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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8150875 No.8150875 [Reply] [Original]

>thanksgiving dinners are going to be a thing of the past

makes me sad

>> No.8150877

why do you think that

>> No.8150879

I would fuck the hell out of her along with the two older ladies.

>> No.8150882

How do you know my language?

>> No.8150896
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>> No.8150904
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>> No.8150906


>> No.8150908
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>> No.8150958


>> No.8150977


>> No.8151012

I hope so. I'm already in the process of moving my family away from the traditional thanksgiving meal.

It's shit and we all know it. Thats why it's only eaten once a year

>> No.8151016


this, among a few other reasons, is why I am estranged to my family.

>> No.8151034

Not Canadian, but I got a good deal on turkey drumsticks Wednesday, so I bought and froze them to use Monday for a one-man Leafsgiving.
I've no work that day, so it'll likely just be me all on my lonesome (or perhaps one other friend who will also be off that day) eating smothered turkey drum, homemade stuffing and either collards or cabbage. I'm such a geek, I've been looking forward to it since the day I bought those drumsticks.

Every time I see this gif I think someone somehow posted a picture of my sister, then realise "oh, it's that gif again." Where the fuck is it from?

I'm from a culture that doesn't do Thanksgiving traditionally, but I'm halfmerican so I'm familiar with the concept. It seems nice and I've a hard time believing the pomp will just run dry.

>> No.8151037

This will be the case for me. Parents are old, and this may be the last year mom has it in her. Nearly lost her earlier this year. Once she's gone I'm sure as fuck not going to bother with a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Not a fan of the meal itself, just liked the excuse to get the whole extended family together. And that era is coming to an end in my family.

>> No.8151046

soon, we will sit down around the table and everyone will just chew on their nutritive sponges. no one will want to eat and swallow food.

>> No.8151051

I'm from Bongland and never had a Thanksgiving dinner. Are they always as eventful as American/Canadian tv makes out? Is the food that good?

>> No.8151057

Thanksgiving is pretty nice yeah, the food tastes better because you are with your family who loves you.

>> No.8151058

>Is the food that good?
Depends on how well that particular family can cook, and whether or not the traditions lean trashy. Some families add some really trashy dishes to the meal, like candied yams with marshmallows on top and green bean casserole made with condensed cream of mushroom soup. But the basics of the meal - a roast turkey with some sort of stuffing/dressing and gravy, cranberry sauce, fall vegetables and pumpkin pie - are just fine.

>> No.8151060

Oh. That wouldn't work with my family then. Nevermind.

>> No.8151064

Who carries on the legacy? Most women can't cook, especially for large groups. Most men aren't married by 30, and they don't bother making a big meal either. The breakdown of the nuclear and extended family in America will be the end of Thanksgiving.

>> No.8151082


While I agree with you that most people can't cook, that hasn't stopped thanksgiving yet. That situation has existed for 50 years or so. People will still do what they do now: rarely if ever cook, but will put forth effort (and usually make a shitty meal) on Thanksgiving.

There's also the ever-popular option of buying the thanksgiving meal as takeout.

>> No.8151086

>not liking yammallow
wazzamatta white boy? ascared of a lil flavah?

Seriously, though, I dated a Negress for seven years and the bitch's family, though college educated, were trashy as all fuck when it came to what they ate. You can take the 'groid out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the 'groid, I guess.

Basically, if the family can cook, the food is worth it.
If they can't but are pleasant, the togetherness is worth it.
If neither is true and everyone is awful, then there will at least be a good story to come out of it you can recount down the pub and you'll have a cool new scar from where your brother stabbed you with the carving fork or something.

>> No.8151089

People just order pre-made turkey dinners.

