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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 270x187, poorpiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8133616 No.8133616 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people continue to oppress, enslave, rape, torture, and murder animals for food, when we have many great vegan options. No flavor is worth a life.

>> No.8133625
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Plants are alive too faggot

>> No.8133628

>raping animals

>> No.8133629



>> No.8133630


Probably the same reason why people commit all sorts of killing & environmental damage when they convert wilderness into farmland.

>> No.8133636

I'll bite
If anything op is the sheep fucker.

Why do vegans want farm animals to go extinct ? If we don't raise them for food we won't raise them at all and that will be end of several thousand year legacy of animal husbandry.

I won't argue that many animals aren't being mistreated but if we are going to prevent factory farming we have to support alternative methods like free range because society won't just go vegan cold turkey.

>> No.8133638


My guess is that it's a reference to how dairy cattle are kept pregnant in order to keep producing milk, and how artificial insemination is used for a lot of livestock breeding. Propagandists love using loaded words like this. Sort of like how they refer to slaughtering an animal as "murder", even though the definition of murder is the premeditated and unlawful killing of a human being.

>> No.8133639

It's called stuffing.

>> No.8133649

Lol oky

Stab a tomato and a pig. Tell me if its the same

>> No.8133652
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Please begin rock diet before you start moralizing.

>> No.8133658

Because they're just animals

>> No.8133681

>No flavor is worth a life
Sorry,but if I could make bacon out of you legally, i would, Get fucked.

>> No.8133743

In the future humans will be treated the same.

>> No.8133752

Humans and pigs are quite similar anatomically so I can see this tasting pretty good.
Although it'd probably better if it was free range human.

>> No.8133762
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>there will be a day when you can go to the store and buy human meat for sale

>> No.8133767

For some, the cries of pain stimulate the appetite, particularly if they're yours. Perhaps you can stop by for a meal sometime.

>> No.8133821
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>Rape animals for food

>> No.8133826
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Because farming and animal husbandry are necessary tech for any civ.

>> No.8133849



>> No.8133852

Animals are animals, they will survive just fine. They will adapt just like they did when we domesticated them.

And fruits and veggies are meant to be eaten, thats litterally why plants grow them. Those things fall off and or can grow back.

>> No.8133857

Fruits, yes. Veggies, no.

When you eat an apple the apple tree does just fine.

When you eat a carrot you are literally killing the plant in order to consume it's root.

>> No.8133858

She wasn't that ugly.

>> No.8133944
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>Animals are animals, they will survive just fine. They will adapt just like they did when we domesticated them.

Going extinct after a couple of generations isn't adapting. There might not be many wolves in the states but the rest of the world didn't hunt them till near extinction. If cows aren't slaughtered by humans they will be slaughtered by wolves and they don't even wait till you're dead to start eating you.

>> No.8133955

Yes they...did....We hunted them to near extinction because the shits threatened our livestock and have been seen as a generally awful thing for fucking ever. Since the dawn of man when they ran off with our idiot children in the night and our cattle during the day we've tried to eliminate them and the advent of firearms made that infinitely easier.

>> No.8133973

A Chinese butcher shop was caught selling dead baby

Cannibalism is probably a lot more common in developed countries then we think.
Are you implying that we just let farm animals roam free ? Because that why there is such a pig problem in the states.

This is literally how the Dodo went extinct.

Hippy types are ignorantly reactionary. >>8133944
There's no doubt in my mind that cows, donkeys ducks or chickens could adapt to life in the wild and live on for multiple generations.
It happens with pigs, rabbits and sheep often

>> No.8133977

Turning wilder beasts into dairy cows over thousands of years of animal husbandry isn't called adapting, it's called selective breeding.

Cows being released and being hunted by predators over a couple of generations isn't called surviving, it's called extinction.

>> No.8133995

Donkeys, chickens, rabbits and sheep wouldn't have a hard time surviving because they can outrun predators or hide pretty well. Cows can't even outrun bears, who only hunt young deers because it's the only thing slower than them.

>> No.8134003

Because animals are tasty. /thread

>> No.8134021

Have you ever seen feral cattle? Trust me, you don't want to fuck with them. Feral cows will rip your ass open. They're big, strong as fuck, aggressive, and have horns.

>> No.8134026

You seem to forget thate half of how's are bulls and bulls don't take shit from shit.

