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File: 316 KB, 730x485, 122815_Buttered_Coffee_Blog_730x485_RB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8142353 No.8142353 [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans really do this? Explain yourselves.

>> No.8142356
File: 7 KB, 236x178, fa35b0eb43fa459f8c7b2e7dcdd00226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are disgusting.

>> No.8142358

it's that innovation and adventurous spirit that puts men on the moon.

>> No.8142360

>trying this hard for attention

literally pathetic

>> No.8142361

Nice loaded question OP

Of course nobody does this

>> No.8142363

Ever since i heard that mcdonald uses deep fryer grease to heat coffee like op pic i can never drink it. I now find all fast food places coffee tastes greasy.

>> No.8142366

The guy who started the "bulletproof" coffee meme actually first had buttered tea/coffee in Nepal using yak butter. It's literally all over the internet, OP is just trying to bait... again.

>> No.8142370

You blend it up, moron. Lol. no one drinks a layer of fat of hot coffee. No one.

>> No.8142371

>it's a meme

>> No.8142372

i heard a thing it must be true!

>> No.8142375

Literally look up the bulletproof coffee brand website, it's a meme.

>> No.8142384

literal actual autism

>> No.8142385

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.8142386

>lol hot fryer fat into water will heat it up fast u guys!

and yet there are no McDonald's grease fire epidemics across the world. it's almost like you're a retard with no frame of reference for how things work in the real world.

>> No.8142388

Are we going by the origins Dawkins definition of ideas/information passed on through social interaction? Because that's literally what Bulletproof coffee is, sperg.

>> No.8142390

>he thinks 4chan invented the word "meme"

I thought summer was over....

>> No.8142392
File: 222 KB, 283x270, 3cool8me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

euros obsessed with america

>> No.8142393

>debating the word 'meme' is the new meme

>> No.8142395

people on low carb/keto diets do this.

>> No.8142398

no dipshit, debating the meaning of the word "cuck" is the new meme

>> No.8142401
File: 65 KB, 636x358, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though in general it is not done. I can confirm it does happen.

>> No.8142403


couldn't they just drink black coffee?

>> No.8142406

>this poorly done Photoshop will prove my point!

This isn't reddit, moron

>> No.8142410

Some hipster found a new, retarded way to sell coffee is all.

He claims it doesn't work right unless you buy the specific shit HE sells.

>> No.8142412

No they don't. Next question.

>> No.8142413

You missed the part where he said keto/low carb diet. Inb4 "lol what's that even supposed to mean?" Google the keto diet and educate yourself.

>> No.8142420

Yeah, that's where I realized that this was a sham. His lies about how his secret coffee beans are the only ones in the world grown without mold, even Joe Rogan called him out on that after he was on his podcast.

>> No.8142422


how would not adding butter to your coffee violate the principles of those diets?

>> No.8142427

>Google it and educate yourself

>> No.8142428

But of course when murkans shit on yuros, that's not obsession at all

>> No.8142432

so mad desu

>> No.8142434


OK I googled it and it really does say that black coffee is forbidden and you must put butter in it.

>> No.8142441

>lol I promise I did it, will you spoonfeed me the answer yet?

lazy, no wonder no one loves you.

>> No.8142444

No one does this...

>> No.8142465


I don't need to bother to know that diets forbid eating certain things rather than demand that you put butter in your coffee.

>> No.8142491

Count the buzzwords on the website. And yes, liking it is a meme, just like people's hard-ons for Nutella.

>> No.8142493

I remember reading something about how the butter makes the caffeine have more of an effect, but then you crash way harder.

>> No.8142497

A colleague of mine use to do this he was Dutch so I'm not sure it's an Amerifat thing

>> No.8142501
File: 204 KB, 398x488, nick33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8142508

Had this this morning, and it was glorious. 2 tbls of heavy cream and 1 tbls of unsalted kerrygold butter.

For fuck's sake STIR THAT SHIT IN THOUGH! When I'm not lazy I'll use the immersion blender.

>> No.8142530

Yak butter in tea is lovely, and no, Americans don't do that

>> No.8142542


>> No.8142560

Control + f "americans" on this board and compare how results you get compared to "euro"

>> No.8142574
File: 65 KB, 1576x1332, soda_addict.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is like a car crash.
You don't want to look but you can't help it and when you do you feel a bit sick.

>> No.8142590

I work with a gentleman that puts a shot of easy cheese in his coffee. Says he picked up the habit when he was in the military and prefers easy cheese to cream and sugar.

>> No.8142611

Yeah, America's such an awful place, so fucking horrible and backwards, yet everyone and their grandma is desperate to come to our country. Doesn't make ANY sense.

>> No.8142614

Not horrible, just backwards.

>> No.8142616

He should have picked up a live grenade, instead.

>> No.8142619

Yeah. How dare somebody enhances the flavor using something completely edible. I mean, that sound horrible, right? Fucking idiot.

>> No.8142633

>people can't genuinely like things, it's just memes
What's it like being so bitterly cynical that life is devoid of anything resembling fun?

>> No.8142652

I tried it once. It's too oily for my taste.

But, I can say that I don't know of any other Americans doing this. There was this foodie media push on sites like buzzfeed etc to make this a thing, but it died.

The only people I know of who actively did this were two of my reat grandparents, who were actual Europeans (that is to say, not migrants).

>> No.8142756

it's nazi scientist who do but wtv i wouldn expect knowledge of history from this board

>> No.8142784

ew... thjings that go thru cows are loaded with estrogen...

>> No.8142805

Wild assumption it's a) butter at all and b) butter from cows milk

>> No.8142819


>> No.8142837

what is butter except cream, anyways? it's the same concept

>> No.8142850

I eat suet and tallow daily for that matter. Delicious and the only reason I feel shit sometimes is because of my rampant alcoholism.