>> No.8151095
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My grandmother was always the entire driving force for thanksgiving. I hated her stuffing, but helped her make it every year for over a decade. At 25, and a single man I have no family to bring to the table. Sister is about the same age, same problem. Extended family has dwindled, mostly just died off - no new kids from anybody,
Now the other real issue is that my mother was one of those boomer kids, who didnt need to cook. She partied. I quite literally am more prepared to do the thanksgiving shabang over her, along with my now dead grandmother's recipes. Ive thought about it but Im scared of there being a weak turnout - or looking pathetic for being a single 25 year old man making thanksgiving dinner for my family...

>> No.8151098

You silly.
My kid and all his buddies and cousins are growing up with big family-style Thanksgivings. It's not going anywhere.

>mfw flying our family 2,000 miles for week-long "Thanksgiving" at my sisters' house this year
>mfw I have a text face

>> No.8151099

>looking pathetic for being a single 25 year old man making thanksgiving dinner for my family...
What about that is pathetic? Odd, I guess, but not pathetic

>> No.8151104

You guys are 25. There will be kids, and then traditions will rekindle.

By the way, I have the same problem with my boomer parents. Fucking boomers.
Mom always wants to get a take out Thanksgiving.
Fortunately my sisters and I are good cooks and overrule her. Our grandmothers taught us well :)

>> No.8151106

>fried / smoked / roasted turkey
>mashed potatoes and gravy
>homemade stuffing and dinner rolls
>green beans, carrots, fruit salad
>cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie

>>It's shit and we all know it.

no, it's your taste that is shit

>> No.8151112

Then why do you only have it once a year

>> No.8151114

Because it's a lot of work!! Also >Christmas

>> No.8151115
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>> No.8151116

>eating the same shit a month later

There's another problem

>> No.8151118

I eat turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, green beans, carrots, and fruit salad all year long, just not all together.

Pumpkin is a seasonal product that only grows in the fall. Cooking a whole turkey makes too much food unless you have a bunch of people to feed so stuffing doesn't get made if there's no bird to stuff. My family serves cranberry sauce at family meals throughout the holiday season.

>> No.8151119

Just fuck off of this board please.
You probably start fast food threads.

>> No.8151124

you have to go back you dirty fucking spic

>> No.8151127

Lol, but not really, because also:

>mashed yams
>brussels sprouts
>mince pie
>mulled wine

>> No.8151140

This is true for some, not others. My mom held the tradition together in my family, and she's not going to be around much longer. My boys live 1000 miles away, so I'm not going to make an elaborate Thanksgiving meal for just me and the wife. My sister's kids mare younger, and I'm sure she'll pick up the torch for her family when visiting my parents for the meal is no longer an option.
Turkey is a big bird, so traditionally it's cooked for celebrations where there will be large groups of people. It's not practical unless you're feeding a large group.

>> No.8151152

fuck off tradcon

>> No.8151192

Have you ever heard of maybe TRADITION? It's a thing you know? Why not put up a Christmas tree and leave it all year long too you fucking retard? Also Thanksgiving food is hard to make and unless your entire family both your mom's and dad's part are together with you every single day there's literally no point in cooking a turkey if you're going to eat it alone or with like 3 people, it's still not enough. Unless you're a glutenous fat son of a bitch that can gulf an entire turkey by yourself, that's your problem then

>> No.8151196

The more rural side of my family is like that, too. They've added a bunch of foodgore level dishes to the traditional holiday meals, and consider them essential elements. To them the green beans made with the can of mushroom soup, the yams with marshmallows and the corn pudding made with the can of condensed milk are as essential as the Turkey and the pumpkin pie. On the years when some of them came to my mother's for the meal they would always make it a point to bring one of those dishes, because they knew my mother didn't do them. I preferred my mother's add on anyways: creamed pearl onions, turnip mash and pork sausage in the stuffing).

Have a friend whose family always put oysters in the stuffing. That's kinda badass.

