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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8165482 No.8165482[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You're in the kitchen when this man walks up to you and asks for a meal. He says

>I'm a raw vegan, glucose free, nut free, lactose free, organic, fair workers right, sweat farm free, local sourced, sugar free, fat free, white people free, feminist friendly, poc friendly, quality diet and I want you to cook me something

Wat do?

>> No.8165484


Punch him in the face.

>> No.8165486
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Tell him to get the fuck out of my house.

>> No.8165487

drive to mcdonalds and get us both the mcflurry

>> No.8165489

>raw vegan
A paradox meal.

>> No.8165490

Spit in a bottle of Fiji water and give it to him 2bh.

>> No.8165502

Go outside and get a handful of dirt and grass. Then plate it and serve.

>> No.8165504

redpill me on grass+dirt diet

is this the most redpilled diet?

>> No.8165510

Sir, I can't help you with that. Ask the director.

>> No.8165516

Heh easy nearby local farm has organic potatos. Serve him a boiled potato.

>> No.8165520

But that's ableist, Anon.

>> No.8165527


Spinach from California

>> No.8165535

>raw vegan


>> No.8165575

I tell him he's fucked because I make dessert for a living. Nothing I make is raw or vegan, many of my desserts contain tree nuts, pretty much everything contains lactose in the form of heavy cream or other dairy products, I generally don't bother to get organic products, I treat all workers unfairly and I sure hope the fuckers farming my ingredients sweated their asses off, the only things I procure locally are pecans and honey, literally everything I make is sugar and fat, I'm white and chauvinistic as fuck, I use racial slurs as punctuation for my curse words and I don't give a chink cunt fuck about your diet.

How the fuck did you get into my kitchen anyhow? The front door should be locked. Thank FL for castle doctrine, I can shoot this asshole without major consequence.

>> No.8165583
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Damn, that sounds like a personal problem! Maybe someone with so many different dietary demands and needs should learn how to cook for themselves, instead of worrying about keeping up with whatever is trendy! :)

>> No.8165589
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>implying bullets harm vegans

>> No.8165591

A plate of sand

>> No.8165614

For four malachite burgers you will need:

Four slices of Welsh slate
1 kilogram of malachite

Cut the slates in two. Break up the malachite with a sledgehammer. Divide the malachite equally among four slates and cover with the remaining four. Bake at 1200 °C for 12 hours, by which time the malachite should be a beautiful bubbly green. Cool and eat. Excellent for picnics, as they can be prepared the century before. A dry gritty flavour.

>> No.8165656

What if I dip them in pig blood?

>> No.8165660

Why the fuck are you in my house

>> No.8165663

>not being trendy

>> No.8165729

He's white, so by definition his food cannot be white people free.

I tell him this and go back to what I was doing and ignore any further words from him.

>> No.8165735
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>> No.8165736

Make him a glass of water.

>> No.8166008

You sound like a trashy person. Panhandle region of FL?

>> No.8166011

Ice soup

>> No.8166012

Tell him to fuck off

>> No.8166021

I punch him in the face, then take him out of my fucking kitchen.

>> No.8166022

>white people free
But he's white and wouldn't say that, you dumb nigger.

>> No.8166043

Tie him up and force feed him meatloaf.

>> No.8166068

He's a piece of shit, but he's cute and fucking a black dude has got to be on his agenda somewhere, so i dip my dick in raw honey and present it to him

>> No.8166108

People like you actually make gluten-free non-GMO organic vegan hippies seem tolerable by comparison, you're not cool for being proud of purposely being a cunt, go back to middle school

>> No.8166130

Shoot him for breaking into my house?

>> No.8166154

I make him an equal opportunity locavore salad, by which I mean I buy some nettles from the gyppos, chop them up and feed them to him

>> No.8166265
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>> No.8166267

"what should i get?"
"the fuck out"

>> No.8166269

>White people-free diet

And he calls himself a feminist.

>> No.8166274

Pull out a gun and shoot . . . myself. I don't wanna be a part of this new no-mans world.

>> No.8166275

>Wat do?

I ask him why he asked a white man to cook for him when he wants his food "white people free"?

>> No.8166282

I pour him 2 fingers of whiskey and say "well played, rusemaster"

>> No.8166296

here's a glass of water

>> No.8166307

>white people free
>feminist friendly

Why do feminists love cultures where women are treated like cattle? idgi

>> No.8166436

Tell Harry Potter to go fuck himself.

>> No.8166465

Piss into a cup and say here you go bud

>> No.8166508

What's "poc free" ?

>> No.8166571

poc = products of conception

>> No.8166614

Call him a faggot and turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.8166621

360 is a full circle. So you just face him again. Learn 180

>> No.8166683

Get out

>> No.8166695

Leaving this crappy establisment already. Bye.

>> No.8166842

heat some tap water and brand it as traditional Mayan recipe.

