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File: 85 KB, 720x960, Central Waters Bourbon Barrel Quad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8140983 No.8140983 [Reply] [Original]

Beer General?

Anyone else manage to find a 4 pack of this stuff yet?

>> No.8140994
File: 393 KB, 430x575, product-premium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know a cheaper version of this in north america?

>> No.8140995

I almost bought one at my liquor store but decided against it. Burnt out on the barrel aged stuff

>> No.8140999

A cheaper version of Sapporo? Try Budwieser

>> No.8141003

I can't pass up a new Central Waters barrel aged anything

>> No.8141007

tried it.

Close. but Sapporo is smoother.

Its funny that you immediately responded with the cheapest similar one i know of too.

>> No.8141025
File: 290 KB, 322x460, eviltwin_evenmorejesus_4pk_can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had that, but Central Waters does great barrel aged beers. Cassian Sunset was great.

Had a can of pic related tonight.

>> No.8141026

Michigan guys, I'm gonna be in your state this weekend (Ann Arbor), what is some cool stuff I should bring back with me or look out for on tap?

>> No.8141064

Try a urinal in the men's restroom

>> No.8141102

Kirin Ichiban is probably a cheaper version of sapporo. They're all the budweiser/coors/miller of Japan though. not very remarkable, but worth trying out a little.

After having a couple dozen or so beers "aged in oak bourbon barrels" or wine barrels, or whatever, they're just awful. Wine barrels impart a bitter wine flavor on top of mid-tier beer. Bourbon barrels give that cheap bourbon bite with whatever beer it was soaked in, and oak barrels is hit or miss. Its usually just earthy and sometimes oaky. Generally not worth the extra $1-2 per beer in price in my experience.

>> No.8141105

You admit when hipster beer is awful. I appreciate you. I prefer cider now. Try woodchuck or some shit with a high percentage

>> No.8141106
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Had this last night. It was okay, something different. Not worth the price imo.

>> No.8141110

Do you live in 2002? Craft beer is considered hipster where you are from?

>> No.8141121

Its insanely expensive. I chose not to buy it. I don't understand how Three Floyds gets away with their absurdly high prices (this was even more than normal). Three Floyds is a really good brewery, but there are a lot of equally good breweries that charge significantly less. I went to their taproom a few months ago and their taplist instead of saying volume of the pour only said the type of glass. The one I ordered was a glass type I was unfamiliar with and it ended up being like a 3oz pour for $9

>> No.8141150

Miller High Life. I'm serious.

>> No.8141309
File: 30 KB, 250x583, beer_329280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up and tried a can of this based off the last thread, it's really good!

>> No.8141323

I like the honey Crispin. I'll probably pick a couple up this weekend; but it seems ciders are silly expensive. For example, a bottle of crispin is $6 and its only like 8%. Its beer prices for whatever reason.

And yeah, hipster beer is shit hence why I dislike 99% of the IPAs I've ever tried. And i've tried dozens of them. They've all been super bitter, hoppy, and just awful. I'm old enough to remember beer companies advertising how not-bitter their beer is and thats why you should drink it. Nowadays its a contest to see how bitter they can make it, for whatever reason.

Its funny seeing people talk about how much they love bitter IPAs, then won't drink a stout or any other dark because its too bitter. I have a feeling its trendy people trying to fit in.

>> No.8141325

cool. will give them a try.

Whenever i drink i make a point of trying a new beer/ale. Its fun stuff. world of beer has a lot of hidden gems.

>> No.8141563
File: 328 KB, 800x534, oaktoberfest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried pic related tonight, liked it quite a bit. Other than Sam Adams, I haven't tried many Oktoberfest beers before. Are there any other widely available ones in the US worth trying?

>> No.8141579

In true German fashion, most Oktoberfest beers are pretty fucking similar to each other

>> No.8141706
File: 39 KB, 200x215, 4138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was distributed at the Denver Oktoberfest, its breddy gud. I fucking hated Shiner's Oktoberfest beer but you might like it.

>> No.8141761

Two Hearted has become a normie meme but it's legitimately the best beer I've had.

I always end up with PBR in the end though for the value.

>> No.8141765


>> No.8141791
File: 219 KB, 705x600, Sierra-Nevada-Otra-Vez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm such a slut for Sierra Nevada. Wish they would move away from IPAs though

>> No.8141798

I dig their Kellerweiss

>> No.8141805

I keep coming back to them. They're just consistently good.

Mah nigga right here knows what's up

>> No.8142272

Just put a splash of high octane gasoline in your Natty Ice.

>> No.8142282
File: 11 KB, 224x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had the original Ritterguts Gose.
It was 'alright'. I've had modern versions that I've enjoyed more.

>> No.8142292

And a few days ago I had pic related. It was really good and actually the first bretta beer I've really enjoyed.
I had to give the fucker a high rating. 4.75/5

>> No.8142293
File: 39 KB, 1000x1000, DSCN4972_ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it - of course that happens

>> No.8142411

>Cider drinker
>Complaining about bitter beers
>Stop liking what I don't! You're a hipster!! ;_;

Get over yourself.

