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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8109324 No.8109324 [Reply] [Original]

What was your worst fatass moment /ck/?
over this last week I gradually ate three pounds of roasted peanuts, ended up packing on a few pounds

>> No.8109348

trying free samples of stuff when you not hungry...

>> No.8109388

Finished exams and a few days later, I went out, grabbed three large pizzas and four litres of coca cola and ate/drank it all within a few hours.

>> No.8109391

Jesus christ

>> No.8109398

They were 18 inch pizzas too.

>> No.8109400

Ate a large pizza one day after work. This was when I was living alone and barely ate all day at work.
Holy fuck dude.

>> No.8109407

What the fuck? Are you a competitive eater or something? Do you have a tapeworm?

>> No.8109410

The first pizza was gone within about ten minutes. Ate the second one over the next hour or so. Then munched on the third as the evening went on.

>> No.8109411

One of the first times I smoked weed I went to the drive-in theater; ate a whole pizza and nachos, dipped the pizza in the nacho cheese sauce.

>> No.8109691
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When i ate this motherfucker. The pain was worth it.

>> No.8109980

Like you haven't eaten that much before, I'm 145 pounds and I'll still eat 3 pizzas by myself, and I drink 4 liters of soda a day to boot. Git gud famalam.

>> No.8109993
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Went to Taco Bell one time, back when they still had the Chalupa. Got two 5-layer burritos, a loaded potato griller, a triple-layer nacho, a 4-pack of those Cinnabon fuckballs, and they threw in a chicken Chalupa by accident. May or may not have gotten a freeze as well.

By the time I got to the Cinnabons I was already half-dead. After an hour I got to the Chalupa, and it was lukewarm. Still alright.

Pretty much any time I eat is a fatass moment. Due in part to being a fatass.

>> No.8109997

got piss drunk the night before
woke up really early with zero hangover
felt awesome and full of energy
5 packs of instant noodles in a big pot, dumped meatballs and kebabs from the night before in there too, added 6 eggs, leftover pizza + box of krispy kremes
still felt hungry
still skinny as fuck

>> No.8110002

Ate six taco bell supreme crispy shell tacos, two Hershey candy bars, and an order of Charlie's chili cheese fries in about eight minutes.

>> No.8110016

I ate an entire box of Cinnamon Life cereal yesterday in about an hour, along with most of a carton of vanilla almond milk.

>> No.8110056

I call bullshit

>> No.8110061

>3 pounds of peanuts
>gained 4-5 pounds
Thermodynamics don't add up

>> No.8110135

When I was on my first steroid cycle I got mad hungry and cooked two large roasts for myself. One beef and one chicken. Finished them both and a shit load of veggies as well.

>> No.8110137

he said a few pounds

>> No.8110446

Eating an entire pizza and not feeling full or satisfied.

>> No.8110739

Two pounds of generic Oreos in a day and a half. Plus milk.

>> No.8110746

like two pounds of baby back ribs smoked with bbq sauce

>> No.8110747

mass does not have the same energy hope that helps

>> No.8110793

You added pizza and donuts to Fucking ramen?

>> No.8110804

Literally not even as bad as tendies from mcdonald's or the tendercrisp from BK. Try harder.

>> No.8110828

And hows your blood pressure faggot?

>> No.8110836

I've done good this week except for yesterday. I had a beer and a bakery oatmeal raisin cookie.

>> No.8110851
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I was doing this every weekend for awhile there.

Pour tortilla chips (about half a bag) into a large mixing bowl and cover it with melted Velveeta and Rotel, ground beef flavored with a taco seasoning packet, sliced black olives, chopped onion, diced tomatoes, sliced pickled jalapenos, shredded lettuce, couple tablespoons of salsa, a mashed avocado seasoned with ground cumin and half a lime (lazy man's guacamole), and a large dollop of sour cream.

Kind of looked like pic related.

>> No.8111089

whenever I buy a dozen or two dozen donuts I end up eating most/all of them by myself. It's a once-a-year at most thing but it's still pretty gross.

>> No.8111324
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>supposed to make batch of cookies to bring to party on Saturday
>go to store Friday after work and get one of those big tubs of choco chip cookie dough
>smoke some pots that evening and get the munchies
>end up eating entire tub of raw dough
>have to rush to store in the morning to get another thing of dough and make cookies before the party

Still ate about 5 cookies at the party.

I'm not even fat, just prone to fits of gluttony, usually when high.

>> No.8111345

Stoned when I was 19. The list follows as
>Three slices of pizza
>Two sandwiches
>An entire box of captain crunch
>An entire box of trix
>Some huge bag of tiny sugar cookies
>Four taco bell tacos
>Two bags of small Doritos
>Two bowls of Mac n cheese

And then I forced myself to go to sleep because was still hungry and getting paranoid that everyone would notice. I was 117 lbs and felt completely fine the next day. Even my shits were normal. I don't know how I didn't rupture my stomach or something. I smoke like once a year maybe now and even then that was the only time I got the munchies and wasn't just tired.

>> No.8111422
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I am rotundly and grossly obese. I eat entire birthday cakes by myself at least twice a week

My most shameful moment was one where I didn't eat though. I was walking home from work and went to the store on the way back. I was going to grab some Banana Milkshake to drink with my dinner (family sized pizza). Then I remembered that I already had some, so I got my other things and walked home

When I got home I laid down for 1 hour to catch my breath whilst eating skittles from the jar I keep next to my couch. Then I got up and opened the fridge and realised I didn't have any banana milkshake after all.

Had a fucking breakdown. Literally sat on the floor in tears because I didn't want to walk back to the store.

Ended up falling on the floor on purpose, pretending I slipped on a banana. Then I sat for 20 minutes sucking the moist carpet (moist from my sweat) pretending it was banana milkshake crushed from the banana peel I slipped on. Still feel bad about that.

