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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.58 MB, 2640x2280, Big_Mac_hamburger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8136920 No.8136920 [Reply] [Original]

Comment with the last time you had a delicious Big Mac.

>> No.8136924


I'm a 37 year old American. I have never in my life eaten a big mac. I thought the smaller burgers didn't taste very good so I never thought to order a bigger one.

>> No.8136929

I've had one five years ago.

I don't care for McDonald's burgs. I like their breakfast, but it's been months since I've ate that.

>> No.8136988

In my local mcdonald, for a month, they've replaced the regular big mac by the GRAND big mac, the ingredients are the same but the size is, I think, 2.5 x bigger and for the same price.

Fucking delicious.

>> No.8137012



I'd estimate the last time I had a Big Mac was 2-3 months ago. I go to McDonald's about once a week on average but I typically just get a few value picks. I'm not there for anything other than extremely cheap calories between classes.

American McDonald's is better anyway but when I'm south of the border I just go for those retardedly low-priced 20-nugget combos.

>> No.8137042

Had one in July.
I really wished that it was a steakhouse burger.

>> No.8137051
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You are seriously missing out my friends.

My last big mac was a week ago when I was traveling through New Brunswick and it was the only thing on the road. Really hit the spot though!

Normally I am a Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese guy, it just has more meat, but I always gotta come back for that Big Mac flavor.

>> No.8137059

Why would i get a big mac when I could get a big tasty.

>> No.8137066

never; it always was far from delicious

>> No.8137074

dude we get it the McChicken is the best but open your mind

>> No.8137081

I don't think I've ever had a big mac. Always went with the double quarter pounder, the 1/3rd pound burgers when they had them, mcdoubles or hot n spicys, or the spicy lonestar stack. Or 20 pc nuggets lol.

>> No.8137087

a meal fit for a king

>> No.8137358

30 years ago as a young lad. They've been a joke since.

>> No.8137362

This I can get into.

>> No.8137372

2-3 weeks ago. McD recently put out their quarterly coupon book and I used a buy one get one to get a Big Mac and Chicken Nuggers on the side (no fries or drink). Good meal for protons I guess, but that Big Mac was some greasy as shit. Still 2 more weeks on the promo period for those coupons. Don't think I'll be going back this go around. Maybe when the next coupon book comes out January

>> No.8137380

Please repost this comment with a (™) symbol or you will be invoiced for $0.15 royalty collection

>> No.8137410

18 male
when i was 14?

>> No.8137426

7 months, then went home and enjoyed a day of the McShits.

>> No.8137429

2 years. I usually get some nuggers or a mcdouble when I go to the dolan's.

>> No.8137430

Probably been like 10 years, I don't like the Big Mac very much. I usually get a double quarter pounder when I go to McD's.

>> No.8137433

I was in town and thought "well fuck it, I'll try the big mac meme I saw on /ck/ because I haven't had one in years"

The meat patty were literally the diameter of a baseball and thin as fuck. I ate the entire $6.50 medium combo meal and left hungry.


>> No.8137434

Almost a year ago. I have maybe twice a year. Get a crave for aome reason. Only thing I buy at maccys is a big cup som soda to mix with my booze

>> No.8137435

I don't eat food prepared by poor or black people.

>> No.8137440
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I forgot to mention it was only lukewarm. What a piece of shit

>> No.8137450

You're fat.

Regardless of how shitty the food was, a big mac combo is way more food than you need for a meal, if you were still hungry after then you're just a fatass, no two ways about it.

>> No.8137458

Probably a year ago when drunk. Can't bring myself to eat that crap. If I go out to eat it's usually a decent restaurant or buffet once or twice a week.

>> No.8137462

I've never had one. Should I?

>> No.8137464


>> No.8137467

I'm 6' 3" 205lbs you incel manlet.

>> No.8137477

>I'm 5'4" and 250 lbs. you normie

>> No.8137478

8 years ago. Tasted like sawdust with a limp dishrag (lettuce) and a sickeningly sweet chemical smear. I've never eaten in that shithole mccrap since.