>> No.8151206

>Have you ever heard of maybe TRADITION?
Yep, and this one is for the mass murder of those red-skinned savages

>> No.8151217
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>> No.8151232

Ideally it's to celebrate America as the land of plenty. Yeah, it may be a little gross that we made up a friendship story starring the people we pretty much attempted genocide on to back it up. And equally gross that a nation with a considerable obesity problem has a national holiday dedicated to over eating and watching football on TV. But that's what the tradition has become. You either choose to participate or you don't.

I gave up on doing anything for Christmas the moment my boys were out on their own, but for some reason my wife doesn't want to let go of Thanksgiving. I think it's usually the women who keep this stuff going, as men are more likely not to give a fuck.

>> No.8151250

>Forced to pretend to not hate relatives
>Conversation is either forced or women blogging about nonsense while the men are completely uninterested
>Everybody is irritable and waiting to get set off
>The only reason anybody is actually talking is because somebody decided that conversation was valuable, no matter how bad it is, and that TV or any other form of entertainment isn't allowed
Nah nigga I'm perfectly fine eating alone in the comfort of my room with my TV and computer. If you have to force conversations or make time for them, you have nothing worth saying.

>> No.8151266

>Wanting to serve what family you have a thoughtful meal on Thanksgiving


Just no.

>> No.8151267

>mom becomes a Jehovah Witness
>beats the ever loving shit out of me all the time
>other side of family sexually abuses me me and then covers it up when cops find out
>can't have a decent thanksgiving dinner ever
>end up watching star wars original trilogy and eating premade pumpkin pie
>see threads like this
You don't fucking know what a nightmare it is to be alive for some people. Fuck "families"

>> No.8151270

Are you a girl?
Pls b n lunden

>> No.8151273

Tacos and James Bond is waaaay better anyways

>> No.8151277

It really depends on how fucked up your family is. I've got plenty of friends who trade family holiday horror stories. I'm from a family where everyone gets along and we enjoy each others' company. It also helps that no one is an obnoxious drunk. If anyone ends up wasted they're just laughing too loud instead of trying to pick fights.

>> No.8151302

>>mom becomes a Jehovah Witness
>>beats the ever loving shit out of me all the
Wtf? Does her religion state that she has to beat you up? Because that's messed up, I thought Jehovah's witnesses were just annoying pricks that knocked on people's doors and that they also have to let people die and not help in the case of an accident or some shit like that

>> No.8151311

>boys are 1000 miles away
You're supposed to bring them home for the holiday.
Fuckin' boomer.

>> No.8151324

That sucks. My family isn't perfect, but I always look forward to the holidays to see us all together having a good time.

>> No.8151362

Good thing I have a 50+ Italian family that always meet for holidays and stuff our faces.

>> No.8151384

At this point we're just as likely to go visit them (both live in the same city). They're more busy than we are.

>> No.8151387 [DELETED] 
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yeah, mostly because kikes are dissolving the nuclear family by empowering women to be bad versions of men and injecting shitskins into the usa to further destroy the traditions of a strong white society.

>> No.8151394

>my gf flies home
>I drive in
>we do the first meal at her families house
>second meal at my families
>catch a movie after or meet up with our friends at a dive bar to hangout

People who don't like thanksgiving are missing out. My gf is pescatarian so every year I cut a piece of Turkey and sneak it under her veggies. She gets butthurt and her father and I bust out laughing. Overall great time.

>> No.8151425

Nice blog post faggot

>> No.8151444

So go visit them for Thanksgiving! Come on, man.

>> No.8151448

First day on /ck/, friend?

>> No.8151452

And /pol/ wonders why nobody likes them

>> No.8151456


>le pol bogerman

back to tumblredit nigger

>> No.8151461

>le tumblr/reddit boogeyman
You guys seem to forget a lot that only your board is your hugbox echochamber, not the whole website.

>> No.8151473

I think this year they're going to hang with relatives from my wife's side of the family, who they are now physically closer to. We'll be down to visit come Christmas, though. Like I said, they're busier than we are. Young men trying to do everything all at once and keeping crazy hours.