Also, I'm a big stout drinker, but a lot of these imperial stouts or new craft stouts are too sweet. I like a strong, burnt, coffee-ish stout. Wrassler's XXXX is a good example of what I like. On tap, it's smooth but really strong in flavour.

>> No.8142414

Where my /vb/ bois at?

>> No.8142573

In UK, can I find any other good commercial ciders outside of Aspalls, Thatchers and Westons?

>> No.8142578

I am looking for something sweet, full bodied and strong. Are scotch ales my only option?

>> No.8142600

A lot of stouts would be that, some barleywines would work too

>> No.8142625

>scotch ales
What do you mean, like whiskey beer or something?

>> No.8142635

They are a missinterpretation of what scottish ales are. Brown, strong and malty/caramelly/whatever in flavour.

>> No.8142644

Scotch isn't really a word used to describe Scottish stuff.
What brands have you tried?

>> No.8142666

McEwans Champion is the only available one where I live and it is pretty decent.

>> No.8142673

in modern beer nomenclature there exists both 'scotch ale' and Scottish ale', typically 'scotch ale' is just a stronger maltier form of the other

>> No.8142897

I like both styles honestly. The huge rich flavor you get out of imperial stout and the more bitter styles as well.

If you live anywhere near BC, there's a brewery that does some great bitter (but still strong) stouts called Howe Sound. Their regular oatmeal stout and standard imperial stout would probably both be right up your alley, as would one of their annual releases that's an imperial stout brewed with molasses, licorice root, and star anise. It generally runs 60-70 IBU i believe so it's far from sweet, and the licorice flavor goes amazingly well with stout imo.

Barleywines, some brown ales/nut browns, Belgian dubbels and quads are all fairly sweet and strong. Also quite a few stouts, particularly milk stout.

>> No.8143161

I'm not really a cider drinker, I've drank a total of 4 bottles of cider. Hops and bitter don't make great beers.

>> No.8143209

>High Life
literally the most underrated beer, even Miller doesn't know what to do with it so it's marketed as second-choice swill.

>> No.8143226 [DELETED] 

I think it's the Wisconsin water. If Miller starts brewing it regionally like PBR, Miller Lite or Genuine Draft then I'll be sad.

>> No.8143235

Its easily the best macro and one of the cheapest as well

>> No.8144000

What are some beers that actually taste like pumpkin, or have a strong pumpkin taste? All the pumpkin beers I've tried have a very subtle, almost non-existent, pumpkin flavor.

>> No.8144042
File: 506 KB, 1680x1120, IMG_20160930_195132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth.
Nah senpai, it's just shit

>> No.8144408

Then you've been drinking shit pumpkin ales lol.

try Southern Tier, Weyerbacher, Dogfish, or literally anything.

Or just give up and eat pumpkin pie idc

>> No.8144425

Went to this brewpub recently, their Dubbel Vision was great. Had the seared salmon too, was also good.

>> No.8144783
File: 46 KB, 742x475, mk_beer.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/irgin here, has anyone tried these? Are they just a joke?

>> No.8144936

It's a pretty great beer. Stupid description aside.

>> No.8144965

Reminder IPA is a meme style

>> No.8144972

Reminder IPA was historically shit-tier ale.

>> No.8144976
File: 21 KB, 265x300, ck_plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All styles of beer are memes by definition, retard.

>> No.8144985

I like sweeter stouts like Left Hand and Duck Rabbit Milk Stout, and Southern Tier Creme Brulee.
I like stronger stouts like Old Rasputin.
But I think Founders Breakfast Stout is revolting. Sickeningly sweet, syrupy in texture, and a cacophany of flavors on the palate. I actually poured this one down the sink.

>> No.8144999

What kind of beer goes down best with fatty/fried foods? Something thick, heady and mellow.

>> No.8145043

Porter, Irish dry stout, oatmeal stout.

>> No.8145252

Historical IPA isn't much like modern IPA

>> No.8145280

who /brown ales/ here?

>> No.8145514
File: 215 KB, 2000x2000, founders-pale-joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Founder's Pale Joe.
Coffee-infused pale ale. I live near beer city, USA so lucky me :)

>> No.8145521

My top 3 Michigan beers come from Arcadia, Founders and Shorts.

>> No.8145543
File: 278 KB, 205x805, Warsteiner-Premium-Verum1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks pretty good, OP. Haven't come across it though. Had some of this last night.

>> No.8145713
File: 146 KB, 400x600, Sinebrychoff Porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best beer in your country or area that's A) inexpensive B) not made by a microbrewery/not "hipster-ish"?

>> No.8145807

Rainbow IPA.

>> No.8145824

What's good from shorts? I've had only had one beer from then awhile back and wasn't that impressed.

>> No.8145833

Oh god I cannot get enough Otra Vez its so goddamn delicious.

