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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 654x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8128248 No.8128248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, I'm a traditional Irish chef. I moved to America a few years ago and often miss my homeland. However one thing I could take with me was my love of Irish cooking. Potatoes, cabbage, you name it. I'll cook it. Every month i get together with friends and make a traditional Irish meal for them. Irish beef stew is my favorite meal to make.

>> No.8128259


Have you ever actually been to Ireland?

>> No.8128261

As I said, I lived in Ireland most of my life.

>> No.8128270


Lay it on us OP, I'd love to see some of your cooking.

>> No.8128271

>As I said, I lived in Ireland most of my life.

That is quite obviously untrue, so as I asked, gave you ever been there?

>> No.8128272


Don't you ever wonder what Ireland is like? As a native American you should probably take a trip over there to experience Irish cooking.

>> No.8128280

Alright i could upload some photos

I lived there most of my life

I have lived there most of my life

>> No.8128293


Contrary to popular belief, bars are not considered diplomatic regions of Ireland, therefore setting foot in a bar does not mean you've actually been to Ireland.

>> No.8128296


You revealed your OP that you're as Irish as a Mexican jumping bean. Now once again, and try to tell the truth this time... Have you ever actually been to Ireland?

>> No.8128303

Born and raised in Ireland

I grew up in Ireland and spent most of my life there

>> No.8128311


Obvious troll is obvious.

Closest you've been to Ireland is a plastic paddy parade in your hometown, which I strongly suspect is in the USA.

Stereotypes will only get you so far bucko, and only if you use them with a modicum of sense.

>> No.8128323

what the fuck is going on here

>> No.8128333


An Anon is pretending to be Irish for some reason.

>> No.8128334

Wtf I swear I'm Irish and lived there for 25 years

>> No.8128341


And it's perfectly clear to anyone whose been there for longer than a fortnight's holiday that you're talking out of your arse when you say that.

>> No.8128346

You don't know my life, I do. I was born and raised in dublin

>> No.8128353

Post a vocaroo senpai

>> No.8128355

It looks more like a guy samefagging this weird series of posts.

>> No.8128356



>> No.8128360

That's an obvious lie. No human children have been born in Dublin since 1989.

>> No.8128365


Im telling you the honest truth right hand to God

That's just not true I was born there

>> No.8128367

Alright OP, we're gonna need a vocaroo, like >>8128353 said.

>> No.8128368


Well it's me calling him on his bullshit, and I'm not him.

His first post is a dead give away that he's as Irish as Kunta Kintae... I'm just amused by his protestations and failure to realise his mistake(s).

>> No.8128374


You're the fool I was honestly born in Ireland you're being an idiot

>> No.8128375

To see if you have an Irish accent

>> No.8128376

>he doesn't get the reference
Obviously not Irish, then. Had you gotten the joke, I'd have acquiesced, but you hadn't and so, it's obvious that you're about as Irish as Empress Michiko.

>> No.8128377


It's as clear as fucking day that you've never been near Ireland you daft cunt. Now stop making a bloody eejit of yourself.

>> No.8128378

Even if he is fake, you're just taking his bait. What's the point?

Both sides of the conversation are jerking themselves off right now.

>> No.8128382

Actually, Michiko is definitely more Irish than OP.
She's been to Ireland, studied Irish history, speaks a little Irish and was educated by Irish nuns.

>> No.8128385

there's where you slipped up. Irish people swear to the virgin mary.

>> No.8128388

I do have one

Just because I don't get your stupid reference doesn't mean I'm not Irish, I am

I am Irish! I was born and raised there I'm serious

It's not fake I am Irish

I was born and raised in Ireland

I was born and raised unite land no lie

>> No.8128391


That point I must concede. It just amusing that anyone would want to do it.

>> No.8128395
File: 448 KB, 1337x1050, protestants BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honest to god
filthy protestant scum detected

>> No.8128397

This reminds of this time I had dinner with my corworkers. I make a rule of not socializing with coworkers, and I should not have broken it. This may take 2 posts, it was THAT bad.