>> No.8111428


>> No.8111431

That sounds absolutely fucking god like, holy christ

>> No.8111436


This is bad

>> No.8111442

He didn't say it was his only nutrition

>> No.8111453

For a few months, my daily meal was 500g of pasta mixed with 200g of pesto and 150g of parmesan. This, coffee and joints, all day, every day

>> No.8111461

For about one summer id eat 2 hageen dazz cups a day on top of at least another 4k calories. Sometimes I had 3 and some carmel cremes with it.

>> No.8111495

I truly want to believe this isn't real.

>> No.8111503

Absolutely disgraceful

>> No.8111512

>Still feel bad about that.
Get help.
Not out of scorn or malice, but out of genuine human sympathy. FIX THIS

>> No.8111540

And they say soul mates don't exist.

>> No.8111550


That sounds wonderful. Not even a ton of food if that's all you eat for the entire day.

>> No.8111599

protip if you're going to list a fatass moment don't use eating a bag of nuts over the course of a week as an example

My biggest memory of fatass overeating isn't necessarily the most I've ever eaten but the situation in general
>12 years old
>at friends house for the first time for sleepover
>his mom says we're getting wings for dinner
okay now when they say wings for dinner let's make something clear. I thought they were going to get a few dozen wings and some pizza or fries or something. I didn't expect what came next
>delivery place apparently does a deal on wings
>40 wing special for very cheap (I wish wings were still as cheap as they were then)
>she gets both of us, herself, her husband, and my friend's "little" sister a wing special
>this is 160 wings if you're keeping score
>all of us sit in his living room with large boxes of wings one huge comunnal container of french fries and a bucket of bleu cheese watching the food network
>yes the food network
>I fucking love wings and eat like 18 but can't go any further (I was a fatty myself as a kid but apparently not enough of one)
>all of them including his """little""" sister eat their whole wing special over the course of the evening
>I figure I'd take my leftovers home the next day for me and my parents to share
>lol nope one or more of them ate them all during the night

my friend is diabetic now and he's only in his 20s

>> No.8111639

how tiny are your nuts now

>> No.8111669
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I ate a full stalk of celery in one go once, I'm such a fattie.

>> No.8111671

I have an eating disorder, and I am leagues beyond anyone in this thread.
On day in particular I remember eating:

One white loaf, toasted, with a jar of strawberry jam and half a stick of butter.

A box of cinnamon toast crunch.

A box of lucky charms.

Three bowls of porridge + half a bottle of golden syrup, several tablespoons of hot chocolate powder and a heap of chocolate fudge Icing in each

The rest of the tub of Icing

A tray of oven chips covered in mayo, chilli sauce and ketchup

Two frozen pizzas, with a ridiculous amount of dips and condiments

Two large bags of tortilla chips, with two family size dip selections

Two tubs of Ben and Jerrys, save our swirled and peanut butter cup If memory serves

A packet of peanut butter cookies

A package of brownies

Five large cookies

A family packet of roses chocolates

A slab of cookies and cream chocolate

A tray of lasagne

An entire garlic bread

Another frozen pizza

Several packets of oreo

A packet of tortilla sour cream and onion pringles

A packet of Bbq pringles

Several assorted chocolate bars

More oven chips, mixed with frozen potato wedges and croquettes. Stupid amount of condiments.

3 or 4 tins of cold beans.

Several cans of soup.

A big Mac meal and oreo mcflurry

There's probably more I've forgotten, and 4L of coke aswell throughout the day.

Wish it was a joke, but it's not.
Had a day of work and my family were all on holiday, so I new I could go to the shop and binge and purge all day.

It was very expensive, and the stomach acid left my tongue and mouth burned. I'm glad I'm in recovery now because it was a very expensive, painful and damaging habit.

>> No.8111678

how much do you weigh

>> No.8111693

Idk but i'm about to heat up a frozen california pizza kitchen BBQ chicken pizza and eat it all

>> No.8111702

I don't want to go to frozen yogurt shop with friends, but I go anyway. I don't even order anything. I sit down in plastic bucket chair and lean back a little bit. It cracks so loud it reverberates and everyone looks in my direction. Realize I have no money on me and feel like shit that I couldn't pay for what I broke. Just walk out realizing the workers at the counter are probably laughing or cursing at me.

>> No.8111713

I used to order a massive chinese and stuff myself, go to the bathroom and puke it all up so i could eat more of it. Did this like twice

I also once bought a pack of bacon and unsliced bread, cut it horizontally instead of vertically and used it as a giant sub

When i go to kfc i order a big daddy box meal, fillet lunch box and extra chicken and eat it all. And i steal some my gf's fries while i get it out the bag

>> No.8111714

11ish stone at the moment.

I was actually rail thin and about a stone lighter at that point. I was bulimic and threw up after eating anything. It got so bad at one stage that I digested enough to keep me alive, but I'd shit about once every three weeks, binge weekly or so like this and starve myself for several days at a time occasionally.

My teeth are fucked, my stomach aches all the time and I still shit on a really odd schedule.
I can also throw up on cue at any time with no fingers etc and I can eat a mc chicken sandwich in 7 seconds, as timed by my friends who have no idea about this shit.

It's a disgusting and embarrassing habit and I've never shared this much information about it.

>> No.8111740

Eating too much sushi and throwing it up all over the bathroom

That was the turning point and after that I lost 40 pounds though

>> No.8111747

Before Hurricane Charley, I ordered three Papa Johns pizzas and breadsticks, then ate that while the power was out for the next four days.

I'm anorexic now. Eating lukewarm pizza for days was horrific.

>> No.8111756
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Pls get better anon
I'm rooting for you

>> No.8111766

I don't know how crazy this is but me and 2 friends ate 5 lbs of hot wings together.

