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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8155215 No.8155215 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you guys started using this miracle ingredient in your cooking. Literally turns anything I make into fast food addictive tier in taste. Why are things like sugar, salt baking soda and cream of tarter common place but not MSG in kitchens?

>> No.8155220
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it got a bad rep for no reason, I use it in a lot of meat dishes.

>> No.8155227

>fast food is addictive
>msg is addictive
Top logic, Cunt.

>> No.8155236

Metal gear solid?

>> No.8155245


>> No.8155247

I've brought meat dishes that use a rub with msg to potlucks and they are always cleared out first, with many people asking what my recipe was.

>> No.8155306

This. MSG is delicious. I wish it was easier to find, so I could use it in more things.

But it got fucked over for the same reason gluten became unpopular a few years ago. Some people have sensitivity to it, and a backlash started, especially once people found it it's an artificial chemical. This made most people think it was some kind of evil poison that was unfit for consumption.

>> No.8155313


You have the internet and therefore mail-order. Thus, MSG is incredibly easy to find.

>> No.8155316

This thread is brought to you by:

New World Order Shill No.58180129

Next up: GMOs are great!

>> No.8155317
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But "Accent" it's in pretty much every grocery store.

>> No.8155332

Not him but Accent is a US thing. I've never seen MSG in a supermarket here in Bong.

>> No.8155333

I use it every day.

>> No.8155334

MSG is not artificial, it naturally crystallizes from kombu (japanese seaweed)

>> No.8155336
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I use this stuff. ordered a 5 pound bag of it from amazon.

>> No.8155343

Accent also isn't pure MSG. It's a flavoring mix hat contains a bunch of other stuff, and can't really be used the same way pure MSG can.

I'm also fairly sure I've never seen it in a store. I don't think I've ever specifically looked, but I'm aware of the name, and I can't remember ever seeing it.

>> No.8155349

Same shit is happening with soy now. Fine for eons, then some rere in Texas drinks eight pints of it a day and complains his nipples hurt, suddenly mass hysteria about soy literally turning men into women. I don't even really like soy, but come the fuck on.

>> No.8155351
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>accent isn't pure msg
picture related

>> No.8155361

Really? Fuck, I'd read online that it had shit like chili powder and stuff in it, too. I guess I need to see if I can find it now.

>> No.8155365

You live in the UK? It's on Amazon for cheap.


>> No.8155368

For bongs, Aromat = MSG, but with other shit in it too. Quite salty.


>> No.8155391

The main reason is that it's an unnecessary crutch that shows you've never learned proper techniques and ingredients to develop flavor.

It's a chemical that occurs in nature, so it's not for health reasons. But I would rather learn how to cook my food by developing inherent flavor.

The health argument is like sodium nitrite which is used to cure meat. Go to health food store and buy bacon "cured without sodium nitrite;" turns out they use a buttload of celery seed which is loaded with sodium nitrite.

>> No.8155393

I use it for stews and shit like that

>> No.8155401

This is why I never use salt

>> No.8155412

The same can be said about plain salt.

>> No.8155417
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what are some good brands of MSG that I can get at my local mart and flyover grocers?

>> No.8155424

so msg is the soundgoodizer of cooking

>> No.8155433

Guess I shouldn't use pure sugar or salt and just get them from my natural ingredients. Hell I guess all modernist cooking is just a giant crutch

>> No.8155466

>unless you cook ooga booga caveman style you're not really cooking
get a load of this nerd

>> No.8155468

nobody is gonna get that reference at all but I salute you for it.

>> No.8155469

>Why haven't you guys started using this miracle ingredient in your cooking

Grandfather refused to have it in his kitchen because japs, so it feels vaguely disrespectful to use it.

>> No.8155493


If you use salt, and at times sugar, as well as other spices with proper technique, MSG is completely unnecessary, and your "food" will taste inferior to mine because when you're lazy in one spot, generally you'll be lazy in others.

