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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8143339 No.8143339 [Reply] [Original]

Wildest thing you ate?

>> No.8143376

Buddy and me tried survival camping.

We did very badly. We ate a rabbit we caught boiled in pepsi and water.

>> No.8143569

Op's mommy

>> No.8143587

Ox tail, kangaroo, buffalo. Only liked the buffalo.

>> No.8143602

Squirrel a buddy shot with a slingshot, we bet him he couldn't do it so he fucking did it lol. Cooked it over the campfire.

>> No.8143606


Clams we dug up and steamed. Very tasty.

>> No.8143621

Shot and grilled a few rabbits

>> No.8143674

A rabbit stew that turned out to be cats

>> No.8143693

Came in here I say that. Good job anon.

>> No.8143696

noodled a catfish and took a bite raw
cooked the rest over a bonfire

>> No.8143745

killed a rattlesnake and cooked it over a camp fire.

>> No.8143750

Killed a possum and cooked it over a barn fire.

>> No.8143779
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When I was in South Africa I tried ostrich neck. Texture was like a rubber hose.

>> No.8143786

"Dancing" shrimp. It's live shrimp you let wiggle on your tongue.

>> No.8143798

Did, not much flavor.

Had the blood of a freshly downed pig, on accident of course. Ate tons of Nilgai and fresh caught fish of all kinds. Used to eat ants as a kid. Grew up around farms so tons of fruit off the tree and vegetables caked in dirt.

>> No.8143815
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Ooh, dat err watermillion!

>> No.8143823

Raw horse.

>> No.8143836

My mother's in law cooking

That woman can ruin a can of coke

>> No.8143851

Bear sausage, raw quail egg sushi, alligator.
None of that is too wild, but the quail egg was by far the best. The bear sausage was great too. My uncle made it from a black bear he hunted.

>> No.8143862

Should have spit roasted it desu

>> No.8143865

Squirrel isn't that bad really

>> No.8143893

Ive tried lam b4

>> No.8143902

Turkey Carpaccio. As in raw turkey, sliced thin and plated over a salad before being finished with a tarragon vinegar dressing. I not only ate it, but also served in a yuropean restaurant I worked at in Brussels.

A lot of people ordered it, and it was actually quite good.

Don't know if I would try it with north American, CAFO, mechanically separated bird though.

>> No.8143933

Whale sashimi and capybara.

>> No.8143966

Yeah wasn't bad at all. Just surprised he actually hit it, considering how we had fared on beer cans moments before lol.

>> No.8144074

Earthworms, boiled them and some thistles to make it a bit more palatable, gotta have your greens with the protein

>> No.8144084

venison steak

>> No.8144085

Grouse I 12ga'd myself.

>> No.8144104

Raw salmon on a fishing boat once.

Didn't really like it, just didn't want to pussy out in front of everyone.

>> No.8144140

a frog that I caught in the woods. or moose. whichever you consider "wilder".

>> No.8144173

>not liking raw fish

>> No.8144180

>blood of a freshly downed pig
>on accident of course

>> No.8144216

Same here

>> No.8144244

how did you didn't like it before you didnt want to pussy out of eating it

>> No.8144252

Rattlesnake maybe? Idk.

>> No.8144286

Gutting and breathing heavily.

>> No.8144308

A candy from those halloween bowls with an arm sticking out

Fucker almost got me

>> No.8144330


How to spot the mouth breather.

>> No.8144353

Grilled pigeon (like shitty, skinny chicken), I'm in Korea now and will be eating living octopus. They pull it out alive, chop it, you eat it while it's still trying to swim home

>> No.8144390

Crocodile tail Cooked over a campfire.
Shit was cash

>> No.8144594

>used to eat ants
I knew when he said this that he was the slow kid

>> No.8144629

Waiting for the first edgelord to post "Human"

>> No.8144746

Bull balls, lamb eyes, rice cooked in grease from head and feed of a goose, lamb intestines, lamb feet and head, all pieces of stomach of a cow.

I come from a small city in a considerably poor country, but nothing gave me diarrhea or any uncomfort like food smeared in sauce as they serve in most restaurants in North America.

>> No.8144754


Deer Moss.
My shit has never been as firm as when i ate this disgusting moss as a means of emergency. The shit i took that morning is the only thing that makes want to eat it again.
I miss that dump...

>> No.8144774
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>rabbit we caught boiled in pepsi and water.

You seriously couldn't come up with any other way to cook that rabbit?