6 coworkers met at someone's house under the pretense of "Irish stew". I grudgingly accepted the invitation and arrived at 2 pm (when I was told to come). I brought traditional soda bread that had to be baked first. The host made a bit of a stink about using the oven when he had other things in there, but I told him I wanted it fresh.

The stew was still cooking and the host was already drinking alcohol at this time. In the middle of a conversation with a member of the opposite sex, the host tells me, "Please, no talk about politics. PLEASE not today". I said if more people talked about politics we would be in a better country, and he got very argumentative so I just dropped it.

I was drinking apple juice that I brought over and the host kept trying to get me to have a beer. He was obviously intoxicated and starting saying how maybe I would be relaxed and "cooler" if I had some alcohol. It was pathetic, like peer pressure from a high school TV show.

Anyway, at that point I became withdrawn and went for a walk. I came back right before dinner, and that is when the fun started.

He made "Irish stew" with beef, carrots, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, hot sauce, oregano, tomato, and various ingredients. I started telling others that proper Irish stew should only contain mutton, potato, onion, and water, and that beef, tomato, black pepper, hot sauce, and other ingredients would not be available then and therefore it was a modern stew, not Irish stew.

We started eating and someone asked me about what I had said about real Irish stew. The host looked annoyed so I told him. He turned red and told me if I didn't like it I could "get the fuck out and take my apple juice with me".

>> No.8128398

*in Ireland

For the last time im tellling you I'm Irish

>> No.8128403

I was shocked and speechless. He left the room and his girlfriend (they are unmarried but live together) apologized. Eventually, people started talking more comfortably and he came back and was brooding and drinking more.

The stew was okay, but not authentic. I asked him if he knew that mutton was on sale at a local store and he flew into a tirade, bringing up any small error or faux pas I have ever committed at work. People were trying to calm him down, and I simply responded to him in a quiet and calm voice, and said that I appreciated his invitation and his "take" on Irish stew, but it would have been nicer if the company had been more warm.

He got up and pulled me out of the chair, stretching my sweater at the neck. He was literally screaming in my face and had his fist up in a threatening manner.

I told him I would call the cops if he hit me. He then told me to get out and take my "fucking juice and shit bread" with him. A second loaf was still in the oven with 7 minutes left, and I said I wasn't leaving until it was cooked and I could take it.

He shouted at me to leave or he would call the cops ON ME (imagine) and then threw the bread out of the oven on the ground. I was shaking with emotions and told the group that I enjoyed my time with them but I couldn't say the same about the host.

It was a horrible affair, but I decided to make authentic Irish stew today, because I was let down yesterday and had a hankering for it. It is simmering on the stove and I plan on bringing it to lunch tomorrow, one bowl for me and some for the host. It will be a subtle form of revenge as well as a way to show him that I am a better cook and am the more mature, forgiving person.

Any other stories of hosts from hell? People who cannot act respectful towards others in their own home should not have dinner parties.

>> No.8128406
File: 38 KB, 404x604, Sup Niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8128417


>> No.8128425

>For the last time im tellling you I'm Irish

And for the last time I'm telling you that you're an extremely obvious liar.

Now, this can go on all week or you can put up some of your pretend Irish recipes and we can all laugh at your poor grasp of reality.

>> No.8128426

>(they are unmarried but live together)

holy kek I love this pasta. You can just picture the fedora on this hypothetical persons head.

>> No.8128437

Fine I will post some of my recipes to prove this to you

I swear I'm irish

>> No.8128439

Appropriate pasta since we've obviously got Irish Faux Guy here this evening.

>> No.8128441


You do that Hank.

>> No.8128455
File: 110 KB, 750x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato leek and chicken pie I made last week

>> No.8128459


Jaysus, as Oirish as Liffey water!

>> No.8128473

I can't believe I'm being ganged up on for no reason
I was born and raised in Ireland
This is ridiculous

>> No.8128484

Look, to be frank Anon, after your OP, there is nothing that you could say, do or swear that would convince me or anyone from, or having spent any time in Ireland that you had any more than a very cursory knowledge of the country and that largely built upon (mistaken) stereotypes.

Lurk moar on Irish threads.