>> No.8111778

Lol I once ate a big Mac & 10 piece nugget with ranch, large fry, fruitopia (hopped on over to the bell next street over) a chicken bacon ranch chalupa, chips and cheese, 2 soft tacos and 2 hard tacos with a loaded potato griller and 2 caramel apple empanada. Ate it all in a 3 hour period..

>> No.8111843

all mass has an energy equivalent you nerd

>> No.8111890

Was anorexic and bulimic but not as bad as that for sure. Hope you are better. I know these things don't usually always just stop but take care.

On a related topic I grew up pretty poor on shit food so I was a tubby kid. Teenager years we were pretty much starving ourselves but I still got taken to some bombass place when I was 17 for my birthday since other years we couldn't afford such a thing and we didn't think we could only afford a 'good' birthday for any of us every few years. Ate so much sushi I had to excuse myself, pace a lot the parking lot, threw it up on a bush and went back for more twice. I had been in recovery for a good year but it was so rare to get something out the norm I ate so much of that shit that purposefully not eating or throwing up was the last thing on my mind. I knew I'd never get it again for awhile so I couldn't help it. I couldn't bare being taken out somewhere expensive and eating basically a salad either. Was totally worth it. Still can't afford a lot even without my family but I still take them out often if not for the fact those pieces of shit legitimately struggled hard to take me out just once.

>> No.8112752

In Las Vegas I went to the heart attack grill and ate (and finished) the quadruple bypass burger.. With bacon... Estimated at 10-12k calories... Went back to the hotel after working up my breath to stand up, grabbed a 6 pack out of the fridge, then laid in bed moaning and watching backdraft until I had to duck waddle into the bathroom to give birth. I almost made it....

>> No.8112892


How "large" are we talking? Were they those shitty dominos ones or an actual pizzeria large pie?

>> No.8112903

I ate a lot of chow mein from the packages and I regretted it almost immediately. I ate like 4 packages. I'm eating to stave off weight loss from chemo and holy god fuck never again. Pre packaged food like that makes me want to puke now.

>> No.8113312

It's okay to gorge on shit once a while, anon. It's called homeostasis.

>> No.8113320
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was going to make these for the kids but instead i threw it all in a mason jar and ate the whole thing
>no ragerts

>> No.8113331

I ordered 2 pizzas from Pizza Hut after a day at work when I didn't eat a thin de to stress.

Got home, ate one and was too full to look at the other one.

>> No.8113388

My college has a cafeteria-type deal. So for the past year, I'd go there every friday from 7AM-7AM and gorge myself on food while studying.

I'd eat like 2-3 servings of eggs, biscuits, and grits for my breakfast. 2-3 sandwiches+fries+specialty lunch items+whatever they were serving for dinner+around 10 or so glasses of soda.

I don't do that anymore, though.

>> No.8113398

Once I had a five-day period of drinking, smoking weed and eating all the time without anything else to do. I had like three warm meals a day. Most of it was hostel cafeteria food, döner restaurant and other fast food, so I actually had a paunch after that. I'm actually really skinny and have a hard time putting on any weight. (1.85m, 66kg)

That other time me and a buddy of mine bought a Turkish pide flatbread, took the largest pan we had and made a 1kg burger patty. I didn't even finish a quarter of it. My friend ate almost half

>> No.8113470
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I ate the entire contents of this can

>> No.8113540

these meals were free? i feel ripped off

>> No.8113642
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Eating an entire one of these.

>> No.8114462


It was like 10 dollars for entry, 7.50 in the morning.

For as much as I could eat. I didn't have a meal plan, so I paid out of my own wallet.

>> No.8114467

Probably when I ate at KFC,then boiled a few hotdogs and ate those+a breadroll and then washed it off with a litre of youghurt

>> No.8114490

I ate about a kilo of sausage every day during the last three days
I still feel like shit

>> No.8114492

i ate an entire 24 pack taco box from taco bell

>> No.8114917
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How fat were all them? Considering you said you yourself were a fatty and could only eat around 20.

>> No.8114952

This, but 12 tacos for me and a nacho box.

>> No.8115596

Instead of one glass of water, i had two.

>> No.8115789

I'm a fatass and I've eaten a dozen Jack In The Box tacos once or twice, but each time I felt sick.

>> No.8115801

Went to KFC, ate a zinger stacker, a sweet chilli twista, large popcorn chicken, 3 original tenders with 2 tubs of dipping aioli, 3 wicked wings and a choc-mint krusher. I've lost a bit of weight since those times though.

>> No.8115960

I haven't pigged out since college where I went through an anorexic phase. I remember binging on a ton of candy on several occasions (multiple king size reese's bars, packs of gummies, and probably some spoonfulls of PB in there).

Another time I ate 6 or 7 crispy creme donuts in one go. Felt awfully sick after that.

Now I have a Vyvanse prescription and eat really well. 3 good meals erryday and I treat myself to a dessert/snack in the evening. On Sundays I tend to graze on snack food all day but that's only one day out of the week so I figure it's no biggie.

>> No.8116629

>all these "fatass moments"
>they're just regular meals

I guess my whole life is just one long fatass moment.

>> No.8116654
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I ate an apple once

>> No.8116661

"Pull the tapeworm out of your arse"

>> No.8117700

>Most of the junk food garbage binging
>Just "regular meals"

Jesus fuck anon, change your lifestyle. Why would anyone want to be on the fast track to dying at 40. Goddamn.

>> No.8117784

who buys all of this food for you?
I remember eating lots of whole family size containers of things when I was a bulimic teenager and my parents had to replace all the food so the family would be able to enjoy food as well :( eating disorders really turn people into assholes

>> No.8117807

One Easter when I was a kid, I ate 3 big chocolate eggs in one sitting and still had the audacity to ask when dinner would be ready.