If you and your significant others (if they actually exist) are content with inferior food preparation and flavor, and a stagnant approach to cooking that limits your horizon, by all means, enjoy MSG.

>> No.8155512

okay you caveman food fundamentalist hippy fucker, your food will still taste better with msg.

>> No.8155516

I got it retard

>> No.8155518

I guarantee 2 things: My hair is shorter than yours and my food is superior to yours without MSG.

>> No.8155521

literal autism

>> No.8155525

>Virgin detected

>> No.8155533

I guarantee 2 things: I'm less autistic than you and more people will eat my food, MSG or not.

>> No.8155549

maybe you're thinking of Season-All?

>> No.8155554

metal sear golid? :DDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8155571


aka "I don't like thing so people who use thing are bad".

>> No.8155576
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>> No.8155578

It sounds like you're trying to justify an irrational distrust of MSG that's at odds with your rational knowledge that the end result of using it straight is indistinguishable from generating it in the process of cooking.

Think of it like yeast packets. It used to be that you either had to hope you could cultivate a good starter from the vagaries of your local environment or carefully siphon off the leftovers from a brewery. The fact that it's now easy to buy a known-good strain in instant form doesn't make your bread automatically worse.

>> No.8155586

you guys are a bunch of fruits

>> No.8155591

aji no moto

>> No.8155600

Accent is popular, as mentioned previously in this thread.

If you're outside the US you might have to order online. I would look at reviews and do research beforehand, though.

>> No.8155601

what a great manga
source is "eden: it's an endless world" if anyone cares to read it

>> No.8155605

also available online*

>> No.8155612

>people who use thing are bad

No. Crutch =/= Bad. Weak, but not "bad."

>> No.8155613

cool, I'll add it to my queue

>> No.8155708

You are an idiot. MSG adds another flavor and has no bearing whatsoever on the types or level of technique you use.

Glutamate receptors are a thing, and adding flavors that appeal to them, in the correct concentrations of course (which with MSG is quite narrow, as with most flavors) will improve the overall taste profile by balancing it and rounding it out.

Do you even know that there are numerous natural sources of glutamate which have been used in traditional cookery for centuries?

Good god man, pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.8155747

>Do you even know that there are numerous natural sources of glutamate which have been used in traditional cookery for centuries

Uh, you mean like exactly what I've been saying?

Uh...well...but...uh (trying to pull head out of ass while wiping off your shit stain).

>> No.8155783

I literally just bought a packet a week or so ago. Had to order it online though as I couldnt find it in my town. I added some into the flour/spice mix to coat chicken breasts before deep frying for chicken burgers. So fucking good. Then last night I made cheeseburgers and sprinkled some on the patties along with salt and pepper before cooking them.

>Why are things like sugar, salt baking soda and cream of tarter common place but not MSG in kitchens?
Because it has a scary ~CHEMICAL~ name and it got a bad rap back in the day from chinese takeout places.

>> No.8155800
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Not him, but all I've seen is "you should waste time breaking diwn natural sources of things or you're a bad cook and inferior to me", which is hilarious and stupid. As if actual chefs working in restaurants pull every single ingredient and spice out of naturally occurring plants and hand crush/split/etc them for every dish. Your argument is a joke, Anon.

>> No.8155804

But I do.
Today for instance I made ribs and homemade barbecue sauce and used msg and it was delicious.

>> No.8155809

I've saved at least one watery soup broth by adding MSG to it

it's also pretty good on roast vegetables

>> No.8155812

>trying this hard to sound smart

>> No.8155827

>pull every single ingredient and spice out of naturally occurring plants and hand crush/split/etc them for every dish

You mean like good cooks have done for thousands of years and still do today?

>> No.8155831

Wasn't trying, anon, that's just what it naturally sounds like when you are smart.

>> No.8155837

Alright, I'm just going to assume you're some all natural nutjob who's never worked a line and only give you a total of two (You)'s.

>> No.8155842 [DELETED] 
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I gently season my Lemon Tart with MSG for that extra twist on classic cuisine.