>> No.8144806
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>> No.8144848

I've eaten just about every edible part of most animals but the one that stuck with me was when I was breaking down a yellowfin tuna at work and my buddy dared me to eat the gelatinous spinal jelly.. Fuckin gross and I've eaten eyeballs n shit

>> No.8144852

an M&M i found on the floor of a passenger ferry

>> No.8144858


>> No.8144880

probably alligator

>> No.8144923
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Zebra or kangaroo

>> No.8144926


>> No.8145004


>> No.8145032

raw duck heart, was cleaning a duck and thought why not. wasnt that good, probably shouldnt have done it. but whatever

>> No.8145445
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Lots of exotic stuff, most of it really tasty, some of it terrible.

--Bundegi (pic related): Steamed/boiled silk worm larvae in Korea. Fucking god awful taste, but it's a cheap street food and popular with old people.

--Balut: had it in Vietnam, it's the fertilized duck or chicken egg that's hard boiled with the developed chick inside. This was really tasty, unsurprisingly it had the texture of both hard boiled egg and chicken breast, no bone. You eat it by cracking open the top, draining off the water, dumping some seasoning salt on top and then sucking the whole thing out of the shell. By taste and texture alone it was great, but it's pretty gross to look at.

--Thick butter lassi in Punjab: it was a lassi but it literally had chunks of butter floating around in it. Pretty tasty but very very very rich, too rich. It's an entire meal in a cup.

--Tsampa: Tibetan staple food. It's a roasted barley flour apparently but it's eaten with fresh yak butter. You take the tsampa and mix it together into a little stick with the butter and then eat it like that. Also fresh yak butter tea in a tent.

--Here in Florida we eat fried gator tail, shit is super fucking tasty.

--In Vietnam I had a Tet holiday smorgasbord with a huge north Vietnamese family in this tiny town on the Chinese border. I was really drunk so I can't remember too much of it but I remember there being lots of really strange head cheeses.

>> No.8145476

Probably rattlesnake and alligator meat.

Rattlesnake was ok but the alligator had a really unique flavor that I enjoyed.

>> No.8145478

Antelope, kangaroo, shark. I really want to eat shark again :(

>> No.8145481


gross dude but all the power to ya!

>> No.8145483

I get shark whenever I can find it, but half the time I get so excited I forget to soak it first and it tastes like piss. Properly soaked and grilled shark is GOAT though.

>> No.8145486

why the fuck would they want to fuck the rabbit if they were hungry?

>> No.8145496

epic, simply epic

>> No.8145500


>> No.8145523
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fish i caugth in a stream

>pic related, the type of fish

>> No.8145532

Live ants

>> No.8145539

alligator, tastes like chicken


bear, was pretty good actually, like a very lean beef.

>> No.8145587

We butchered it badly. And pop cans were all we had to boil water so we had to boil the chunks in the cans. We roasted the back legs. but it was too dark to get crafty by the time we were cooking.

>> No.8145607

Daily reminder that that's not hair, it's heart worms.

>> No.8145609

A live minnow

It was a dare.

>> No.8145669

Mystery gumbo

My father and uncles used to hunt when i was younger and they would put whatever they killed into a gumbo. I am pretty sure one of them was deer/squirrel and some other small furry animals.

that or chicken feet..

>> No.8145841


That sounds pretty interesting. Was the gumbo good generally?

>> No.8145871


Menudo is great. Cow tripe and pig's feet.

My dad made Ox tail soup once. That was good food.

Just about every part of a deer carcass. Same with goat.

Gas station sushi

Gf had Pig brains

>> No.8145896

>Gf had Pig brains
don't they all?

>> No.8146528

Hunting season is here, plan on bagging an elk in november.

pheasant, goose, and ducks and ice fishing all winter long.

>> No.8146624

I am going to dig through rotten logs looking for grubs.

The Lion King makes them look like candy.

>> No.8146636

Wildest? Probably bear or >>8145669
mystery gumbo. I found out later on that I had eaten possum. It was alright.

>> No.8146700


>> No.8147133

buffalo makes good hamburgers. Alligator was okay too, would eat again.

>> No.8147173

Don't know if it's really wild, but I ate a cold bit of battered fish that I found at a bus stop at like 2am

>> No.8147454

Funazushi amd raw turtle liver.

>> No.8147461
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Polar bear

>> No.8147478
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Blood Tofu. Thats pig blood there. You dip it in hot chili oil.

>> No.8147851

Oh fuck these are the best

I love eating blood.

>> No.8148022

Seals and Beluga whales I guess.