>> No.8146078

I like their Noble Chaos.
>tfw only one store near me stocks it
>tfw I bought the last 6-pack
>tfw only one left
>tfw it's probably gone until next year

>> No.8146106

why do people fucking like otra vez so much, it's one of the gnarliest goses i've ever had

for such a great style, the gose sure is hard to nail down. the only good ones i've ever had were victory kirsch and anderson valley blood orange

>> No.8146124
File: 16 KB, 350x374, honey red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is cheap and hella good. in ontario you can get a 24 of this for like 31 dollars which is absurdly cheap

>> No.8146257

Super cheap: Lionshead
Less cheap: Susquehanna

>> No.8146340
File: 66 KB, 500x468, Gulden-Draak[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? What are some other good international high-abv beers? La Fin du Monde is all I know.

>> No.8146545


Had a couple of encounters with this particular one, from good wort and few not so good. Try other Van Steenberg offerings like The Piraat which clocks at 10,5% and see is it to your liking.

From my expertise most belgian tripels would fit your bill, they hide the abv very well, sometimes even too much.

>> No.8146546

Try Geyser Gose by Two Roads/Evil Twin, it was pretty good imo.

>> No.8146551

Im looking for more Belgian beers to try

any suggestions?

>> No.8146588

Stone is the best US brewery

>> No.8146595

Where do people insist on putting weird shit in their goses?
All it needs is coriander and salt, fuck that other garbage. Also fuck those prickly pear fruits the juice is shit.

>> No.8148634


>> No.8148990

They're made by some unknown brewery so I would assume they're nothing special.

>> No.8148998

I wasn't crazy about it on my first try but after having it a few times I'm really digging it. I might pick up another 6 pack.

>> No.8149019

Otra Vez is the best post-lawn mow beer I've found to date.

>> No.8149039

I like it so much because it tastes delicious.

Also, I grew up snacking on prickly pears that grew in my yard, and so there's a nostalgic flavor, too.

>> No.8149423
File: 68 KB, 640x640, beer for ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this. It's pretty good, but not good enough for me to probably ever seek out again. Great on a hot day, though.

The peach is really faint, but that's certainly better than overwhelming.

>> No.8149857
File: 3.90 MB, 5312x2988, 20161002_195513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty good

>> No.8149865
File: 80 KB, 570x458, 1438493683754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my life I've hated beer because I've been served nothing but cheap piss shit, but I ordered a Dutch beer of some kind and found it enjoyable so obviously there's got to be other beers out there for me

I know literally nothing about beer because having been misinformed I've always stuck to rum and vodka. How do know what to stay away from and what to look for? This thread is over my head.

>> No.8149870

I should mention that my main intent is to get drunk. I could probably just google what beer compliments a certain food if I wanted to know this, unless you had something you really think is worth knowing.

>> No.8149878

First of, where do you live?

Based off country/area, what's readily available to you changes.

From there you generally then need to try different things, figure out what styles you prefer, and then decide what's worth buying based off your budget/wants.

>> No.8149889

Haven't had it yet but the brewery is pretty close to me. I miss the old Peruvian Morning :(. It was so much better before barrel aging.

After talking to the owner one night he said that batch got infected because they started making sours in the same building (like he told them not to).

>> No.8149893

East coast US, sounds like trial and error shopping is needed. Damn I might face the reality where maybe I won't be able to enjoy anything decent having a poor income.

>> No.8149896


I would assume they are just ok at best. Could be shit though trying to tie on with the name/marketing. I've never had any of them or heard of it.

>> No.8149905

>. I miss the old Peruvian Morning :(. It was so much better before barrel aging.
Drink their Brewhouse Coffee Stout

>> No.8149911

Most grocery stores allow you to do a mixed 6 pack from a section of single bottles for about$8-9
Its a good way to try different styles without committing to 6 bottles if you don't like it

Also, keep in mind that craft beer typically has more alcohol per volume than shit beer, so even if its more expensive its more alcoholic. Its rarely cheaper per amount of alcohol than shitty beer, but if cost is a concern this offsets some of the difference

>> No.8149915
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>> No.8149917
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Neat sounds alot easier to manage and a lot less worrying

>> No.8149943
File: 424 KB, 315x661, Coors_Extra-Gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> golden, co
Extra gold babeee

>> No.8150026

Damn that's a bummer, I just picked that up tonight.

>> No.8150036

Ok, I'm from New England, and there's some good beer pretty readily available along the East Coast for decent prices.

This guy has it right. You can generally get 4-6 beers for ~$10 that can be pretty high ABV wise. You'll still be spending more, but you won't break the bank hopefully.

And mix and matching single bottles for trial and error is definitely the way to go.

Definitely try out stuff by breweries in your state/area, since they're usually a bit cheaper.

Otherwise, solid, widely available breweries to look for (imo) are:

Founder's, Sierra Nevada, Dogfish Head, North Coast, Great Divide, Ballast Point, Ommegang, Allagash, Brooklyn, Victory, Evil Twin, Firestone Walker, and (memes aside) Lagunitas.

>> No.8150084


Fucking A, though Sapporo can't hold a candle to it.

Crisp, savory, negligible IBU.

There's nothing like the label design and packaging, either. The bottles taper beautifully, and a six pack costs $5.

