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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 365x394, ernest-hemingway1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8129622 No.8129622 [Reply] [Original]

fuck yeah it's not the stock image

im feeling great on bloody mary's

>> No.8129629
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>> No.8129690
File: 146 KB, 800x1200, 110425-Absinthe-Jacques-Senaux-Green-70cl-800x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the secret ingredient that makes green absinthe green?

>> No.8129695

Food coloring.

>> No.8129722

He's not wrong unfortunately

>> No.8129727

"im feeling great on bloody mary's"
can't into hard liquor, just beer for me, lots of beer.

>> No.8129733

dont really wanna go to work tomorrow, should i drink and call out?

>> No.8129739

Fuck yeah bro take it easy

You deserve it

>> No.8129752

>this image suits my narrative better, because
>I want to glamourize alcoholism because I can't face reality

>> No.8129755

You're not wrong friend


>> No.8129758

The hard truth is I deleted the other image to clean up my desktop and this was as close as I could get to an appropriate pic

>> No.8129782

cant do it, gonna go in
prob drink afterwards

>> No.8129971
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Im sad and tired

>> No.8129976

>I can't find the other image that is still alive in a thread on this board
but alcohol doesn't kill brain cells. nut.

>> No.8130024

hmm, first day of sobriety after finishing my benzo taper yday
i feel depressed and tired, but not anxious and withdrawy
i feel like i will drink again pretty soon to be honest, this a'int for good, but i will try and enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.8130130

in actual absinthe it's chlorophyll
in that shit in your pic it looks like some kind of radioactive ectoplasm

>> No.8130135
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Major depressive full time/full course load uni student here. Loathing going to class today. Currently 4am, class is at 12pm. Not feeling like going. Sleep schedule has been fucked for weeks. I want to stay in and drink all afternoon leaving just enough time for my evening study time and the lecture notes from my class I will be probably skipping is online. What do guys?

>> No.8130144

Realize university is the best chance you'll get to meet interesting people your entire life and without doing anything drastic that might break you, work hard every day to make sure you succeed at it and can feel proud of yourself.

>> No.8130165

32 days sober. I am an alcoholic, and was a handle every 24 hours vodka drinker. I stopped cold turkey and have not used anything but a lot of pot. I feel better physical health-wise, but have not established new sane patterns fir myself. Still dealing with the day to day shit of work (physical skilled labor) and trying to stay busy. I still do not have normal emotions, and pretty much only feel stress, anxiety and boredom unless I am sleeping.

Beats being a gross, dying, artificially egotistical untrustworthy monster.


>> No.8130183

I need to taper. Im here at 745 am wanting to go get booze but dont want to be judged going to thw store once again this early and only buy booze. So im going to try some coffee.

>> No.8130307

Uni finishes in 2 years and I still haven't made a single friend haha

>> No.8130313

>tfw 22
>tfw can't drink alcohol because it aggravates my psoriasis

Am I supposed to be lucky or the opposite?

>> No.8130322


>university is the best chance you'll get to meet interesting people your entire life

So much fucking this.

I lost my ex because of my drinking (she went on to get her Ph.D. from an Ivy League school and will be in academia forever, and wanted to get married to me), and I didn't realize until after we broke up how incredibly fucking unintelligent and boring most of the world is outside of the bubble We'd been in for 8 years. If I wasn't an alcoholic before... holy shit.

>> No.8130334

Update got beer drank half threw away othher half body just kinda rejected it. Got a little buzz now im just kinda hingover again. Rinse wash repeat

>> No.8130381


Worst case scenario is I get my PhD if I don't get into med school. My mom has a few million dollars and is paying for my education so I am fucking lucky to not have debt. I drink a lot. Only thing I need to do is keep my grades moderately decent and do some psychological research in undergrad.

>> No.8130395

alcoholism = constant anxiety
sobriety = constant depression

dno which to pick

>> No.8130404


cycling = constant endorphines and adrenaline (+ sex when you get fit)
flat bar road bike!

>> No.8130476

Anyone here go to bars by themselves?

I pass a few decent looking ones on my walk home from work, always been tempted to go in for a couple of quiet drinks before I head home. never been to a bar by myself, is it weird?

Or should I just continue to get drunk at home and shitpost by myself?

>> No.8130522

i've got a few spots i sometimes pop into after work on my own if i can't find anyone to drink with

i'm a member/regular at a couple of them so i can sit at the bar if i want some chat, as i'll usually know someone there (mostly alcoholics way older than myself), or i can sit at a table and be on my own

if i wanna go for a drink in a pub on my own i usually bring a book or something

>> No.8130560
File: 978 KB, 612x889, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am sad and tired

In fact just the other day I forgot my sunglasses before I went to work and thought to myself "my sunglasses help me hide my sadness" because I am a faggot who thinks stupid things.

That being said life is okay, decent job, things are looking up, I just feel as if I've forgotten how to relate to people outside of a retail environment

>> No.8130609

Half a fifth last night with my bloody Mary's

OP here

I've been worse off

>> No.8130660

Hi i never had any alcohol in my life before and i want to become an alcoholic. How do i start?

>> No.8130672

Hurled for the first time in months last night at a dive bar. 10+ well whiskey shots, a fernet (annoying troll bought it for me idk) and whatever amount of beer on an empty stomach. Puking to The Show Must Go On was a fun time though, and I still took the bartender out to a movie and makeout. Don't love the little red dots on my face this morning, but what can you do.

>> No.8130707


>> No.8130903

Anyone have experience with repeated medical alcohol detox?

Does it get worse every time?

Do you get to the point where one night of drinking gives you the shakes? Or is that a myth?

>> No.8130932

I go to bars by myself often, to read or study. I don't have many friends who live near me or want to hang out with me regularly, so it is nice to be around people even though they are strangers. In my mind it's kind of like socializing but I don't talk to anyone really. You can go to bars by yourself.

