175826 No.8175826 [Reply] [Original]

This may be the wrong place to ask, but I'm an alcoholic who just spent $450 on winter tires. Problem is, now I'm broke af till Friday. Can my cheap ass wash out all my empty (20+) bottles with the same water, then drink it and get drunk? I figure it's not that easy but I have so many empty bottles that reek with vodka. I'd love any help.
(Also, yes I'm a sissy who lives in a pink room. Fuck me.)

>> No.8175832

Unlikely to the question about the water, probably not enough. Good on you for buying winter tires instead of alcohol though, even though I'm sure faggots are going to tell you they're a pointless waste, they are very important.

>> No.8175835


Why not use this as an excuse to take a break from alcohol? it's a perfect time lmao

>> No.8175849

Ahh thanks anyways. Better knowing than trying for an hour :P
>>8175835 I guess that's my only choice but I haven't been sober since I moved out... lol

>> No.8175862

Where do you live?

>> No.8175870

Cold AB Canada

>> No.8175874

It will probably be just enough to make you ferociously crave more.

>> No.8175881

I should mention I'm 6ft and only 90lbs so is there hope? Haha

>> No.8175883

+ I took my last shot when I woke up so I'm already ferociously craving more. I'm prepared to sucks out the whole bottle haha

>> No.8175901

>90 pounds
>6 foot
Aside from culturally appropriating our units of measurement, how the fuck do you exist? Do you even eat food or is your diet exclusively ethanol?

>> No.8175914

I'm sure you're just shit talking but actually yes, I mainly only drink. Occasionally eating.

>> No.8175922

I was legitimately curious, becuase as a /fit/izen, any male taller than me and just a hair north of half my weight is unfathomable to me. You've got to resemble an actual skeleton, right?

>> No.8175929

Pretty much. I look like that Eugenia Cooney chick but even uglier ;) I got problems.

>> No.8175937

Please eat more. Get healthy, if not for you, for us.

>> No.8175949
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So I had to look her up.

Please eat real food. This is terrifying. Just carb up on cheap food with your next box of vodka.

>> No.8175965

Haha guys it's okay. I'm just a sissy who lives alone, noone will no if I die. Im all good.

>> No.8175972

Please, you're on the cooking and food board. Just learn something easy and eat it.

>> No.8175978

Call a suicide hotline, man.

>> No.8175992

Don't dilute it.
Combine what you have in one bottle and put it in the freezer until ice cold.
Outside of that, make a $3 40oz of malt liquor last 2 days, and buy a small package of Advil pm at the gas station because if you drink as much as me, you'll need them to sleep
You should be set until Friday.

>> No.8175996


>> No.8175998

Just cause I posted this on the food board, I'll let you guys know that I'm bound to eat something today, just to ease your worries :) thanks for caring I guess

>> No.8175999

Do they actually have $3 40oz of malt liquor? You may be a lifesaver <3

>> No.8176025

They do even here in Utah where Alcohol is priced fucking sky high because of the taxes imposed by the state, so it will probably be cheaper where you're at

Best tier: St Ides $3.79
Good tier: Old English $3.49
Meh tier: Mickeys, King Cobra $3.19, Colt 45
Shit tier (does the trick, but you may end up feeling like absolute shit) Steele Reserve $3.00 ish

I don't drink much malt liquor, but I turn to it whenever I'm "cutting down," on drinking

>t. Functional alcoholic

>> No.8176046

Thanks. I'll have to go search the store. Hope they got it cheap here in Western Canada

>> No.8176059

Natty Daddy... $1, 25fl oz, 8% ABV ~3.33 drinks

>> No.8176075

Alright. I'll try get some Naddy Daddy in my mouth by dinner :) thanks

>> No.8176092

>advil AKA ibuprofen
OP do not do this unless you want to fuck up your insides.

>> No.8176117

Don't worry I'm leaving out the pills. I'm used to alchohol hangovers by now haha

>> No.8176120

*alchohol headaches

>> No.8176122

Buy classic Listerine mouthwash and drink that. Lots of homeless native guys drink this shit in my city and it never hurt them.

>> No.8176126

Natives always do that here in AB but that's the one low I don't want to try haha

>> No.8176136

Well you called yourself an alcoholic so I figured you wouldn't care. It's not like mouthwash contains methanol (some people erroneously believe that it does), it has regular ethanol. I believe it's not even that high in alcohol content. Its alcohol content is similar to that of dry white wines.

>> No.8176140

On the other hand, there's an idea: dry white wines. Why bother drinking mouthwash like a homeless bum when for the same price you can buy a bottle of cheap Italian white wine. You can get swill that's 13% alcohol content that gets you fucked up and it's somewhat palatable.