>> No.8128487

Was it any good?

>> No.8128491


D'ya lyke dags?

>> No.8128499

How does someone prove that? Do you want the guy to post a photo of him in Ireland next to a sign or some shit?

The fuck is this god damn meme.

>> No.8128501

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.8128502

For my Irish bros (OP obviously not included), what was the name of that cookery programme with the guy cooking things then climbing mountains and shit? Can't recall.

>> No.8128503

You're a fool I was born and raised in Ireland it's funny how you're all so convinced when you're completely wrong

It was delicious


Thank you

>> No.8128509
File: 10 KB, 200x211, 343[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even tell who's trolling who in this thread.

Do irish fags really have such a strong no true scottsman mentality? Is OP actually irish? Is OP intentionally trolling? Is OP getting trolled? So many questions, but this thread is thread of the week for me. I'm losing all my keks over here.

>> No.8128510


I'm not sure he could, convincingly, after his opener. It was kinda Obvious

>> No.8128511

Is seafood ever included in what one would call traditional Irish cooking?

>> No.8128514

If he'd just post a vocaroo we'd know,but he's being a Fag so he's obviously some middle class suburban kid from new yawk

>> No.8128524

You know the episode of Simpsons where You is getting deported and he comes off with the patter ending in "the Nye Mets are my favourite squadron"? Well... Op is a little like that.

>> No.8128528


Apu, not you.

>> No.8128532


>> No.8128535

I am Irish!

This is op I was born and raised in Ireland

I am Irish I can see how my post could be misleading but I am

Yes but it is not a huge part of Irish cooking and used to be cooked more in the past

Fine I will post one if that would help


>> No.8128536

Paddy and the Hershey Highway?

>> No.8128543


Calm down Tex.

>> No.8128545

What would that even give away?

>> No.8128553

Bastinn, more likely.
People over there are about as Irish as a burrito yet love to tell you about just how Irish they really are and love """"""""""""""traditional"""""""""""""" Irish foods like corned beef and cabbage and Shamrock Shakes™.

>> No.8128560


I am from Ireland

>> No.8128563

Read the first paragraph of The Hobbit

>> No.8128571

I've read it

>> No.8128573

CEO is that you?

>> No.8128580


Whatever we you want us to believe, Bubba.

I'll just throw another sod o' turf on the fire, put my 23 children to bed under the thatch and listen in awe to your tales of moving to Amerikay and cooking traditional scran for the cowboys and girls.

>> No.8128593

You're a bully seriously I was born in Ireland you wasted your time

>> No.8128595

>not getting your children to put the turf in the fire while slugging whiskey and yelling sexual slurs at your mentally traumatised wife

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.8128604

In the vocaroo you silly

>> No.8128607

>Potatoes, cabbage, you name it.

I think you've already named all of it.

>> No.8128613


I've made no secret of the fact that I believe the closest you've come to Ireland is being allowed to sniff your mum's glass after she's had a wee Bailey's.

However I didn't doubt your sexuality until that post, tell me mo cara, do you sit down to pee?

>> No.8128619


He forgot the Aberakebabra group.

>> No.8128632

from italy here, but I had corned beef and cabbage for lunch, so I guess i'm irish, too!! (:

>> No.8128634 [DELETED] 

Fuck off I am Irish you're a bad person

>> No.8128639


Aye, dead on Ellie-Mae.

>> No.8128645 [DELETED] 


>> No.8128654


Sure thing Ma'am!

>> No.8128659 [DELETED] 

Don't call me that

>> No.8128661


Why shucks little lady, I didn't mean nothin' by it.

>> No.8128668 [DELETED] 

Stop please

>> No.8128672


Sure thing, jus' let me woaaaaah this ole horse of mine.

>> No.8128681 [DELETED] 


>> No.8128691


Tell you what, why don't you just mosey down to the chuck wagon and rustle us all up a mess of that traditional Irish cookin' like you get in your homeland.... With beans.

>> No.8128699 [DELETED] 

What would you like me to make

>> No.8128707


Something that'll make me Riverdance.

>> No.8128711

Just STFU you little bitch.