>> No.8131013


That sounds pretty comfy, might give it a go this week.

>> No.8131086


its not worth it pal

>> No.8131092

u fuckin wot

>> No.8131168

guys I think I might have a drinkin problem

>> No.8131357

Job interview tomorrow. Few people that I knew yelled out to me "Have a beer." I haven't had a drink in 3 days. "That went fast grab another" "Have another"... by number three heading to the shop to get a box of beer became the plan.

Drinking water now. I think I'm going to fuck up my interview if I even make it :(.

>> No.8131362

you'll do fine stop being hard on yourself

>> No.8131376

I haven't drank in over six months, and today I bought a 750ml bottle of Zachariah Harris whiskey, and a 100 ml bottle of Evan Williams (the guy said they were on sale for a dollar, so I got one)

wtf am i doing

>> No.8131382

This desu. Stay sober and then cycle so hard your gasping for air and legs are shaking. Really good, good feeling buzz as long as I push my body hard enough.

If youre hung over it doesn't work though. You just feel like shit trying to cycle hard.

>> No.8131397

If you think you do you probably do.

>> No.8131662

fucking relapsed

>> No.8131676
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Stop being faggots

>> No.8131677

yer an alcoholic harry

>> No.8131680


stop posting here and get proper professional help

>> No.8131745

bayonet bro here. trying to kill me some squirrels.

>> No.8131831

OP here

Hungover as fuck at work today I think my new antidepressants are making me have more anxious hangovers

Debating getting a drink

How am I such a shitbag

>> No.8131856
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chill out mate. I was right pinned all day at work today. such is our struggle

>> No.8131879



In this video it looks like they're using hemp. Would make sense - high chlorophyll content.

>> No.8131915

Sorry I'm an amerifat does pinned mean drunk?

>> No.8131929


yeah im a Canadian. I also use the term ''right shittered''

>> No.8132396
File: 29 KB, 391x290, mickeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /maltliquor/ here?

>> No.8132407


makes me want to hurl so no

but i respect it and its fans

>> No.8132436

Liquor store worker here. Hello to all you alcoholics out there. I want to tell you about some of my regulars.
"Two please" a middle aged woman who shouts the order "two please" before the door is even all the way open, asking for two Smirnoff minis.
"Two-man minimum" is a man in his 30s who drinks Natty Ice. Friendly guy, but he usually says "man" at least twice a conversation. Personal favorite is "Hey man, how you doin' tonight man"
"Tom Pizza" is his real name. I've seen his license and everything. Used to drink a mini of sambuca every couple of hours. He stopped drinking when he got kidney stones. Still comes by the store to say hi.
"789" and her idiot husband. She thinks its funny to recite the UPC at me like i don't know it. Another Natty Ice drinker. Fireball, too. Her husband is equally annoying.
"The Incredible Hulk" is a professional mover who is really built. He injects this fake tanner into his body that turns him slightly green. Him and his wife are Natty Ice and Franzia drinkers.
"Mcginnis" is a on again, off again alcoholic. 25 OZ natty ice and crystal palace drinker. He came to me crying one day, asking me not to serve him anymore, swearing he was getting sober. Saw him in again in like 3 weeks.
That's it for now. Safe drinking, ya losers.

>> No.8132449

>the liquor store worker calls people losers

enjoy your impending suicide

>> No.8132462

im sorry i didn't mean that bro

im a mean drunk and sad

you're a swell guy

>> No.8132515

I went out drinking for the first time the other day. I had a "pink panther" (vodka with lemonade and pomegranate juice), a rum & coke, a tequila rose, and a tequila sunrise.

After all that I didn't feel drunk.
I felt my heartbeat in parts of my head for a while and a bit of warmth in my face for a while and some lightheadedness for a longer while, and I was a little bit more smiley and giggly than usual but some of that was from being excited.

The first few sips of the first drink (not sure if this was only before I got the bartender to add more juice) tasted like hand sanitizer. After that everything tasted like varying degrees of cough syrup, except the tequila rose which tasted like strawberry ice cream except worse (and I don't like strawberry so it was worse than that for me).

What should I try next time, and how far should I go? I have a taste for sour and spicy things BTW.

>> No.8132525


drink until you feel it man. mixed drinks at bars can really vary. 20% of bars make them very strong and good but the other 80% make them super weak. sounds like you got weak drinks.

just get double gin and tonics until you feel it, then enjoy

>> No.8132651

whoops got drunk again when i meant to "taper"

just fuck my shit up senpai

>> No.8132674

"feel it" meaning what?
also they were intentionally weak because I'd never had them before, with one shot per drink; I didn't know that would translate to that little effect

>> No.8132686


one standard shot per drink is basically intentionally weak, it's a way for the bar to save money on alcohol

>> No.8132687

why does it have to be like this
im fuckin miserable

>> No.8132695


nigger grow up and get truly drunk you'll feel fine then

>> No.8132702

>get truly drunk
laughing my fuckin ass off
you'd fuckin die if you drank how much I drink faggot

>> No.8132708


try me dude how much are you at

>> No.8132730

so I remember taking some kinda health class, and one thing I particularly remember is that liver/upper right quadrant abdominal issues can have referred pain in the shoulders, specifically right shoulder.
i've had said some uncomfortable pain in my right shoulder these last few days. would it be a good idea to get checked out?

>> No.8132732

on a binge since ..thursday, 5 0.7l bourbon, two cases of of 20 0,5lofbeer, chainskmokingwhilst atit.. I'll regret the next 3 days

>> No.8132749

I drank half a handle today

>> No.8132768

Not even that guy but are you serious dude. Like just get help. You're not going to be able to handle that if you're boasting like this. Ridiculous. Seek help.