>> No.8176147

Don't do that. You're setting yourself up for wet brain (read: irreversible brain damage). Not just "haha killing brain cells lolXD," actual debilitating brain damage.
Undernourishment is severely compounded by consistent alcohol abuse which affects the ability of the body to both absorb and utilize nutrients, especially dangerous is a lack of thiamine.
If you're going to drink like that you need to eat well and supplement, with some luck you might be able to make it to your 40s or 50s before you need to be put in a home assuming the rest of the body you aren't feeding doesn't quit first.

>> No.8176199

>alcohol in Canada

A 40 of malt is probably at least ten bucks here. Not sure since I haven't bought it in 15 years when it was 6 bucks. You have no right to complain of your "sky high alcohol prices".

Want a 6 pack of half decent beer? 15 bucks, little man.
Want a 750 ML of the crappiest vodka like in OP pic? 18-24 bucks.

>> No.8176262

Advil PM. If you're stretching a 40oz to last 2 days, tapping the last few drops of previous liquor bottles and just trying to make it until payday, then it's a necessity if you want to sleep.

Don't make a habit of it though. I've been there, and once in a while won't do much damage.
>Eat dinner.
>Pop an Advil PM or 2
>Drink half of your 40

You're good to go.
Me again btw

>> No.8176288

Empties aren't going to have any alcohol left in them, that vodka smell is all the leftover impurities without any of the buzz. Alcohol will evaporate from booze over time when exposed to air, so what tiny amount of liquid was left would have lost its alcohol content pretty quickly. Like other anons said, take the opportunity to take a break and if you can seek help. When you get paid fight the urge, go buy a ton of junk food and just go to town. Treat yourself to shitty burgers and chips, soda, cookies, the works. Gain some weight. Eat a steak, don't die friendo.

>> No.8176325

oooph that shit keeps me asleep for days.

oh lawd Canada i'm sorry for you. I get a 40 oz of old english for $3.50 here in NY

>> No.8176332

I think you're exaggerating those prices my man. I lived in Salt Lake for a couple of years and I'm pretty sure 40's of Olde English High Gravity were like $2.50.

>> No.8176391

Thanks for all the advice guys. I might just tough it out tI'll Friday. And while I haven't ate since Sunday, I'm about to cook some chicken so no worries :)

>> No.8176551

Wrong bro, but i wish you were correct on this.
I was just at the state liquor store within the last couple weeks and these are current prices.

>> No.8176556


jesus fuck this is like my first visit to /ck/ and this board is depressing as shit. never seen more suicidal alco's than here.

cooking is supposed to be fun and delicious and a celebration of life, this place is dark and depressing.

>> No.8176676

Your mistake was coming at night

>> No.8176697

Only the real /ck/ base comes through at night

>> No.8176787

OP again, this is my first time leaving /b/ but I was hoping I'd get actual help at /ck/ (which I did). I'm just surprised this hasn't 404'd. I'm too used to /b/ lol

>> No.8176802

Post a picco of yourself qt

>> No.8176815

>/b/ poster

Wow son you really are the worst.

>> No.8176829

Where in alberta r u ill get drunk with you

>> No.8176842

I said earlier I got problems lol
At 90lbs, I can't trust anyone from /b/. Too easy to rape or kill me :P sorry

>> No.8176849

Ok. I wasn't going to kill you tonight i needed you to letyour guard down first. The last one fought way too hard because i didnt build enough rapport first and was ready for me. Luckily i had my handcuffs and drill in the car.

>> No.8176872

I might be down for the handcuffs on second thought. Lethbridge, Southern Alberta. ;)

>> No.8176873

Good meet me in galt gardens in 15 minutes

>> No.8176878

>buying snow tires

>> No.8176887

Assuming I could get there within the hour

>> No.8176891


>> No.8176892

Just as well most of my victims are native prostitutes anyway. Looks like there is one standing by the entrance to studio right now. My lucky day.

>> No.8176905
File: 117 KB, 1120x840, everclearbooze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go collect some bottles and buy a mickey of Everclear. Stop wasting money on Vodka which is mostly water.

>> No.8176923
File: 396 KB, 1024x724, Skeleton-PNG-File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh I'm a classy white person
That stuff literally kills me

>> No.8176942

That stuff literally kills me

isnt that what it says right there on the label?

>> No.8176944

Yup haha. Plus I like drinking straight but that straight is fire.

>> No.8176952

Just go to a bar and offer to suck some old guys dick for a few bucks you worthless faggot

>> No.8176978
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, Keep it Classy (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you not been paying any attention?
Make your own damn liquor, you dingdong.

It's water and ingredients. Sure, you have to wait a while. But knowing how can serve you a lifetime. You can make your own mead, wine, and beer. With some practice there's no reason why you can't learn how to make other spirits like gin and vodka.