>> No.8117848

Used to drink 2 liters in a single night quite often.

Just quit soda a few weeks ago.

>> No.8117870

One time didn't eat for 36 hours so I got a large pizza
Ate 6 pieces(I normally eat 3-4)
Saw two pieces left so I said fuck it and ate the last 2 even though I was already full

>> No.8117874

>Session about to start on roll20
>DM is complete no nonsense guy. Tardyness and inattentiveness are not suffered well.
>Pizza arrives just as we are loading in.
>In two minutes stuff medium pizza down my throat as fast as I can.
>Slip back before anybody in the group realizes I am gone.

>> No.8117880

I'd make a huge tray of Rice Krispy Treats and end up eating them within 30 minutes. I miss doing that.

>> No.8117905

Water retention from the salt alone could be 5 lbs

>> No.8117927

No it doesn't retard

>> No.8117973

Sign me in for the screencap

>> No.8118202

it's good that you're anonymous

give all the info about everything, it'll disappear in a few days time and never be known again

>> No.8118213

Holy shit l burst out laughing as I kept scrolling and realized it kept going

>> No.8118214

Thanks for sharing your story anon.

I really hope your family get a better economy in the future.

>> No.8118228


> my worst fatass moment

I would have to say age 18 - 28 was my worst fatass moment.

eating 1000 calories at 2am every night for 10 years was a bad idea.

>> No.8119005 [DELETED] 


>When I got home I laid down for 1 hour to catch my breath whilst eating skittles from the jar I keep next to my couch

Good idea. Gotta keep that blood sugar up after a workout

>> No.8119009

>ate 3 lbs of nuts
>gained 3 lbs
hmmm something doesn't add up here

>> No.8119021

Eating a whole jar of cake frosting. Like, not spread out on a cake. Just...out of the jar...with a spoon...till it was gone. Not a proud moment.

Eating a 1.5 lb. bag of fresh deli mozzarella sticks from Wal-Mart. Delicious, yes, but towards the end I felt like I would implode.

Eating a whole pound of fresh buffalo mozzarella. Actually, you know what, I don't regret this because it was fucking amazing and I felt like a god when I finished. The sticks were bad because they were fried as opposed to just being fresh cheese.

>> No.8119026

Ate half a pack of Peanut Butter Oreos dipping them like potato chips straight into peanut butter for breakfast.
Think I might just subsist on black coffee for the rest of today.

>> No.8119031


>> No.8119037

sushi for breakfast

kebab for lunch

chinese food for dinner

big bowl of pho at lik 2am

it was two weeks after my gf broke up with me and the depression just sort of built up to that one day

>> No.8119104
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I have a story.

I went to a Nascar race in Las Vegas with my brother (company event) and ate some bad buffet strawberries. That + dehydration kinda put my stomach in a weird zone. Later that night, we decided to eat at Robuchon (3 Michelin stars). Although I was tired and my stomach was kinda fucked, we hopped in a cab to the MGM iirc.

The portions were sizable and non fucking stop, but obviously the food was absolutely incredible, so I NEEDED to eat every bite of it on principle. Course after course, I had happy plates.

Half way through our dinner in the majestic gilded dining room, wrought with silk and satin and all kinds of finery (including the most gorgeous bread and dessert carts I've ever beheld, picrelated), I realized that I was simply too full and I had to throw up if I were to eat another bite (roasted hen for 2 on the way to the table, needed to nut up).

So, I went into the bathroom of this 3 Michelin-starred restaurant, got down on my hands and knees, stuck my finger in my throat, and puked out hundreds of dollars of food. Of course I did a clean and respectable job of this. I then returned to the table and proceeded to finish this incredible meal.

I felt like a Roman visiting the vomitorium (though that's a myth). Not sure whether I should be ashamed of myself.

>> No.8119119

Ate an entire safeway carryout tray of fried chicken which had like 8 pieces of chicken in one day

Ate a tender meal for 2 at KFC which had like 8 tenders and a order of large wedges

>> No.8119982

Just finished a whole bag of chips.

Didn't even mean to but fuck it

>> No.8120048

It was my friend's birthday last weekend. We had a pitch in. I brought some fried chicken, a 30 brick of beer and some whiskey. When I got there the table was fucking packed with half a dozen pizzas, several dips(3-layer, 5-layer, nacho), brownies, burgers, and lots of liquor. Then an hour after the party started a dude showed up with $100 worth of Buffalo Wild Wing's. Needless to say I drank way too much and ate too much.

The next morning was extremely unpleasant.

>> No.8120091
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I'm mexican, I once ate a dozen of these tacos in one sit, ofc I devoured them with a good old and tasy can of coke, well I drank 3 more cans.

>> No.8120316

Every year Burger King has a sale on the day the Original Chicken Sandwich was introduced, my favorite thing they serve since i was little.
That one day they sell them for $1 each. Thinking I could save some money I bought 5 so I could freeze/refrigerate some for later.
I ended up eating 3 in one sitting, which is a lot for me. Also, not skipping the other meals in the day.

Worst part was, I was so full and uncomfortable that I forgot the other 2 in my car and they went bad. Also smelled up my car for awhile.

>> No.8120356

>A packet of peanut butter cookies
Nigger, peanut butter can't be purged. How long after you ate all the food before you purge?

>> No.8120367

the cut of that shaved pork does't look bad at all. where did you get those tacos

>> No.8120697

Used to eat whole family sized bags of jumbo red vines (licorice) and a large can of monster energy in one sitting fairly often.
Used to eat a pound or more of pasta daily in one meal with a shitton of cheese, practically floating in it.
Frequently eat whole boxes of fruit rollups, gushers, ect.
>tfw 6' 1" and weigh 155 pounds

>> No.8120702

I've been looking after myself over the past year or so and I haven't had a pizza since 2015. Early this week I went to a local pizza place and had a pizza with


Ended up eating half of it for dinner and the second half for my lunch the next day.