$5. That's a river beer right there

>> No.8150317

busch suuuucks

I got 3 tall beers for 1.29 per

I'm 3/4ths through the 2nd and fuck this is absolutely miserable

>> No.8150329

If its made right, it will probably taste exactly the same or only slightly different than what you had.
Yuengling makes a good Oktoberfest if you can find it in your area, and its cheap.

>> No.8150336

Its a Pennsylvania beer but its everywhere here in Florida.
I drank it in highschool, college, and now.

>> No.8150339

I've never asked but always wondered

What's with the ridiculously overt Chinese sounding name? I know it's supposed to be super patriotic american too, which just adds to my confusion

>> No.8150348

>German brewer David Gottlieb Jüngling (1808-1877) immigrated to the United States in 1828 from Aldingen in the Kingdom of Württemberg.

>He anglicized his surname from Jüngling to Yuengling and began the "Eagle Brewery" on Center Street in Pottsville in 1829

>> No.8150427

I had a lindermans raspberry lambic today. Pretty much only drink lambics, as far as beer goes. Haven't had another beer I liked and I've tried several dozen hanging out with friends really into the craft beer scene.

>> No.8150434

...it's still a chinese beer to me

>> No.8150625
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x799, sodarkacopwouldshootit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently loving pic related, not my pic. So far everything I've had from Evil Twin has been fantastic. Usually an IPA/belgian/strong ale guy, gal at local beer store has gotten me into stouts lately.

Some favorites I've had lately,

>Victory brewing Hoppy Quad, Dirtwolf DIPA, Dunkelweizen

>Melvin brewing, Melvin IPA, 2x4 DIPA (out of this world good)

>Elysian, HubrisIPA , Night Owl pumpkin ale, Breakbeat IPA

>Old Stock Ale 2015

>Gulden Draak and Gulden Draak 9000


>Simtra DIPA (absolutely fantastic) from Knee Deep Brewing, also their Citra Extra Pale Ale

>Trappist Rochefort 10

>Chimay blue

>Nuclear Hop Assault

>Three Magnets brewing, Big Dumb Face IPA and Little Juice IPA

>Sixth Glass Quadruple Ale

>Dogfish Head's Punkin Ale

>Ommegang brewing, Tripel Perfection, Game of Thrones Seven Kingdoms (was alright, not amazing), Three Philosphers

>had a few Omnipollo's that were solid but expensive, have their Symzonia stout in the fridge atm

>Oatmeal Yeti stout

>American Brewing Oatmeal stout, meh but decent

>Overcast Espresso Stout, awful one note and falls flat for me

>Citra Ass Down IPA

>The Bruery 8 Maids a Milking milk stout, absolutely amazing

>pFriem IPA

>Iron Fist tripel IPA

>The Hop Concept IPA, mosaic & eureka hops

>Ballast Point's, Sculpin, Dorrado, Grapefruit Sculpin

Found a place near me not long ago called Ale Spike, killer beer store, fantastic selection, lots of stuff on tap and the owners are really, really nice and know their shit.

Also have a belgian stout called Black Hole, might open that up next tonight.


>> No.8151168

Try a few different styles and see how you like them.

The big differences in flavors come from whether lager or ale yeast was used, or whether the balance tilts towards the malts or the hops. There's a fuck ton of nuance in that, but there's where you find your general quadrants.

In simpler terms: try yourself an IPA to see if you like hop-forward beer, and a stout to see if you like some dark malts. Try an oktoberfest this time of year to see if you like a crisp lager, and try an hefeweizen to see if you like wheat. Grab some amber or extra special bitter to find out how much you enjoy plain old balance, or a sour to see if you like things weird.

Simply put, just try some different styles. When you find something you like, branch off a little from there and you'll start to map out where your tastes lie.

>> No.8151173

I'm not exactly rich, and I drink plenty of decent beer.

You're bound to have some bar or taproom near you where you can assemble a flight.

>> No.8151471
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That would be pic related

>> No.8151588
File: 107 KB, 575x900, St_Bernardus_Abt_12_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Belgian quads, I've been on a total binge recently.
My personal ranking would be Westy 12 = St. Bernardus Abt 12 > Chimay Blue > La Trappe Quadrupel > Rochefort 10
Westy 12 is magical but just too damn expensive for regular consumption, so my gold star goes to St. Bernie, which is basically the same but cheaper and easier to get.

>> No.8151595
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, 4014807364001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God I can't stand Warsteiner.
Not a huge fan of German Pilsners in general but Warsteiner is especially unpleasant with its distinct taste of rotting grass.
If you can find it, try Störtebeker Pilsener, which has a much more distinctive and surprisingly hoppy taste.
Pilsner Urquell is still best Pils overall imho

>> No.8151656

My negroid
Union Jack is the shit

>> No.8151815

You should go with something that is carbonated, med-high abv and bitter to bite through that rich fatty food. An american strong ale for example.

>> No.8153318

Decided to try some Founder's Pale Joe. Feels weird, like I drank some coffee instead of some beer.