>> No.8155908

>never worked a line

If you mean some shithole, amerifat, pig trough slop "restaurant" line, you're correct, I have not. I have a bit too much self respect to eat at one, either.

>> No.8155946

Bet you expect people to cut and dry their own cinnamon too you fucking aspie. Do you fertilize your garden with your own shit too or do you just roll around in it?

>> No.8156418

I have a bag but i haven't use it for a couple of years. Anybody knows If "it goes bad"? I mean its a sodium..it can't go bad right?

>> No.8156634

I use it all the time

it's a misunderstood ingredient, there are two main problems

1. people who use it use way too much
2. people use it on everythign, creating a monotonous flavour (same issue with sugar and salt)

and there is the cultral issue of MSG being seen as poison/cheating/some kind of philosiphical issue
I just call that "narrow mindedness"

>> No.8156712

No, it's a salt, it can't go bad.
t. Chemist

>> No.8157154

Hi. I am
This guy.

I have worked the line in four different continents, with award winning chefs in kitchens where I began at the disadvantage of a total language barrier in a career spanning over a decade and a half.

You really need to stow your shit. It is embarrassing to watch.

Sodium glutamate appeals to the same taste receptors any other glutamate does.

And sodium glutamate is more pleasant than any of the other glutamate salts. It naturally occurs in kombu broth, soy sauce, tomatoes and cheese.

Adding MSG doesn't reflect AT ALL on the skill of the chef or the techniques he is using.

I guarantee my food tastes twice as good as yours and it takes me half the time to cook it.

With or without MSG.

>> No.8157284

>I have worked the line in four different continents

Butthurt, crappy cook who's time is too precious to use proper cooking technique
and thankful his customers have the palates of Harambe.

>> No.8157294

like holy shit, how much does MSG do? you guys make it sound like I just sprinkle some of these flavor steroids on my chicken breast and all of a sudden my kitchen is a 3-star Michelin restaurant.

>> No.8157325

Hmm, no. It really only bumps it up 2 Michelin stars from my experience.

>> No.8157334

>use msg
>kitchen is a 3-star Michelin restaurant

That's what some of these pseudo-chef clownhats are saying.

>> No.8157337

Why are you so pissy? chill out dude

>> No.8157338


I guess you guys haven't heard the burger chronicles on the MGSV intel tapes?

>> No.8157346

But unless you're a small-town Iowa corn farmer struggling to scrape by, they are.

>> No.8157348

>If you are 51 years of age or older or African American, you should consume only 1,500 milligrams of salt daily.

wait what, i thought we were all the same

>> No.8157353


i got it.

>> No.8157358

>Some people are sensitive to it
Bullshit. The "chinese reteraunt headache" was only attributed to MSG as it was the only blatantly foreign thing being used in the food, whereas the actual cause was either poor sanitary conditions or simple mass hysteria caused by a handful of cases of false attribution. Almost all fast food joints use the stuff excessively, but you never hear people complaining about Bic Mac headaches.
It's literally the only good part about fast food. Dump enough of the shit in unflavored oatmeal and it's more satisfying than a large combo from your favorite joint could ever be.

>> No.8157367

>facebook memes

>> No.8157419
File: 64 KB, 600x600, sophie-dee-avec-sans-maquillage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some new scientific studies show strong link to alzheimer and others
just to say

>> No.8157423

How much of this stuff do you guys use anyway? I usually drop like half a teaspoon on a pot intended for 4 servings, if I go crazy with it I can taste it too much.

>> No.8157439

Jeebus, just go to Asian food markets. Wow.

>> No.8157444

source: my anus

>> No.8157448

I only really use it in ground meat dishes, marinades, and brines. typically a teaspoon per pound of ground meat and I'll use less salt when doing this.

for brines/marinades I usually just follow recipes from CookingInRussia on youtube

>> No.8157466
File: 76 KB, 600x600, jessica-mor-actrice-porno-avec-sans-maquillage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can search in 2 sec fatass, also im french so if you understand it i can post some links
no need to be an ass, little edgy shit

>> No.8157496

Oh that's it is...always wondered why my parents bought it.