>> No.8137485

Oh hello Mr. Mcdonald's rep

>> No.8137520

At least they should be slightly subtle on 4chan don't you think?>>8137485

>> No.8137659

About 2 years now. I love big macs but the size and price of McD's offerings in Canada has turned me off. For the price of just the sandwich I can get a combo somewhere else. Actually, it's whopper Wednesday so I am will imbibe in some real ass value.

>> No.8137664

never in my life to be desu

>> No.8137734 [DELETED] 

all these fuckin liars

i have a big mac at least once a week op.

>> No.8137737
File: 2.39 MB, 2800x1620, McD-McChicken[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing can beat pic related.

>> No.8137749

You know, I haven't eaten McDolans for a long time, about 15 years. But even when I was younger and ate it, I don't think I ever got a Big Mac. I guess I've never tried one.

>> No.8137760

I had a mini mac on the weekend
I was really nice

>> No.8137769

I don't even remember. I only eat junk food when I'm hungover and with someone else, and we always go to BK or KFC.
I do like the Big Mac though, or I remember liking it. Always preferred the quarter pounder over it.

>> No.8137783
File: 202 KB, 920x920, wiesmac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Mac? Maybe a year ago...

Usually I order this:

This is the best. burger. ever.
I don't know if this is available in your countries.

>> No.8137784

Hey guess what?
Chicken butt

>> No.8137805

Must have been when I was in college or just out which was in 2011.

I haven't aten it out of principal it's just I only need a burger and a small fry to feel satisfied there.

>> No.8137860

I come to this board to eat better and cook for myself...

That said I just went and got a double big mac and it was glorious.

>> No.8137969

A couple years ago, this one weekend they were doing 2 for 1 Big Macs so I just got shitfaced and ate a bunch of them, was pretty good, haven't seen that deal since so eh.

>> No.8137971

Holy crap, a double? How many patties and cheese slices is that?

>> No.8138026

I think a year or so ago.

Burgers are honestly the worst thing on McD's menu, including the Big Mac. Pretty much any burger place does burgers better.

All a Big Mac is is a filler bun and Thousand Island. If you must, just drop the filler and get a double or triple cheeseburger for half the price.

>> No.8138032

I had a double like a mac this afternoon.

I like them better than regular burgers, since the acidity of the dressing and the pickle offsets the fatty beef/dressing better, but I think I should stop. It's bad for me.

>> No.8138204

Its double the patties, so 4.. but they're pretty thin to begin with.

>> No.8138327

The big mac would be so much better if there weren't fucking onions on it. Doesn't Mcdonalds know that nobody likes onions?

>> No.8138339
File: 24 KB, 480x360, bringitback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please mcdonalds bring it back

>> No.8138357

I just ate a Big Mac last week, but before that it was almost a year.

>> No.8138389

Jail this Communist

I had one last Friday and it was a glorious accomplishment of capitalism and freedom

>> No.8138397

Order a cheeseburger and ask them to add shredded lettuce and mac sauce.

>> No.8138405

Onions are the second best part.

>> No.8138406

couldn't you just order that? I mean they obviously have all those same ingredients still.

>> No.8138413

Ive never eaten one. I always thought they looked kinda gross and imagined they tasted even worse.

>> No.8138503

you are a subhuman piece of shit

>> No.8138524

I've had one once, like ten years ago at this point.

It was alright I guess

>> No.8138590

I did used to go to Maccy Ds 3-4 times a year but then I turned vegetarian. That pretty much killed fast food for me.

>> No.8138617

i just started working at mcdonalds a few weeks ago

the food is fucking garbage compared to wendys

>> No.8138623


Like two years ago when they were 99 cents for a limited time.

>> No.8138624


I'm a skinny fag and a big Mac really isn't that much food. Why would you want something so small?

>> No.8138626


t. fat guy

>> No.8138628

BK nuggets are 10 for 1.49
So 20 for 3.00 and they taste more like meat

>> No.8138629


big mac is nothing but 3 buns, shredded lettuce, cheese, 2 1/10 lb patties, and the sauce

overpriced garbage

get 2 mcdoubles for half the price, its more food

>> No.8138635

i've never had a big mac either. i was surprised reading through this so many people have never had one either. i've actually never had a burger that was big enough to have that third piece of bun in the middle, since i thought they were too big. if i'm really hungry and i end up in a mcdonald's for some reason (probably because i'm really hungry) i might eat 2 smaller burgers though. it's probably still less calories than a big mac.