>> No.8151474

>he doesn't have faith in football

Thanksgiving will always exist, but turkey and stuffing will be replaced by pizza and wings.

>> No.8151480

You still haven't stated anything to try to prove him wrong (because you can't really).

>> No.8151481

Spotted the guy who doesn't have thanksgiving dinner.

>> No.8151541

Other than the turkey and stuffing, what else do Amerifriends and Leafs eat on TG?

Also, would a stuffed turkey roulade be adequately Thanksgiving-y in your eyes?

I'm thinking to buy a boneless turkey breast, roll-fillet it into a thin-ish sheet, put onion-and-mushroom paste on it and roll it back up then bind and roast it.
Not only would it be much easier to carve into then a whole breast or whole turkey, but the fat in the onion/mushroom paste would also help keep the meat juicy more easily not to mention that the spiral of a nice roulade is just pleasing to look at.
Not sure what to serve it with, but wanna avoid stuffing because I'll be baking bread for the meal anyway. Was leaning towards a bacon-and-collards version of stamppot, having buttered carrots and parsnips as a veg side as well as a side of pork-stuffed mushrooms.

Sound nice? Any changes?

>> No.8151549

He doesn't need a proper response because he's baiting.

>> No.8151555

>Other than the turkey and stuffing,
Traditional stuff would be:
Mashed potatoes, especially with gravy made from the turkey giblets. Green beans (often green bean casserole), cranberries and/or cranberry sauce. Collards (or other greens, stewed). Macaroni and Cheese. Sweet potatoes cooked any number of ways. Pies: pumpkin, pecan, etc.

>>turkey roulade
The standard is a whole turkey roasted in the oven. I like roulades and I think everything you said about them makes perfect sense, but they are not typical.

>> No.8151571

Your sister looks like Cheryl Cole?
Gib contact plox

>> No.8151598
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>> No.8151599

My Dad cooks a turkey breast for him and his new wife he got after my Mom died. He calls every year to tell me it was good. I make a turkey, mashed potatoes, yeast rolls, green bean casserole, mac n cheese, dressing, collard greens, cranberry sauce, diced yams with brown sugar, pumpkin pie and apple pie for my new family. I don't watch football but me and the kids play outside and usually have a bonfire later on and roast marshmallows/make smores while their mother goes to wait in line for stores to open. It's normally around 70 degrees outside, sometimes a little more so it's perfect weather on Thanksgiving for outdoor things.

>> No.8151601

>Cheryl Coalburner

>> No.8151623

As I'm absolutely not going to buy a whole turkey, I was thinking to make chicken gravy using chicken giblets because, unlike turkey, I can buy chicken bones and chicken organs separately from whole birds.

Gonna make the stock; meanwhile, I'll run the giblets through the food processor to mince them (or I'll see if the butcher is willing to run them through the mincer for me).
Once the stock is made, I'll make a medium roux using chicken grease and plain flour with the addition of the giblet mince and some chopped onion then add the stock and make the gravy. That'll go with the roulade itself as well as the stamppot. By the way, stamppot is mashed potatoes with greens mixed in, usually endive.

Sweet potato has gotta go. Can't stand'em and forgot that they're traditional.

Green beans is a good idea. A simple dish of sautéed green beans with caramelised shallots.

Macaroni and cheese would be nice, too, but fear it's too much to have that along with everything else. One serving of the stuff is about 420 calories on its own.
The turkey roulade, the stamppot, the gravy, the carrot/parsnip thing, the green beans and the bread together would be about 1200 calories per plate. Adding macaroni and cheese would be overkill, I think.

>> No.8151633

>tfw every thanksgiving from age 9 has been literally horrific
>seeing people I havent seen for years at a time to the point where I dont remember the names of many aunts and uncles
>family problems, arguments, spic relatives getting drunk as usual
>my parents finally decided to cut ties with everyone on holidays to avoid drama
>Last year no drama, everyone helped, we ate, drank and laughed

What do you guys suggest for thanksgiving appetizers? My mum usually makes won tons but wants to add a few more dishes.

