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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8158868 No.8158868 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate a fresh whole pineapple that I cut/peeled myself.

My tongue is now covered in little blister like things and there's blood lacing my spit.

So, there you go /ck/. Don't eat a whole pineapple straight.

>> No.8158872

u sure u dont need a hospital or something?

i eat pineapple and have never had that

>> No.8158882

Well, I peeled it poorly maybe. I didn't cut off a deep enough layer to take out all the little pits with a stalk in them. I didn't de-core it either. Just ate the whole thing as is more or less.

I didn't wash the pineapple either, so maybe this is pesticides on the green out skin contaminating the fruit inside as I handled it.

>> No.8158892
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>> No.8158898

Dude, pineapple dissolves protein. Google it.

The core is the worst part, GG

>> No.8158899

hey man, i've never had a problem with not washing fruit before. I'm reaching for straws here, I don't know what's up with that pineapple

>> No.8158903


>> No.8158905

Oh. I thought people didn't eat the core because it was chewy.

Well, it certainly feels like my tongue has been attacked by an acid or something.

>> No.8158907

prepare for the shits

>> No.8158908

Pineapple has acids and enzymes that dissolve proteins like your tongue. When you eat it, it eats you back.

>> No.8158910

fresh pineapple digests your mouth as you eat it
eye for an eye, and all that

>> No.8158911

Your tongue is meat protein. It just got chemically tenderized by protein-digesting enzymes. Take it easy next time with a normal portion.

I'd eat something to soothe your tummy now.

>> No.8158917

Eating a lot of acidic food will do this. I used to eat tons of fresh tomatoes and would irritate mg tongue.

>> No.8158919


>> No.8158923


you will soon be a lump of skin, fat, and bones

>> No.8158926

I've got some peanuts lying around. Guess ill go with that.

Anyhow, thanks for the headsup /ck/

>> No.8158931

Nah, your stomach has a lot of stuff that deactivates enzymes because a lot of shit we consume has enzymatic activity that would fuck us up if we let it go unchecked.

Your mouth, though...

>> No.8159279

It's like the above posters said OP. You shouldn't eat a whole pineapple at once because it will fuck your tongue up.
Luckily, the cells that were dissolved will be replaced, probably after a couple good night's sleep.

>> No.8159306

My parents would always soak the prepared pineapple chunks in salt water for a little while to stop your tongue feeling weird after eating fresh pineapple. Does that fuck up the enzymes or something cause it has always worked for me.

>> No.8159351

The pain after is the best part, just like salt and vinegar kettle chips.

>> No.8159880

best thing you can do is douse your tongue in tabasco or sriracha and then lime juice over and over in quick succession.

>> No.8160006

Drink lots of water afterwards. Always worked for me.

>> No.8160063
File: 1.26 MB, 1360x768, u mad flanders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be seven years ago
>dating the worst sort of stupid: the kind that thinks they're not stupid
>go out for smoothies
>order kiwi smoothie for myself
>'omg anon, i'll have one, too. i love smoothies! i just hate that itchiness and tightening you get in your throat when you eat them, you know?'
>"no... i don't know... i'm not allergic to kiwifruit. if you are, you shouldn't be eating them."
>'i'm not allergic! that throat tightening thing happens to everyone, doesn't it?!'
>"no... it's never happened to me. pretty sure you're allergic"
>dumb bitch gets smoothie anyway
>the place makes their smoothies 90% frozen fruit, 10% sugar syrup, no added ice
>obviously never had this much kiwi all at once
>cunt's throat closes up
>can't breathe
>go to A&E
>doctor comes in
>'well anon's cum-dump, looks like you're allergic to kiwifruit. don't eat them anymore, k?'

The sex was amazing and the bitch was hot as fuck,though. That's why I toughed it out. But never again will I date stupid. You can fix ugly. You can't fix stupid.

>> No.8160069
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>tfw when your enzymes aren't deactivated

Motherfucker, you just melted your innards for what? Guys don't just go on a pineapple frenzy for no reason. Your girlfriend's probably a dodger and said she doesn't like the taste, so lo and behind, you go and chain swallow an entire pineapple. And look where that's got you. RIP OP.

>> No.8160085

I love the future. I can watch a dude have a religious testicle slash pineapple experience so powerful it makes him do the robot while listening to soothing marimba beats from the comfort of my couch.

>> No.8160177

hope they aren't salted

>> No.8160986

Pineapples are super acidic, that is why. It literally eats your skin away and fucks your tounge up.