>> No.8132777

Weird descriptions. Do not drink.

>> No.8132815

I dont usually drink this much but you're probably right

>> No.8132948

I feel like im going to explode

>> No.8132969

Why didn't they get Kyle MacLachlan to play Hemingway in Midnight In Paris? He would have been a dead ringer.

>> No.8132990


dead ringer in 1995

old looking fag in 2011

brutal i know but it's the truth

>> No.8132993



>> No.8133002

Screen magic, man. Anything is possible.

please just let me dream it's all I have left

>> No.8133032

It's been 5 weeks since I amended to quit and during that time I've drank twice: both times just beer and once socially, however now I'm facing a real test. Won't go into specifics but just learned a depressing revelation and my first instinct is to go buy booze. I'm really battling here. Dunno if I can hold off.

Any resistance tips from those who have successfully quit?

>> No.8133047
File: 270 KB, 698x478, hemingwaycomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think Stoll looked too far off. Certainly not a dead ringer but close enough. His performance was good too.

>> No.8133052

corey looks hilarious when he has hair

>> No.8133058


Fuck this stuff it's blackout fuel

I drank two mouthfuls of it and blacked out, ended up either walking all the way back on the side of the highway from my friends house or getting off the bus way too early and walking back at least 15 minutes to my house. I remember the sight of my shoes and everything else being dark and blurry. Could have gotten hit by a car, it was one of the straws for giving up drinking so much

>> No.8133062

That's just because you're used to him bald.

>> No.8134110 [DELETED] 

Watch and emulate this man, he will teach you how to become an alcoholic folks!


>> No.8134137

He looked pretty good for a Mid 1920's Hemmingway.

>> No.8134160

tree bark in the original recipe

>> No.8134167
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>> No.8134333

Anybody around?

>> No.8134339

sugar and caffeine > alcohol >>>>>>> meth, coke, pot

>> No.8134385

Dude I am.
Just got back from the doc and everything sounds good according to him. *commence wood knocking etc.*
Bought a sixer of 12ozers right afterward that I will bust into later tonight.

>> No.8134388

Does different alcohol really give people a different buzz?

No matter what I drink the alcohol buzz/high is always the same

If I have five beers or five shots, I feel it the same

>> No.8134390

16oz, my mistake.

>> No.8134391

more words please?

>> No.8134393

Hey man glad to hear it

I'm still at work and was bored but I downed two mini bottles at lunch and feeling a ok now

>> No.8134394

It's the fucking same m8. You can different levels of hangovers though. Beer is not usually as bad as cider, cider is not as bad as liquor etc.

>> No.8134401

Agree--I think the rapid elevation of BAC that hard liquor causes is responsible for worse hangovers than the slow elevation caused by beer or even wine

>> No.8134407

Whats something light I can eat that wont completely throw off my stomach after a 3 day binge? I can't miss another day of class I need to be back in regular form tomorrow or i'm completely screwed

>> No.8134409

First take alka seltzer

Then saltines

T. Alkie

>> No.8134414

Sorry, I was actually drunk when I made that post. It just seemed you were using really unusual descriptors about your drunkeness that I haven't heard before. I mean maybe it's no big deal, I wouldn't know, but I've never had people describe a buzz like that before.

>> No.8134464
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someone help. Ive been on a 3 month binge of alcohol, weed, and fast food gorging. Im now on day 4 of a keto diet and a pint of 100 smirnoff per night. Ive eaten like 4 bites of food in the last 4 days. Food just seems repulsive to me. Im super low energy and kind of feel like death. is it the keto flu? is it something to do with the alcohol? whats wrong with me?

>> No.8134473

Your body is literally eating itself that's what keto is

I assume it's "normal" to feel like death

for fucks sake take a multivitamin

>> No.8134487

Because your body can take a week or more to adapt to fat metabolism, and drinking alcohol puts that process on hold. If you want to do keto you'll have to stop drinking, and accept you'll feel like shit for a week or so.

Once your body adapts though and is running fully on fat metabolism you'll have energy again and feel fine.

>> No.8134493

>a pint of 100 smirnoff per night
>whats wrong with me?
Clinical retardation at a guess.

>> No.8134522

well I am literally autistic (mildly)

>> No.8134544

anyone ever go to an AA meeting drunk

>> No.8134580

No, that's a myth, just like the whole mixing liquor is bad thing is a myth.
hey retard you cant enter ketosis if you are ingesting any booze or siugar, all you're doing is starving yourself

>> No.8134715

I've gone to certain sessions of an outpatient program drunk. I may have gone to a single AA drunk once, I can't remember. Nothing happened.
In the program they just took me aside, breathalyzed me and I talked one on one to a person for a while, but it's not like you get busted by the cops or anything. You'll be in more trouble presumably if you got there because of legal problems/crime in the first place. I didn't have anything on my record, I just turned myself in because I had to be shithoused constantly to even leave the house.
Also if you're flat out shitfaced, I wasn't in the instances I'm talking about, just don't go.

>> No.8134780

Just started poppin muh beers m8. Glad I'm not on the liquor train atm, feels pretty good. Hope you keep everything at a good level for yourself too.

>> No.8135091

Yeah man I think I'm done with vodka at night for awhile I just get carried away

Trying to tone it down

>> No.8135353
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If anyone is here right now, what should I eat alongside a sizable amount of beer that isn't a full meal?

>> No.8135379

toast with a bit of butter or jam or something on it, or upgrade to a grilled cheese if that's not enough

>> No.8135390

Anything that's not bread/cheese? I had some pizza earlier.

>> No.8135392

If you go on your own (not court ordered), no one cares as long as you don't get obnoxious. Will they know you're drunk? Of course.
You have to remember that most people show up at their first meeting after a major bender and they're still somewhat drunk. Just go and listen if you feel like it, but don't be a dick.