>> No.8151637

we always just had ritz crackers, cheese slices and pepperoni to make little sandwich things out of. Mostly nobody ate though to "save room for the real food" so that they would be starving when it was time.

>> No.8151643

My mom, dad and sister are pretty crazy over shrimp cocktail.

>> No.8151649

Eh, my Mom was never a great cook so we'd usually end up going to my grandmother's in Texas for Thanksgiving every year. I started taking charge when I was 14 and I've been doing all the holiday dinners single handedly ever since then. I always get the occasional jab from my friends that are like "Why are you celebrating Thanksgiving? You're Native American", bitch any excuse for me too cook amazing full on meals and have tasty leftovers for days is excuse enough for me. I have my own family now and I find it's a cozy family affair for all of us. Sure I get stressed out but in the end it's worth it. So it's still tradition for our family.

>> No.8151658

Oh and we only invite close family friends or family we actually like to our Thanksgiving. Some years we just have our little family together on thanksgiving and spend the day together then the day after we have other people over.

>> No.8151669

Pretty much. Among my extensive circle of friends, pretty much all of the atheists shun Thanksgiving and Christmas just to be rebels to their Christian families.

Atheists literally have nothing to be thankful for and they are too self-centered and selfish to really bother to give gifts on Christmas. Most of the time they use Christmas as an excuse to buy themselves something moderately expensive.

>> No.8151671

We do that with the Hawaiian bread with whatever bits are already cooked. But crackers sound reasonable wouldn't want everyone to get full early.

My nigger fried shrimp sounds even better.

>> No.8151689

But by frying the shrimp you would take up an eye on the stove for pan frying or take up counter space using a dedicated fryer to fry them up and there's already enough cooking/baking/whatever going on so I wouldn't want to do that, although you are correct. The fried shrimp would be better.

>> No.8151704
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As a mexican shitskin, I love holidays. I remember giving my younger cousins fireworks one time, green text time /ck/

>Be me, 19 years old, popping fireworks in the street like a proper 3rd world pleb
>One cousin, 8 years old, wearing a big hoodie, asks me for some fireworks, I give him pic related, a tiger claw
>This little shits blow up really strong, im pretty sure theyre little dynamite sticks
>Gave him some more shit so he can have fun because his family is poor
>All is well, hes having fun, all of his fireworks are gone, except for the Tiger Claw
>The little nigger lights it up, and tries to throw it, but the little dynamite stick is stuck in his big ass hoodie
>Kid is screaming, no one knows what is happening, Im pretty scared because Im responsible
>He finally manages to get it out of his hand but not so far, shit blows up and he losed the pinky finger, his mother was crying and shit, and proceed to put his hand in mustard
>Firework shrapnel hitted a little cousing in the cheek, she still has the scar
>They rushed the 2 of them to a hospital
>I open my presents like a goodboy at 12'O clock in the am
>3 PS4 games, clothes and money

It was a pretty good christmas

>> No.8151710

Last year's spread for me was:

Apple Cider
Hot Coco
Arnold Palmer
Peach Tea

>Main Course
Mashed Potatoes
White Gravy
Brown Gravy
Cranberry Stuffing
Cornbread Stuffing
Whole Turkey
Pumpkin Soup
Cream of Asparagus
Dinner rolls
Green been casserole
Cranberry Sauce
Bread Pudding
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Icecream

>> No.8151746

growing up i had thanksgiving dinner with family. we'd travel upstate to see my extended family and make a weekend of it. in my late teens we pretty much stopped traveling and had thanksgiving locally with the family that lived here. once i started college i stopped going to thanksgiving with my family and started having it with my group of friends. ten years after finishing college i'm starting to have thanksgiving with my family again.

thanksgiving is just a time to get together with the people who are important to you at that time. this year it'll be my cousins and their little children. next year it might be no one. it isn't about some normal rockwell idealized white bread vision of mom cooking while dad and grandpa sip beers in front of the football game. at least it isn't for regular ole americans like myself.

