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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8154373 No.8154373 [Reply] [Original]

So my supermarket started selling this weird a*s expensive eggs (almost 8$ x6)

>> No.8154377

Are you one of those fucks who is constantly whipping his phone out to take pictures of silly shit in the supermarket? Don't you realize that you're in other people's way when do you crap like that?

Leave your toys at home or in the car. You don't need to play with one while you're shopping.

>> No.8154387

I was waiting in line to buy ham. Are you one of those stressed fucks who can't enjoy life?

>> No.8154391
File: 171 KB, 548x618, 0ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shopping list is usually on my phone

>> No.8154398

*tips fedora*

>> No.8154399

No, I just don't see what's "enjoyable" about it.

>> No.8154401


>> No.8154402
File: 47 KB, 669x434, parisi_17x11_web1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea why 4chan rotated my pic, here is the egg guy btw

>> No.8154409

i'm enjoying your misery.

>> No.8154421
File: 110 KB, 462x348, 66236550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you literally just sperg out at someone for taking photos of food and posting it on /ck/?

>> No.8154424

That guy is uncomfortably hairy

>> No.8154426


>> No.8154431

He's french

>> No.8154432


The word you're looking for is "curiosity". I'm not upset by this behavior, rather I find it puzzling.

No, I sperged out because of phone toys. I think posting food on the food board makes perfect sense. The posting wasn't the problem. Playing with toys in public was.

>> No.8154436

Is he a new breed of egg-laying human or something? Does he shit eggs out like an antique queen? Who thought a picture of a middle-aged hairy man next to an egg was a good marketing strategy?

>> No.8154439
File: 26 KB, 600x750, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone toys

>> No.8154440

you are a faggot of immense proportion

>> No.8154441


They're like an adult pacifier or something. Most people these days can't live without one in constant contact with their hand. Taking it away is like stealing a teddy bear from a toddler; they simply can't handle it.

>> No.8154444

>I'm not upset
>I sperged out
check please

>> No.8154446

I'm not OP but:
>come from goat’s milk fed Livorno hens
>According to Parisi’s website, these particular eggs have a fresh taste, a yolk that is softer and richer in fat than most, with an uncommonly long protein structure and a mild almond flavor. They also have the capacity to incorporate three times the amount of air than the average yolk when whipped. Parisi recommends using his eggs for to mayo, zabaione, creams, and fresh pastas. I can add that they also make a nice carbonara.

I was curious too.

>> No.8154452

He's an italian chef

>> No.8154455

"I search for the hair in the egg", it's an italian proverb... just creepy

>> No.8154457

I'd buy, if the case was glass. Keep it for storing caged hen eggs

>> No.8154459

ok. thanx.

>> No.8154461

OP here. You are the reason why internet gets less funny every day

>> No.8154462

For the majority of people, they're just a tool.

>> No.8154469

OP here, my boyfriend bought these eggs by mistake (he didnt see the price), and we used them for normal cooking, i really didn't notice any difference

>> No.8154476

Well your boyfriend is obviously stupid and you deserve to be with someone more intelligent and better looking than he is. Hi. I'm Chad. How are you this fine evening?

>> No.8154482


>> No.8154486


Why should the internet be funny? Do you see it as an entertainment mechanism? If so, that's pretty bass-ackwards.

In my experience maybe 1 out of 10 people use their phone as a tool. The vast majority of the time it's playing silly little games, taking & uploading pointless pictures, and the like. And sometimes it gets just plain sad:

A couple years ago I was standing in line at the post office to mail off some tax documents. A woman near the head of the queue suddenly collapsed and fell on the ground. I had first aid training so I ran over to see what I could do. After seeing that she was breathing and had a heartbeat I look up...and see everyone with their phones out filming video. I had to scream at them for someone to call 911. Apparently they thought taking a video of this sick shit was more important than actually getting her help. Fucking disgusting. (Yeah, she ended up being OK, she was diabetic and had taken the wrong amount of insulin)

>> No.8154493

>Why should the internet be funny? Do you see it as an entertainment mechanism
Why are you on 4chan?

>> No.8154495
File: 1.96 MB, 350x320, go on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you see it as an entertainment mechanism? If so, that's pretty bass-ackwards.
How do YOU see the internet, and does 4chan meet your needs?

>> No.8154512

The Internet was made for porn. So yes, it is an entertainment mechanism.

>> No.8154517
File: 1.69 MB, 383x576, 1444000399324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dude

>> No.8154521

>I was standing in line at the post office to mail off some tax documents
thanx for the neetbux, mister!

>> No.8154526

>Why are you on 4chan?

I'm here to discuss food and cooking. I prefer it to other boards because there's no login hassles or idle personal chitchat.

>> No.8154528

>How do YOU see the internet, and does 4chan meet your needs?

As a place to do research, answer questions, and so on. Also useful for making online purchases, downloading useful software, and so on.

I answered your question, please answer mine.

>> No.8154532

How old are you?