>> No.8120719
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Well I'm an alcoholic, so most meals are accompanied by a huge meal. So there's that.

Once though I fucking went to town, literally. I drank two pints of Golden Grain and made a whole bok of cheese sticks. After I finished those I was still hungry so I grabbed my keys and SOMEHOW made it to the local iHop. Once there I ordered more cheese sticks and the country fried steak dinner with garlic bread, mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. After eating all this I staggered to my car around 4am. I apparently passed out just outside my car and just laid there till around 7. Then I woke up and SOMEHOW got home. Then I showered to hide my gross food smell and went to bed.

True story.

>> No.8120772
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Birthday a few years ago
>garbage plate (in case you can't tell from the pic, it's 1600 calories of burger, home fries, and mac salad with meat hot sauce on top)
>takeout sesame chicken
>5+ white russians
The next day my colon felt solid, like I could grab my gut and feel a tube of congealed fat inside. I thought it was all over for me.

>> No.8120798

great thread. someone cap

>> No.8120799

what about water weight

>> No.8120808

I did it throughout.

Peanut butter, chocolate and the like are the worst to purge.
You can do it though, try harder.

>> No.8120832

Fatass moments means DIGESTING the food too, not vomiting it all out. That's cheating.

>> No.8120876

I'm an alcoholic, too
After I had 3 bottles of wine I ate 4 bags(250g) of salted sunflowerseeds
I woke up with a burning mouth, a bleeding tongue and horrible stomach ache

>> No.8120900
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I ate two of these in like 2 hours once

I wanted to die

>> No.8121018

Last night actually. Despite over 2 weeks of consistent dieting, I lost my shit over these peanut butter crackers. Ate like 3 packs at once and another in the early morning. Just had a mid morning pack now. I think I'm over it.

>> No.8121063
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>> No.8121368

It... can't be... surely

>> No.8121428

Not when bio and chem is involved. carbs/fats/proteins have different calories per gram (4/9/4). So, different foods have more or less energy that can be broken down more or less easily.

So, peanuts are about 161 cal/oz, and if he had 3lbs then that's 161*16 oz/lb*3lbs and that's 7728 calories. If he had them as a surplus to his daily intake that could potentially be a solid 2lbs of weight gain by itself.

>> No.8121441

Bought four trays of sushi from the Whole Foods supermarket as well as two jumbo cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting.

>> No.8121486
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>> No.8122842

Had a huge philly cheesesteak with extra steak, about 12 large onion rings, and I'm about to eat a whole pint of talenti caramel apple pie

Fuck it, it's Friday

>> No.8122857

I went to the teacake factory bought 3 boxes of them and ate them over a couple of days

>> No.8122863

Holy shit. Im a former binge eater and it took me almost all day just to eat one large pizza..

>> No.8122889

I cant even remember all the shit i would binge on but lets see.
A whole pizza, a whole box of velveeta macaroni. A huge pot of spaghetti with shredded cheese and 3 different kinds of salt in the sauce and like..2 large tablespoons of butter. Those were my go to's. Not on the same day obviously but one of those every day pretty much from 2009ish to last year. Also a lot of fast food. Taco Bell is the easiest and cheapest to get multiple things without breaking budget. Also lots and lots of coupons come in handy. I used to eat 2 or 3 lunchables a day + the usual large pizza or velveeta mac. Occasionally i would make a grilled cheese sandwich and also a fried egg sandwich and eat them both within 30 minutes. When i was little i would literally eat ALL the candy i got on holidays like halloween christmas easter valentines etc,in less than 3 or 4 days. I would eat entire boxes of cheez-its in a day at least once a week. I wasnt really a fan of sweet stuff but on occasion i could eat like..a whole thing of cookies or something. I thought i was bad but apparently i was small time to some of you guys..

>> No.8122900

>I'd shit about once every three weeks

My teeth are not as white as I'd like due to the throwing up and also i had a really bad sweet tea habit once i attempted to cut soda. And i fucked up the enamel on my teeth from brushing so much and so hard to hide that i was throwing up. I also have cavities in my back teeth on both sides but no dental insurance which sucks.

You can get better. I did. Im rooting for you.

>> No.8122908

Oh god. Walmart deli stuff is so good. Their chicken tenders,their potato wedges,cheese sticks. All delicious and i could do the same. Cheese is also a weakness for me. I used to be grounded from eating cheese because i would go through a bag in a day or two when it was meant for the whole family. Crazy shit.

>> No.8122911

I could literally eat an entire box of the Lance cracker variety packs in a day.

>> No.8122912

I assume he meant 3 lbs of peanuts on top of whatever he usually eats, which might be a horrible diet anyway

>> No.8122913
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This Tbh

>> No.8122917
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Or maybe when I ate 60 nuggets at once.

>> No.8122923

Also Little Debbies. Not all of them only certain ones. I can do a whole box in a day.
The honey buns were the ones i got most. Starcrunch. Cosmic brownies were harder to binge because of how sickingly sweet and rich they were. The caramel bars. Pumpkin Delights. The ones with cream and jelly in them cant remember what they are called. The christmas trees. The petite four ones that are white and light pink too. The gingerbread men.

>> No.8123187
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Whole pack of double stuff oreos. Used nutella as a dip. Then went out with my family for all you can eat korean bbq... Went to sleep when i got home

>> No.8123439
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Alright, here we go.

>Eggo chocolate chip waffle
>Peanut butter spread over that
>Aunt Jemima syrup over that
>2 of these
>a thick slice of chocolate cake sandwiched in between
>I make one ever so often, when we have a cake.
>Usually two of them.