People, don't waste your time with this shit. Adding a variety of spices is not only healthier but far tastier.

And don't skimp on the amount of spices. That's the problem with people, they try to save money on spices when you should really be using like a tablespoon or more for each meal, depending on what feels right. So cheap, anyway.

>> No.8157497

>you can search in 2 seconds
>but I won't provide links
>btw im omelette du fromage don't hit on me silly chefs :)

>> No.8157503
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Okay, you are either certifiably retarded or trolling. Just dump a bunch of random spices on everything, great idea. I'm sure that's what they do at michelin star restaurants, just dunk steaks in a cup of random shit.

>> No.8157518

Because there's a million ways to add umami that actually have health benefits. Anchovies, marmite, soup stock, oils, etc.

>> No.8157526


fuck off aussie-cunt

>> No.8157540

this shit is delicious

>> No.8157548
File: 21 KB, 265x300, ck_plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot, Son.

>> No.8157555

vegeta is fucking rancid, makes everything inedible
>mfw it's the only "spice" some people use

>> No.8157557

Do you use the amount as you would salt? Or is it overpowering and should be used sparingly.

>> No.8157566

Kombu's fucking disgusting mate.

>> No.8157582

This is incorrect. MSG is synthetically made glutamate, which is different in structure and function from that found naturally in foods, such as kombu.

>> No.8157602

Beat me to it.
>>8155334 is living proof that weebs are fucking dumb.

>> No.8157603

>"Today, instead of extracting and crystallizing MSG from seaweed broth, MSG is produced by the fermentation of starch, sugar beets, sugar cane or molasses. This fermentation process is similar to that used to make yogurt, vinegar and wine."


>> No.8157693

Stop posting that picture. I hate you so much.

>> No.8157715

Never used pure MSG in anything before. Can I get some examples of application?

>> No.8157779

Put it in your meat marinades or in soups. Use it sparingly as it is powerful stuff and can quickly overpower a dish if not careful. Basically use it on savoury stuff to accent the savourness.

>> No.8157797

Someone who hasn't used it won't know what "not too much" is. Too vague.

>> No.8157802

between a dash and a smidgen, but definitely not over a dab

>> No.8157806

Marmite is british, shithead. Vegemite is the aussie equivalent. Also I'm american. eat roadkill.

>> No.8157846

I like Jessica Ryan, especially that video where she roleplays as your daughter and makes you lick her boyfriends cum from her leather gloves

>> No.8157936

This message was brought to you by ISIS's SJW departement.

>> No.8157996

MSG makes me ill.

>> No.8158001

So how does natural ingredients being treated with other natural ingredients somehow warrant the label of "synthesized"?

>> No.8158011
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Aromat is mostly MSG. You should be able to get this.

>> No.8158032

I think it is technically a synthetic isolate which is a big spooky name to some people.

>> No.8158774

Use it more sparingly than you would use salt about an 8th I say

>> No.8158808

>tfw you're taco
>go to the spice store
>buy 500gr. of this shit for 2 or 3 dolars (like 60 or so pesos)
>I use the fuck out of this "spice"

>> No.8158819


>> No.8158834
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I use it on many things.

Pic related is god teir

>> No.8158841

Mononariumglutamaat is so fucking goed

>> No.8158900

So a pinch would be overkill?

>> No.8158933

i don't use msg because of the single, flawed study of one scientist and it's wide spread misinformation throughout the world, claiming that it causes nausea and headaches

"msg is bad" is basically the "vaccines cause autism" of the food world.

>> No.8158967

So that's what it is.
I saw that a friend has tiny clear crystalline seasoning in her cupboard, thinking it was some strange salt I had to try.
My stomach hurt afterwards

>> No.8159268

Loop je dit nou in iedere draad te doen? Mongooltje.