>> No.8151919

We do the oyster dressing and the turnip mash. Both are excellent.

>> No.8151925

Is that a Northeast thing?

>> No.8151947

Clams are more northeast. Oysters are more a part of the coastal south. The only people I know to make and eat oyster dressing as part of their tradition are from Georgia, SC and northern Florida.

>> No.8151957

I know someone from NJ who does it. Don't forget the Blue Point oysters are right off the coast of Long Island.

>> No.8151975

Do they do it as a traditional part of their Thanksgiving spread, then? I know people from Long Island and north NJ who eat oyster dressing, but they don't mention it as being traditional to TG. My dad's entire family are from that area. They eat sausage stuffing/dressing.

>> No.8151979

Well, half his family, anyway. The other half are raving religious lunatics who live in a desert.

>> No.8151980
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I'm not baiting, there is a general and legitamite attack on traditional family values and no one wants to talk about it because anything pointing out the difference among ethnicities has somehow become some big fucking no-no, so instead of discussing it on the one place that should have reasonable discourse it is instead met with "back to /pol" because of faggots like you who get offended on other faggot's behalf and you never have a proper reasoning as to why.

but please, feel free to populate the thread with even shittier replies friendino

>> No.8151982

>Ameriblob thinks he has traditions


>> No.8151991

I bet you think sitting down and eating as a family is important too you fucking mongoloid. Go back to worrying about where your
potatoes come from

>> No.8151992


>Yuropoor obsession posting

>> No.8152001

>Ameriblob thinks everyone who isn't fat and carrying a gun must be European


>> No.8152016
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Every time

>> No.8152022

So sad

>> No.8152031

I cannot eat any of your words. Are you sure this belongs on /ck/ and not somewhere else?

Is it just straight mashed turnips? I mix turnips and potatoes for mash. I like the sweetness.

>> No.8152050

We always have a fruit & veggie tray and a deli meat & cheese tray + a bunch of crackers.

>> No.8152056
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>literally copying his own replies for attention

have a (you)

and a reaction image

they're free because I know you can't afford it.

>> No.8152059


you can't eat pictures of food either you stupid fuckwipe.

>> No.8152068

Most men cannot cook either. Most young people in their 20s can't do more than boil water.

>> No.8152075

my family all hates each other so we don't have to see anyone. its awesome

>> No.8152080

Keep raging while your traditions are snuffed by Muhammad.

Must be why y'all are so touchy--I couldn't imagine sitting back while my country is invaded by young men.

>> No.8152087

Those vegetables look lazy and bland. Green peas and carrots for Thanksgiving? Boiled sprouts? Boiled everything?

>> No.8152118

I care so little that I feel a need to tell everyone how little I care

>> No.8152142
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Same boat, just no physical violence

>adopted when young
>adoptive parents divorce a year later
>adoptive family on both sides pretends I'm part of the family
>As I grow past childhood this facade quickly fades away
>literally none of them gave a shit about me, all the memories are meaningless
>thanksgivings (those I was invited to) went from becoming a cute little get together, to being forced and awkward, to not happening

I'm 23 and honestly I don't really feel like I have a family. I have random people in my life who kind of fill the roles, IE friends

I will never experience thanksgiving again until I start a family and begin the tradition again

>tfw building a strong family is my #1 life goal

>> No.8152157

>thanksgiving dinners are going to be a thing of the past
doubt it
the millennial age is probably going to bring it back through communal thanksgiving dinners between everyone who lives in a specific apartment, or neighborhood, or through best friends because real family can suck it

It was never about family in the first place

>> No.8152178

Fuck, Yamallow is a black thing? I always thought it was just my aunt?