>> No.8135402


>> No.8135465

any norwegian al/ck/s on here?

4 am and loving my wednesday morning

>> No.8135485

Not Norwegian, but alcohol is the same everywhere. Some flavors are a bit different, that's all.

>> No.8135508


>> No.8135692

Best way I found is to replace one addiction with another, I got back into fitness after getting sober. I go to the gym every morning religiously now, and feel shitty about myself if I miss a day. If I feel like drinking, I go lift instead. It's added motivation now that I'm getting back in shape knowing that if I drink I'll lost my progress and be too hung over to work out in the morning

>> No.8135707

People just say that because they associate certain alcohol with certain situations. Girls always say "Tequila makes me take my clothes off" and shit like that. But when do most people drink tequila? Partying on a beach or doing shots at a bar. Most people don't sit at home by the fire reading a book with a nice glass of tequila (most). Certain stuff can give different hangovers, but ethanol is ethanol when it comes to getting drunk

>> No.8136426

ethanol is ethanol

>> No.8136449

Yeah but it takes longer to drink a beer than a shot.

>> No.8136534
File: 1.75 MB, 2000x1200, absinthe-163770808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for good absinthe that can be easily found?

>> No.8136767

Just seen that yet another girl I knew in school got engaged today. Like I needed another reminder that I am getting left behind as far as social stuff goes.

Guess I am getting unreasonably drunk tonight. Again.

>> No.8136780

this is how i imagine most of you folks posting in this thread acting when your drinking



>> No.8136824

In the last edition, I had posted that I was finishing up day 1 of not drinking and felt like I was losing my mind.
Happy to report that I'm on day 5 now, and am feeling much better, but that monkey is still on my back. I had to back out of going to a show tonight with friends because it's in a bar, and I just can't be around that right now.

>> No.8136836

Buy it online.

Also, Lucid is pretty much everywhere.

>> No.8136866
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thanks guys

yeah I was ass blasted drunk last night but managed to walk into the meeting

didn't drink the coffee. my hands were shaking so bad last week that I spilled half of it

old timer screamed at me ''bet you never dropped the bottle!'' we both had a giggle.

its lunch time and im drunk

cheers mates.

>> No.8136896

Yep I'm on day one here and surprisingly feeling okay

I wasn't on a bender or binge this time thank god just unreasonable nightly drinking for four days

Stay strong you're doing great

>> No.8136900


>> No.8136916

what do you do

>> No.8136921

Client accounts at a big company

Basically sales and client relations and marketing

>> No.8136925

It's not really the work itself that is boring

It's that I have to do it for 9 damn hours a day

>> No.8136955

recently started trying to get into cocktails but i'm a poorfag and have only been drinking basic bitch shit like Tom Collins because gin is cheap as fuck.

>> No.8137240

I have kidney stones and at my appointments i always lie and say im a moderate drinker when really i drink 2 litres of rye every week for the last 4 years.

Im getting a blood test done soon. I assume they can probably tell how much of an alchy i am from that right?

>> No.8137288

Maybe, but so what? Tell the quack to fuck himself if he starts moralizing, you're not paying him to hear a Salvation Army sermon.

>> No.8137301

traditional absinthe is made with wormwood

>> No.8137311
File: 213 KB, 364x285, wormwood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8137320


Yeah. But wormwood isn't green. It's the other botanicals which give the green color.

>> No.8137353
File: 257 KB, 1920x1152, 3333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got a bottle of wine here and it's just past 3pm where I am.
I don't physically feel the urge to drink it, but seriously there is nothing to do right now. I could wait.
But should I just slam it and see where it takes me? Things always become interesting again in times like this.

>> No.8137374

yea my apologies was thinking of effect

Isn't there some shit with how it turns color after adding ice or water?

>> No.8137401

I live in free health care land so im not paying him for anything

>> No.8137407

Too late boys I already busted it.

>> No.8137457

Grrrrrreeat job

>> No.8137514

Oh, beg pardon. I'm an amerifag and live in a country that likes to spend trillions to blow people up instead of treating their own citizens' illnesses.

>> No.8137538

And also trillions on immigrants and giving free shit to other countries

>> No.8137795

Dude thanks. I'm feeling pretty chill.

>> No.8137831

What's the best drug to switch to when quitting booze?

I'm sick of pissing myself and the seizures aren't as minor anymore.

>> No.8137943

Could you sense the seizure coming? Please describe

>> No.8137963

I live in Oklahoma, online isn't an option.

>> No.8137970

Yeah serious question by this anon actually. I have toned down my drinking somewhat but I twitch very drastically out of nowhere sometimes right before I'm going to sleep. I've also had dreams in the past (dreams?) where by body is prolonging this physical sensation but then it's like I literally wake up. But I saw the dream.
I've heard if you actually have seizures you don't recollect them? From all the input I've heard and the things I've read it's very confusing to me, and I honestly don't know where the line is drawn.

>> No.8137976

I get the bedtime jerks too they're called myoclonic jerks and are in the seizure family but aren't actually seizures

Happens like clockwork after a binge

>> No.8137983

Sad but colorful no doubt. Ive wondered about all the strange people you would observe in a liquor store. Im sure every single store has tons of people like what you describe

>> No.8137996

But honestly in coalition with this anon is there any way you can sense an alcoholic seizure coming?

>> No.8138010

Medical protocols describe a pulse over 110 and. BP over 180/120 with worsening shakes as one sign

>> No.8138021

I've gone 2 days and I want to shoot everyone I see for pissing me off with everything they do. I'm jumping off the wagon when I get home tonight, I can't make it through college this way.

>> No.8138025

Not him but I've had a withdrawal seizure and I had no idea it was coming, one minute I'm in my computer chair on 4chan, the next minute I'm waking up in my bed with paramedics, a cop, and my parents in the room trying to get me to snap out of it.

