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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8160106 No.8160106 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't young women know how to cook anymore?

The last 3 girls I've dated (18, 20, 21) could barely make an omelette and I ended up cooking 90% of the time.

>> No.8160107 [DELETED] 

kill yourself faggot

>> No.8160120

Feminism and sjw's.

>> No.8160122

Because with all the sexual liberation, women are becoming nothing more than holes for you straight people to poke.

Live with it.

>> No.8160125

Sure they can, they're just not the ones who date fat losers like you.

>> No.8160126

Women have evolved to avoid work and responsibility at all costs, because burning less energy = more energy for reproduction and caring for children.

>> No.8160149

Because no one taught them. Their moms probably worked, and were barely able to cook themselves. I couldn't cook for shit when I was that age, but once I got married I learned, because I wanted to make my husband happy.

>> No.8160152

Because they no longer need those skills to get a mate. Girls don't need to know how to do anything other than properly apply makeup to get a date, if you have such a problem with it then stop dating girls who can't cook. Girls have standards for mates, men don't.

>> No.8160176

Cultural shift I guess. At least in the states. Women have options now. The traditional ideas of marriage and family take back seats to education and occupations. Personally I don't mind, I've been cooking for myself and others for ages.

>> No.8160209

Stop dating whores. Based on the amount of food blogs out there and dumb cunt taking pictures of their food, women still have some interest in cooking.
Then again, they might just be doing it for show, so they can plaster that shit all over Instagram.

>> No.8160216

None of the women my friends and I dated in university became our wives. The ones we did marry can cook. Have fun with your cum dump for now, but don't make any long term plans.

>> No.8160219

Cause lots of American parents buy frozen, boxed, or canned food and do relatively little cooking so kids never have the chance to learn it unless it becomes a hobby.

It's not like most of the ne/ck/beards on here know how to cook, either.

>> No.8160223

cause its sexist to cook, clean, and generally be a kind nurturing mother

thusly they dont do these things anymore

>> No.8160224

Lots of women cook, and most of my girl friends cook or bake. But don't expect girls to magically be amazing at cooking in their teens. I've been cooking since I was young and I didn't really get consistently good until like 22. It takes practice.

>> No.8160225

women could never cook, fyi

>> No.8160226

why did the op pic get deleted

are pictures of interracial couples enough to trigger this fucking janitor

>> No.8160230

yes our janitor is a huge autistic sperglord, who literally moderates based on his tastes

>> No.8160320
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Most girls are not worth dating for very long, and certainly not marrying, especially if you have any value yourself.

Once upon a time, it was important for women to know how to cook, maintain a home, raise children, etc. that would make her appealing as a long-term mate and life partner. She often learned these skills from her mother.

These days, most girls were "raised" by working mothers and mass media, who've only taught her that she needs to be a stronk independent woman who don't need no man. That's great for her, but it leaves her with nothing to entice a long-term mate except sex. And the Fat Acceptance movements are making that more and more undesirable too. If she's got a fun personality, you might stick around... but then you've basically got a friends with benefits situation for life... not the best situation.

If you've found one of the few women who are actually successful at being stronk and independent, perhaps she will bring in enough money to have value as a domestic partner. But if you want an actual woman who will make a desirable family member, especially if you don't care about her money, you're going to have to:
>A) search hard, usually among rural girls raised by traditional, conservative parents
>B) find a kind, smart, young, willing girl, who doesn't care about modern feminist views of life, and train her yourself.

Either way, you're going to have to be a man of significant value, be traditionally masculine enough to keep that type of woman, and spend a lot of time at it. It took me like 10 years of dating to find a girl worth sticking with, and years more of teaching her to be wife material before marrying.

Married her 7 years ago, and females only seem to be getting worse since then.
I wish you good luck.

>> No.8160335

Nobody but poor people and people with a real interest in cooking learn how to cook before college. It only becomes weird that you don't have the life skill when you're living on your own

>> No.8160436

That doesn't really answer the question, though.
Eating is something we all do every day. Yeah, only people with a real interest in it learn to cook before college... but it is ridiculous that most people don't have any interest in it.

