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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 540x360, in_n_out_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8145965 No.8145965 [Reply] [Original]

>live on the east coast
>get told by smug west coast cunts my entire life about the clear superiority of in-n-out to any other burger chain
>finally go to the west coast to try one

Wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.8145970

enjoy your bitter small mind east coast shitposter

>> No.8145971

these are the same people that think a man in a dress is a woman.

>> No.8145977

Small mind because I am not jizzing my pants over a cheap 7/10, fresh burger? Don't get me wrong, I see the appeal and would probably get it semi-regularly if I lived here, but some of you faggots act like this shit is some prized jewel of the west.

>> No.8145981 [DELETED] 

enjoy your mulatto grandchildren and never having a son-in-law

>> No.8145992 [DELETED] 

Lmfao, this is coming from the cuck in the spic capital

>> No.8145996

As an East coaster, I understand why West coasters like it. It's quick (compared to all other chain burger places in the West) and good quality. East coasters just aren't impressed by In-N-Out because our burger places are already fast and well-made.

>> No.8146047

as a fucking moron, you're stupider than you sound. innnout is at least 25% longer than carls jr, del taco wendys etc. you need your heels rubbed you idiot.

>> No.8146086

Maybe hes talking about good local burger joints not fucking mcdonalds tier Wendy's or hardees

>> No.8146089 [DELETED] 

you jumped to a 10 fucking fast. goddamn

>> No.8146110

yeah its overrated, tastes like an average burger

>> No.8146120

way to be gay california.

>> No.8146194
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Is it wrong to assume if I wear a skirt I'm not a little girl

>> No.8146225


I live right across the street from one. It's nothing special at all, save for the satisfaction that east coasters will never have one. Just smug bullshit.

It reminds me of voodoo donuts in Portland, where I had lived before. It's a fucking meme. Nothing superior arbout it at all.

>> No.8146274
File: 1.49 MB, 1440x2560, IMG_20160323_183225208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey my gf works at Voodoo in Denver and just look at this adorable doughnut

>> No.8146292
File: 166 KB, 716x716, IMG_20150528_225106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bashing Voodoo, co/ck/stain, and look at those adorable doughnut pandas

>> No.8146307

Culvers>In n Out>Freddy's>Steak n Shake

>> No.8146310

It's fucking average. Plus the fries are shit

>> No.8146349


Live in cali, I like it, but it IS overrated. no Bacon, no BBQ sauce, its a nice fresh burger, but I still like 5 guys better, carl's jr.

>> No.8146373

It's okay, not a Whataburger, but more decent than most fast food burgers.

>> No.8146724

This. Carls Jr has them beat. Even the big hamburger for 1.50 is a better burger.

>> No.8146744

shake shack > in n out > five guys > wendy's > everything else

>> No.8146774

That's fine, as long as you agree Five Guys is overpriced and overhyped -- more hyped than In 'n' Out.

>> No.8146789

I'll never undtsand how you people can bicker about what food is better all the time...

If it keeps you alive and fed it's good

>> No.8146809

It really is fucking nothing.
It's either because they grew up with it or they're just pathetic cunts.

>> No.8146811

I went to In n Out one time. I was not in n out. I had to return my order three times because they messed it up and it was a soggy nasty mess

>> No.8146828
File: 217 KB, 1000x750, P1060594procres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just beef patties with kraft singles, grilled onions, iceberg lettuce, and a slice of tomato between two white bread buns.

That's it.

Ever have a beef patty and a slice of fake cheese between two buns?

>superiority of in-n-out to any other burger chain.

It's just the price and the size.

McDonald's burgers are tiny in comparison.

>> No.8146845

Can you get one of each and show them side by side for comparison in size or is that asking too much

>> No.8146872
File: 40 KB, 320x240, IMG_0721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's comical that anyone would think these regional burger joints even hold a candle to the BIG THREE: McDonald's, BK, and Wendy's will never be dethroned.

>> No.8146880

Nah, I don't eat fast food anymore.

That pic is from four years ago.

>> No.8147216

Even worse, I fell for the animal style meme, and looked in abject horror as I was served some soggy fries with a microwaved square of American cheese over it and some overpowering grilled onions and sickly sweet thousand island. I legit went to another location to see if this was just a fluke but was served the same monstrosity.

>> No.8147229

> Don't get me wrong, I see the appeal and would probably get it semi-regularly if I lived here

and you somehow are making fun of others for doing the same?

>> No.8147230

>my fast food is better than your fast food
>wow, it's fucking nothing

This used to be an adult board. I'm not sure what happened.

>> No.8147241
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>> No.8147262
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The only burger place thats actually worth a damn is cookout. if you've never had a chance to eat there I pity you. Sadly, though, they are only found in ithe proverbial south.