Seriously, what a perfect waste of good marshmallows.

>> No.8152244

>That situation has existed for 50 years or so.
Not really. A lot of the greats are still alive, and most boomers with children can still put together a feast. But 20 and 30 yos? Forget about it.

>> No.8152287
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My family is small, and while I love them to death (most of the time), they can't cook for shit and our politics are complete opposites of the other, so Thanksgiving is always stressful as fuck. Out of the 9 people that attend, only my cousin and I are anything alike.

So usually all the older folks just shit on one, or sometimes both, of us while we just sit in silence or play along and act like their jokes are funny out of respect. Once my mom made a joke about how she used to abuse me and hit before I moved out, and I got yelled out for telling her that it really wasn't funny.

>tfw having to listen to my family complain about "the coloreds" while they spoon microwaved corn onto their plates

Honestly give me a Thanksgiving dinner with a group of friends, with good food, and a nice game or movie afterwards with a few drinks and I'll gladly take that over a "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner.

>> No.8152334

I have the usual family thanks giving every year, but there is almost always a friendsgiving either the weekend before or after where everyone contributes a holiday dish.

It's great plus we can get more trashed than we would around family.

>> No.8152349

Fuck the pilgrims and their holidays and buckled hats. If I ever see a pilgrim, I'm gonna kick his ass.

>> No.8152394
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I know I'm late to the game but fuck it

you began this 'discussion' with an inflammatory statement without proving any proof that could actually be dicussed, which, as you saw, means people called you out on.

if you want to have reasonable discource then you have to start it buddy.

if the tradition does falter I think >>8151064 is closer to the mark

>> No.8152442

Are you single?

>> No.8152469

My parents have made it their second jobs to ostracize our extended family, so getting together for a big thing has been a very rare occurrence, and I guess really not that worth it. It always devolves into a serious conflict that revolves around my now dead grandfather, who molested 4 of my female cousins when they were kids. Grandma will call one of them a slut, everyone's feelings will get hurt, then she'll come around the corner to complain about how all of her grandkids and great-grandkids besides me are dating "niggers or Polynesians."

Feelings get hurt, everyone is unhappy, the meal is bland...

I strongly prefer the friends Thanksgiving I generally put on with people, but even that's going to be shitty due to a fallout.

Man, OP, I didn't imagine to be hit this hard by this, but fuck Thanksgiving, I guess. Not as much as Christmas, but damn.

>> No.8152477

Here comes the rootless cosmopolitan

>> No.8152483

Canadian here, and well, your wrong. I have had dinners with friends every year for the past 6 or so.We have no real family that live here in Toronto, so we started our own tradition....my friend and his wife are my age (25) and they put together a great meal. She makes amazing turkey, even though she is vegetarian. We sit around the table, getting drunk and passing joints around, shooting the shit, listening and playing music. Then after that, we taxi it across town to another friends family who has a pig roast every year. Get more fucked up there, eat more, and wake up the next afternoon. People will start there own things, as long as there is a designated holiday with a name.

Your pretty much saying people don't celebrate xmas anymore too....

I love thanks giving. gonna smoke a 6 paper joint and get fucking trashed. gonna be great! Maybe I should get some cocaine for after....good call.

>> No.8152488
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>> No.8152538

That's quite a noble goal anon

>> No.8152539

My family always starts with some English cheddar and crackers and pic related because Grandpa had a subscription to their olives.
That's for everybody to eat while the final cooking takes place.

>> No.8152554

My family is latino. We have a big, cohesive fsmily and we do massive Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts every year. The mantle of western civilization will be carried onward by latinos. I'm seriously lmoaing @ ur lives silly white people.

