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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 720x960, egggfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8157208 No.8157208 [Reply] [Original]

America, post what you're having for breakfast right now

Grits and egg here

>> No.8157222

4 eggs.
3 sausage links.
1 slice of wheat toast.

And coffee :)

>> No.8157223

2 eggs on english muffin, tobasco sauce on top, black coffee.
2-3 splashes of tobasco to precise, that's per egg mind you

>> No.8157225

>Americans talking about America
Is this a first? I've never seen this happen before?

>> No.8157226

He's saying that because it's only breakfast time on the American continent you buffoon

>> No.8157251
File: 805 KB, 2560x1536, 20161004_232649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olive loaf ham swiss mayo peppers

>> No.8157265

Two scrambled eggs on toast, earl grey tea

>> No.8157273

Toasted bread with my dad's home-made redcurrant jelly.

>> No.8157276

1 cup coconut flavored k-cup coffee (because on sale, 3 for 99cent)
2 english muffins
3 pieces of left over pizza

>> No.8157295

Almond milk, oats, protein powder and banana blended for 30 secs.

>> No.8157302

Hope it was made with activated almonds, steel cut oats (as opposed to copper), and that banana was from a free trade country.

>> No.8157317

pinhead oats, 1.5 cups uncooked

>> No.8157322

Last night's leftover pierogi pizza and some soda.

I made the poor choice of living too far away from the grocery so instead of making 2-hour round trips every few days, I just go to the convenience store and stock up on sodas to drink and order a pizza to last me for a day or two. Doesn't help that my shut-in life has put me on a nocturnal schedule so nothing's ever open when I'm awake.

>> No.8157327
File: 2.88 MB, 2448x3264, 20161005_092248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

Pizza is especially fattening as far as pizzas go but it's sooooooooooooooooo good.

>> No.8157395

So it's breakfast time for both NYC and L.A. ?

>> No.8157404

a coffee crisp and some coffee

>> No.8157449

Oatmeal with turmeric, cinnamon, and honey.

>> No.8157457

pizza looks dry as fuck m8

>> No.8157504

6 eggs beat with
-2 tablespoons of milk cream
-Heated over 1 tablespoon of melted pan butter
-Scrambled for 5 minutes on low heat
-Add black pepper before fully hardened eggs
-7.5 oz can of sardines and tomato sauce dumped on top

Wut....turmeric with oatmeal. Anon, don't fuck with me it better be good if im adding this to my pre-midday meal.

How much do you put?

>> No.8157507

And salt and dill weed over eggs.

>> No.8157511

2 scoops of protein powder and some 2 cups iced coffee.

I'm alright.

>> No.8157538
File: 119 KB, 1000x560, P1090673cropres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a bowl of oats with a shit load of apple (227g worth) and 20g of prunes. Only 344.5 calories, lots of fiber.

Also, coffee.

>> No.8157543

It's just the cheese.

The pizza is basically covered with a layer of mashed potatoes and chopped onions and then covered with garlic sauce and a layer of cheese.

The cheese dries out quickly, yeah, but it's a perfect wrapper for the mashed potato underneath so it retains its moisture for up to three days. The pizza rarely lasts more than 24 hours but even if it does, I'm not worried I need to repair the microwave to make it edible because it's still good.

Most people are shocked at the concept of mashed potato on pizza until they try it themselves and agree it's the best thing. Except this one guy I know who hates potatoes. He absolutely refuses to eat anything with potatoes in it and goes so far as to brag to everyone he meets about how he automatically pukes when he realises he's eating a potato product. Catering to his whims is worse than dealing with a vegan because a lot of common food items ordered for parties that aren't just boring salty as fuck pepperoni pizzas (or plain cheese, ugh) fail his potato check.

>> No.8157545

had mac n cheese I mad last night. hamburger helper tonight, you guys siked for me? It's cheesy enchilada.

>> No.8157547


>> No.8157550

Is this 'psyched' spelled wrong?

>> No.8157554
File: 239 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20161005_111129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain, nonfat yogurt with frozen blueberries added, a few slices of watermelon, a pluot, and some coffee with milk.

>> No.8157556


>> No.8157560
File: 5 KB, 282x179, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have coffee in the morning for breakfast, it's amazing how this seems to trigger fat people, like when I tell them that all I need is coffee for breakfast they will go on this rant about how bad it is for me and how you need to eat breakfast to start your metabolism and shit, I just want to tell them that being fat is probably a lot less healthier than not eating anything for fucking breakfast.

>> No.8157564

Going to make some turkey bacon and a breakfast burrito in a bit

>> No.8157568

that is the straight up gangster spelling.

>> No.8157571

Do you pick locks?

>> No.8157574

I'm pretty sure humans evolved under conditions where they were forced to eat very little or not at all for certain periods of time until they were able to acquire more food and eat their fill again. I don't think skipping breakfast is gonna hurt you.

It's not like hunter-gatherer societies followed a strict 3 meals a day regimen...

>> No.8157587

when you get old, you stop eating I think. when young you eat everything.

>> No.8157592

I know right? But it seems like to a lot of fatties act like skipping a single meal is extremely hazardous to your health and can kill you or something, I just want to ask them what do they even think their fat is for in the first place, we evolved to store energy as fat so we could go weeks at a time without eating anything if we had to.

>> No.8157593
File: 261 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20161005_112943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8157595

lmao and add some oil to your coffee and you just kicked your shit up a notch. fuck fat people.

>> No.8157600

ah I didn't eat for five days our so, a couple days ago. maybe some toast.