>> No.8153948
File: 903 KB, 852x1136, IMG_3920[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got myself some good-ass beer, familia

>> No.8153951

Mikkeller is alright, but a lot of their stuff is overpriced hipsterbrew

>> No.8153953

just get out

>> No.8154607

Abt 12 is my shit. Might even have one later desu

>> No.8154629
File: 9 KB, 190x266, beer_tasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so full of shit

>> No.8154633

had it at a craft beer festival
liked it
also stole the glass it came in because it looked good.

>> No.8154636

You have Asperger's

>> No.8154639

german here
störtebecker has a some really good prices and good quality.
1/2l of pale ale for 1€ is unheard of here except fro them.
sure it is nothing to spectacular, but a nice drink for sure
also their pilsner is in the upper leagues of german pilsner for sure

>> No.8154667

you have shit taste

>> No.8154769

/cider/ general's on >>>/lgbt/ m8

>> No.8154771

IPA's go there as well

>> No.8155465

Who is even asserting that IPAs are the greatest? You're arguing with nobody.

>> No.8155716

I had a couple of bad batches of this in college. Was great on draft at the local German bar I'd frequent. Get it occasionally at a beer/liquor warehouse. Had 2/5 twelve packs taste absolute skunk when I opened them. Haven't had the regular since. Switched over to the Dunkel after that.

>> No.8155721
File: 15 KB, 322x322, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my taste in beer is getting darker and more bitter every day
>normal beer tastes like cider to me now
w-what is happening? Where is this all leading to?

>> No.8157041

I went through the same thing with coffee, I started off drinking the sissiest sugariest lattes and wound up where I am today, double strong espressos and long blacks. There is no return.

I hope I wind up the same way with beer. My ales just keep getting darker.

>> No.8157047

If you're anything like me you'll get so burnt out on stouts, porters, etc. that all you'll want is an easy pils or pale ale all the time. They're just so refreshing I can't help it.

>> No.8157796

Yeah, they're at a couple downtown liquor stores in Madison that I've found. Pretty good and I'm not really a Belgian fan.

Hell yes. I had a bottle of imperial doughnut break not too long ago.

>> No.8158465
File: 116 KB, 420x650, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bout to start drinking some of these in a couple hours, never tried it. Apparently it's pretty bitter even for IPA though. Anyone tried it?

>> No.8158626
File: 52 KB, 250x960, snake hollow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Wisconsinites in here? I can't get enough of this shit lately.

>> No.8158638
File: 324 KB, 500x500, fremont-cowiche-canyon-fresh-hop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is fresh hop season. picked up a six pack of pic related.

>> No.8158670

>normal beer tastes like cider to me now
That's pretty weird.

To me "normal" beers taste like club soda with yeast.

>> No.8158678

Holy fuck you're not alone

I got REALLY into IPAs and IIPAs (along with a few imperial stouts) and now all pilsners, lagers, and other normie beers taste like bananas to me for some reason

>> No.8158727

K, I'm drinking it now. Not as bitter as I thought it would be. Also not as hoppy as IPAs, kind of has that "biscuity" taste to it

Breddy good I guess

>> No.8158729

Drinking that now.

>> No.8158784

I went through that. Went a while of thinking imperial stouts were the only beer worth drinking. While they're still my favorite, I got sick of overdoing them pretty fast, and I pretty much like any style of beer now (as long as the beer itself is good) and drink a pretty balanced variety of things. Of say, the 6-8 beers I have a week, maybe 3 will be imperial stouts. The craze for them burned out pretty fast.

Doughnut Break is great, but I think I like Biscotti more. More drinkable, and the pint cans are pretty convenient.

>> No.8158884
File: 152 KB, 736x981, a36480dac4146cb395cbffb227f0f03c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related a meme or is it really one of the best German beers you can get in America?

>> No.8158994

The hops in beer are estrogenic. If you think drinking bitter hoppy craft beers makes you more masculine, think again. And let's face it; the only reason you would drink those kinds of beers in the first place is to signal how much of a mature adult you are for drinking beer that tastes like piss.

I myself like to drink the cheap brands like Bud and I enjoy them.

>> No.8159121

Live in flyover, and honest to god this is one of the top 5 best beers I've had in my life.

Don't even buy one, get 2. It's ambrosia.

>> No.8159192

Wisconsin here. I'm fucking excited to try the new Like Minds brewery that just opened this week in MIlwaukee

>> No.8159193

Well too late now lol, but I would say New Glarus, MKE, Central Waters

>> No.8159205

Haha no, I am from Wisconsin and was visiting Michigan
I ended up bring 6 packs of Shorts Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, and Odd Side Citra Pale Ale. Haven't tried either yet

(also I left behind some Ale Asylum Velveteen Habit and 3 Sheeps Paid Time Off for my Michigan friends)

>> No.8159259

anyone here brew their own beer?
only made from extract. looking to get into malts and grains

>> No.8159335

Their Namaste is really good if you like wheat beers. One of my favorites. Especially on a hot day.

>> No.8159370

Best german? nah. One of the best wheats? Yes.