>> No.8134047

Everything we eat except salt and water was once alive. We cannot photosynthesize, so to survive we have to eat other living things.

A better question is why do we insist on raising most of our livestock in such deplorable conditions just so meat can be cheap? If that's what it takes to make meat an everyday food maybe it shouldn't be.

>> No.8134055

This is why it is important to properly care for, raise, breed, feed, and humanely process your meats.

Not every processor or slaughterhouse treats their animals in this fashion. There are places around me that sell meat from their own farm- hand raised, proper conditions, etc. When it comes time for the animal to die, the farmer who raised it goes out himself into the field where the cow lives and is comfortable and greets it by petting it and giving it some food to eat (so it doesn't have to see what is coming) before he stuns it and then finally kills it for processing.

If you've ever raised anything; be it a dog, a cat, a bird, any sort of pet- you know how attached to it you become. Think of how you would want to treat your animals when it comes to be time to euthanize them (if the day ever comes). This is how a real farm-to-table family feels and because of this, they treat their animals as humanely as possible in all stages of life- because in the end, the animal has given its life to sustain the family and the community. For this reason, none of the animal is ever wasted.

You don't see videos of "the good slaughter" or anything like that because everyone is so sensitive to the fact that not every plant or location does it in this fashion; and it's the bad kills that make the news.

If the US was worried about more than their profit margins and their bottom lines, everyone would raise their livestock (and process it) with the respect each of the animals deserves.

>> No.8134061
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Those are bulls, the majority of cattle are not bulls.

Wild bulls do exist and are perfectly capable of defending themselves against pretty much anything in nature.

>> No.8134074
File: 16 KB, 288x288, effyoukey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because meat is murder, and murder is PRETTY GODDAMN TASTY!

>> No.8134086

Cows are her animals, bulls protect the rest of the herd. Plus, normal cows can have horns as well, not just bulls.
They would survive fine in the wilderness.

>> No.8134096
File: 39 KB, 700x394, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking bulls as in larger, more powerful cattle, male or female.

Pic related cannot defend itself or run away from predators.

>> No.8134101

You can't tell that to most vegans, doesn't fit with how they view the world.

>> No.8134116

Cows have no problem kicking their owners I find it hard to believe in they would do nothing to defend themselves from predators.

On that note, every predator from cyote to bear to mountain lion can be scared away by man. I find it hard to believe the sheer size of a cow along with their numbers wouldn't scare off most predators.
Sure the predators could pick off the sick and the stupid but that wouldn't be all of them.

>> No.8134119

I also would have a hard time explaining it to someone who is of that mindset because I'm a butcher. That doesn't usually bode too well with those sorts.

However, it doesn't change the fact that the "good slaughter" is still alive in many parts of the US. We'll just have to keep trying to get through.

There is definitely plenty of inhumane shit that happens to animals though, so I understand where they're coming from. They just don't know enough of the big picture to see that the whole industry isn't just one big shithouse.

>> No.8134124

animal life does not equal human life

they don't have dreams and aspirations that you're cutting short by killing them in their prime, it's why euthanasia is legal for pets and not humans.

that said, they should be raised in humane conditions and killed quickly and mercifully.

>> No.8134129

Wolves are smart, they're not scared of herds if the herd just disperses as soon as they jump on one of them.

>> No.8134156
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I was sitting at a red light the other day

And a big truck hauling cattle went in front of me and turned so that I could see the entire side of his truck up close

When the side of the truck was close enough, I caught a glimpse of a bovine staring through one of the small holes in the side

My eyes and its eye met and locked for around two seconds

Something about that moment nearly sent me into tears

As I drove home I noticed some cows out in the field grazing

>> No.8134201


One thing you need to understand is that there's a big difference between domesticated cattle and cattle in the wild. Wild bovines are extremely dangerous animals. Domestic cattle, on the other hand, are bred to be compliant and non-agressive. Sure, a domestic cow might kick now and then but they have lost the VAST majority of their survival instincts compared to a wild bovine.

>>Sure the predators could pick off the sick and the stupid but that wouldn't be all of them.
Sure, but predators still kill enough of them that it's problematic for farmers/ranchers.

>> No.8134262

The wild duck population would strongly disagree with you.

The chickens we raise for meat can't lift their own bodies after about 40 days of life because they're bred to put on the desired muscle mass in about 28 days. To grow them out much longer requires putting them in slings because they can't support themselves.

