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File: 133 KB, 1024x768, mcdonalds-worldwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8168775 No.8168775[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many countries have you had McDonald's in?
What was the most unique item?
Did you notice anything different with the regular options?

I've had it in four countries: Australia, Canada, USA and Japan.
The three Western countries it all tasted exactly the same except for the sausage and egg Mcmuffin which tasted funny in North America.

I only had it once in Japan and the only reason I had it was because I don't speak Japanese, it was the first night for me there and I was intimidated by going in somewhere and ordering something new and unfamiliar.

Got a double quarter pounder and the beef definitely tasted strange. I'm gonna guess it was a pork and beef hybrid patty.

>> No.8168795

map's fucked up

there's mcdonald's in hungaey

>> No.8168801

That picture is from 1980 or what? There's been McDonalds in Romania since the 90s.

>> No.8168802

Half of Indonesia is coloured differently to the rest as well.

>> No.8168804


I wouldn't focus on it too much. I just googled mcdonalds worldwide. I thought there'd be an infographic of different meal items from around the world.

>> No.8168807

M8 If you can't even put in the bare minimum amount of effort to make a decent OP, how can you expect anyone else to contribute to your shitty thread?

>> No.8168809
File: 138 KB, 350x350, carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's mcdonald's in hungary

Then I guess you could say they're no longer Hungary.

>> No.8168812

The content of the OP is in the post. The accompanying image is incidental. Read.

>> No.8168828
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>> No.8168851


there's also a spelling mistake. seems trustworthy.

>> No.8168853


>> No.8168855


>seleted countries

>> No.8168904

There's one in Cuba? Also, does anyone have the list of the largest restaurants?

>> No.8168918
File: 268 KB, 435x360, 1417301852600a0bdaba56e478860c93b5f0a39942caesar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polish villagemac

>> No.8168939

McCountry sounds better.

>> No.8168972

Yeah apparently Iceland has the most expensive Big Mac, but it also doesn't have any McDonalds. Seems legit.

>> No.8168978

I've been 30 countries for work travel and I can honestly tell you that without a doubt in my mind, Singapore has the best McD's. Literally the only McD's where the food looks like it's from an advertisement. They had a double McChicken which was filling and had a whole bunch of different sauces to eat it with. The curly fries were god tier too. Literally ate there every other day for 2 weeks. Sometimes twice.

It's been 6 months since I've been there and haven't eaten McD's since.

>> No.8168985

It actually surprised me that a McDonalds in Paris barely had any options to choose from. Just 2 or 3 burgers and that was pretty much it. In Spain we've got at least 6 plus specials and promotions.

>> No.8168992

France, Netherlands, and Japan. USA citizen. In Paris a McD had something that approximated the Croque Monsieur and it was really good. In Amsterdam, McD was unremarkable. In Osaka, what I found remarkable was ... everything. No unusual menu items when I was there, but the quality of the service and the quality of the food was exceptional. On a whole level different from USA, for sure.

>> No.8169022

ive only had maccas in two countries before, Australia and Hong Kong. everything was pretty much the same except the sausage egg mcmuffin. the ones in australia just tastes dry and bland whereas the ones i had in HK were so much better.

>> No.8169025
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But they will be in an hour

>> No.8169030
File: 28 KB, 460x276, McDonalds-McItaly-burger-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've had McDonalds in Spain, Italy, UK and Dominican Republic. Pic related is probably the greatest fast food product i've ever had the pleasure to eat.

>> No.8169038

I specify that the McItaly i'm referring to was made with Chianina meat, since for what i remember they made another kind as well.

>> No.8169044

In Canada ours was called the italian mctaster, and was only good because they put cheese with the junior chicken patty.

>> No.8169046

No offense but i'm quite sure that eating a McItaly in Italy, with italian products, is quite different from doing it in Canada

>> No.8169059

You're right, it is quite difference. Canada isn't a third world shithole that actually has food standards, so our fast food is comparable to your fine cuisine.

>> No.8169084

I had it in only three countries
USA, Canada, and Thailand

>> No.8169111
File: 79 KB, 620x348, el_maco_hero_mobile_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ameritrumps will never experience the joys of el maco

>> No.8169129

I'm not italian senpai, though i have italian origins (Great-granfather from Spilinga) and have been in Italy for a year. I'm from New Jersey and trust me, in America we have a very, uh, "peculiar" conception of "italian" food. When you ask for "Pepperoni" in Italy, what you get is peppers. Most of the shit we define italian, they call heresy. When they watch stuff like Buddy Valastro on TV, they either laugh like retards or curse.

>> No.8169130
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst mcdonalds is Chinese mcdonalds.

But the best one in Poland is spicy lumberjack's sandwich, for sure.

>> No.8169133
File: 31 KB, 600x336, 600x336xsteveo-600x336.jpg.pagespeed.ic_.aHrQVBUyGt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German Sausage Double Beef Burger

>> No.8169156

Maps fucked, I at mcdonalds in iceland once

>> No.8169171

Poor show tbqh

>> No.8169188
File: 251 KB, 394x271, sopoja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8169211

>have a rare chance to visit another country and experience their culture
>eat at mcdonalds for every meal

do americans really do this?