>> No.8128712 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just the thing

>> No.8128719

>Just STFU you little bitch

You'd swear you'd just left Ringsend Tech yesterday!

>> No.8128736

Go potato famine yourself, OP

>> No.8128739 [DELETED] 


>> No.8128800

very very very good thread me lads

>> No.8128804 [DELETED] 

I am irish

>> No.8128807

It amused me.

I just hope I haven't offended that young American girl who was pretending to be Irish.

>> No.8128811

me too desu, what are some typically irish things you like doing?

>> No.8128815


So's CJ Stander.

>> No.8128830 [DELETED] 

Stop I am Irish you're a jerk

I grew up doing a lot of hurling

>> No.8128831

starving to death and being illiterate

>> No.8128842

>Stop I am Irish you're a jerk

I haven't heard the word jerk in this context before, foes it derive from the gaelige?

>> No.8128851


I was gonna say, drinkin', ridin' and talkin' the pish outta clampits on 4 chan.. But you're not wrong.

>> No.8128856

i've lived in ireland for 4 years before and not once have I heard a single soul say the word Jerk to describe a man. i've heard plenty of cunts and wankers. a few slags and pikeys, but never jerk. what's your game lad?

>> No.8128865 [DELETED] 

I'll admit I heard it the first time when I moved to America I am Irish though

>> No.8128884


Only Irish in you is the Jameson's yer da fed ye before busting yer star.

>> No.8128891 [DELETED] 

I grew up in Ireland

>> No.8128897

my question is: why do you care so much about everyone thinking you're Irish, when you're posting on an anonymous image board. You could've asked for Irish food recipes, perhaps gotten a little shitposting, but then you'd have a real thread going. instead you wasted most of it on incessantly repeating a statement you can't actually prove and getting triggered when the rest of these cocksuckers call you bubba

>> No.8128902


Yes Billy-Bob, the Ireland in your head.

>> No.8128910


Should it be O'Bubba?

>> No.8128918 [DELETED] 

I'm insulted that nobody believes that I'm Irish I actually am Irish . I grew up in Ireland and I'm visiting there this year . It's insulting and everyone is wrong I don't get why it's so unbelievable that I'm Irish

Stop I am Irish

>> No.8128920

>I don't get why it's so unbelievable that I'm Irish

And that, Cletus, is the first thing you've said tonight that I know is true.

>> No.8128930

>you're a jerk
Fuck off, no Irishman uses septic talk, how is life in Boston?

>> No.8128935

why are you that thin-skinned you unbelievable cunt. we're on an anonymous board on an anonymous website. not only does nobody believe you but nobody cares even if we did.

>> No.8128939 [DELETED] 

Stop that

I already said I learned that word when I moved form Ireland to usa

Wel you're all wrong I was born and raised in Ireland

>> No.8128946

I don't even know why we keep replying to you anymore. I'm not sure if you're a troll who is doing this for (You)'s or a newfag who genuinely doesn't know how things work on this website. It's baffling.

>> No.8128948

>>8128939>Wel you're all wrong I was born and raised in Ireland

Sho' you was pardner

>> No.8128949

>I already said I learned that word when I moved form Ireland to usa

Whats the name of the mashed tatty dish and onions?

>> No.8128963

I believe that OP is Irish. Prove me wrong.

>> No.8128966


Fuck off OP.

>> No.8128971 [DELETED] 

That's your problems you guys can't accept the fact that I am telling the truth. You're so dumb for not realizing that it's not that unbelievable that I was born in Ireland

I was as I told you many times


Do you really ? Thank you
Not me

>> No.8128978

Full five minutes to google champ.

I thought they had good schools in America?

>> No.8128980

Thats Northern Irish.

>> No.8128982 [DELETED] 

I've been familiar with it my whole life thank you

>> No.8128986


Meh. I'm not him and I wouldn't argue over that.

There are a couple of other things he could have called it too and not been wrong... In fact they'd arguably have been more convincing.

But the twat's no more Irish than Telly Savalas. Good fun though.

>> No.8128993


Yer Ma's familiar with "it" alright.