>> No.8159465

>Cook any random food
>Add msg instead of salt
>Food magically tastes better

Holy shit it's really that easy, damn this is nice

>> No.8159498

>find strange crystals in friend's cupboard
>"better fucking eat this"

I hope you find a good handler for your 'tardism one day.

>> No.8159554

It is literally found in almost every household here. Most popular brand is Ajinomoto.

>> No.8159556

>Alternate between the two
>Can't taste the difference


>> No.8159564

>>8159556 (not who you replied to)
Not all food benefits from adding MSG instead of salt. Sorta like how not everything benefits from throwing in tomatoes, or how it's not a good idea to put 93 octane fuel in a Honda Civic because the engine will knock... those are terrible analogies. There's a lot of chemistry behind the stuff that I don't understand at all but hope to one day.

>> No.8159569

People just go to a fucking Indian or Asian grocery and buy the crystals, all this shit about which brand should I buy where should I get it is giving me a headache. You don't agonise over which brand of salt to buy (maldon obv) so relax about the msg

>> No.8160564

Ok thanks.

>> No.8160571

How have we gone onto msg replacing salt. They are two completely different things.

>> No.8160703

Many brands of MSG tout themselves as a salt alternative because it contains less sodium. It's also used in a similar manner as salt in many recipes.

>> No.8160736

Now I'm confused as to how to use it. Do I have to consider how much msg I've added, before adding the usual salt to a dish?

>> No.8161051

>Ever giving him the satisfaction
But yea, its like something far more pathetic than avatarfagging, /ck/ has some of the saddest cases on the site.

>> No.8161908

You should, yes. MSG has about a third of the sodium content salt does. Also, keep in mind that MSG only really acts to enhance savory flavors so it's not very useful if there's no savory component to your recipe.

>> No.8161997

DO NOT put it on popcorn. God that's awful.

>> No.8162001

>it got a bad rep for no reason
Actually there are articles about how the sugar industry felt threatened by them so went on a massive smear campaign.

It's the same shit that went down when people in the 20s-30s were told that brown sugar was unhealthy compared to white sugar.

Food conglomerates are fucking scary.

>> No.8162009


Every time I've had MSG I experienced odd physical symptoms + shakyness + heart palpitations + headaches.

>> No.8162014

That's just because you're a fatty.

>> No.8162018

I stopped using it when I was making my mom's cheese ball recipe and got it all over my hands while mixing everything up and I suddenly felt like I was going into a panic attack and had to rush to the sink to wash everything off. Craziest fucking feeling ever.
I didn't even know all the crap people said about it at the time. Not sure I believe most of it and I'm fine with eating it if it's in food, but I prefer not to cook with it myself anymore. I make pretty damn good food without it.

>> No.8162137

I treat MSG like I do salt and sugar. Add when necessary and don't overdo it. Any health concerns are, as another anon said, "vaccines cause autism" tier stupidity. And anyone who thinks it's some sort of crutch yet use salt or sugar is a hypocrite.

>> No.8162219

Op MSG is a salt of glutamete. Have you ever eaten cheese? have you ever salted that cheese?
normally when you know how to cook, you can add enough glutmate from the ingredients, just like with salt. if you need more because you are short in some areas for a savory taste, it is acceptable to use MSG (hence fried rice). otherwise theres no point. you can get the same flavor through delicious ingredients. just like you wouldn't salt a slice of cheese, as cheese has a good deal of salt already

>> No.8162304


fukkin kek

>> No.8162349

>every time I eat 14 plates of food at the Chinese Buffet I feel odd physical symptoms

Do you feel these same symptoms when you eat tomatoes or parmesan cheese? What about cream of mushroom soup, tomato soup, or just about any other canned soup? How about potato chips? All of these contain MSG in significant amounts.

Great explanation, anon.

>> No.8162355

pal.... I am glad you admit and realize the error of your ways, but goddamn dude you just spat out multiple sentences of completely false info bc you "read online" about some shit.
thanks for being able to accept your wrong-ness but I'd much rather you not shill shit to begin with.
It's easy to see that one particular product literally has one single ingredient

>> No.8162370

I think I won't buy any, seems like another thing to have to worry about now, rather than an aid.