I only weigh 112 pounds.

>> No.8123452

sounds nice

>> No.8123464
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One afternoon I was bored af, I ate 12 of these beauties. Even had dinner after that.
No regrets

>> No.8123476
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Had me until the carpet sucking part

>> No.8123509

Candy sale around easter. 1 kg for 30 cent or there about. I bought 8 kg of savory liqorice/salmiac and ate it in three days. All three days I had signs of liqorice poisoning (muscle control issues) and severe heart palpitations but I kept eating anyway. Had loose bowels for 10 days after that, plus weird sweating and breathing problems. I weighed less than 100 lbs back then (still do).

>> No.8123511


>> No.8123531
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I liked KFC when I was in middle school / high school but either my dad would get me 2-3 pieces or just a breast and tell me to clean it, or my mom would bring it home in a bucket, with a lid, in a bag, tied closed with all the steam and make us all wait while she unpacked everything... chicken last... all soggy... And she got it without the skin, back when they sold it like that. yudodis.jpg.

So when I finally got a job and had my own money one of the first things I did was go to KFC, get like a 8 or 12pc bucket, mixed original/extra crispy and I just fucked it up. And I was really wasteful, like just eating the big bites and some extra skin.

I probably haven't had KFC in a decade, and now this thread makes me want to go do that again.

>> No.8123535

When I was alone at my apartment I ate up 2 kg of fries and 2-3 frozen pizza while drinking some super alcoholic drink. Shit was cash.

>> No.8123544

in college I got super drunk with my friends, they left, drank some more, then woke up on campus under a concrete picnic table with the sprinklers on. I suddenly looked around still on the ground and noticed a Gargantuan sub from Jimmy Johns next to me with maybe only 1 or 2 bites out of it I apparently bought on the way back. Nice. So I get up, grab the sandwich and get to my dorm. Turns out it even had bacon added. So I eat the sandwich still kinda drunk, drank 5 Mickys grenades still in my fridge while watching Star Trek on my laptop, took a shower and tried to sleep again. Friend calls me and asks if I want lunch. Went to a bar nearby for free chips and salsa, drank like 4-5 more pints, next door for a few slices of ny style pizza, didnt go to class that day, passed out at dorm again.
not sure how Ive made it this far actually.

>> No.8123553

Was type-1 anorexic but one night just snapped and had a b/p session lasting about 8 hours. Don't remember everything but there definitely involved
>washing up bowl filled with full bags of peas and sweetcorn, at least 2tbsp of butter mixed in
>2 packs veggie fingers
>4 bowls each of 6 different types of cereal
>about 20 baby potatoes + 2 parsnips mashed w/ butter
>5 10x15cm crackers with chocolate spread and almond butter (these were horrible or I would've had more)
>pack of samosas
>pack of spring rolls
>6 pancakes with maple syrup and sugar
and a small bowl of porridge with stevia which eventually finished me off.

It was a weird experience of just mechanically reaching for/cooking/eating/throwing up food whilst watching Jamie Oliver shows on iplayer.

>> No.8123556


>> No.8124670

i dont stop eating ice cream until im out of ice cream , i try not to buy icecream

>> No.8124902
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This was a staple in my home growing up. Had it about once every month. We called it taco salad. Shit is gooood.

My moment was after eating Sonic for lunch, drinking a shit load of beer and whiskey, then going to McDonald's AND THEN Taco Bell for dinner back-to-back.

Sonic order:
>Double cheeseburger
>large chili cheese tots
>6 piece boneless buffalo wings
>footlong chili cheese coney
>44 oz cherry lime-ade

McDonald's order:
>20 piece nugs
>BBQ sauce, ranch, buffalo, honey
>large fries
>2 double cheeseburgers add big mac sauce
>mcchicken extra mayo
>large Dr. Pepper no ice

Taco Bell:
>2 chalupas
>Nachos bell grande
>chicken quesadilla
>2 doritos locos supreme
>tons of fire sauce
>another large Dr. Pepper
>12 cinnabon delights

Threw up the next morning

>> No.8124993
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Those were dark days. Posting this for anyone here that might need motivation to start or continue eating better. 300 lb to 235. Working on losing the last 35 lbs. Anyone can do it! No excuses

>> No.8125008

Damn anon, great job.

>> No.8125018


first time i smoked and got really high i had to find something to munch on and didn't have any groceries. ended up dipping saltines into cold jar of spaghetti sauce. not my finest moment.

>> No.8125022

>Get coupons in the mail
>Buy one get one free Jack in the Box Bacon Brewhouse Burger
>Get them in the drive thru
>Walk inside immediately after, use another coupon that was 2 for $5
>Drive 5 minutes away to another JBX, use a third coupon that gave me yet another brewhouse with a small drink and fry
>Sat in my car and ate all fucking five of them
I have never hated myself as much as I did that day

>> No.8125026

I used to do that after getting really fucked up on xanax and vodka.
I'd get a little caeser pizza, a jar of queso, and I'd dip that shit.
Was actually p good.

>> No.8125042

Nice work anon.

>> No.8125058


>> No.8125065
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>It's okay to gorge on shit once a while

No it isn't. That sudden dump of salt and trans-fats into your body all at once is never a good thing.

Homeostasis has nothing to do with pigging out and the fact you even bring it up demonstrates you are clearly misinformed about how homeostasis works in relation to ones physiological being and health.

>> No.8125069

>Im a former binge eater and it took me almost all day just to eat one large pizza..

You were never a binge eater.

>> No.8125079

fuck dude i can't even finish half of a large

>> No.8125083
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Looks like it's someone's birthday!

>> No.8125085

When I was a kid, around 11 or 12 I think, we went to Perkins for breakfast despite my protests. I told my mom I was going to eat everything and make the bill huge if she dragged me there.