>> No.8147282
File: 181 KB, 1499x1120, 28-white-castle-burgers.w750.h560.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like you fags with White Castle

>> No.8147284

It's decent, good for the price, but nothing special. Just West Coast spin. Like New York pizza being the best in the world when in reality it's just like everywhere else(mostly decent, some terrible, some great).
Shake Shack is where it's at. Especially now that they're expanding and opened one up a short walk from my house in Los Angeles.

>> No.8147299

Fuck off, portillos is God compared to your culinary shit in a bun

>> No.8147348

I wouldn't have any beef if the general opinion on In-n-Out was
>hey this is a pretty decent, fresh burger at a cheap price
rather than

Damn, somebody is salty

wut? I was just near a white castle in Vegas. white castle is absolute gutter trash tho, and I've never seen anybody defend it as anything higher than stoner food.

>> No.8147376

Carls jr=culvers(literally only because of cheese curds) > freddies > in n out. In n out is okay but only okay.

>> No.8147489

where exactly have you gone to in nyc to get this authentic "nyc" pizza?

>> No.8147497

I bet that faggot went to Manhattan expecting good pizza and got some shitty arab peddled dollar slice or some overpriced tourist trap sit down restaurant.

>> No.8147502

probably what I'm thinking mang.

timesquare is the heart of the city. AMIRITE or AMIRITE?

>> No.8147504


Cook out tastes really basic, like you went to kroger, bought a hamburger, and grilled it at home, which isn't bad, but it's not very special.

It is cheap as fuck though

>> No.8147751

Did you get the burger animal style? If you didn't you haven't actually had In-N-Out

Fuck White Castle.
Honestly the lowest teir burger/fast food created.

Smells like a bag of dog barf, looks like a bag of dog barf, feels like a bag of dog barf and tastes like a bag of dog barf.

When ketchup is needed to make your shit burger not taste awful, you know you fucked up.

>> No.8148140

Huge menu, but most things on it aren't super good. Their burgers are particularly bland.

>> No.8148141

I fucking love White Castle.

>> No.8148253

>get told by smug west coast cunts
There's your problem. That smugness doesn't come from those on the West Coast actually having anything better than the East beyond the weather. That smugness is a defense mechanism they project so they don't feel second best. Because when it comes to food and culture they're able to do OK, until the inevitable New York comparison blows them the fuck out. They've even lost their claim on good Mexican food. So what do they have left? Crowing about an iconic regional burger chain, which is Texas or South Carolina level sad.

But let's face it: on your first couple visits there it is entirely worth your time to have a few double doubles. It's a totally acceptable burger at a decent price. It's not Shake Shack level, but you don't have to rub West Coast noses in that. Let them have it. They're still better than the Midwest.

>> No.8148262

OP here, had an animal style burger and I genuinely hated it. Got it with raw onions and it was pretty okay.

>> No.8148263

Does anyone really do this?

Everyone I've ever talked to is always "You gotta try this" when talking about their favorite places, not "Everywhere else sucks".

>> No.8148302

Oh man voodoo donuts. Pretty much like anything in portland, all style no substance. The cereal on top of the donuts is stale, they use premade dough you'd find in donuts in your local supermarket and they taste like it too.

I gotta say the animal stye double double is great though. There's nothing like it on the east coast.

>> No.8148304

White Castle is excellent drunk food. But god damn, the farts this place will give you are unworldly...

>> No.8148310

LMAO you east coast cucks have a goddamn Krystal burger on every corner and you'll actually defend it. In n Out is fine, and this is coming from a south coaster raised on Whataburger

>> No.8148324

But ANON, the donuts are just so WACKY. LOL!!!

Seriously I live in Portland and I have to explain to everyone that moves here that Voodoo is a tourist trap and not a good donut shop

>> No.8148340

I visit Portland every so often and prefer Blue Star so much more.

That said, I'm from Seattle and I think Dicks fucking sucks dicks unless you're drunk.

>> No.8148344

Enjoy your white castle meme burger, desu senpai beta autistic nu- male cuck

>> No.8148370

>hype ruined X
This must be the first instance of such in human history

>> No.8148374

>Krystal burger

What the fuck is a Krystal burger?

NJ fag here.

>> No.8148380
File: 38 KB, 473x309, puke-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the in-n-out meme goes like this.

>> No.8148387

Sorry, it's not so much east coast as a southern thing. It's exactly like white castle. I tried it 3 times and only enjoyed it drunk.

>> No.8148393


So you bought something disgusting that you don't want to eat TWICE? That sounds rather sad, Anon.

>> No.8148460

I went to Phoenix for work a couple weeks ago and tried In N Out for the first time. I thought it was pretty good.

The burger itself was mediocre but I really liked the animal fries. 5 Guys has superior burgers IMO.