>> No.8138027

Cool. I bet the parents ragged a bit.

>> No.8138033

I got shot up with ativan and a weeks worth of Librium out of it but once I started getting money again I went back to drinking. The seizure only happened because I was broke and had no way to get booze without outright theft.

I don't really talk to them so I'm sure they were worried or whatever but now I live on my own so they don't know the half of my drinking at this point. The night in question was 4 years ago.

>> No.8138151

Eh, 4 years ago, you're probably ok now. Just don't try to stop drinking again.

>> No.8138380

So people still around?

Don't mind me too much, didn't really hang around /ck/ until I found out about these threads.

>> No.8138444

I'm here

12 hour work day if you include the commute and morning routine

Sitting here watching Westerns and craving hard...goddamn my brain is broken

>> No.8138479

Fuck man, hope the western help out. I'm freaking out about my research because it bores the fuck out of me and I can't wait to get into a different lab.

I'm lucky, I've got a doc that prescribes benzos. Ok, maybe not long-term lucky.

>> No.8138576

I hate how I always end up bailing on social situations so I can drink. I potentially can hang out with a cute girl tomorrow but will probably bail because I'm drinking tonight and will be a shaky awkward mess tomorrow

>> No.8138598

Not sure man, a cute girl is the reason I drink now.

Not to discourage you or anything, just risks and shit.

>> No.8138602

For sure, I dated the chick last summer and was catching feels when she bailed which lead to more drinking. Basically the type of girl who goes in and out of your life when she feels like it, but I like her too much that I play along every time.

>> No.8138633

The girl is no different from the alcohol. I would know, I did the same shit with a girl in college for 4 years. But she was mostly shy so everyone just assumed we were dating the entire time.

But to be honest, I broke up with her each time, but ended up going back every time. I had to move to another fucking state to break the cycle.

>> No.8138634
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, east-london-liquor-company-premium-gin-batch-2_src_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had gin before but I want to pick up a bottle. What would you recommend?

>> No.8138658

Different anon here, talk to people, make friends by finding common language with people and exploring interests. Every person you meet knows something you dont, and vice versa.
Lifting helps to get some poon

>> No.8138668

Broker's, sapphire, really anything that cost more than $20 is good. It's a nice liqour who's quality jumps up steeply after the first price deviation.

>> No.8138671


im into regular bombay dry at the moment, label is cool

>> No.8138677

Yeah I dig it. I used to be able to get broker's at my grocery store for half what it should sell for, good times went by so fast.

>> No.8138751
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Plymouth is the quintessential gin

>> No.8138827


>> No.8138866
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Any of you guys practicing your stein-hold for Oktoberfest?

Just timed myself: Starting shaking bad at 3 minutes. Tapped out there.

Any tips on lasting longer?

>> No.8138926


Highly recommend Brokers. Hendricks, Botanist, Ford's.

If you don't want to spend much then Tanqueray is ok, Bombay sapphire is not bad but the bottling is better than the actual product.

>> No.8138936

Cheers mate.
Mah man.

>> No.8139025
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Biceps curls with hammer grip and static holds.

>> No.8139155


>> No.8139182

stop being a bitch

>> No.8139346

its a rough morning and im out of vodka

>> No.8139680

Didn't drink last night thank god

Actually went out and got a bottle of red but didn't have it in me...knew I would hurl If I tried

Instead I lubed up a hairbrush handle stuck it up my ass and wanked twice....?

>> No.8139981

Im coming off of a week long binge, aside from the usual gut and kidney pain my entire right arm is sore. What does it mean?

>> No.8140007

It means you blacked out and fell on your arm you twat

>> No.8140108

How much were you drinking

Was it 24/7 drinking?

>> No.8140120

I drank 4 litres of 90 proof over 6 nights

>> No.8140126
File: 540 KB, 696x887, 1468262344870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use to finish a handle of vodka over 3-4 days. this lasted a couple of years. gained maybe 50 lbs., developed insomnia and my depression worsened. every day when i woke up i would have to hover over the toilet for at least half an hour until there was nothing in my stomach. a few times i threw up stomach bile (it was odorless and looked like yellow gatorade).

my body can't even think about vodka without getting nauseous or my nose stuffing up. smelling it would cause me to dry heave. i'm pretty sure there is at least some minor digestive organ tissue damage.

i still drink but nowadays i switched to cheap red wine (which has its health benefits, right?) and very seldom beer. starting to consistently work out again at least 5 days a week.

good luck to those trying to quit or at least taper.

>> No.8140128


That's almost exactly a fifth a night

Pretty Potent I say

>> No.8140205

What's a good amount of vodka to drink before work? 2-3 shots? Not enough to be nice and drunk but at least buzzed for a bit

>> No.8140251

2 and then bring 3 mini bottles to top off as the day goes on

>> No.8140437

Meth > weed

>> No.8140444

just take a couple on the way there

>> No.8140977

God I'm always ready to drink after work

Why is work so tedious

>> No.8141028

Drink daily.

Secret recipe doesn't mean it's pot, dude.

You had 4 weak drinks, it's not a lot. The effects you describe are the ones of alcohol, you were "tipsy" or whatever the word is for moderate intoxication.
You had girly/gay/teenager/... drinks too. Ethanol doesn't taste good at first (it taste like rubbing alcohol smells like), that's why they often try to hide it with sugar and carbonation. You have to learn to get over it to be able to taste aromas in stronger drinks.
Try more simple cocktails, gin and tonic, vodka and juice, rum in Ti' Punch (with a bit of lime juice and cane sugar), tequila and lime, to name a drink with most common white alcohols. Or wine or beer. (You may want to see what's more common where you live.)
As for how much you should drink next time? Depends how drunk you want to be. Remember that drinking effects changes depending on if you've eaten beforehand.