>> No.8152556

>pic related
>no pic

>> No.8152569
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>> No.8152574

la raza detected

>> No.8152576

>subscription to their olives

>> No.8152580

pilgrims are deader than indians

>> No.8152620

You poor baby. You should know adoption makes a little perpetual wound of rejection, and I hope what you say is not true about them. While it could be correct to some degree, don't cut off these people who have history with you, saw you grow up. They can mature a bit more too, and come to cherish you, especially when you do have a family and children of your own.

While that's my life story, quite the opposite of lack of family, we had the giant family reunions only a family of 8 can do when it produces that many cousins. My (rich) but poor grandma starting baking those pies a couple of months in advance, deep freezing the pecan cheesecake for the big day. She got up at 4am, and make two turkeys and a giant pot roast in her two ovens, the gravy all of it. She started cooking the day before with potato salad with bacon, wine-rich sauerkraut, and other oddities that were just part of the big giant spread. Was it all loveliness? Oh hell no. Dysfunctional in-laws, sibling rivalries, drugs and rock n roll in the garage with the neighborhood kids all having a block party out of it. Someone always wrestled in the living room with the barking dogs and pissed off grandma with some foul language in retaliation to take it outside. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but there was drama.
All my grandparents are gone. My mom is lazy (and retired), and honestly, if I don't do it, no one will do the favorite dishes like gizzard stuffing. But, see all my family at once like I grew up with on Christmas? Thanksgiving? Never again, likely. It's pretty sad, OP.

One of my favorite movie genres is the dysfunctional family meal gathering film, from The Ref, Home for the Holidays, Family Stone, Soul Food, Tortilla soup, Four Christmases.etc.

>> No.8152631

This guy isn't 100% wrong.

It's always my grandparents hosting Thanksgiving events. And now that the two remaining are both widow/ers, that tradition is waning nevertheless.

>> No.8152652

tortilla soup. that's a /ck/ movie.

can i come

>> No.8152655

This veiled /pol/ thread has a thicker veil than usual, but I can still tell you're not here to talk about food.

>> No.8152681

>Large Asian family we all celebrate Thanksgiving

We honorable chinamen will carry on tradition for you, round eye.

>> No.8152699

Nope, happily married for 5 years and we have a 4 year old daughter that loves to "help" cook/bake with us.

>> No.8152866

My dad is originally from Jersey, and his family did the turnip mash. He moved to the gulf coast where I grew up. That's how we get the oyster dressing.

>> No.8152875

We mix turnips and potatoes for our mash too.

>> No.8152946

apparently neither are you mr. hall monitor

>> No.8152952

I don't think I've ever had a pleasant Thanksgiving memory.

My grandmother had always hosted Thanksgiving in her tiny, hot, smoke drenched home and her cooking had been on the decline before years before she eventually just started catering, which is okay but nothing special. The real problem is that her house stays the same size while my family grows larger and larger, making each one worse.

My mom, on the other hand, is an excellent cook. Christmas dinner at our house is my favorite time of the year.

>> No.8152972

not an argument.

>> No.8152983

>he doesn't know being fat and carrying a gun puts you in the top %5 of wealthy humans on earth.
third worlder or jealous euro?

>> No.8152987
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>> No.8152997

>belong to the local fighting game community
>live in an apartment with 2 other guys
>every thanksgiving invite a dozen street fighter faggots over for dinner
>everyone pitches in 10 bucks, I make a turkey and a ham, somebody brings a folding table, make a big ass buffet spread
>potatoes and green bean casserole from scratch
>costco pies
>get some beer and some soda
If you're not enough of a loser to have some nerd friends, invite them over for Thanksgiving because they're probably doing nothing just like you are.
It doesn't have to be ON Thanksgiving, a bunch of them still visit their families on the actual day. Make it a week before or a week later.

>> No.8152998

My lazy ass mom can calm down because I'm making the food and only sharing it with people who come to the house with creative ideas. They who bring the doomed to be burnt crescent rolls will eat only that. Burnt oily bread. Sick of this shit.