>> No.8134347

>won't just go vegan cold turkey

>> No.8134445


A hungry pig wouldn't think twice about eating your face off while you're still alive. Animals get tortured and eaten all the time in the wild. It's all fair in the end.

>> No.8134470


>I'm talking bulls as in larger, more powerful cattle, male or female.


Read this to understand why everyone is confused to your usage of that word.

>> No.8134475


So you have no issue watching your wife get pounded by your bull yet locking eyes with a cow in a cattle truck has you weeping?

>> No.8134485

I hope you start going around and arrest bears, foxes and lions for being serial killers, OP. Those cunts are running wild and nobody is stopping them from murdering countless of innocent animals.

Nature sucks :(

>> No.8134489

Have you raised animals? I have. Raising animals is why I really could not be a vegan for ethical reasons (perhaps I could be for environmental).

Cows and Pigs I can justify as possibly morally relevant. Pigs I am not as happy for that because they're a bunch of mean cunts who, if you lie down in their pen, will just eat you without a second thought. Chickens are even worse, they do not have something we would consider emotional complexity. They are violent.

And no, I did not raise them on a factory farm, this was a few pigs, cows, and chickens on my grandfather's farm in the country. They were treated well, they were still bastards.

Even if you somehow justify these as morally relevant. Are fish? They are primitive to the point some can not even feel pain. How about we go even farther? Are shellfish morally relevant? What about clams?

If you really try to justify me that a clam is morally relevant I honestly can't see you as anything but a retard.

>> No.8134510
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, calf 2-18-16 (3) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That little fella was born 2-18-16 he is now weighing around 550lbs he will be going to market possibly this week or next.

>> No.8134515
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>> No.8134520

Animals are tasty

>> No.8134534

Earth naturally killed thousands of species before humans even existed why don't you go protest the earth?

>> No.8134540

Which species?

>> No.8134545

So cattle is a problem because co2 emissions and you want us to free the cattle in an environment with no predators (cows aren't native to america) and expect cow numbers not to skyrocket?

>> No.8134546

Earth doesn't kill anything, it's a fucking rock.

>> No.8134550

>Giving human treatment to non humans
Next you will want me to adopt a friendly family of bird migrants because they are escaping a non friendly environment

>> No.8134555

A fucking rock filled with lava?
Shouldn't we like get rid of earth's core to stop it from killing more species?

>> No.8134558

Sounds good.

>> No.8134561

There were 3 massive almost life extinctions in the history of this planet that got rid of 90% of all life
Not even hitler managed that
And you want me to protect this asshole?

>> No.8134563

#kill planet earth

>> No.8134564

>Earth naturally killed thousands of species
>Which species?
>dodges question and brings up hilter to evade question

>> No.8134568

>No flavor is worth a life.
I disagree.

>> No.8134569
File: 69 KB, 960x540, 13920596_993737140745519_34879631970724989_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason to go vegan isn't because of the animals. Fuck 'em, they taste great. We just eat way too much meat and it's inefficient compared to plant food. Animal slaughter for meatpacking combined with deforestation and fossil fuels are the biggest contributors to global warming.

Just cut back, it's not hard. You don't need meat every day, fatty.

>> No.8134571

Most species in history
It doesn't matter the names when it killed 90% of the, if a bully shot a school and killed 70% of students would you demand to know if they were black or Mexicans?
Well fuck you would wouldn't you?

>> No.8134573

Is cocaine a flavor?

>> No.8134574

Earth kills everything, it rocks!

>> No.8134575

Which species did the planet earth kill?

>> No.8134577

>We eat too much meat
Correction india, Africa and Asia eats too much meat
Do you expect 10% of the planet to solve a problem the other 90% is causing?

>> No.8134578

So OP is just trying to be an attention whore with his wording

>> No.8134581

The planet Earth never killed any species.
Not one.

>> No.8134585

Wich ones it didn't?

>> No.8134591

It killed every single especies

>> No.8134597

Americans eat the most meat per person (120 kg/year in 2009), so I think what you meant to say was "Africa and Asia have more people", and what I think you *really* meant to say was "China and India have more people".

I don't expect anything from anyone anymore, least of all you, a 4chan poster, so don't take it personally.