>Bottle of Chardonay
I've done that
>on the rocks

It goes from clear to cloudy when you add water, like pastis.

Dude, just buy a dildo. You don't want to go to the emergencies and have to explain your shakes and why you have a broken hairbrush handle stuck in your arse.

>> No.8141188

Well it's a good plastic hairbrush I don't think it will break

>> No.8141414

why is this thread so dead it's goddamn thursday night negroes

>> No.8141610

Drinkin some beers over here. Drank most of the day and came out of the casino up 105 bucks.

>> No.8141644

This is a pretty gay post.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.8141645

Great job friend

>> No.8141872

Dude thanks.

>> No.8142087

i normally have 2
3 sometimes

>> No.8142187

was out of booze this morning
and won't be able to go to the pub at lunch

all the alcohol is out of my system and the panic is settling in

might have to pop my emergency etizolam

>> No.8142326

got 3 bottles of 80% absinthe from spain as a gift, gonna be an alright day

>> No.8142462
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same here brother

i get fucking awful anxiety if i'm sober for too long

couldn't even sleep last night. sleep schedule is fucked haha

>> No.8142467

A healthy relationship with alcohol.

>> No.8142568

This for your new screenplay?

>> No.8142630

I know man

I think I need to accept my latent bisexuality

I've only had girlfriends and I don't think I'm emotionally attracted to men but I watch a ton of gay and tranny porn and think dicks are hot

>> No.8142690

Man I've never had a girlfriend, or even a true friend that was a girl ever in my life. Lucky.
Yeah sounds like you're bi though. If you are the world could be an all you can fuck smorgasbord for you.
Just drank my first beer of the day on a completely empty stomach lads. Time to make some food I suppose.

>> No.8142701

Yeah the girlfriends were all fun

But honestly you're not missing out on too much, they don't solve your emotional problems

Anyway had a bottle of red and three 7% ballast point big eye IPAs last night

Not going to drink at work today just going to sweat it out

Party tonight with coworkers tho

>> No.8142709

doing ocsober lads
hopefully that will stop the abdomen pains

>> No.8142770

Good luck broseph.

>> No.8142834

Wahhh!! My mummy takes care of me and I don't have to try so I drink instead... man that's fuckin pathetic. Do something with yourself, you've got a hell of a safety net to fall back on so why not just go and live and do what makes you happy

>> No.8142855

Just woke up on my couch.
Guess i drank too much vodka and limeade

>> No.8142925

I can't believe people still get this triggered on this Malaysian fax number directory

>> No.8142932

any recommendations for spicy alcohol?
i wanna feel the warmth and burn down my throat

>> No.8142943


bloody mary

>> No.8142944

Just chase vodka shots with your favorite hot sauce

I'm actually not joking

>> No.8143008
File: 179 KB, 866x869, biglenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Incredible Hulk" is a professional mover who is really built. He injects this fake tanner into his body that turns him slightly green. Him and his wife are Natty Ice and Franzia drinkers.
Big Lenny?

>> No.8143142

anyone else feel like they get put on autoplay when they drink even a little. I wish I could control myself

>> No.8143269

Keep at it. You can. Take everyday as it comes, one day at a time.

>> No.8143380

No, despite all the drinking I've done I've never felt the autoplay feeling, and I've only black out once in my life for 15 minutes before falling asleep on the floor.
I just always liked to drink a lot. The difference now after all these years is if I get really drunk I will undoubtedly need to drink in the morning, so I avoid that the best I can now.

>> No.8143396

gonna go down to the liquor store before sun sets and buy 5 natty daddy tall cans. thats about what it takes me to black out

>> No.8143401

sounds like a good way to ingest too much sodium

>> No.8143424

Top kek.

Pro tip: drink all the time, so it becomes habit. Depend on it. Drink through the hangover. Give that a year or so and then until you die.
Pro tip 2: make sure you have the finance required to do this else you will end up on harder drugs.

But on the real tip, get a fucking grip and stop wanking off over Beeing a piss head. I used to think it was romantic and hardcore. It's sad and tragic at best, at worst it's deadly. Deadly to your body. Deadly to your meaningful relationships, self esteem, life progress and functionality. Unless.... Big unless you can supliment your booze habits with other drugs which can keep you stimulated enough to perform above And beyond your prior existance.

>> No.8143427 [DELETED] 


>> No.8143448

Underrated post.

>> No.8143734

>The difference now after all these years is if I get really drunk I will undoubtedly need to drink in the morning
I'm glad I can't do this. I'd be dead by now for sure. I drink a about a fifth every night, but only in the evenings. The last thing I wanna see when waking up with my normal hangover is more alcohol.

>> No.8143764

Not that guy but I can definitely drink the morning after if the anxiety / withdrawal is bad enough.

Sometimes--often--you puke the first one back up but after that for some reason they all go down smooth

And that is how you blackout for days at a time and wake up in the ER, friends

>> No.8144277

>tfw sober but angry all the time and wishing I could drink to just get the monkey off my back

I hate this feeling.

>> No.8144302
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been sipping this on and off for about an hour

pretty nice feels

>> No.8144339

So, after trying numerous lower shelf wines I gotta say Barefoot has good white wine. Drinking the Chardonnay on top of some weak-ass poppy seed tea and feeling very chill. 5.99 a bottle is hard to beat for the taste and alcohol content.

>> No.8144345

Welcome to addiction, my friend. I feel for you. I have so many urges to use opiates but I can't get them for shit. Which is honestly a good thing

>> No.8144349

first day of a new job today, drinking plenty of homebrewed dry hopped pale ale and a german pils thats really aged to perfection. Also some Sierra nevada torpedo, Lagunitas IPA and sucks

>> No.8144388

>>tfw sober but angry all the time and wishing I could drink
i stay mad as fuck all the time, and if i'm not angry im apathetic
kill me already

>> No.8144409

Don't drink tonight I said.