Food choice and preparation is so intricately involved in our health, our enjoyment of one of our major senses, our family/cultural traditions, hell it's even a basic part of keeping us alive... if so many adults don't care about it, it really begs the question "why??"

>> No.8160455

Very few women have ever been good cooks, the only reason everyones grandma was a good cook was because she was fucking cooking for 50 years, you learn a few tricks in that time. But for the most part even back in the american 40s and 50s when wives were at home cooking instead of working all day they would still come up with shitty casseroles and mac and cheese garbage, but mens palettes were so shit that a big tuna caserole at the end of the day was actually tasty to them, because they never really had better.

Most women that choose to cook for themselves now a days are good cooks, but a majority of bitches I know just go to restaurants to eat or when at home just eat frozen pizza and carrot sticks.

Just find one interested in cooking, its not hard its a very popular hobby now a days, but as you said the slags you were dating were under 25, bitches under 25 don't have anything to offer other then their bodies, so just fuck them and make them some eggs in the morning, trading prime pussy for making food isn't a bad deal end of the day

>> No.8160466


In amerifatland, drive down any major street or road, or go into any grocery and see how many ailse are filled with products that only need warming up, and your question is answered.

>> No.8160687

This happens in any developed country.

>> No.8160694

post your faggy feet

>> No.8160732

I couldn't cook shit until I was about 25 and now I'm 45 I can cook pretty good. What changed was practise and getting more free time once my career was up and running and I had a family so it's too expensive to eat out

Disclaimer I am a guy but I'm sure modern women have the same issues as I did since men and women are both types of people

>> No.8161200

Sadly this, and yes it was feminism, the same feminism that demanded equal wages for equal labors also saw a sharp decrease in the traditional homemaker role as more women incorporated into the general workforce due to increased cost of living.

>> No.8161278

>increased cost of living

Indirectly. Since labor is a commodity, as the labor pool increased with an influx of women, wages for both men and women decreased, and what could be bought previously by 1 man's wages could no longer be afforded with 2 wage earners.
Thank you feminists.

>> No.8161285

>look at me, I've met 3 (THREE) women
>better make an assumption about the entire gender

>> No.8161318

Because parents cook for their kids and colleges make people get meal plans to live on campus the first few years. Theres no reason for a kid or just graduated from high school person to know how to cook unless they actually have an interest in it as a hobby. Its not needed as a life skill until you become an adult, and 90% of cooking is simple shit made simpler by the fact that we have access to youtube

>> No.8161326

>Its not needed as a life skill until you become an adult
Well, that's exactly my point.
This is a life skill needed by adults, and parents don't teach it. This is a life skill that has grave implications for your health, finances, and so on, yet schools don't teach it.
I understood basic calculus before I knew how to cook.
I knew how to fix my parents' computer before I knew anything about preparing food from scratch.
The first group of my friends to have their own kids had not yet known how to cook - a basic skill for homemaking.

So, what you are saying is true, and is a legitimate reason why kids and young adults don't know how to cook... but it only begs more questions. Something is going wrong in the culture, this is only one sign of it, yet most people are pretty okay with the whole situation.

>> No.8161386

My mom lived in the steppes of Turkey. The food there is horrendous. My guess maybe seasoning besides salt and black pepper were scarce or literally no one had time to give a shit. It helps lurking here as I've gone from shitty brat who can't bake a potato to I won't die living alone tier. Still improving

>> No.8161394

>le designated /r9k/ thread

>> No.8161412

Based jani deleting cuck shit

>> No.8161416

>This is a life skill needed by adults

>implying cooking is a needed life skill

>> No.8161437

Unless you are rich enough to hire people to constantly prepare healthy food for you, this is absolutely a necessary adult skill.
Unless, of course, you are happy to be an average Amerifat-tier adult, lugging your blobbedness around until you die of heart failure in your 50s, after watching your diabetic children grow up and grow out.

The understanding and preparation of food is as necessary an ability as work ethic and marketable job skills - sure, you could exist for some time without them, but you are hardly succeeding at a healthy and well-rounded life.

And there's no real reason not to have them - I eat a hell of a lot tastier food than the frozen pizzas and shit that one would eat if they didn't have basic cooking skills.