>> No.8142877

>t. stormfag

>> No.8142885

No wonder the American military is so shit despite all that money they get
Its all spent on snacks and PC sensitivity training

>> No.8142888

> americans

I thought buttered coffee was an Italian trend?

>> No.8142900

because euro food is not shit
and no, UK is not europe not anymore lmao

>> No.8142907

i raise your von braun one segei korolev

>> No.8142919

They've still not left tho

>> No.8142920

I'm Dutch, Dutch people drink a lot of fucking coffee, though I never ever even heard of putting butter in it.

>> No.8142938

Butter coffee is pretty legit. The fats in the butter help absorb caffeine more effectively and helps it last longer than regular coffee. I'm personally a fan. Not the healthiest thing in the world though

>> No.8142997
File: 46 KB, 450x1024, sieg heil!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought a Bialetti moka express and everyone and the manual are talking about how it should leave a crema but I don't see shit. Am I brewing it wrong or is something really minuscule(I was expecting foam like machine espresso)

>> No.8143068

I think some people somewhere might do it, but generally butter in coffee would be thought of as disgusting and weird.

>> No.8143167

>butter in coffee is heresy
>cream is perfectly fine

Or better yet, soybean oil and emulsifiers made to taste like French Vanilla!

>> No.8143233

I know one guy who does this because he's a powerlifter and it helps him get enough calories.

>> No.8143242

There are ways to get more calories that don't involve ruining a perfectly good cup of coffee and a usable bit of butter, that guy sounds like a retard.

>> No.8143464

Ez way to get more fat in your diet, it's better than eating butter whole.

>> No.8143498 [DELETED] 

retard or not, dude could cave your skull in. stay mad.

>> No.8143514

You gotta remove it from the heat towards the end so it doesnt extract to much and make it watery and acidic

>> No.8143523


Seems like you're butthurt someone insulted your friend.

Also, powerlifting doesn't mean you can fight. Stay ignorant.

>> No.8143589

Yeah. You gotta use grass fed butter, it's from the whole bulletproof coffee thing. It makes the coffee richer and helps it function as an alternative to an actual breakfast. I do it when I practice intermittent fasting.

>> No.8143605

I thought putting butter in hot drinks was a Mongolian thing.

>> No.8143632
File: 142 KB, 544x360, dcfrgty-544x360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha.... i know right..... i'd like to see his friend try to take me on........

>> No.8143964
File: 8 KB, 216x146, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saved the world twice
>Back-to-back world war champs
>Europeans mad because their armies couldn't stand the onslaught
>Still jealous to this day

>> No.8144082
File: 81 KB, 600x400, what-will-happen-if-you-drink-a-glass-of-milk-and-honey-daily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of vestigial food from back when calories were precious.

Pic related used to be mixed with butter.

>> No.8144352

As a McDicks employee. I can assure you that such a thing doesn't happen. How would that even work?

>> No.8144361

butter is just stiffened cream you fucktards.

>> No.8144373

>Saved the world twice
no you didn't, it's your fault that jews rule the world now. we tried to get rid of them !

>> No.8144392

I thought butter coffee was an african thing, like Ethiopia and what not

>> No.8144475
File: 386 KB, 598x601, 1470747147580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are brits really this stupid?

>> No.8144504

I remember seeing an episode of that shitty Bizarre Foods show that had the big fat bald fuck somewhere in Africa. He had coffee with salt and coffee with butter, and hated both.

I just googled it but I'm not about to check if this is the right video. Maybe this is it http://www.travelchannel.com/shows/bizarre-foods/video/andrew-recalls-a-low-point

>> No.8144510





>> No.8144544

Well that certainly is biscuits in gravy.

>> No.8144556

warmed milk with cinnamon, anise, and cardamom is comfy as fuck desu

>> No.8144558

I'm sure many Brits are very stupid, but it looks like that one pulled a joke that makes you look far more stupid for believing it.

>> No.8144561

people in Tibet to put yak butter in tea, nobody complains about that

>> No.8144578

This looks like a shop. I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time.

>> No.8144582
File: 163 KB, 800x1113, 800px-Michael_Cera_2012_(Cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was letting in bunch of muslims into their country a joke?

>> No.8144654

Huh, "manual" didn't say anything about that, just to remove it once it's finished to keep the paintjob from getting damaged. When should I do it, once it starts to spout or midway through?

>> No.8144659

10/10 anon
nicely played

>> No.8144677

>kick Nazi ass and make their nerds do our homework
America is truly the greatest nation.
Until your backwater country goes to the moon, all your bitching is just pure salt

>> No.8144682

I worked at a coffee shop where we whipped our own cream. Once I whipped the cream I for too long, and it became butter. I apologized to the customer, and he was like "Whatever, just put it on there anyway"
It's the same shit.

>> No.8144697


>> No.8144752
File: 55 KB, 440x355, by the power of grayskull i frew up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amerifat here, tried this once several years ago on someone's recommendation. never again. it is straight up gross.

>> No.8144785

You realise that under the Obama administration you've let in a little over a million Muslim immigrants too right?

>> No.8144796

>ctrl-f "literal"
>patiently waiting for this shit to die out

>> No.8145041

As an American, this pic is the first I have ever seen, of such a..thing.

>> No.8145137

> And make them do our homework
You mean generously paid them to do the homework you don't comprehend?

>> No.8145459

thanks obama

>> No.8145675

Looks gross but I would try it once desu.

>> No.8146493

Ugh fuck no.

>> No.8146563
File: 353 KB, 1000x664, 1473840044873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, del wit it

>> No.8146768

>Do Americans really do this?
No. Glad I could help educate you one step at a time.