>> No.8148023

your mom

>> No.8148086

Wow, it took 83 post to get this. Well done, son.

>> No.8148105

When I was a kid, I'd catch crawfish while camping and roast them over the fire. Delicious, but I wasn't good at shelling them.

My brother shot a lot of squirrel. He was and still is a cruel, ugly person. I didn't want to waste their poor, curled little bodies. Got good at skinning small game because of this. I'd usually fry them in cornmeal.

>> No.8149170

Duck eggs from a small rock island in front of my cottage.

>> No.8149270

Boar and deer that I hunted and killed together with my grandfather.

RIP Joseph.

>> No.8149486


Flounder heart, when i was in summer camp with my school

I could feel it beat on the way down

>> No.8149755

Ostrich steak, was nice

>> No.8149839
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>> No.8150795
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Goat trotter soup (sop kaki kambing) in Indonesia, shit was delicious. Pic very related.

>> No.8151590

Deer heart jerky. It was really quite good.

>> No.8151697

How come Les Stroud always starves or eats some fucking weeds?

Is he the most retarded suvivalist?

>> No.8151723

>Is he the most retarded suvivalist?
Bear Grylls is by far the most retarded.

>> No.8151747

My aunt cooks squirrel occasionally.
She uses the legs for "buffalo wings", and the rest of the meat is chopped up for squirrel and dumplings (chicken and dumplings recipe with the chicken replaced).

>> No.8151840

Les is just an idiot. Grylls is seemingly brain damaged to the point of no bully. I don't bully downs people, I don't bully Grylls, I just pity them.

>> No.8152123

The weirdest thing I've killed myself would probably be a squirrel, though I eat a lot of deer that I hunt so depending on where you live that can seem "wild". For stuff I haven't killed,I've had a lot of crazy jerky, there's a store by me that sells exotic meat jerkys like alligator and ostrich I've had

>> No.8152384

raw? or wierdest wild animal? raw was a bear heart, wiredest was camel.

>> No.8152415
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My cousin caught one of these fuckers when he was out spearfishing. We grilled it on the bbq with macadamia nut breading.

>> No.8153013

I ate an old lady's pussy last night.

>> No.8153019

well played sir, well played

>> No.8153021

Went to Jamaica with my family. Not tourist Jamaica but "holy shit run" Jamaica. Had some oxtail curry. Bretty gud but my family was too afraid of food-borne disease to eat it.

>> No.8153045


>> No.8153070

Seagull eggs

>> No.8153080
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I see you skipped high school biology.

>> No.8153102


>> No.8153119
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>*tips fedora*
This thread has nothing to do with life springing from nothing.

>> No.8153126
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Am i missing something here

>> No.8153140

Some atheist is posting about "muh abiogenesis" as if it has anything to do with the topic at hand.

>> No.8153146

When I was about 18 or 19 my dad took my sister and I canoeing/camping for the autumn changing of the seasons ceremony in Temagami. The natives there shared their moose stew with all the campers. It was actually really tasty, I wish I knew how to make it.

Other than that my friend made a 22-animal stew, which included things like peacock, pheasant, camel, kangaroo, and warthog amount other things. It was pretty delicious and fun to eat too because every bite gave you a different flavour.

>> No.8153190
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You'd be surprised the caliber of round and what actual round you use makes a difference. For example, .17 hmr soft tips literally rips a gopher in half. Only a sliver of spinal column was holding him together (just dropped him into the entrance of his hole as a warning to the others).

On the other hand, we were shooting in the backyard with my brother's short-barreled AR. A fmj .223 actually made the perfect bunny round. One ran by the targets, so he just walked up and it went straight through the body, took out the heart, but no other wastage.

Kinda funny story, he got that one spur of the moment. When we walked back to the house there was another, but he was so scared that he didn't move. So asking my friend to get my 10/22 (which took two minutes) he just froze there as a rabbit defense. Blew his top off with a hollow point .22.

After we cleaned them, I went inside and started butchering them (mainly deboning to make bunny stock), I came out to see that they shot another. This time a .22 AR with target rounds just to see if the sight was on.

Damn, that was a good three-bunny stew.

>> No.8153258
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>>Last night of camping
>>only thing we have left
>>blend it together and sip on the 6 hour hike home

>> No.8153265


>> No.8154334


>> No.8154354


>> No.8154363

>not liking kangaroo

senpai, kangaroo served medium-rare was the best meat i put in my mouth

smells weird as hell though

>> No.8154534

Youre calling him cruel because he shot and ate a fucking rodent?