>> No.8128995

Not sure what I expected coming into this thread but it truly is god awful.
Good job guys

>> No.8128997


I just cannot understand anyone pretending to be Irish. Weird shit.


>> No.8129010 [DELETED] 

I am Irish I was born and raised in Ireland


We could have had a good thread but I'm being trolled

I'm not pretending to be Irish I'm telling the truth you guys are messing with me

>> No.8129039



>> No.8129055

>calling someone a bully on 4chan
>on the cooking board no less
Ohhhh boy

>> No.8129064

Fuck me, (s)he took that bad.

>> No.8129065


Beat me to it.

>> No.8129068 [DELETED] 

Fuck you guys I'm seriously Irish now leave me alone

>> No.8129073


Lying cunt.

>> No.8129077


You're seriously not. Nor even a convincing facsimile.

>> No.8129078 [DELETED] 

I'm not lying this is my life I'm talking about

>> No.8129079 [DELETED] 

I am irish

>> No.8129082

>I'm lying this is my life I'm lying about

FTFY - Now tell me where your frosted lucky charms are.

>> No.8129086


You are my arse.

>> No.8129088 [DELETED] 

Fuck off I'm actual Irish
What if someone was telling you you're not who you actually are?


>> No.8129097

Hey fagwad, listen. Even if you are Irish -- why would it be okay for you to make a goddamn blog post about being Irish here?
Was this your autistic way of trying to get a discussion going about Irish cuisine as if we'd even want to do that?

I make potatoes all the time, but I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit. You should learn some cynicism.

>> No.8129103


I reckon you once watched Darby O'Gill & The Little People up to the bit with the banshee, when you ran away and hid.

You probably use Irish Mist soap too.

Apart from that, some if those boys in the boats coming outta Syria would pass for locals easier than you.

>> No.8129112

At what point do you think anyone is actually gonna believe you?
You've gotten quite a bit of replies already...

>> No.8129115 [DELETED] 

We could have had a good discussion going about Irish cuisine. I am Irish and from Ireland

I am from Ireland

When you guys realize how ridiculous you guys are.

>> No.8129122

>We could have had a good discussion going about Irish cuisine. I am Irish and from Ireland

We could, I've discussed it with foreigners before. But you came on with a very obviously fake initial assertion in order to create a wind-up thread, ye gas man

>> No.8129130

This is the strangest thread I've ever read. Is /ck/ always like this? Why does it even matter if he is Irish? Why would he lie? Why would you care if he's lying? OP seems like the more reasonable one here considering no one's even said why he's so un-Irish.

>> No.8129140 [DELETED] 

No I am actually Irish and from Ireland

Thank you

>> No.8129146

Cabbage is my favorite vegetable, am I the only one that feels this way?

>> No.8129149


The OP is just so patently absurd that bears play. His intent was also patently to wind, as he'd have fucked off long ago otherwise.

>> No.8129155


Your lies make baby Jebus cry.

>> No.8129170

What do you say we take a relaxed attitude towards work and watch the baseball game? The Ny Mets are my favourite squadron.

I'm an American chef I like traditional American food like hominy, baked possum and collard greens. Every month I get together with friends and make a traditional American meal for them. American Rogan Josh is my favourite meal to make..... I'm American, so I am

>> No.8129175

"baked possum"
Are you truly American, good sir?

>> No.8129177 [DELETED] 

It is one of my favorite

I'm trying to prove I'm actully Irish

I'm not lying


>> No.8129181 [DELETED] 


As apple sir!

>> No.8129188

>I'm trying to prove I'm actully Irish

You've proved beyond all shadow of doubt that you are not.... me bucko.

>> No.8129193


As Apple Pie sir....

>> No.8129196

Well then, time to commence with the festivities!

What shall it be for you, a cold apple cider, or perhaps a chilled Buzz Light?

>> No.8129203


I'll have a Pabst Red Ribbon!

And tip some more tea into the harbour will you?

>> No.8129218 [DELETED] 

Well I am actually Irish

>> No.8129239

>Well I am actually Irish

We both know that's not true and if you'd any real interest in pretending to be Irish you'd have made the OP at least vaguely credible.