>> No.8169335


>Not visiting the embassy

Shame on you

>> No.8169342

the sun never sets on mcdonalds

>> No.8169347

>When you go to a different country, and don't want to visit every single square foot of it.

Fucking americans.

>> No.8169384

All chain fast food is trash and if you eat it more than once a month and don't feel bad after, so are you.

>> No.8169570
File: 181 KB, 600x350, Jureskogs-Trion-600x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8169577

Hatar Jureskog så jävla mycket. Vidrig människa.

>> No.8169592

Nigger in South América only the monkeys of Bolivia don't hace McFat
Paraweed hay like 20 McFats only un the capital Asunción

>> No.8169598

I ate at a McDonald's in France. There was barely any elbow room in the place, entirely filled with Arabs, and the hamburger was lackluster. It was one of those cheese slice half on the sandwich situations. I was not lovin' it.

>> No.8169668

>they don't tell us the price of a big mac in chyna

fucking deregulating chinks is probably super cheap reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.8169698

>How many countries have you had McDonald's in?
About 20-25, most European, JP, SK, AUS, NZ, Thai, all of NA.

>What was the most unique item?
I like the Pork burger they do in Hungary, weird to see in McDonalds but was nice, Asian countries are cheating a bit here..

>Did you notice anything different with the regular options?

Not really

>> No.8169709

I ate a lamb burger at an Indian McDonalds once. I liked it more than the beeg patties they use, but then again I don t care for beef in general.

>> No.8169716

Oh yeah, I also went to a german one during a layove in between flights at the airpot; they sold an assortment of donuts there, and they were really good.

>> No.8169736

I want you to read what you posted in like 4-5 years. Save this shit. If you don't feel shame or want to kill yourself then you probably should.

>> No.8169807

My dad traveled the world establishing McDonald's in Eastern Europe and Latin America before in the 80s and 90s.

He said he liked Yugoslavia the best. They would try burgers all day to ensure consistency and cleanse their palate with Jägermeister, then after work go out for a steak dinner and drink a lot. Sounds like fun to me too.

>> No.8169813


I've eaten McDonald's in America and Germany. Big Macs tasted the same. Unsurprising.

>> No.8171573


OP said

>I only had it once in Japan and the only reason I had it was because I don't speak Japanese, it was the first night for me there and I was intimidated by going in somewhere and ordering something new and unfamiliar.

>> No.8171588

I've eaten it in Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia

Indonesia is the best and Australia is the worst
In 3rd world countries the workers actually care and assemble your burger correctly

Plus the stuff on the menu is awesome compared to what we get here

>> No.8171590

When I travel around the world to experience different cultures first hand the first thing I do is look for McDonald's™.

>> No.8171630

>Indonesia is the best and Australia is the worst

USA is abysmal. The only recently started making burgers fresh to order.

>> No.8171652


I've had McDonalds in Canada, USA, France, England, Switzerland, Ireland and probably Italy.

I don't remember any difference except apparently one of the burgers you'd except to be normal was spicy in England. Also Burger King in England was the most horrible thing I've ever tasted.

But none of that matters because KFC in Trinidad is godly.

>> No.8171665

The best experience I had at McDonald's was this awesome sandwich that rarely comes around. They call it a mc-rib. A pork sandwich. In America btw.

You are a robot

>> No.8171669
File: 37 KB, 444x507, d7212aa8be9f1cd8819cbc8350381fa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funland here.
We have rye burger here, bland/10.
Also had mcD in sweden but it was same shit

>> No.8171673

The brought the McRib to Australia. Couldn't see what all the fuss is about to be honest.

>> No.8171679

I don't like you.

You are a robot

>> No.8171685

USA, Canada, and France. It's possible I had it in Italy as well but I don't remember.

I wasn't paying close attention but canadian mcd's seemed identical to USA's. I noted the french mcdonalds pouring gallons of mayo on everything, and then throwing an extra twenty packets of mayo on the side for good measure.

>> No.8171686

I don't even think about you.

>> No.8171694

I'm not replying to your post.

>> No.8171705

This one?

>> No.8171718

Someone's replying to the wrong post. I'm the "you are a robot" guy who's not a robot. Fuck you captcha.

You are a robot

>> No.8171720

>I'm the "you are a robot" guy who's not a robot

Who would want to be that guy? Why do you do it?

>> No.8171726

The best McDonald's I've had was in Poland. They have some tasty seasonal and non-seasonal specials, but my favourite has to be the sour cream-ish sauce.

>> No.8171732

I don't do it for bitchs. Fuck bitchs. I want me a fat slut who cooks and does dishs.

You are a robot

>> No.8171734

Your last one. The very last one.

>> No.8171739

This will probably be my last one. You didn't not reply to the wrong post.

>> No.8171742

Whatever helps this thread get to bump limit I suppose.

>> No.8171789

They used to sell McFalafel in Israel, I think it failed though.

>> No.8171798

I actually preferred it when the Burgers were premade desu, they seem so sloppy and rushed now

>> No.8171941

I've had mcdonalds in France, Germany, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Portugal. Probably Spain, England, and Ireland as well.

Germany has permanent McRib, Netherlands has McKroket, that's all. No real differences. Some countries have other cookie/chocolate brands in their McFlurries.