>> No.8134599

>Expecting vegans to actually make a point instead of throwing a tantrum and then claiming he won because someone misswrote a word or confused a name

>> No.8134601

>There's no doubt in my mind that cows, donkeys ducks or chickens could adapt to life in the wild and live on for multiple generations.
Cows, chickens, and ducks could not by a LONG shot.

>> No.8134602

>Most meat per person
Like 3% of the population
So Americans should eat their weight on meat every 6 hours to be a problem

>> No.8134603



like computer worms?

>> No.8134611

>Don't take it personally
What? You being a moron that doesn't understand that if your population is manageable it doesn't matter if they eat more meat than baby aids land?
You didn't prove anything you wrote mental dhiarrea and then demanded a prize for it

>> No.8134613

I'm not saying Americans are the problem. I'm saying that we're all the problem and Americans are the worst offenders, despite accounting for less of the total problem.

Could you imagine if Chinese and Indians ate like Americans?

>> No.8134614

Great I wrote a word wrong veganism wins again
Excuse me while I enjoy a ham sandwich throat uses salami and turkey as bread

>> No.8134617

I agree that these countries have too many people. Are you saying that if they had the same population/km^2 that it would be okay for them to eat like Americans?

>> No.8134618

>Americans are the worst offenders
>Measuring global impact on a per capita basis instead of country level consumption
Your brain is the problem buddy

>> No.8134624

Why not keep and eat it yourself?

>> No.8134626

Why should we measure by country instead of by person? It is the same planet, after all.

>> No.8134629
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>> No.8134630

I'm saying that the solution is to depopulate Asia, Africa and India not telling the average American to stop eating McDonalds and try burger kings new veggie and seed burger wich is endorsed by Hillary Clinton for president

>> No.8134631

We do so because we don't care about your feelings? Seriously why should I let some yuppie tell me what to eat just because he feels that it's morally wrong?

>> No.8134642

Are you implying that Americans deserve to live more than people living in Asia, Africa or India? Because Americans are emitting way more carbon per person. In my eyes, the American deserves to live less for this reason, if you're talking about depopulation.

>> No.8134646

i love trolling meat eaters. They get so worked up over nothing.

>> No.8134648

Because if we made America stop eating meat all together it would have less of an impact than making other countries work properly
Because 99.999% of campaigns are entirely focused on the west, why should we save the world if we are only part of the planet?
Because people in this particular corner of the planet knows to stop breeding when they can't feed the population or sustain a society without the need to impress the people with military force?
Because you wont solve a world issue by making regulations for only 3% of it?

>> No.8134654

Sir, your life's value is exceeded by the flavor of fucking Kashi.

If you love animals so much, swan dive into a pen of starving pigs.

>> No.8134657

>Eating meat is necessary to live
Wow buddy way to make an 180
No, I'm saying Americans deserve to breed more than people there dcase and point aids baby's
I'm also saying America can't solve the problem by slowing down consumption to China levels

>> No.8134676

>Because if we made America stop eating meat all together it would have less of an impact than making other countries work properly

no argument here, except stop including India. Their meat consumption per person is 4.4kg/yr compared to an American's 120kg/yr.

>Because 99.999% of campaigns are entirely focused on the west, why should we save the world if we are only part of the planet?

We should all work to stop global warming. If you're not just concern trolling, you could perhaps educate the East about global issues. China IS a terrible offender, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do the right thing and stop polluting our planet. Essentially a non-argument.

>Because people in this particular corner of the planet knows to stop breeding when they can't feed the population or sustain a society without the need to impress the people with military force?

I wouldn't attribute the USAs falling birthrate to some better intelligence on our part. Also, the US spends way more on their military than any other country. You need to know that before you get confused on who is waving their dicks around.

>Because you wont solve a world issue by making regulations for only 3% of it?

I'm not talking about regulations. Just eat less meat because you have self-discipline. You are self-disciplined, right?

>> No.8134688


Those fuckers burn coal, dump raw sewage and chemicals into rivers and the ocean and drive a billion leaded gas burning 2 strokes. China has rivers that are almost pure chemicals and the rivers of India will kill you if you touch them with an open wound.

Yet were the bad ones because we eat a lot of meat? Right...

All the Californian vegan faggots here need to die. You guys need everything shipped into you including water, nice eco friendly carbon footprint fuckers. You'd be fucked if the rest of the country stopped supporting you.