>> No.8148498


>> No.8148502

If you expect ANYTHING from a fast food chain you haven't had other than "hey, it's another fast food chain with slightly shittier/less shitty food", you deserve to be disappointed with your shitty life.

>> No.8148707


>american food
>anything higher then average
>arguing about fucking fast food

topest of lels

>> No.8148746

This. It's pretty good, but jesus christ Californians overrate this shit.

>> No.8148757

A Culver's just opened by me. I now don't understand why it was never hyped. It deserved it way more than these other regional places people obsess over.

>> No.8148765

its because we have multiple fresh, fast burger places and all they seem to have is In-N-Out so they have to overhype the food

>> No.8148768

in the past few years they've started popping up in texas and LITERALLY everyone i've talked to has that same reaction. i mean its not bad, but holy shit fucking californians have raised up their slightly better mcdonalds way too high

>> No.8148769

Five Guys is overpriced, but you live in a strange bubble if it's more hyped than In n' Out.

>> No.8148782
File: 218 KB, 1328x747, spoida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Damn, somebody is salty
OP is the most buttblasted east coaster I have ever seen holy kek

>> No.8148787

I literally don't think I've ever known a person who defends Krystal.

>> No.8148797
File: 32 KB, 920x553, 920x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

culvers is the one of the worst regional burger chains

It's right around burgerville quality range and the burger just fills you mouth with film/grease/"butter"

mcchicken > shake shack> in n out > whataburger > super duper burger > 5 goys

>> No.8148962

I used to live in Brooklyn and ate pizza from innumerable restaurants/stands/carts all over the city. Stop trying to perpetuate your pizza myth, homos.

>> No.8149005

That's the thing you stupid nigger. Californians would never stop jizzing over how above the rest in-n-out was, how it's freshness put it in a class of its own. So getting a generic fast food burger was a let down.

>> No.8149049


BK in california is going downhill fast. I've seen 4 locations close.

>> No.8149158

I lived in southern California for 20 years and can say this place is over hyped. Plenty of other great burger places. Plus fuck mormonism.

>> No.8149389
File: 220 KB, 584x561, Cookout-TraySignage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cookout >>>>>In-N-Out

>> No.8149416

My region has no resident chains, only transplants.

Of those transplants, Culvers is clearly the best. That includes Whattaburger, Shake Shack, Five Guys, Burger Fi, and Burger 21. I also get In n Out a couple times a year when traveling.

So I'm not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.8149420

Actually, I lied. We have Checkers. Which is really good. But not better than Culver's.

>> No.8149775

That's because after the hype wore off almost everyone here agreed that whataburger is actually better. Not that I dislike in n out at all or that I've met a Texan who didn't like it. I'm very happy to have both. In n Out is good but it's over hyped. Same for anyone who claims whataburger is the world's greatest burger. They are both just good for convenience fast food.

>> No.8149779

price has gone ^ pic
but yea it's great

>> No.8149788

They are Christians. Why do fags keeps saying In-N-Out are Mormons?

>> No.8149919

"Animal style" is really fucking gross. It's more intensely pickle-y than a jar of pickle juice.

>> No.8149964

Why is it that only people outside of California are capable of making these threads....? It's almost like if you go into something with the mindset of already hating it; 99% of the time you are still going to hate it. Stay salty east coast retards, at least I have In n out.

>> No.8149972

You just confirmed your own confirmation bias while complaining about confirmation bias, dummy.

>> No.8150011

You continue to show your laughable ignorance. The idea of "New York pizza" is highly personal, the mom and pop pizzeria around the block you've been eating at since you could walk. The best pizza in New York to one New Yorker will not be the same as another's preference. This is something ingrained in the New Yorker identity, something that clearly calls you out as a tourist.

All this aside, most Italians have long moved out to the suburbs of Staten Island and New Jersey, and Brooklyn is becoming increasingly Chinese and Russian. Soon, the best place to even get a slice in the States will be the exclusive domain of New Jersey and possibly some specklings in Connecticut.

>> No.8150013
File: 86 KB, 600x600, pandough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus those look so sloppy and sad

>> No.8150021

You sound like the same insufferable "lol represent son" kind of faggots I have to deal with every single time I decide I want something from San Fransisco.

>> No.8150030

in your own special mind I'm sure you're correct

>> No.8150038

You are so fucking full of shit. If the food is only good because of sentimental nonsense then it isn't actually good, dipshit.

>> No.8150044

Having lived in TN for about a year now (former califag), Cook-Out is alright, and definitely the quick fiver place to go for me and my roommate. That said, the burgers aren't as good as In-N-Out, especially if we dip into the popular customizations; CO has more options, but INO just makes a better burger, although not so much better that, between the two of them, I would go out of my way for the latter, especially when the former is cheaper.

Honestly, if we had a Jack anywhere nearby, that would still be my go-to place, but part of that is admittedly that I resort to fast food for quick variety at a cheap price.