>> No.8154533

can you repeat the question?

>> No.8154538

Is this guy trolling us or is he for real

>> No.8154541 [DELETED] 

>I prefer it to other boards because there's no [...] idle personal chitchat

>A couple years ago I was standing in line at the post office to mail off some tax documents. A woman near the head of the queue suddenly collapsed and fell on the ground. I had first aid training so I ran over to see what I could do. After seeing that she was breathing and had a heartbeat I look up...and see everyone with their phones out filming video. I had to scream at them for someone to call 911. Apparently they thought taking a video of this sick shit was more important than actually getting her help. Fucking disgusting. (Yeah, she ended up being OK, she was diabetic and had taken the wrong amount of insulin)

no idle personal chitchat

>> No.8154548
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1449627917985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you 12?

>> No.8154589

This is the secret behind you fancy eggs


>> No.8154626

The guy feds his hens his cum thats whats speical

>> No.8154660

>weird a*s expensive eggs (almost 8$ x6)

Why would you even think about it without immediately knowing it's a scam?

Even in the unlikely event there was something real behind it, unless the shop was in Trump Towers, they probably wouldn't sell 2 cartons a month and they'd be about as fresh as a Chinese 100 year old egg.

>> No.8154697

>Why would you even think about it without immediately knowing it's a scam?

Because for many ingredients--heck, I'd say MOST ingredients, you very much get what you pay for. We're used to thinking of food as sort of a commodity: we think "eggs, milk, carrots, etc". are all the same. But that's from being limited to supermarket-tier ingredients. Each and every one of those things exists in the not-so-good-but-cheap version, and also in the much-better-tasting but often expensive version. It's certainly possible that these eggs really are much better than normal ones.

Of course it's also possible that it's complete bullshit.

>> No.8154750


For eggs, that means one thing - fresher.
$8.00 x 6 eggs will not be that one thing.

>> No.8154762

Freshness is certainly important, and >>8154660 is correct in that these are likely to be sitting there for a while so they probably aren't all that fresh.

But, the diet of the chicken makes a massive difference as well. A chicken that eats factory farm feed is not going lay as tasty eggs as one that runs around in the farmyard and gets a much more varied diet.

>> No.8154781

>eats factory farm feed is not going lay as tasty eggs

Probably true as well, but since we literally never get a fresh factory egg, it's hard to know which comes first in importance, freshness or feed.

>> No.8154795


It's not hard to tell at all if you have chickens in your backyard.

>> No.8154831

Op here! This supermarket is placed in the center of Milan (IT), it's a well know chain that has a series of high quality aka very expensive ingredients. The bold and hairy guy is a famous (although I've never seen him before) chef. So yes, rich people are going crazy for this eggs

>> No.8154897

Clear evidence that wealth is inversely proportional to intelligence.

>> No.8156026

well if your so smart then why aren't you rich?

>> No.8156177


Fuc*, censorship is some bul*shi*. I can't believe those as*holes.

>> No.8156185

Better buy them to figure out if they are good lol
Better post pictures of them in Instagram and Facebook XD
I swear to god old rich people figuring out they can hire young girls fresh out of college to promote their shit online while paying them peanut an hour instead of trying to be hip and cool is the worst this that happened this decade

>> No.8156188

I actually enjoy taking pictures of angry and stressed costumers at the grocery store I just noticed the eggs while doing so

>> No.8156197

Interesting! thanks for sharing. I guess if I was making my own mayo, I might be intrigued. Can't think of why it'd enhance the other suggestions much though. Basic fried egg, then, yes.

I do think the Eggland's Best taste decent, plus I don't eat fish, so the omegas are a draw.

>> No.8157584

if the eggs are so good then what does the chicken taste like?

>> No.8157667


How do you know I'm not?

Inversely proportional in this case means "more wealth = less smarts."

>> No.8157815

If I'm going to pay quadruple the price for something, I'm definitely not going to mix it into a pasta or mayo. That's like using a $1000 bottle of wine to flambé a steak. If anything I'd eat those eggs raw.

>> No.8157860

any fucking faggot even considering buying those ridiculously priced eggs with that hipster advertising deserves someone getting in their way.

>> No.8158897

It's probably because the bald guy with the beard lays them.

>> No.8159150

Underrated post.

>> No.8159246

Why should I have to take the time, stress, and trouble to call 911 just for some stranger that collapsed? It's not my business if they collapse, I have no legal obligation to do anything.

>> No.8159251

You should move to mainland China. You would love it there

>> No.8159267

Are you Chinese or something?

This. Korea would suit him well too.

>> No.8159274

>>too socially awkward to ask others to get out of the way, lashes out at randoms on the internet

>> No.8159284

No, because what if I ever need help? I'b be fucked. I'm happy to live in a society where someone would probably help me out if I was in an emergency, I'm just not willing to contribute back to that, lol.

>> No.8159307

I'd get more likes on facebook if I videotape your death than I would if I called an emergency hotline. DWI