In the meantime, if you're just looking to get drunk, buy pure 200 proof grain alcohol. You should find liter bottles for like 20 bucks next to the moonshine in the whisky isle, try the bottom shelf.

>> No.8176980
File: 364 KB, 1214x2400, Wine Cider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, there you go.
No shit, it's supposed to kill you if you're stupid.

>> No.8177001
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>> No.8177004
File: 35 KB, 600x600, Wok Distilling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wok distilling, this is an interesting topic to give some research

>> No.8177012
File: 532 KB, 750x1023, Chai Tea Syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should also be able to find some cheap wine for something like 10 bucks that comes in these types of jugs if you can't happen to find them at the store.

>> No.8177024

whats the end cost of this sort of thing per liter?

>> No.8177026
File: 958 KB, 936x1069, 65b63d32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you on about? We're the cream of the crop. Here's your cook-along thread >>8165645
It's usually OP with a week's worth of dinners. But people post there own shit from time to time. Not to mention there are some old cook-along threads saved into pics for future reference. Here's one, pic related.

>> No.8177038
File: 1.82 MB, 1408x3420, GHT Mead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In American dollars - like $5-10. that's the yeast, sugar, and juice - from a good store that sells cheap generic crap.
Assuming you have a funnel, a little rubber/silicon tube, the jug(s) - yeah. Without which you're probably looking at like $10-20 for gallons worth of 10-15% alcohol, depending on how long you let it ferment.

>> No.8177048

I know with mead it's a 2-6 week wait, does the wine take unusually long?
Seems like it might be worth my while to start hoarding wine jugs and brewing big batches of the stuff

>> No.8177064
File: 35 KB, 932x521, make apple cider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, and I haven't done this before, I believe it is a genius investment of any classy motherfucker. I've met a couple of families who make their own wine, but I've never tried the wine.
Wine probably takes 2 to maybe 4-6 weeks as well. I couldn't exactly say. I'm sure the differences lie with how much sugar (and what kind) you've used to how much juice (and kind of juice) and how much yeast (or the kind of yeast).

Refer to this pic of instructions. Like with the mead, the balloon should let you know when your shit is done fermenting. Until then it's up to you to decide how long you age it - letting a fine wine age under proper temperature and conditions could make a huge fucking difference, nomsayin'?

Cleanliness is key by the way. Shit gotta be sterile or you'll be fermenting trash, literally.

>> No.8177070

Wouldn't hurt to watch a few Youtube vids and read up on some little instructionals - just for precautions and to make sure you're doing everything right, or if there's anything you could do better.

>> No.8177074

She's not attractive, she's low level dungeon filler. Seek help.

>> No.8177100

Does homemade stuff taste alright? Otherwise I might just stick to store bought lol

>> No.8177113
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Arguing million dollar recipes over something entirely new and made by yourself isn't the best idea imo.
You could say that whenever you make something, in the end it's either good or bad and you'll eat it again. There's no reason why that's not the same with alcohol. Besides, if you make your own, there are plenty of flavors and aromas you can add that makes your product so much more unique.

Then, store-bought stuff is typically made by professionals. Like, whisky aged in charred oak barrels and shit. Not many people have whisky barrels sitting in the corner of their houses anyway...

You can also turn a larger profit from making your own stuff if you happen to sell what you make to other people. then you can have another opinion as to whether or not homemade is any, 'good'.

But it's the idea of learning how to make something like alcohol. Knowing something like that serve a man a lifetime. What if you're in a zombie apocalypse? What if we revive prohibition? What if you're stranded on an island? Gotta think bruh.

If your juice tastes alright, then the wine or cider should taste alright, right?

>> No.8177158

dont do this. i just tried it and my house blew up

>> No.8177774
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You mean something like this: 11 gallons of blueberry wine fermenting.

I live in bumfuck backwater where the populace resemble zombies more than humans.

>> No.8178486

It's a slower board than /b/, threads are up for days.
You missed the alcoholic thread btw.

>> No.8178491

Since >>8177064
Didn't exactly know, and you're clearly doing it yourself, how long does the wine need to ferment to be palatable?

>> No.8178511

I'm making a dry wine from blueberries with a Champagne yeast. I started at 1.1 specific gravity and when it gets near 0 it'll be done. Takes about 4-6 weeks. I usually go 8 weeks transferring at least twice to different carboys for clarity. It'll taste like a good Merlot. Good immediately, but will improve with some ageing.

>> No.8178516

>the state of white 'men'


>> No.8179486

buy the shittiest, cheapest handle of garbage rum/vodka you possibly can and mix it with orange juice.

"collecting" small amount of residue wont even be enough for a buzz, if youre really an alcoholic.