It's better than the "I'm Italian so I love 'za" threads I'll grant you, but not much.

>> No.8129241 [DELETED] 

Well jokes on you cause I was born and raised in ireland

>> No.8129246


We could probably sort this out rather easily, but you are do obviously not Irish that there seems little point.

But make the most of it, tomorrow this will be as original and as fun as the "Well done, with ketchup" threads.

>> No.8129253

You're fucking retarded, and also an asshole.

>> No.8129261

>You're fucking retarded, and also an asshole.

Fine old Irish insults there. You're a true son of the bog fer shure

>> No.8129262 [DELETED] 

Stop I am actually Irish

Thank you

>> No.8129267 [DELETED] 

Wasn't me

>> No.8129273


Yes, yes... You're Irish. I'm Irish, everybody's Irish.... On St. Patrick's Day!

>> No.8129277


Course not!

>> No.8129283 [DELETED] 

I'm actully Irish and was born in Ireland

>> No.8129285

>I'm trying to prove I'm Irish
Post your birth certificate or am ID of some kind. Cover important info on the document with your hands or cardstock, like your name and what not. Them take a picture using self timer.

If you can't do this then don't expect is to just believe you're from Ireland.

I could come on here and say I'm posting from a cave in the middle east but that doesn't make it so.

>> No.8129286

I'm not op, just was calling you for what you were.

>> No.8129294
File: 298 KB, 300x199, mfw+analytical+chemistry+was+abbreviated+quot+Anal.+Chem.+quot+at+my+highschool+_0a3b441c09cc3bcd59fc5eee414b263b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Rogan Josh
Oh god holy shit

>> No.8129295



>> No.8129299 [DELETED] 

When I get home I will post my birth certificate

I am

>> No.8129303

Man you sure are conveniently not at home.

>> No.8129305


Yeah sure. Are you going to drip like the scabs on a five quid whore's cunt too?

>> No.8129312 [DELETED] 

Not really it could have put and end to all this. I will be home in 12 hours and I can prove it then I'll keep the thread alive so I can prove it

>> No.8129315

>When I get home I will post my birth certificate

When I get home I'll post half a dozen, I'm Irish, Guatemalan, German, Martian, Australian & Spanish. 4 Real.

>> No.8129321


No. You can't.

Nor for that matter can I prove that you're not, but to anyone with more than a passing knowledge of this country it is obvious and gas been since you started the thread.

>> No.8129330
File: 109 KB, 1080x972, 1470021615233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the autism in this thread

>> No.8129342

"I'm so Irish I'll dox myself"

A Kerryman, so?

>> No.8129343


>Potatoes, cabbage, you name it.

Made me laugh

>> No.8129364 [DELETED] 

Ok you joke but it's not funny

Well that's funny cause I am actually Irish and I will prove it to you

>> No.8129370

>Well that's funny cause I am actually Irish and I will prove it to you

No, no you won't.

>> No.8129395 [DELETED] 

Yes I will you will see

>> No.8129413


Not possible Mustapha mucker.

I don't know where you're from, but it ain't round here. Nearly time for my breakfast cabbage!

>> No.8129415

Do it so I can report you for identity theft

>> No.8129435

For me my favorite irish food is the McChicken.

>> No.8129441


But I'm really all of them, you'll see!

>> No.8129444 [DELETED] 

I am from ireland

>> No.8129447


In Ireland it's the O'Chicken

>> No.8129449


You might very well be.

But OP's not!

>> No.8129465 [DELETED] 

I am op I was born in Ireland

>> No.8129471


>> No.8129491

With the typos, man...

>> No.8129503 [DELETED] 

I was

>> No.8129570 [DELETED] 


>> No.8129615

OP, for the love of fuck, stop feeding the trolls.
Just ignore them and talk about your food.
Give us some good Irish recipes for Lamb!!

>> No.8129623 [DELETED] 

Now this I can do!

>> No.8129627

Tradional Irish stew.
Add in any amount to pot: potato carrot onion cabbage and beef.
Cover with beer and water.
season with salt and pepper.
set heat to low.
drink entire bottle of Jameson.
wake up in a daze and eat directly from the pot.