While there I ate:
>8 Pancakes
>two orders of hashbrowns
>a bowl of strawberries
>14 eggs
>20 slices of bacon
>nine sausage patties
>four glasses of orange juice
>an entire bottle of apricot syrup

I was aorund 11 or 12, I weighed about 80lbs, and everything I ate cost more than triple what my mom and sister ate. And I ate it all. The cute college girls at the table next to us just sat there, agape at how much food I was putting away, my body became a black hole, I just continued to eat until I decided to stop eating. Everyone was baffled, the waitress we had kept coming back asking if I needed anything else, and I just kept giving her orders until my mom told her I was done and all my plates were clean. The only thing I can think of that allowed me to eat that much in one sitting was that my body and mind became one and decided to process the food as fast as possible as to allow my stomach more room.

Which makes sense since the next day there were very obvious chunks of food that didnt look digested at all.

>> No.8125092

Recently ate 2 footlong subways and drank 1.5 liters of fizzy.

>> No.8125102

EDNOS. Im obviously not as extreme as a lot of people. To me eating even a regular meal can feels like "bingeing". Its mostly psychological. I ate too much daily unless i was restricting or playing a weird game with my food and would purge when i ate too much too fast which happened often so that is technically bp behavior. I didnt have binge eating disorder so it wasnt constant and to the extreme people with full on bulimia often take it to and was balanced out by all the other symptoms. And i would go through phases as well.

>> No.8125139

Thanks anons I appreciate it

>> No.8125149

How did your mother let you order all of that?

>> No.8125166

Peanuts and Pizza are my fucking worst nightmare, because they're both so easy to overeat

>> No.8125173
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I dont know how much I can help you, I normally get people who need to put down the food.
but as for your bowels heres what you can do to help, though it might not FIX all of it, there is scientific and definate improvement.

Number one.
Use a toilet stool;squaty potty;random wastebin.
Set your feet on that fucking thing while you go to mimick the action of squating to take a shit in the woods. This will release some muscles that make it harder to shit so you're not accidentally shitting yourself.

Step two.
Before you go to bed, use the bathroom. Even if you don't have to go. Chances are you have to pee even if you don't think you do. After peeing, drink some water, and go to the bathroom after you wake up, which you probably will anyway becuase you're binge drinking water. If you are the kind of person who doesn't drink a lot of water, and aren't eating a lot of food, you may want to eat half a banana or some salt at this time to help deal with the way water flushes away nutrients, but if you learn to eat like a human being you can skip this step.

This should help make your bathroom use a bit more regular and healthy, even if I can't fix your eating disorder.

>> No.8125300

Actually, the kindness that shows through your wording and effort to help, coupled with the image, makes me remember grade school when I was sad or hurt about something, and a girl sincerely tried to help. Sounds silly, I know, but it's real.

>> No.8125308

I ate 2 large pizzas and 3 large fires + 2 liters of cola over the course of 3 hours. My biggest fatass moment.

>> No.8125417
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My fatass moment is about to happen lads

>> No.8125435

You do know that like everyone here regretted it?

>> No.8125495
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>Im a former binge eater

>only ate one large pizza

You're a pussy, that's what you are

When I had bulimia I would eat pizza until my stomach started to hurt really bad then I would purge it all, you fucking normie

>> No.8125518

I rarely binged just to do it. Most of the time it was a result of restricting for 3-7 days at a time which would lead to binging and purging. But i over ate quite a bit on average. I couldnt take the pain and was also scared of purging. So yeah.i was kind of a pussy i guess. I couldnt binge correctly and i didnt have the willpower to starve myself to death. I couldnt do anything right and eating disorders were no exception.

>> No.8125525
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I feel you, bro

I'm struggling with anorexia right now

I've spent half of my paycheck buying food, eating it all in an hour or two and then purging it

I sometimes go to all you can eat buffets and eat until I can't no more then go home and purge

I don't wish this hell on anybody not even my worst enemy

>> No.8125535

dosnt sound like anorexia m8

>> No.8125550


I would starve myself for days sometimes a few weeks after binging and purging

I'm really underweight now, almost skelly mode

>> No.8125581

Thanks mister skeltal

>> No.8126641

>a regular meal can feel like binging

Words have meanings. You can't ~identify~ a simple, normal meal as binging. It has a definition.

>> No.8126642

*bingeing x2

>> No.8127046

Buying 20 Euro worth of junkfood and eating nothing but it for two days straight. Disgusting.

>> No.8127149

>Woke up
>Hadn't eaten in two days
>Made a whole box of fridays potato skins (the big box of full half skin potatos, not quarters)
>Play some games
>Later pop a frozen pizza in with some sausage gravy to dip in
>Still hungry later go out and grab a Publix chicken tendy sub (buffalo, ranch, lettuce) a cup of chili and a bag of dirty potato chips and a giant ass coke.
>Later at night throw a pint of a haagendaaz strawberry, some milk and ice in the blender and drink down a giant milk shake

In all fairness I hadn't eaten in two days and I drank like 2 40's the other night.

>> No.8127623
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I have no ragrets familia

>> No.8127640

Best fucking thing ever made in the history of fast food.

>> No.8127647

How do people live like this?

>> No.8127676

ugh i just came a little in my pants

>> No.8127742

Had a superbowl party that nobody showed up for. Ended up eating a whole bowl of bean dip by myself throughout the game via fritos "scoops"
The bean had a whole block of velveta, package of philly cream cheese, hormel chili and shredded cheese on top.

>> No.8127767

Why'd no one show up?You that insufferable?

>> No.8127959

Doubt it

>> No.8128107

Ate ten bean burritos from taco bell and a third of a barrel of peanut butter pretzels.