>> No.8134689

I never said eating meat is necessary to live. You and the other guy are both right in that Asian countries have too high a population, but its simple arrogance to think that its okay to continue eating so much meat yourself. I mean, you can if you want, and you probably will, but don't give yourself a pat on the back for "exercising your freedoms", or whatever, because you're not doing any hard work to make the world habitable for future generations.

>> No.8134692

I live in Virginia. My family eats a lot of seafood and local vegetables. I don't think we're exactly living beyond our means.

And yeah, you're the bad ones. But so are they. Like I said originally, don't take it personally.

>> No.8134696

>Those fuckers burn coal, dump raw sewage and chemicals into rivers and the ocean and drive a billion leaded gas burning 2 strokes
I.e. Americans

>> No.8134704


No. We drive modern cars with emission tests in most states. Our power is generated somewhat cleanly and we have advanced waste water treatment plants.

>> No.8134706

Ok once you manage to solve the problems on the east I will have enough respect for you to listen to you
By the way overbreeding Julianne can destroy the planet and meat consumption could easily be limitless per capita if there wasn't overbreeding
If you want to judge people on personal basis then your problem isn't with meat eaters but people having 5 kids

>> No.8134719

>Overpopulated world
>USA keeps making tools for mass murder
I see no problem here, what the fuck does army spending to do with veganism or co2?

>> No.8134721

I've got my own shit to do, and I think I've been fairly respectful this whole time. Just do your part and stop giving shit to the people who are trying.

I do not have a problem with meat eaters. All I'm saying is "eat less meat", as it's not a sustainable practice, especially the way Americans do it. I do have a problem with people having 5 kids.

Two wrongs will never make a right.

>> No.8134722
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That's a good one anon, please take this rare me me

>> No.8134724

Yeah, I don't know, why don't you ask the guy who brought up the military in the first place.

>> No.8134725

I am actually, I'm refusing to have children
In the stack of problems overbreeding is number one so I just saved the planet an extra 80 years of meat consumption that makes me a saint

>> No.8134730

Glad to see that we are on the same page.

>> No.8134732

You are trying wrong, it's like cleaning your kitchen sink as an attempt to reduce contamination in the ocean
Go concentrate your efforts were they matter

>> No.8134743

The conversation was originally about veganism, and devolved into a policy debate when the people talking about China and India came in.

To use your analogy, I thought we were talking about kitchen cleaning supplies, not germs in the ocean.

>> No.8134746

That means I have a free ticket to stuff myself on burgers for the next ten years until I die of a heart attack at 35
Plus if I had a kid that kid may have another kid or 6
I just did infinite goodness, I'm way better than you you should listen to me and go harass mothers with bahies

>> No.8134749

I don't...have kids either? It sounds like you are in fact taking it personally.

>> No.8134752

People in China don't browse 4chan

>> No.8134759

Well you are having sex aren't you?
Sex may produce unwanted kids

>> No.8134766

Use a rubber, dummy. Also, you do not have a free ticket just because you aren't having kids.

>> No.8134768


>Go concentrate your efforts were they matter

I'm too stupid and lazy to create a virus which will make blacks infertile. Can't fix this shit, so back to eating animals while the world goes to hell. Can't fix it, can enjoy the ride.

>> No.8134776

Well heck, not with that attitude. Nihilists are the worst.

>> No.8134789

>Accidental pregnancy doesn't happen wearing condoms
Last time I checked condons aren't exactly 100% safe
It seems to me like you are making excuses for being a horrible human being
>I eat one less burger a year and that entitles me to perpetuate a never ending cicle of earth destruction
Wow sure thing make 300 people in the next 50 years you absolutely pice of garbage i guess I'm bad because I order the double burger instead of a simple one right?
Go fuck yourself you don't care about the earth, you are not doing tour part go commit suicide disgusting breeder you are a fucking plague to this planet, don't you know that some breeders bring so many kids to tge world that some of they die before reaching 5 years old?

>> No.8134794

Well blacks invented aids by fucking monkeys

>> No.8134801

wew lad. have you heard of abortions? Not that I've had one with my girlfriend, but I've already said that I do not have kids, and she doesn't want any either.

>> No.8134815

>Implying you get to have an abortion if you are male
So basically it's entirely up to your girlfriend then? Well why is she even fertile, maybe she gets pregnant and has some complications and her body can't handle an abortion or maybe she changes her mind you should make her get a surgery so she absolutely can't get pregnant ever and then marry her to make sure you don't fuck anyone else again