Go to company dinner.

Free fucking drinks.


You heroin addicts don't know how easy you have it.

>> No.8144612
File: 245 KB, 700x350, 10_5_11_absinthe8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is absinthe just a meme drink?

>> No.8144622


It is literally meme tier

What it is, really, is a 50% or more ABV that somehow goes down kind of smooth because of the spices in it. So people drink more than they would of like, say, 151 or ever clear and then get surprised and say "ohhhh absinthe MUH WORMWOOD"

>> No.8144763

As long as you didnt get ripped id chalk that up as a win.
Being able to limit yourself to the "normal" 1-3 drinks in an evening is just as good as not drinking in my eyes

>> No.8144986

I've posted similar before but after regressing with my quitting though I'd post again. How can people be physically drink more? Whenever I start drinking heavily I get such horrific indigestion. I can refrain and be okay for the first bottle but I'm essentially breathing fire after that. I remember people making fun of me on here for it. I can only imagine they can't empathise with how much it hurts. I'm virtually breathing acid. It fucking hurts so much and I'm constantly uncomfortable. Despite wanting to keep drinking I become physically incapable.

>> No.8144996

I only drink 15 proof or less. Those heavy drinkers are asking for a heartattack. Maybe some prolonged suicide.

>> No.8145534

This guy has made 250 beer review episodes with ~10 views per episode.

>> No.8145849

>not drinking naty ice and the franz all day every day

>> No.8145882

So what's the earliest you can fuck your shit up with hard drinking? I've been averaging half a fifth of hard liquor per day from the age of 21 to 27 and my last blood test with liver panel came back fine

>> No.8145900

>He stopped drinking when he got kidney stones.
Is this a thing?

I thought drinking lowered the chance of Kidney stones.

>> No.8145911

drinking WATER can lower your chance of kidney stones. Drinking fucking grain alcohol significantly raises the rate

>> No.8145952
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Think I'm gonna bust a beer here fellas. Was potentially going to wait until 4, but these last 15 minutes have gone by incredibly slowly.

>> No.8145964

It's different with everyone. Seems like you're doing well so far. Just remember to eat right and stay hydrated, other than that it's pretty much anyone's guess.

>> No.8145978

Agree. Eating right can significantly prolong your ability to drink like a fish. Problem is, most chronic alcoholics begin to get most of their calories from alcohol instead of food.

>> No.8145988
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>tfw quarter life crisis
Guys..I hate living in my body. I want to do everything but im good at nothing. This is why I drink

>> No.8146000

I've been drinking freqeuntly since the 7th grade. I'm a college junior now and have been sober since March. I want to enjoy alcohol, I know some people like to have a beer after work. I just ultimately don't have a huge desire to drink it. Is there a good beer brand or something? The other day I socially drank a Miller lite at a dinner event for a company, but I didn't finish it. My college years has caused me to be unable to smell most alcohols without gagging.

>> No.8146013

What is the best food to go with sour cream? I had a small party last week and someone left a tub of the stuff, but I almost never use it so I have no idea what to do with it.

As far as I know it's pretty much just for baked potatoes and Mexican food.

>> No.8146018
File: 39 KB, 742x608, You-are-traffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening big boy

Have you ever heard of the concept that you are not in traffic, you are traffic.

In the same way, you are not surrounded by other people. You are other people.

Every doubt you have, they have too. Every wish you have to be loved, they have too.

They fear failure and rejection. You fear failure and rejection.

The difference between the happy and the sad?

The happy accept that they feel all these things, and that they might well be ridiculed, but they create anyway.

The sad and the scared keep it all inside, and make their sadness inevitable.

>> No.8146027

is that aussie drink still here?

found out on of my ex (non) girlfirends offed herself last night. she was 2444444444. she was just a kid for fuck sakes.

I cried in my car for a long time.

gonna have a smoke and hunt some squirrels if I can sttttant. AA meertin g at 8

>> No.8146041

whats some good alcohol to mix with tea?

>> No.8146071

Smoked salmon.

>> No.8146090


Rum or whiskey, though I like vodka alongside my tea. Anything can work if you do up a punch with liquor, cold tea, and juice. Hard to go wrong with those three, in whatever combination.

>> No.8146692
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i feel this feel

>> No.8146697


in japan they mix shochu with oolong tea on ice and it's great

you can also mix shochu with mugi (barley) tea on ice

>> No.8146751

>wake up hungover and anxious
>no fucking way am i drinking today
>6:30 PM rolls around and crack a beer

>> No.8146753

Here again, a little less angry but still angry as hell. I haven't drank in weeks but I'll be damned if I don't fuck it up within the next few days.

>> No.8146766

I can't even get drunk anymore. I hit the point last night when I just feel terrible even while I'm drinking and feel sober until I suddenly pass out. I'm trying to talk myself into taking a few nights off, if only for the fact that it will be funner again.

>> No.8146817
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Why not just find a golden middle ground between alcholism and not drinking, I drink somewhere between three and six beers every day, feels pretty good

>> No.8146903

feel you anon

but like >>8130135 said, university is important

get wasted af like 1-2 times a week, and give all you got for studies in between

>> No.8147249

like >>8130144 said*

>> No.8147281

Steel Reserve checking in.

>> No.8147371

it's the worst feeling. i recently decided to make an attempt at not drinking on weekdays because it was beginning to affect my productivity at work. turns out that doing so affects my attitude at work, which is much more noticeable when i'm irritated all the time.

the obvious answer seems to be that both of these problems would be solved by not drinking. and yet here i am, 10 drinks deep and pondering the consequences of my vices...