>> No.8161449

I eat frozen pizzas and multivitamins desu

>> No.8161552

>I eat frozen pizzas and multivitamins desu
And if that's working for you, great. I think everyone should have that choice, and choose whatever works best for them.

However, I eat more delicious foods than that, I get more micronutrients in more absorbable forms than that, my blood sugar isn't getting spiked from refined grain crusts, my body doesn't have to deal with excess saturated fats, I probably get a greater variety of foods than you, I can produce a variety of healthy and delicious foods for less money than frozen pizza and multivitamins if I have to, so on and so forth. All because I have some very basic knowledge and skills. Very basic - I'm not some master professional chef; I just have skills that are worthwhile for every adult to have, and a few years of practice.

Nobody has to live life like me, but people should be able to do so, given the benefits and the ease of it. Adults who prepare meals for themselves, and especially members of household that prepare food for their family, have every reason to want to know these basic skills.

And - to OP's point - if you are looking for a girlfriend who will help you raise a strong family, there's every reason to want her to have these basic skills. There is a reason that mothers used to teach their daughters how to do these things.

>> No.8161561

>if you are looking for a girlfriend who will help you raise a strong family
not even just to raise a strong family. if you want a gf/wife who will fully enjoy one of our major senses with you. having a girl who doesn't appreciate a good homecooked dish is like having a girlfriend who doesn't really enjoy music. just seems like a waste, even before you get to all the family stuff

>> No.8161573

>Unless, of course, you are happy to be an average Amerifat-tier adult, lugging your blobbedness around until you die of heart failure in your 50s, after watching your diabetic children grow up and grow out.
Nah, even if you are happy being in a shitted up body, it's still stupid not to know how to cook a few good home made meals. It's like, are you not going to even get the full enjoyment out of the stuff that's killing you? If you commit suicide anyway, do you really want to do it with 40 years of blandness? At least get the benefit of the tastiest meals out of it.

>> No.8161574

Want to know a secret? Date foreign women, they can cook and don't let their bodies go to shit once you commit to them. I got me a little Vietnamese qt, cooks, tight body, and freaky.

>> No.8161579

I'll second this.
Women from more traditional Asian cultures, or even from Eastern Europe - average Western women have literally nothing more appealing than them.

>> No.8162229

Because the world is getting better you lazy piece of shit. Now go learn to cook.

>> No.8162272

Viet chefs can't even cook, I can't trust the common women to do it.

>> No.8162288

Life skills get better as you live more.

That being said I can still complain, a girl I know makes the driest scrambled eggs. It's terrible.

>> No.8162323

>cooking for a woman you're only dating

There's your problem. If you're trying to pull the whole "back in the day" bullshit, then you should know that back in the day, a woman would ask a man to come over so she could cook a meal for him. This was after they were already going steady for some time, and to prove that she was wife material. If you're dating, you need to go out to eat. If you can't afford this, then stop worrying about dates and start fixing your financial situation. You can't just keep inviting bitches to stay with you and then complain about it later.

>> No.8162333

>Why don't young women know how to cook anymore?
Good man, i don't give a fuck about this. I'd much rather end up with a women who earns bank. I love cooking, i don't care if i do all the cooking, she just has to appreciate good food and do the dishes or clean to pick up the slack.

>> No.8162353

don't you potentially have a problem here where the kitchen is their domain, they and especially their senpai will look down on you for cooking

>> No.8163057

Date an ex-vegetarian. Pretty much the only ones who can cook are veggies or vegans

>> No.8163060

Nice gender roles you got there shitlord

>> No.8163067

Pho and bahn mi tho...

>> No.8163069

>a woman who makes bank

In my experience they blow it all on jewelry and dresses and refuse to invest because its "too risky"

>> No.8163075

In your experience of what? 4chan stories?

>> No.8163079

Talking to coworkers about investing

Not everyone is a NEET buddy

>> No.8163142

'Round here, kids have a 3 year gardening & cooking course in middle school.
t. Berkeley, CA masterrace

>> No.8163145

That means nothing if they don't continue to use those skills, or even bother to take the class seriously in the first place

>> No.8163153
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>mfw every teen I know in Berkeley cooks at home with friends for fun

>> No.8163178

Thank you California for ensuring murica doesn't stop producing femimales!