>> No.8129715

Until this thread, I had no idea there were really this many bad irish jokes. How oddly specific of everyone involved, really.

>> No.8129825

americans are so weird sometimes. I've never heard of making your tea with saltwater before. And here I thought your sweet tea was zany.

>> No.8129835

he's got the brains down, at least.

>> No.8129860
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>"I am op and I was born and raised in Ireland for 25 years you guys are ridiculous"

>> No.8130029

OP, if you want to prove you're Irish post some pictures of yourself from being in Ireland.

>> No.8130030


Better yet, post some local slang. Anyone Irish here will be able to corroborate it.

>> No.8130052


>> No.8130082

Top of the morning to ye fampai

>> No.8130499

Is it true that the meat for Irish stew used to marinate for up to a month?

>> No.8130532

Confirmed for "American Irish" pleb

>> No.8130578

why is this thread still a thing???

>> No.8130768 [DELETED] 


>> No.8130898

I remember some amazing Irish dish my parents made once on St Patrick's day, it had beef, cabbage and potatoes. I think they cooked it in beer in a slow cooker.

We ate it with mustard and it was heavenly, but for the life of me I can't find what it was called or any way to reconstruct it.

Have any ideas that could help me out, OP?

>> No.8130900

Sounds like a pretty basic stew.

>>Have any ideas that could help me out, OP?
Sure. Contact your parents and ask them.

>> No.8130908

the beef had a very interesting, unique flavor and texture if it helps, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't remember if I asked desu

>> No.8130912

>and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't remember if I asked

What's the harm in trying? Worst case they don't remember. No harm done.

>> No.8130918

Probably corned beef you dumbshit.

>> No.8130938

So that's what it was.
That was the only time I ever ate corned beef so I never knew what it was called.

>> No.8130973

It's THE stereotypical St. Patricks day food, corned beef and cabbage.

Again, corned beef. Only takes a week but you can leave it for as long as you want. And it's not a marinade it's actually a brine you're pickling the meat.

>> No.8130994
File: 238 KB, 1001x667, DSCF6178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ meetup in Ireland when?
We'll imbibe some pints.

>> No.8131317

You aren't getting it man, I'm not the Irish OP. I'm just passing by to tell you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.8131328

The only Irish dish I've made is a stew using Lamb(or beef), potatoes, some brown gravy mix, and generous amounts of thyme, rosemary, etc. I just don't really like cabbage so I am reluctant to put it in things.

>> No.8131329


your food is even worse than the brits

>> No.8131627 [DELETED] 


>> No.8131647

>Potatoes, cabbage, you name it.
you just did

>> No.8131682

Tfw I can't meme over this thread

>> No.8131707

I'm getting outta here guys

>> No.8132596


>> No.8132868

Well this certainly was an disappointing thread. I was hoping I could get cookbook recommendation for general irish cuisuine but apparently OP was about as irish as Cromwell.

>> No.8133571

Sorry the general population here is shit. Don't let it discourage your culinary endeavors. Good luck.

>> No.8133615

Top O' the mornin' to ya fellow irishmen in this thread. Boyo was thar a buncha of leprachans in my driveway this marnin'
I looooovveee potatos an cabbage boyos

>> No.8133620

Has 'go 'za finally been dethroned as meme?

>> No.8133637

is this what the op comes off as to the average irishman?.... Now i understand where this thread went wrong...

>> No.8135929


>> No.8135938

This thread is magically delicious.

>> No.8135948
File: 198 KB, 580x777, xb1998-20-21-2-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Ny Mets are my favourite squadron
>The Ny Mets

>> No.8135996 [DELETED] 


>> No.8136211
File: 115 KB, 1024x1152, 1461656678788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potatoes, cabbage
It can be hard finding that kind of specialty produce

>> No.8136248

What produce can you find that's unique in Ireland anyways?

>> No.8137340 [DELETED] 


>> No.8138233




>> No.8138265
File: 80 KB, 1333x900, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honest to god