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8153225 No.8153225 [Reply] [Original]

Is ketogenic diet safe?

>> No.8153234

That isn't a keto diet, that's just how you're supposed to eat. Except for the no beans part, what the fuck

>> No.8153327

Well technically ANY diet is safe until you die from it. Let's stay on the say side. A good diet is one you enjoy.

>> No.8154933

of course its safe people have lived off of 0 carbs longer than theyve been eating agriculturall produce

>> No.8154959

>How you're supposed to eat
>no milk
I smell a nonwhite

>> No.8154966

>0 carbs
>Diet includes vegetables

>> No.8154979

Obviously lol what the fuck

>> No.8154998
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If you're trying to lose weight fast just do intermittent fasting, nigga

Non of that keto shit works

>> No.8155005

How about you eat normally and get some fucking exercise you fatass fuckwit?

>> No.8155013


>fatass fuckwit

I'm actually underweight and I barely exercise, you fatty

Go do some more meme diets

>> No.8155035

is not
I'm guessing you're drunk right now?

>> No.8155057

>Zero carbs
>Eating anything

everything organic has carbs

>> No.8155130

Keto works, but it's not exactly ideal since once you have a slip up meal, you have to induce ketogenesis all over again, which can be hard if you go to people's houses or go out to eat with friends. You'll also bloat up if you get off of it.

>> No.8155356

Half-way house also works for me. I drink shit loads of milk and eat tons of yogurt. Only droppied refined carbs and replaced bread, rice and potatoes with steel-cut oats and quinoa.

My weight keeps dropping steadily on this diet. Full-on keto seems like a recipe for relapse to me.

>> No.8155396

diet causes heart disease
retards still think
>b...b...but le carbs are bad eat lard for max gains and fat loss lol


>> No.8155421

Safe to cull the idiots yes

>> No.8155467

>fat causes heart disease
This meme has been debunked long ago.

>> No.8155475
File: 318 KB, 1220x1488, butter intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainstream health organizations and doctors are wrong and lying to you just like vaccines and fluoride
>edgy reddit teenagers and fad diet blogs are the real redpills and have the truth

>> No.8155486

Italians would be dying from heart disease left and right if the saturated fat orthodoxy is correct.

>A 2009 scientific conference hosted by the University of Reading (UK) and organized and facilitated by the International Dairy Federation’s Standing Committee on Nutrition and Health found that despite the contribution of dairy products to the saturated fatty acid intake of the diet, there was no clear evidence that dairy food consumption is consistently associated with a higher risk of CVD.

Nutrition research is underfunded and subject to intense controversy.

This demonizing of specific foods is downright childish. Parroting the orthodoxy of the day doesn't make you anymore credible than the sceptics.

And tell my receading waist line that animal fats, butter and shit are harming my body.

>> No.8155488

No rice? Tell that to literally all of asia.

>> No.8155494

Rice-based agriculture used to be really labour intensive. It's one of the the reasons why China fell behind the west. Having to grow those carbs made people thinner.

I wonder how Chinese diets have changed as a result of extensive urbanization and whether obesity has gove up as a result.

>> No.8155500

>personal experience disproves science
>dairy federation funding research finding their product doesnt kill people despite it actually killing people, i will not question this
get some help, please.

inb4 paleo guru links

>> No.8155502

obesity has been rising because of meat and oil consumption rising drastically.

>> No.8155511

>no grains/rice

How are portion sizes with this? Are you hungrier more often and have to snack? Ok to drink beer?

This seems interesting and would look into trying it. I'm not an overweight neckbeard. But for health reasons >carbsarebadmmmkay.jpg I could use something like this. I eat a shit ton of carbs. Don't work out, but I'm 6'0" 165". Thinking about getting a gym membership too. Could be a good balance with that.

>> No.8155526

no. it's because of sugar.

>> No.8155542

>Italians would be dying from heart disease left and right if the saturated fat orthodoxy is correct.
#1 cause of death in italy is coronary artery disease


>>A 2009 scientific conference hosted by the University of Reading (UK) and organized and facilitated by the International Dairy Federation’s Standing Committee on Nutrition and Health found that despite the contribution of dairy products to the saturated fatty acid intake of the diet, there was no clear evidence that dairy food consumption is consistently associated with a higher risk of CVD.
...when looking at people who get their calories from refined carbs and sugars instead of dairy. compared to those who eat unsaturated fat or unrefined carbs like whole grains instead, the dairy eaters have increased risk. comparing your product to something equally disastrous for your health is an excellent business strategy big dairy adopted from the tobacco industry


>Parroting the orthodoxy of the day doesn't make you anymore credible than the sceptics.
just like the orthodoxy of evolution, the earth being round, gravity, and atomic theory

>> No.8155751

I fucking love intermittent fasting.

Weight comes off quick and I feel better, more alert. Maybe some sort of evolutionary function to get you at your best to go find some food.

It's gotta be good for your internal organs too. To give them a break. Especially with all the shit they put on and in food these days.

>> No.8155773

no....they eat so much of carbs

>> No.8155774

no need to cut out carbs completely, just reduce them. I usually have net carbs <100g per day.

>> No.8155779


It is until your blood goes ketoacidotic.

>> No.8155816
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>he doesn't drink milk or eat beans

>> No.8155915

They're not mutually exclusive

>One of the major changes driving the diabetes and obesity epidemic is the rapid nutrition transition that is occurring in Asian countries.137 This includes a shift to higher fat and lower carbohydrate content in the diet, along with increased intake of foods from animal sources, edible oils, and added sugars.

>The consumption of plant foods has reduced gradually while the consumption of animal food increased
>energy from fat has grown from 19% to 28%, while the energy from carbohydrate has reduced from 71% to 61%
>People, especially young people drink more and more sugar-containing beverages in China

>> No.8156426

>no rice