>> No.8166846


He is this new

>> No.8166847


lol reddit


>> No.8168107

red pills are the most redpilled diet

>> No.8168128

get ye flask

>> No.8168156

laugh and give him a plate of whatever i am making then proceed to get drunk and eat my food

>> No.8168175

slap him

>> No.8168230

They would like you in >>/pol/

>> No.8168237

>nobody posted squidward saying we serve food here
this whole site is slipping

>> No.8168245

And no one likes you anywhere, nigger.

>> No.8168391
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North Central FL here. I'm not trashy but this is a trash thread, so I'm gonna shit it up as much as the rest of you cunts are. At least I have the courtesy to sage my posts.

>> No.8168659



>> No.8168714

garden salad


>> No.8168764


I also live in North central FL. Lake City? Ocala? Gainesville?

>> No.8168768

did i see GLUTEN there? digusting pig.

>> No.8168778

>nut free
If you're going to do vegan, why would you deny yourself a very important source of protein? Especially when it's not really unhealthy, and ethically, it is also one of the few foods that can be eaten without killing anything (nuts were never alive to begin with)

>> No.8168814

Sand is too white for his tastes

>> No.8168843

>organic, fair workers right, sweat farm free
pfft, nu-uh. you must be nuts

>> No.8168863
File: 61 KB, 580x327, olavi henttunen koivu mahla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for the spring, I'll sell you freshly bottled birch sap, that should meet the expectations of even the worst hipster faggots like you.

>> No.8168890

Feed him my dick

>> No.8168900

The raw vegan part is the hardest. I guess we would start with salad: lettuce, sliced cucumbers and diced tomatoes. Avocado in the cubes, a handful of bean sprouts, sunflower seeds (would he agree for toasted? if not, then dried). I would ask if home-made croutons would be fine, if so, add as well.

After that we would have a nice mediterranean raw vegetable stew with onions, olive oil, garlic, carrots, bell pepper, celery, chopped tomatoes, fresh crushed tomatoes and tomato paste, some cauliflower. I would add some thyme and bay leaves. Salt and pepper to taste, follow standard raw-cooking procedures.

After this nice meal we can have a plate of kumquat, kabosu, dried kiwi, lychee and some nice dragon fruit and then make out. I wish I knew a healthy and sensible man like this.

>> No.8168905

How does raw soup even get a taste
What the hell.....

>> No.8168910
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I dont know who he is, but I found a picture of his son.

>> No.8168912


>> No.8168923

A strong breeze would harm a vegan

>> No.8168928

>facebook meme food webm


>> No.8168930

He's cute. Would cuddle with.

>> No.8168932
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>> No.8168934
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>> No.8168936

But birch sap is absolutely delicious.

>> No.8168942
File: 32 KB, 500x375, jacksonville, florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, somehow it's really easy to spot FL people on the internet. And in general.

>> No.8169132

Tell him to open wide an spit right in his mouth.

>> No.8169138

Offer him buckwheat and confuse the living shit out of him as I have fulfilled all his baseless desires

>> No.8169920

>What is gazpacho

>> No.8170116

Fry some cockroaches up in garlic butter, serve with a side of pickled kale, charge $35 for it and tell her to fuck off

>> No.8170127

boil him some water and sprinkle some salt in there

>> No.8170157


>> No.8170166

>what is blender

>> No.8170174

hot water

>> No.8170197

This tbqhfam

>> No.8170204
File: 40 KB, 402x299, veganfriendlysoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're in the kitchen when this man walks up to you and asks for a meal.
I gladly agree, it's always nice to share food with other people. Plus, all the diets and preferences he has are making it more of a challenge! I'll make a raw blended fresh mushroom soup with chopped mushroom added to the blended mass. It takes less than 5 minutes to make - to be honest it would be much better with cashews, but we can try to replace them with sunflower seeds or whole-grain cereal.

>> No.8170216

sorry we don't have anything in the kitchen that would fulfill your needs, you might have better luck in another restaurant

>> No.8170402

>not living in an area where pecans are falling off the trees

>> No.8170431



>> No.8170621

Call the police. How the fuck did he get into my house?

>> No.8170630

I'm afraid the food we serve here can't be guaranteed to meet your standards, perhaps all I can really offer that may suit your criteria is a complimentary free-trade black coffee.

>using good customer service always wins; plus you palm the dickhead off to another restaurant and blog about it on /ck/

>> No.8170783

Cut his dick n balls off and while he is screaming in pain bleeding out sautee it with bacon fat, serve it with white rice and a huge fucking milkshake and force feed it to his fucking writhing body, then whisper in his hipster scum ear "I hope you rot in hell you fucking cunt, the game."

>> No.8170819

With fava beans, too.

>> No.8170823

Tell him to bring me his ingredients. Remind him that I'm gluten free and kosher, so any food that passes through my kitchen must be too.

>> No.8170881

cook him up and eat him as
for ultimate irony

>> No.8170947

Donald, is that you? Why are you shitposting during the debate?