>> No.8163556

hahaa holy fuck everyone's so insanely gigatriggered by based MSG

>> No.8163561
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>flyovers are _still_ using salt instead of MSG

>> No.8163566

I have a jar of it. Never really used it though.

>> No.8163573

kek. Chinese stir fry cooks actually do that.

Better than going to a fast food Chinese restaurant in the 90s and eating loads of MSG.

>> No.8164479

>Had no idea aromat basicly was MSG.
Well i guess i've been eating msg all my life.

>> No.8164755

I was ignorant about MSG and bought into the bullshit until I did a stint at a Chinese/ American deli/ takeout place (We did a lot).
Basically you want to go half salt half MSG. It makes cheesesteaks and burgers taste better but they have a lot of salt anyway so it's not a huge difference.
Where this miracle chemical really shines is french fries. I normally don't like fries that much but it is nothing short of magic what MSG does for them.
Also any takeout Chinese place that says they don't use it is lying to you. The shadier side is that it covers up the taste of meat that might be a little too old otherwise.

>> No.8164809

MSG gives me a giant headache and makes me throw up. It started when I was young and my family would eat Chinese take out, I would through up until I passed out every time we had so we stopped having it. Eventually I found out other places would make me vomit as well. After asking around and doing some research I determined that the MSG is what was causing this. So no MSG for me.

>> No.8164841

Have you actually tested that theory or are you really that dumb? You dont know for sure unless you make a meal with it and then without it a couple times

>> No.8164847

Yeah because no one ever gets sick from fast food and dodgy chinese take out. MSG is the only explanation. /s

>> No.8164885

no you fucks, immediate headache within 5 minutes then vomiting shortly after. I have tested.

>> No.8164992

>no reason

It was White America's racism against the Chinese in the 60s and 70s that created the MSG boogyeman.

That's the reason.

>> No.8166375

You. I like you.

>> No.8166397

one of the best analogies
that's exactly it

>> No.8166427

Are there any other sort of "miracle substances" like this? I wanna cheat as hard as possible.

>> No.8167442

inb4 sriracha

>> No.8167467

salt, fat, MSG and sugar are the 4 miracle ingredients

>> No.8167506
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I use it a lot actually. I just call it Ve Tsin so people think it's an organic wholesome Oriental spice.

>> No.8167808

Unsalted butter and salt

Loads of spices are super useful but these are the most versatile in cooking

>> No.8167850

Onion powder

>> No.8168691

wh-what's that?

like, what does it even taste like?
is it made to taste like finely chopped onions that you've fried for a bit, or finely chopped onions that you haven't fried, or red onion rings, or green onions or...?


these replacements for basic ingredients always amaze me (like the egg powder stuff)

>> No.8168728

It's mostly savory/aromatic. It's just dried onion so it resembles a fresh onion more than a fried one, as cooked onions are milder. I suppose it tastes sort of like a "sour cream and onion" chip but not really since those have many other seasonings. That does give you an idea of the aroma that you're getting though. Lots of rub, stew, and curry recipes call for it.

It's not really a replacement for onion either. Especially when you're using it to dry season meat. I find it very useful for fajitas and taco meat.

>> No.8169070

Fucking literally literally literally LITERALLY no they are NOT!

>> No.8169088
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Move out of the way plebs. Best spice coming through.

>> No.8169578

you know you're a dirty tweaker when you see meth in that pic.

>> No.8169583
File: 15 KB, 236x316, dce66439a6d06229bbc42dbcead34445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gourmet Powder

>> No.8169585

Thyme is an herb.

>> No.8170158

Meth is blue, dumbass

>> No.8170194

i'm surprised there hasn't been a "but tv has told me msg is bad" meme in here yet

>> No.8170231

almost as bad as the "GMO is bad for you" meemsters.