>> No.8150133

California's prattle on about in n out because they genuinely think it's good, since the standard if food here is in the fucking toilet for the most part

>> No.8150146

Los Angeles is the new food capitol of America. Chefs are fleeing the East Coast for SoCal.

>> No.8150237

California loves it because it's one of the only things they can afford after spending all of their income on rent/mortgage.

>> No.8150244

But that's right you fucking faggot.
It would be wrong to say that a male in a dress is a female. Gender!=sex.

>> No.8150245

hurrrdurr i felt the same way when i went to canada and everyone told me i needed to get poutine.

gravy fries and cheese. they're actually proud of this shit.

>> No.8150270

You realize that people in New York call SoCal cheap, right?

>> No.8150338

And people in New York think a 2 dollar slice of cardboard with cheese is a delicious value. They're both retarded and overpaying to live in their shit areas.

>> No.8150359


I was born in CA and even I know in n out is not God tier. it's pretty good burgers and shit fries. nothing to get super hyped about at all.

>> No.8150360

its fuckin good and hey guess what

your gay

>> No.8150435

>shit areas
nigga u dumb

>> No.8151216

>live in texas
>have glorious whataburger, five guys and in-n-out
>get told by East Coast shitters that White Castle is the best thing ever
>go to one
>its fucking shit

>> No.8151239
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Last time I had these, a raw sewage smell emanated from my microwave.

>> No.8151251

you're not supposed to microwave those
you're supposed to make them into stuffing

>> No.8151305

in n out is good for its price, but i wouldnt even consider it an option if it was a dollar more per item. i dont even live near one, but ive visited the west coast many times. tbqh culvers>in n out.

>> No.8151318

>The idea of "New York pizza" is highly personal
This is because there are 10 different styles of pizza available in NYC, and several of them pretty much originated here. New York pizza can mean a coal oven pie like the ones served at Totono's and Lombardi's. It can just as easily refer to the wide, flat slices topped with low moisture cheese at a neighborhood slice joint. But New York pizza can also mean the square Sicilian pizza at L&B Spumoni, or the clam pie at Lee's in Staten Island. And the newer places getting the most buzz in NYC right now are mostly wood oven places doing their own riffs on Neopolitan pizza. Plus the crappy 99 cent slice joints.

All of that qualifies as New York pizza.

>> No.8151363

South coasters unite

>> No.8151374

>All of that qualifies as New York pizza.
Shame none of it qualifies as pizza.

>> No.8151705


>> No.8151964
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>> No.8151985

while i think in and out is absurdly overhyped, i think it still kicks the shit out of mcdonalds/bk/wendys. in & out is just a regular ass burger. mcdonalds are like the twinkies of burgers; they're tasty but you know they're not actually food they're just engineered to make you think you're eating food. wendy's are so fucking greasy the last time i went to one the instant my friend opened the wrapper a literal stream of liquid grease poured out of it, at least a couple tablespoons. burger king maybe it's my area but it's just disgusting. i've gone to two in the last 6 years or so and both times everyone involved felt sick afterwards.

none of them hold a candle to a burger you make yourself or order at a non-chain cafe or restraunt, but of the four in & out is by far the closest.

>> No.8152004

Five guys is better

Fight me westcucks

>> No.8152033

In and Out is cheaper. 3.50 for a double double. I have some shitty burgers from mom and pop places.

>> No.8152066

Burgers (and fast food in general) are for plebs anyhow, so GTFO

>any of the workers like their job
>any of the food is actually good
>like it's not just a disgusting business led by fags trying to claw their way to the top through shitty businesses

Fuck you and anyone else that supports fast food with their dollar.

>> No.8152215

>no assholes run small businesses, just big businesses
Take it to >>>/pol/ ya dipshit.

>> No.8152231

>ctrl+f "small businesses" or "big businesses"
>>1 of 2 matches: your post and this post
fuck off, nigger

>> No.8152343

Learn how to post coherently, you dumb dildo.

>> No.8152362


Dicks is overrated as fuck and I don't get why everyone around here loves it.

>> No.8152368


>> No.8152376

>Proving his point more

>> No.8152395

Five Guys >= Culvers > Steak n' Shake > White Castle

>inb4 all the salt over Five Guys

>> No.8152513

What's with the five guys hatred meme? They make a genuinely delicious burger with no skimping on the meat and a tasty, high quality bun. Like I guess the price is out of mummy's daily tendy allowance, but I'd argue you're definite lot getting the extra quality in what you pay for, and the fry scoops are generous as fuck.

>> No.8152892

Lol. Lived on the east coast for half my life. It's a fact that you're mostly salty shitters. I would be too if I spent literally another day in the disgusting east coast cities
>muh muh New York... B...Best city on da world!!!
Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh fucking off yourself