>> No.8138661

are you on fucking crack? bk nuggets taste like mystery meat filler. plus the crust is some kind of spongy disgusting mess. not to mention bk makes them in batches all day long and the one you get could have been sitting under a heatlamp for half an hour as far as you know

>> No.8138678

Last night at 1am. Drunk drove to get it.
So fucking stupid.

>> No.8138883

>Travelling through New Brunswick
Whereabouts? Freddiefag here. The Big Macs at the local McDonald's are shit.

>> No.8138897

Every few years I get an odd urge to get a big mac. Am always disappointed, but still get one every once in a great while.

>> No.8138950

I'd say 3 years ago

>> No.8138960

There is too much bread. The patties are dry and tasteless. The sauce is too sour.

>> No.8138968
File: 97 KB, 300x199, 1322174-thumb-300xauto-1146043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally have no reason to get a Mac now that they're selling these babies all day.

>> No.8138972

Sunday. Was the best I've ever had. Seemed they put extra sauce on it

>> No.8138974

Wow you're a picky eater.

>> No.8139023
File: 16 KB, 499x487, 1434406370038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw never had a big mac or a whopper
>only ever had a cheeseburger and each eastablishment's respective chicken burger

I have no regrets.

>> No.8139034

never had a big mac. Love the mcChicken and the mcDouble though

Just seems like... too much bread
How is that not too much bread for people

>> No.8139039

Have you ever eaten a sub? That's more bread than a big Mac.

>> No.8139086

Not enough meat, too many cold ingredients. 6/10 when made to order. 4/10 on any other day

The QP w/ cheese is the perfectly balanced burger. Every bite the ideal mix of meat, bread, cheese, sauce, onions and pickles.
All it needs is an ice cold beverage to wash it down.

>> No.8139166

>Normally I am a Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese guy
my fucking dude, double quarter pounder>Big mac, almost every time

>> No.8139201

i was a qp so bad right now

>> No.8139305

once a week at least. Local football team gets a sack, BOGO big mac.

Then on the reciept it's a BOGO for a quarter pounder, which lasts a week.

So 2 big macs and 2 quarter pounders minimum a week.

>> No.8139324

>tfw the double jalapeño burg got discontinued in my state
Life is hell
That thing was fucking amazing

>> No.8139332

Double cheeseburger, no ketchup, no mustard, sub Mac sauce, sub quarter bun.
McChicken, no mayo
Take the bottom bun from the mcchicken and put it between the double cheeseburger patties, add the lettuce from the mcchicken.
You just saved yourself a dollar on the delicious Big Mac and you have a delicious fried chicken patty!

>> No.8139421

>bread in the middle of the stack

My ancestors didn't crack British skulls for this dumbass toast sandwich bullshit.

>> No.8139431
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The McClassic is objectively their best burger.

>> No.8139444
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>3 pieces of bread
>1 piece of cheese
>crunchy raw onions smothered in thousand island salad dressing

Every American who's ever bought and enjoyed one of these abominations should be shot in the street like a dog.

>> No.8139573

They did these fucking delicious mozzarella bites here. Then okay cheddar ones, then mediocre mozzarella ones, now they're doing cheddar ones that are 80% as good as the original mozzarella ones.

But it's just not the same ;-;.

I would go there specifically for those. They'll probably never serve the same version again. At least those ads with the really awkward American guy stopped.

>> No.8139629

Big Mac add four patties. I have one of these every couple of weeks or so as a 'comfort food'.

Inb4 fatty, I'm 6'6" 180 lbs. The sodium is really the only terrible part.

>> No.8139670

>The sodium is really the only terrible part.

Well, except for the horrible "well done" texture. Oh, and the artificial taste.

>> No.8139720
File: 20 KB, 506x606, 147894798494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent to eat McDonalds

>> No.8139767

september 2006, Berlin.... could never eat at a US McDonalds again, because americans cannot make McDonalds correctly.

>> No.8139834

Maybe a few months ago. I can't remember for sure, but I've defiantly had one this year at least. I try not to eat at McDonald's as a general rule, and when I do I'm typically drunk so I'm just going for cheap quantity at that point which means I'm getting McDoubles, spicy chickens, or nuggers.