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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8157078 No.8157078 [Reply] [Original]

New cook here.

Pretty new to this. Watched a bunch of PAN NICE AND HOT Gordon Ramsay youtube videos.

Am I doing it right?

>> No.8157081

what do you expect us to say

>> No.8157084
File: 2.52 MB, 4128x2322, 20161005_042053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this correct?

What will this taste like?

I haven't eaten it yet.

>> No.8157089

like death

throw it out

>> No.8157090
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Anyway I ate some of this shit and the onions/garlic/broccoli with cumin and curry and salt and pepper taste just okay..

but the pork chops tastes fucking dry as hell
what the fuck I thought if you cook them in oil it prevents them from being dry
and makes them taste good


>> No.8157092
File: 235 KB, 532x453, Screen Shot 2016-09-10 at 5.25.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you salted it properly, it'll taste pretty good, albeit only for a few bites. Your dish is really lacking in starches, making the meal as a whole much more difficult to digest, and your stomach WILL let you know after a few bites

>> No.8157095

you didn't even say what you were making until just now

and you asked how it would taste

you realize how retarded this thread is

>> No.8157097

Cooking pork can be very fickle if you're cooking larger pieces, you must find the careful balance between safety and tenderness. When I cook pork, I tend to pull it off just as the inside has a cooked texture with an ever so slight hint of pink. Anything past that will leave you with a dry piece of pork.

>> No.8157098

Also, figuring out what spices to add and at what ratios really comes with experience. you need to figure out what each of them adds to a dish. You don't have to be perfect at it, but most cooks have a general understanding about the intensities and flavors of the spices they're working with.

>> No.8157100
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>If you salted it properly,
What do you mean by properly, I put salt on it.

>Your dish is really lacking in starches
Really what starches do i really need?

>I tend to pull it off just as the inside has a cooked texture with an ever so slight hint of pink
How are you supposed to know when to pull it off.
also is the cooking it in oil method like I just did any good?
Or is it just a meme.
I sincerely thought it would put the flavors from the oil/garlic into the meat but it didn't

I forgot to mention I cooked it from frozen,
would this have any effect?

>Also, figuring out what spices to add and at what ratios really comes with experience
what spices should you add to pork?



>> No.8157109
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It just takes practice. Knowing when a piece of food has too little or too much salt is really up to you, but its also up to you to find out how much salt that actually is. An easy starch for a meal like that might be mashed potatoes, but there are so many other options, such as carrots or even breading on the pork.
When cooking a piece of meat, you're looking for the most even temperture gradient through the meat as you can get, sitting just above or at the temperature the meat is 'cooked' at, and that can vary by meat. For pork, it's 145F, however this temperature varies by type of meat (These temperatures are easily found online). Because of this, it only makes sense to fully thaw the pork before you cook it so as to lower the temperature gradient from the outside to the inside of the pork when you cook it.
Cooking in oil is used to keep the meat from sticking to the pan, as well as allowing more surface are for the heat from the pan to touch the pork. The extra seasoning that you might've added to the oil would get cooked on to the surface of the pork. Don't use too much oil though, because that's just a waste of your oil (and your spices, if you want the right amount of spice flavor).
When it comes to knowing what seasonings go well on certain meats, thats really up to you to decide. You can google common pork seasonings and try them and see what sounds good, but really it all comes down to what you like.

I'm going to sleep, you can fuck off and get gud now

>> No.8157111


>> No.8157131

>I forgot to mention I cooked it from frozen,
>would this have any effect?

>> No.8157135

what kind of effect?

>> No.8157143

you shouldn't do PAN NICE AND HOT with non stick pans, the Teflon coating can degrade under high heat and ruin the pan / give you cancer

>> No.8157168

by the time the center reaches a high enough temperature to be properly cooked, the rest of it will be over-cooked and dry.

Ideally you wan to leave your meat out for just enough time for it to get close to room temperature through out.

But no longer because you run the risk of proliferating pathogens...

>> No.8157171

Protip until you know what you are doing stay the fuck away from cumin

>> No.8157176
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OP, to avoid having over/undercooked food even while following good recipes, you need to learn about accurately judging food temperature during cooking. My recommendation is to get a decent insta-read thermometer and take the guess work out of it completely.

If you don't want to cough up 80-100 bucks on a Thermapen, which is the best you're gonna get outside of a lab, then get the ThermoPop, which is still made by the same company and only 20-30 buckaroos.

Once you learn about what food looks and feels like at particular temps, you'll intuitively gain that vague and mystical 'feel' that all the chefs meme over. But in this case, you won't waste or ruin a lot of food trying and learning.

Good on you for learning and taking feedback, keep trying.

>> No.8157178

If you don't want it dry coat it with a bit of flour before cooking

>> No.8157238

>electric range
I'd say you're pretty fucking far from doing anything right.

>> No.8157247

I cooked on an electric coil range all through college and I still managed to get better. I grew up with parents having nice gas ranges. Their house when I was in school had a wolf range, which made it even more frustrating because I knew exactly what I was missing out on in my shitty apartment kitchen.

Once I graduated, I got a place with gas, and even though it's not as nice as my parents', it's still pretty fuckin slick, m8. Still getting used to my gas oven with the broiler on the ground, though

>> No.8157268

I lived in dorms and apartments for about ten years while going to college and getting my career off the ground. I'll never touch an electric stove again.

>> No.8158334

why are electric stoves shit?

they get the food hot no?

>> No.8158340

>you shouldn't do PAN NICE AND HOT with non stick pans
the fuck are non-stick pans even used for then?

>> No.8158437

Medium to low heat. Also for throwing in the garbage and getting normal cookware.

>> No.8158528

they take forever to heat up and fucking ages to cool down
they also tend to have problems keeping a constant temperature

also is captcha being a bitch for anyone else today

>> No.8159291

>the fuck are non-stick pans even used for then?

scrambled eggs

>> No.8159838

But if you wait for them to heat up shouldn't they cook food the same way a gas stove does?