>> No.8157620

whats really killing me, is I got this bump right on the edge of my interior nasal area, and it's really a bitch. you see those sick zeros?

>> No.8157624

ah well, i'm gonna go make hamburger helper fellas later.

>> No.8157659
File: 145 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 10-5-16 at 12.59 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a big mango and two cups of coffee. I already ate most of the mango.

>> No.8157670

sad for you nonny! Eat a vegetable with it at least.

>> No.8157679

yeah. Hanging around little kids and older people makes me realize this all the more. Kids are constantly eating all day long! Older people will sit around and do other things and eat only twice a day, or maybe less, but not need to snack at all.

>> No.8157687
File: 970 KB, 2048x1152, 20161005_100747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just so happens that I'm eating breakfast right now.
Individual shakshuka, with feta.

>> No.8157696

one 40mg vyvanse

im trying to cut :(

>> No.8157704
File: 1.35 MB, 2560x1536, 20161005_110249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had this. 2 eggs over medium with some potato,ham,bacon,chili hash. The green stuff is this new hot sauce I got. Pretty good

>> No.8157774

It was ok, should have got original.

>> No.8157783

Looks like you just put an egg on some marinara m8y

>> No.8157839

Do you realize how abnormal you are? A deceng amount of people eat nothing in the morning, but probably only you and that 1 other guy I met will eat so little.

>> No.8157865

cold left over Indonesian fried rice. tastes good man. made it with ground turkey and lots of leeks.

>> No.8157873
File: 103 KB, 1300x791, 2705206.main_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pizza is basically covered with a layer of mashed potatoes

What in the name of fuck is this fucking shite?

>> No.8157903


>> No.8158059

The Irish Widower

>> No.8158109

Well, that's the difference between knowing what marinara is what shakshuka is. Plus, you can't taste it, so it doesn't matter what you think it looks like.

>> No.8158169

I had corned beef hash, two eggs over easy and a couple pieces of toast.

>> No.8158186


>> No.8158219

whether you like your grits savory or sweet, some crumbled crispy bacon makes a nice addition

>> No.8158983

You should try it, it is great.

Also works with sweet potato if you like sweet potato more.

>> No.8159044


>> No.8159057

I don't eat in the morning. Not sure why but I'm just not hungry, and eating breakfast makes me feel sick. I usually just have coffee, orange juice, or water. I don't eat until noon.

I'll cook up breakfast foods any other time of the day though.

>> No.8159181

Is it still breakfast time in America? Should the thread be deleted now because it's lunch time or dinner time?
Are Americans so racist that they only want to talk amongst themselves and exclude everyone else? Does that breed ignorance? Should I start a separate breakfast thread because I'm not an American? Would anybody respond to that thread saying that we already have a breakfast thread?

>> No.8159201

Why are you so angry?

>> No.8159252

I haven't had breakfast in a while but when I do I usually have sausage mc muffins.

>> No.8159269

Generally my breakfast is 1 scoop of mass gainer in some milk with a poached egg, mashed, on to dry toast with some hot sauce and a lot of salt.
It sounds a little plain but there's something about it that's so delicious.

>> No.8159318

Not angry. Just disappointed. Where's the community spirit?

>white people thread
Think about it.

>> No.8159320

What's wrong with white people having their own thread?

>> No.8160456

jokes on you

it is breakfast time in america again, get fucked

>> No.8160460

I had a banana with peanut butter on it.

>> No.8160481

.5c oatmeal,1c whole milk, 2 tbsp of peanut butter, a banana

>> No.8160518

I'm pretty sure those people also died at 30. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.8160525

Six eggs over easy. Red hot. Oj.

>> No.8160532

Plain yogurt with 6 strawberries, raspberries, 1 banana, some pecans, steel oats, and a cup of tea.

>> No.8160550

.66c oatmeal, banana, tbsp peanut butter, 2 tbsp each of flax seed and wheat germ, 1 tsp honey

>> No.8160561

Guys this is exactly why you have the higher percentage of obese population

>> No.8160585

What are you talking about? I see a lot of people eating oatmeal, plain yogurt, and fruit for breakfast. Only a few have posted huge, high calorie breakfast.

>> No.8160603

Just ate this. Waffle iron came in this morning. It was delicious.

Can you guys suggest me a good topping except maple and high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.8160605

Used some leftover white rice to make fried rice with ~1 cup cubed chicken breast (seasoned with garlic powder, onion powder, salt & pepper), sliced fresh mushrooms, chopped green onions, and 2 eggs. I ate a bit of watermelon on the side. Pretty big breakfast and I ate late so I'll probably skip lunch today.

>> No.8160606
File: 3.49 MB, 4032x3024, 20161006_094807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. Forgot picture

>> No.8160608


Preserves, jelly, jam

>> No.8160611

Apple butter / apple sauce and some complimentary fruit.

Peanut butter and bananas or jam.

Use the waffle instead of toast to make French toast.

>> No.8160615
File: 626 KB, 1594x897, 166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fuck my egg up

>> No.8160621

Apple butter sounds great. I will try that. I had a hankering for waffles and French toast is the least best tasting of the three: Waffles, Pancakes, French Toast.
I will get sugar jam next time I'm at the grocer.

>> No.8160630

No pic, but....

-1 stale Hawaiian roll
-1/2 a BLT from last night (with turkey bacon)
-a bowl of homemade french onion soup

Been on a bender the past 4 days. Hungover now but will probably go to the bar again today. Fight me.

>> No.8161169

no egg