>> No.8159428

Yeah probably one of the best. It tastes pretty similar to Hoegaarden I think.

>> No.8159735

Alright /ck/, what's the cheap domestic beer that you buy when you're not in the mood for something new?

What's your swill?

>> No.8160962
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It took me way too long to realize how much better beer tastes when you pour it out of the bottle into a glass

>> No.8160967

Rolling rock when I need to go cheap cheap

Sierra Nevada torpedo is my standard though

>> No.8161199
File: 62 KB, 540x960, 14522953_10154024595013131_6360190545707957997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the crowning achievement of the hop plant

>> No.8161228

Bought this stuff today. Excited to try it maybe this weekend!

>> No.8161231
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>> No.8161634
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Damn that looks awesome!

I just picked up their Bomb to have this weekend. I'll keep my eye out for that one though, sounds awesome.

Currently sipping on pic related.

>> No.8161647

holy shit /ck/ is fucking pleb tier when it comes to beer

>> No.8161649
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>Drinking piss

>> No.8161657
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forgot pic

>> No.8161658

babies first beer.

>> No.8161833

>Being this gay when it comes to beer

>> No.8162717

Great hefe, but so entry level it hurts.

>> No.8163379

One of the Big2 Weizens, and certainly the better of the two in germany, but there are way better ones

>> No.8163407

>White revolution war room

>> No.8163878
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x1536, bombers 10 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current bombers shelf. Going to try the Hop-15 tonight.

>> No.8163928

>Rochefort 8

Get the 10 next time.

>> No.8163953

Yuengling for really cheap, usually Ranger is my basic bitch cheap choice, though.

>> No.8164018
File: 548 KB, 1627x1221, recent 7 october.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to post in/make these threads a lot like 1.5 years ago, don't really know why I'm never in them anymore...

Here are some recent pick ups, clearly from Chicago if you can't tell by the Pipeworks/Arcade.
Sorry for shit lighting btw

>> No.8164025

That Lagunitas is such a let down. It's actually semi-malted water... I Always want to try Port Brewing but in my area >>8164018
they are always too far out of date whenever I see them.

>> No.8164051

How the FUCK am I supposed to get a hold of a bottle of Westvleteren 12 oitside of going to Belgium?

>> No.8164056

See if anyone is active on The Beer Exchange in your area. Or just attend tappings/beer events and hope you meet people.

>> No.8164065


Haven't tried the Lagunitas (it was actually on clearance at the local grocery store). I just moved out to the West Coast (if you couldn't tell where I am) from the Chicago area, and am pretty excited to have access to all these different beers all of a sudden. (Both the Ports were bottled less than a month ago.) Had Pliny on tap a couple nights ago like it was no big deal.

>> No.8164125

fucking weaboos

>> No.8164148

Don't bother.

>> No.8164149

I got a bottle as a gift. It was really good.

>> No.8164157

it isn't hard but it is stupid expensive, buy something else.

>> No.8164252
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Bout to tap into a four pack of this

>> No.8164461
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>tfw when my local beer shop sells this as well as Rochefort 10

Might be expensive but worth it for the taste and boozyness.

>> No.8164477
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some stuff. looks like I should clean up the inside of my fridge too.

>> No.8164515

>not understanding how beers work
>year of our grog 2016

IPA is supposed to be hoppy. That's what it does. That's its thing.

What you want is lagers. They're generally not very hoppy, but still aren't very sweet.

The reason companies are competing to see how bitter their drinks can get is because there's only so far you can get by making your drinks with few hops.

I could go into more details as to how yeasts work and their relation with beer and hops and everything, but I don't want to bore you guys.

>> No.8164579
File: 188 KB, 960x1280, boulevard_imperial_stout_x_coconut__40271.1456281573.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a bottle of this shit tonight. Anyone try this yet? I've heard good things

>> No.8164669
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, Central Waters Headless Heron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central waters makes the only pumpkin beer I have ever had that I consider great

>> No.8164676


Just had it the other night and thought it was quite solid. Not many Coconut Stouts out there except some of the delicious heavy hitters. Not crazy coconut forward, but great for the price.

>> No.8164771

Anyone else upset at the label change for spotted cow?

>> No.8164778

why don't you just admit you want an alcoholic soda you fucking yuppie

>> No.8164782

I'm not exactly upset but I don't think it was a particularly good label change

>> No.8164788

um, what?
A barrel aged 9% ABV beer is soda like?
Even the shitty pumpkin beers aren't that soda like

>> No.8164807

wait, do you actually not know? find someplace to get a good cream soda and sneak in a flask of something

>> No.8164824

The fuck does cream soda have in common with pumpkin beers?

>> No.8164839

that's the soda you wanted when you're drinking an imperial stout with coconut because you're trying to convince yourself you're a big boy

>> No.8164843

Are you just saying random things now?

>> No.8164951

Is that a wine cellaring fridge? If yes which one? And also, overpriced and a normal fridge would do or, just the thing?