>> No.8147514

The issue here is discipline. Sure, I drink on the weekends, but I make it a point to never drink during the week or when the sun is out, ever.

You gotta be stronger anon's. Get up and go at the day with everything you've got and when you pass the urge to drink, you're already a step ahead of a lot of other poor bastards who just wouldn't.

A lot of people get life out of the bottle, but really, the bottle just takes the life out of you.

>> No.8147526

I'm not trying to give you shit or anything but that isn't the heart of the problem. I say this even as a guy who has reduced my drinking longterm.

>> No.8147531

It is almost 1:30 here and I'm considering whether I should go make myself an old fashioned or go to bed.

>> No.8147533

What do you have to do tomorrow.

>> No.8147539


>> No.8147544
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What is the heart of the issue then ?

>> No.8147785

My first time being drunk is now. Ask me anything.

>> No.8147794
File: 3.12 MB, 5312x2988, 20161002_070353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

squirrel hunter here

morning fellow drunks. went to an AA meeting last night.

end up yelling out ''my name is anon and im a hell of a drunk. I got a few good laughs. then I yelled out about how my friend killed herself the night before. they new I was ass blasted drunk. Im starting to get paranoid again.

I keep getting these notices from the mail man about packages im supposed to get.

I don't like the mail man. or cops.

cream cheese and chicken nuggets for breakfast.

heres the chip the chairman forced into my hands

>> No.8148046

Fucking hell, the headache homemade rakiya gives you is the worst in the world.

>> No.8148783

how does it feel

>> No.8149267

Having a bit of abdominal pain today lads, going on 2 hours at this point.
Can't decide what to do, but I don't feel anxious/withdrawly.

>> No.8149271

It's just not strength or willpower.

>> No.8149352


>> No.8149725

Alright, who's drinkin here tonight.
My pain subsided somewhat but I decided to finish half a bottle of wine tonight. I still feel it a little bit, but it's not as bad, and I never experienced nausea or anything, so it could be worse at the moment I'm sure. Will have to see how I feel tomorrow after a little bit of the wine tonight. If it still hurts I may have to get checked out.

>> No.8149778

As someone who actually enjoys absinthe on a semi-regular basis, this is somewhat true. An absinthe drunk varies just as much as a vodka drunk does to a whiskey drunk. But people aren't used to the ABV and claim feeling 'medicated'. I can agree to that to a certain degree, but it's (probably) only due to the elevated ABV.

>> No.8149796

Why would you want to be an alcoholic?

>> No.8149830

There's a different reason for everyone. Usually some sort of underlying depression. There is some willpower needed if you're trying to quit drinking, but obviously one of the bigger tasks is fixing the underlying issues at hand. Maybe it's even something that can't be fixed and that you have to come to terms with.

Most people aren't born addicted to alcohol.The same can be said about any addiction really. This is why so much of rehabilitation is focused around developing productive habits and talking about your feelings and shit. If you're not a fucking depressed sack of shit you're less likely to drown your woes in booze.

>> No.8150018

There was actually a point in my life where I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing, and I said to myself, "You will get in trouble if you continue to do this," and then I took a shot of whiskey and went back down into the party downstairs. Not that guy but I remember this moment vividly, and I chose alcohol because I had nothing else in my life. I have friends, and still have them, but I was selfish and chose to go full bore because of what I felt I didn't have and couldn't have in my life.

>> No.8150025

On top of the absolute desire to destroy my strong memory on top of that as well. I'm actually happier and less worried about daily life and the future than I have been for years because I have lost a lot of concerns and am content with being alone. I still have people to talk to and I value that a lot. I just don't have to deal with scenes anymore or be concerned about someone saying something about me, having conceptions etc.

>> No.8150121

Do it. And don't stick to one: bar hop.

Eventually you'll find that bar that all the other loners go to as well.

The 4chan of bars, if you will.

Most bar cultures are more easily worked out during the week, when you can chat to the locals.

Some bars will completely cycle their crowd during the weekend as the normies completely take over.

>> No.8150451


>> No.8150462

>tfw been drinking dank hefeweissen beers all day

>> No.8151235

Why do I smell so weird when I don't drink for a day? It's a unique smell that's always the same but never occurs in any other situation.

>> No.8151493

This. My favorite bar is a great cozy comfy quiet old fashioned spot Sunday to Thursday.

Friday and Saturday for some gay reason they are utterly swamped by normies and it's standing room only and screaming and loud music

>> No.8151532

first day without alcohol for months lads
feeling very anxious
difficult to breath
feel like my head's going to explode (high blood pressure?)

hopefully it gets easier over the next few days :)

>> No.8151638


>> No.8151797

What the fuck do normies look forward to on work days if they don't get drunk at night...??

>> No.8151812

sex and good food for me you weak minded, worthless liquor addict.
Go and do the world a favor and drink yourself to death, scumbag.

>> No.8151848

first day sober in a while, and I have a plan to maybe stop for 90 days. I hope it works. My friends are bad influences. I took a nap at lunch, and I dreamed about drinking, and I'd wake up, go back to sleep, and dream again about drinking. God, I'm tired.

>> No.8152111

I'm on day 4 of a solid bender right now, I put away almost 1.5 liters of vodka yesterday, don't remember much. Withdrawal anxiety is creeping up on me so I need to have some more

>> No.8152482

Sex cuck

>> No.8152520

what does this even mean

>> No.8152547


>> No.8152571


it means if you rely on sex to make you happy then you'll be miserable someday because your girlfriend might leave you or whatever

food and alcohol are good pleasures because nobody can take them away from you

>> No.8152586


>> No.8152814

>We movin
>we movin
>we movin
>we movin

>> No.8153592

if I drink a lot, my arms hurt like hell for a day or two afterwards, is this normal?

>> No.8154924

thats what metabolism is rtard