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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8166850 No.8166850 [Reply] [Original]

Lets make a pact. Lets kill thoss planet.
Eat beef. Pollute it

>> No.8166871

I just don't understand how a modern first worlder can choose to not be a vegan. We've long evolved out of our need for meat, and we have the resources to obtain necessary nutrients without slaughtering animals.
I wouldn't even be so against eating meat if the industry wasn't cruel.

>> No.8166880

I agree. Honestly, if we haven't caused the end of humanity within my lifetime I'll be disappointed. I don't want to die knowing there will be more humans. Let's go out with a boom folks, not dwindle away and rot. Eat meat.

But meat tastes good.

>> No.8166891

>But meat tastes good.
I agree with that, but I will never eat another piece of it unless the industry undergoes some sort of revolution.

>> No.8166894

>modern first worlder can choose to not be a vegan
Because we don't want to chew on 3 pounds of tasteless leaves all day to get any amount of nutrients.

>> No.8166906

The vast majority of people still eat meat tho and will continue to do so till they die. You aren't changing anything.

>> No.8166908

>no "rape"
weak bait

>> No.8166934

Its easy, we vote with our money.
Who giefs a sjit about hilly

>> No.8167081


I don't understand why you have to distinguish between first and third worlders.

We have resources to waste. They are living on charity and could use reduced resource use, they should at least remove cattle farming (pigs and chickens fed on farm scrap is essentially free).

But somehow it's first worlders (or rather whites, wouldn't want to deny any minorities their culturally appropriate diet) who are alone in the world who need to adapt. Then again what can you expect from people who nowadays refuse to recognize overpopulation as a huge threat to sustainability.

>> No.8167158

>Then again what can you expect from people who nowadays refuse to recognize overpopulation as a huge threat to sustainability.
Lets clean out Africa and the Middle East, then.

>> No.8167315

> the earth: on the brink of overpopulation since 1800

>> No.8167479

Whats with all the numale and literal cu/ck/ shitposting lately?

Is this supposed to be the new McChicken or something?

>> No.8167491

Don't forget india, south america, and most of china.
Basically we should just get rid of all the literally retarded (sub-85 IQ) sub-humans.

We would be hovering right around 3 trillion and could reasonably maintain that level with nothing of value being lost.

>> No.8167520

>south america
*south of america

>> No.8167535

>I just don't understand how a modern first worlder can choose to not be a vegan.

Obviously lack of protein and nutrients has degraded your capacity to reason...

>> No.8167568

After what I've read about the whole issue with meat, I can agree about not eating meat, or, realistically, not eating SO much meat.

We think that we can just keep on eating as much meat as we do because the market has sped up to keep up with demand - but that growth is simply unsustainable. I'm not saying it'll collapse in a year or anything, but now China wants to eat more meat, and so do other quickly growing and developing countries. I recall the number being something like a THIRD of all the world's green space is being used for cattle or for crops and resources to feed cattle, which is insane, considering how much more could be yielded from anything but beef and how aware we are of the issue of food security. Plus, it takes a lot of work to transport all that meat around, not every area has a farm right there that you can kill the cows and transport it easily. You need vehicles that burn a lot of fuel to do that. I fucking love a good, bloody, rare steak and a big, juicy burger, but I also know that I need to eat it less often, like have a steak once a month instead of once a week.

I realize animals are also more intelligent than we give them credit for, but my reasons for eating meat less often have nothing to do with that part, so I tune out when vegans and vegetarians go into that stuff. On a side note, guys in charge of all that beef better be careful about how they use antibiotics on their cattle, because if they overuse them (like many do), there's a projection that they, collectively, stand to lose about $100B worth by 2050. I'm pretty sure such business savvy types like themselves wouldn't want to piss that kind of money away.

>> No.8167678

vegetarianism will soon be a necessity anyway because its goddamn expensive to eat beef even here in "feedlot alley" southern alberta.

I had like 1 steak all summer this year.

>> No.8167712


We used to lack food because of poor farming. Now parts of the world are running out of water and arable land. Which will soon cause them to try to invade Europe and the Balkans, they'd try the ME and Russia too ... but they'd get shot.

The food producers of the world meanwhile rely on huge amounts of fossil inputs.

Globalization has globalized Malthusian collapse, exponentials won't be denied, it's coming.

>> No.8167716

We have long evolved out of our need to listen to your bullshit

>> No.8167770
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>> No.8168009

Your all faggots

>> No.8168017
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I just don't understand how a modern first worlder can choose to eat. We've long evolved out of our need for food, and we have the resources to obtain necessary nutrients without slaughtering any type of life.
I wouldn't even be so against eating if the industry wasn't cruel.

>> No.8168090

Cucks like this are almost always the super sheltered type who drive a Prius and have never actually walked the streets of Shanghai or Delhi; they have no concept of what pollution actually is. Fucking cuck bitch.