>> No.8164955

Liked hop 15 and i'm not the most ipa guy

>> No.8165024
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>tfw still sitting on a Jack D'Or and Our Finest Regards

>> No.8165099
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Anyone here have any experience getting beer shipped to them? I was just wondering if it will fuck the beer up.

>> No.8165126

Can you order beer online in the US?

>> No.8165186


Get them to send it to you.


>> No.8165224
File: 144 KB, 490x866, octoberfest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoegarden is pretty widespread and decent

I'd rather buy the better PA Octoberfest beer thank you.

>> No.8165397

this stuff taste like chemicals to me

>> No.8165416

>tfw alcohol finally doesn't ruin your life

I need help guys. It's all a joke.

>> No.8165430

Funny enough alcohol is saving my life.

>be irresponsible with booze when I'm young
>get DUI
>get hooked on the big pharma opiate Jew
>years later realize I can stay home and just drink a little all the time and be happy

>> No.8165466

Narraganset nigga

>> No.8165678
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>> No.8166356

No. Go for it. Let it rest for 2 days for the sediment to settle down again.

>> No.8166363

So.... at the brewery 1 EUR. In Belgium 12 EUR. On this site 24 EUR aprox. Nope.

>> No.8166398

Same here l
Lambic is GOAT

>> No.8166962

It's pretty good but there are better weizens.

Look for Weihenstephaner Hefesweibier. It's about the same price and pretty easy to come by.

>> No.8167174
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> he drinks beer

>> No.8167294


Super cheap: Vieux Montreal
Cheap: Boréal

>> No.8167573
File: 225 KB, 340x462, 02-beers-primary-image-Sculpin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this considered so good? It seriously tastes like shit to me.

>> No.8167614

ts good for a west coast IPA, but absurdly priced

>> No.8167622

It's the only sort of balanced west coast ipa so they cream their pants over it. It's okay at best.

>> No.8167635
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Drinking a ten fidy its ok. Not blown away. Any other better russian imperial stouts?

>> No.8167637

Surly Darkness

>> No.8167638

Founders is my favorite widely distributed one

>> No.8167654

Been looking for founders for a long time Cant find it.

Ill look into it.

>> No.8167658

>Been looking for founders for a long time Cant find it.
Their Imperial stout is winter only, so don't expect to see it until January, maybe December

>> No.8167681

I was kidding about the darkness. If you can't find founders you won't find darkness. Try Yeti from great divide, old rasputin, or anything from hoppin frog

>> No.8167707

Ive tried old rasputin and I really like it. It actually came down between trying ten fidy or yeti or buying a 4 pack of old rasputin. As the beer has warmed up im liking it more but i still like old rasputin better even though the mouth feel of ten fidy is very good.

>> No.8167721

Ill look for it in january but i doubt i will find it. I asked multiple shop owners and they didnt recognize the brewery which surprised me since founders is extremely popular in online berr forums. Funnily enough the one pf the guys that didnt recognize founders brewery actually carried pliny the elder and sold me 3.

>> No.8167725

They might just not sell in your state, surely other Founders stuff would be readily available if they did

>> No.8167780

I think Yeti is a bit heavier than old rasputin and has more variants. Oaked, oatmeal, espresso.

>> No.8168027
File: 240 KB, 880x587, xoco_ingredients_close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Rasputin is GOAT imo. Yeti by Great Divide, Bell's Expedition Stout, Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout are all great too.

Trying pic related tonight. I'm not a huge fan of Stone, but it's actually really nice.

>> No.8168031

The Oak and Espresso Yeti are awesome.

>> No.8168078
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Who needs that hoity toity crap when you can have an American classic?

>> No.8168112

Budweiser is hardly American, its brewed internationally for a Belgian based company run by Brazilians

>> No.8168133

k guys i have always disliked beer, probably because my father only buys black beer, what type of beer do you recommend to start with, im from mexico.

>> No.8168136

I purchased a sixer of this. First beer I hated. Second beer was alright. By the third one, I was loving the sour aftertaste and citrus bite. I need to pick this up again soon. It's one of those beers that grows on you.

Right now I'm drinking Sam Adams light, about to crack open some Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA. I wish I could find 120 minute at my local beer store, but eh.

>> No.8168291

idk about what beers are actually available there, but in the USA, from Mexico we get a few macro lagers imported and in my opinion Modelo Especial is okay

>> No.8168301

Negra Modelo is the only good choice at Mexican restaurants. Why the fuck do so few Mexican restaurants offer good beer?

>> No.8168821

Because they're run by mexicans who only drink macro shit. Plus cheap mexican beer goes perfect with mexican food. Even if they had decent shit on tap I'd still get modelo or victoria.

>> No.8168935

>"Former Sweaty Glory"

>> No.8168940

One of my favorites from Stone. Do think it's really weird that they're selling a Christmas beer in October.

>> No.8170017
File: 66 KB, 640x640, Fermentorium Juice Packets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly suggest any Wisconsin people check the Fermentorium, favorite new brewery of the year. Just bought this one today

>> No.8170120
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>> No.8170206

I've been there, some of the beers are pretty good.

>> No.8170219

So many good new breweries in the Milwaukee area the last few months

>> No.8170388


But those are empty, anon.

>> No.8170800
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First time trying this. Quite happy with this, drinks more like a pale ale than a red ale but I enjoy both styles so it doesnt bother me too much.

>> No.8170831
File: 73 KB, 742x990, thomastheoldenglishengine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is on a Thomas the dank engine marathon

>> No.8170893

Lil sumpin ale is great too. I think I would definitely tr other Lagunitas brands.

>> No.8171004

They are a tiny brewery with HUGE name recognition. I visited them a year ago and they were completely packed the whole night. They could probably pre sell years worth of what they can make if they wanted to.

>> No.8172163
File: 452 KB, 2088x1175, AllinThatIPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite nice ipa. The local small brewers are really stepping up their game!

>> No.8172249
File: 418 KB, 2088x1175, BrewskiCandyKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kind of sour beer, the tartness is insane and the round off in the finish with some nice raspberry tones!

>> No.8172386
File: 459 KB, 2088x1175, Hopwards2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First tap from latest batch of homebrew. New England Pale ale with extra dry hop. More bitter than expected but it is just 3 days old from the fermenter so it will mellow some in the coming weeks.

>> No.8172432

I got 16 bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale for free from my local craft beer store a couple of days ago.

>> No.8172439

this shit is bottled 20 min away from me. It's domestic price you fucking NEET.

>> No.8172500

I'm assuming they're past date? I love getting seasonal 12 packs for like 7$ after the season has past.

>> No.8172561

Almost, they expire in a little over a week.

>> No.8172622
File: 412 KB, 2088x1175, BrewskiBuenaPara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to have a Stout as well tonight. Very nice one with coffee and vanilla.

>> No.8173341

Update on this. Easily up there with some of the best stouts I've had. Will buy again and recommend to any stout fan. The apple brandy blends so well with the beer it's crazy.

>> No.8173370
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, alpha kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking the Pipeworks Cucumber Saison right now, it's... interesting. Certainly a ton of cucumber taste but it's so light and delicate that the malt adds too much toastiness.

Where you at homeboy? Clearly Illinois or Indiana somewhere.

Thanks for this, never knew this website existed. Just ordered a bottle of 12 and a glass for the bargain price of $96 USD.

Always jealous of the beers you're drinking, Sweden right?

Here's a bump with a bottle of Alpha Kong from either last year or two years ago -- not a recent picture.

>> No.8173458

I brought somethong called 'Blue moon' and it tastes like someone dropped a pint of cream into the brewing tank.

>> No.8173461
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>> No.8174180
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I'm drinking this tonight.There isn't really info / reviews on it as of now, but I like what I'm tasting. That's saying a lot since I am not a big lager fan, but it's fitting for Oktoberfest.

>> No.8174682
File: 49 KB, 528x353, Mikkeller-Black-Hole-Stout_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently finishing this right now, https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/13307/33929/

Lots of ethanol to the nose when I first opened it, oddly heady for a stout, solid stout though. Delicious coffee/vanilla notes. Noticing even now on the last few sips, lots of alcohol to the nose, not as thick as I like my stouts to be on the tongue but goddamn is it delicious.

>> No.8175545
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Got a deal on pack.

Not a big beer expert.

Which ones are good, which ones are shit?

>> No.8175813

They're all pretty decent. That being said, if you're not a fan of barnyardy funkiness that Smuttilabs is going to be very off-putting.

>> No.8176169

They're all solid.

>> No.8176418

Your gf has the cushion

>> No.8176491

Ohio native but recently moved to Madison. The brewing scene here is pretty damn great. I've only had two Potosi beers so far: Snake Hollow (excellent) and their tangerine IPA (tastes too much like juice, but still decent).

>> No.8176506
File: 413 KB, 600x393, CRtlRK1W0AAK73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing has ever come close to Bad Mother Shucker for me. I don't know if they stopped making it or what, but it was a delicious chocolatey stout that had a slight taste of oyster in there. I didn't even think that beer brewed with oysters would be a good combination at all. Last time I had some was almost a year ago though.

>> No.8176777
File: 2.98 MB, 3264x2448, Ale Asylum Bedlam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking good

>> No.8176784

Looks like there's a lot of us

>> No.8177320

You want to bottle age it for at least a year anyways. That's what they told me at the abbey.

>> No.8177330
File: 15 KB, 334x269, IMG_0826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not drinking piss
Pretty good Aussie beer

>> No.8177397

21st amendment had an oyster stout that was bretty good as well. I really wish more breweries attempted the style, but I assume a lot of people are apprehensive about it so it doesn't sell the best.

>> No.8177400


>> No.8177412

You've gotta try labatt blue, and bell's two hearted ale, and definitely oberon. go to the ann arbor brewing co they have some great craft beers as well

>> No.8177675

Yeah, basically every reaction I got when I told people about it was negative.

>> No.8177693
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, tusker-premium-kenyan-lager-beer-24-x-500-ml-4-2-abv-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for something that tastes similar to this?

>> No.8177967


>> No.8178583

>a little all the time

whatever you say pal