I was too drunk to suffer at the time, but the next morning was akin to Hiroshima with febreze

>> No.8128177

i made 7 layer nachos with nacho cheese doritos...wasnt one of my greatest moment but was damn delicious

>> No.8128240

I can eat a medium thin crust pizza chain pizza by myself but I'm not really enjoying it toward the end and I end up uncomfortable for the next 4 hours

what the fuck are you

>> No.8129244
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Here are some fatass moments I can think of (I don't really have one "ultimate fatass moment", just several small ones scattered throughout the years):

When I was about 10, I ate an entire box of Kraft Mac n Cheese every day for the better part of a month.

On several occasions, I've eaten entire jars of frosting with a spoon (all in one sitting).

Had maybe 11 slices of pizza in one sitting

Put Mac n cheese between two slices of pizza and ate it like a sandwich

Ate 7 bagels in less than 10 minutes. Didn't even bother cutting them in half and spreading cream cheese on them. Just ate them raw. Jaw was sore.

Ate an entire jar of Nutella with a spoon

Eaten at least 2 jars of peanut butter with a spoon

Several full sized bags of chips by myself

Bought myself a quart of chocolate milk and drank it all from the carton

>> No.8129263


In one day I consumed the following

>Leftover pizza for breakfast
>2 cans of ravioli
>Grilled cheese sandwich
>Omelette with bacon, mushrooms, cheese, hashbrowns


>Turkey club, fries, big bag of chips

Snacked on Snyders cheddar pretzel pieces

Few hours later for dinner

>double bacon cheeseburger wigsth fries/onion rin
>Perogies with sour cream
>Ordered a large double cheese/pepperoni pizza and ate it all with ranch


Half a tub of Ben and Jerry's

>> No.8129271


>> No.8129275

That sounds really good

>> No.8129292


I am ashamed to admit it but I am obese. One particular day I decided to make stupid, monstrosity food creation.

I order a large pepperoni pizza
And I dumped everything unhealthy on i t

Fries, chicken strips, potato chips, perogies, onion rings,ranch, macaroni and cheese, a few burgers, jarred alfredo sauce, pizza rolls, salami, bacon. Ate the whole thing over the course of 5 hours and still had a family size bag of doritos and some jalapeno cheetos and drank family size bottle of cola afterwards.

>> No.8129297

>ordered personal pizza + cheesey bread
>"I will just put my leftovers in the fridge"
>eat it all

>> No.8129307
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>local McDonald's advertises a $12 box at the drive through
>2 big macs, 20 piece nuggets, 2 medium fries
>order that since it's such a good deal, tell myself I'll save most of it for the next few days
>get home and eat it all

>> No.8129309
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>ended up dipping saltines into cold jar of spaghetti sauce

>> No.8129313

This is not true

>> No.8129327


Yes it is. I was trying to emulate epic meal time. On an average day I will eat about 3000-4000 calories mainly just pizzas/sandwich/fried/fast food but once in a while I go out of my way to make disgusting things.

>> No.8129335
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One time I got super fucking drunk in down town Anchorage, went to some Russian Dumpling place downtown that was still open, dumped Siracha all over it, ate half of it outside, threw up into the container and ate the rest of the bile covered dumplings.

People saw

>> No.8129350

Not really a fatass moment but more like a rockbottom moment

>> No.8129359


>> No.8129363

I ate 12 full plates of food at a chinese buffet. I suffered through 12 plates because I was a broke college student who was actually starving and eating 11 full plates meant a free meal plus more calories to prevent starvation. I went from 220 pounds to 130 pounds because i was so broke and so hungry.

>> No.8129452

Vyvanse helped my 20 year strong eating disorder more in 2 months than years of therapy did. Also helped my previously undiagnosed adhd and curbed my horrible anxiety by kicking the spiral out of control thoughts in the face and replacing them with the ability to function. 10/10.

>> No.8129456
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I got a coupon for pic related and went to town on that shit all by myself. Got it with fries, onion rings and cole slaw, all fish no chicken. Here's the real fatass moment though

>love tartar sauce with long john silvers
>a LOT of tartar sauce
>not just on the fish but the fries, onion rings and hush puppies too
>this long johns is particularly stingy with the tartar sauce packets
>order family meal and one small drink
>fill the small drink cup with tartar sauce at the tartar pump
>end up eating it all

I like their fish with malt vinegar sometimes too

>> No.8129461

I want to beat every fat-ass sample sucker I see when shopping at Costco.

>> No.8129468
File: 275 KB, 1024x766, FATDOGONRAFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy 400g box of Honey Comb cereal
>eat the whole box in one sitting
>1560 calories
>13 grams of fat
>2 grams of sodium
>338g of carbs
>26g of fiber
>130g of sugar
>26g of protein

>sometimes do this multiple times a week

>> No.8129473

that seems pretty normal to me

>> No.8129474

Oatmeal cream pies are not allowed in my house cuz I'll eat them all in a sitting.

>> No.8129488

I prefer the chicken at LJS. The Crunchies and Hush Puppies are the main attraction obviously though.

>> No.8130431

You're right, the chicken is not bad at all. The fish is just a better vehicle for the tartar sauce which, for me, along with the batter and crumbs is the main attraction

>> No.8130558

Are you okay? They said it could "feel like binging", not that it IS binging. You know how English works, right?

>> No.8130604
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the box from pizza hut, on a single seating with beers and some whiskey afterwards

>> No.8130670

We used to make something similar. We called it 7-layer taco dip. Pretty much what you have there, but layered on a huge plate and eaten with tortilla chips.

Shit was amazing.

>> No.8130671

>leftover mcdonalds
who does this to themselves?

>> No.8130731
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U lucky bitch

>> No.8130878


>338g of carbs

holy shit lad this triggers me

>> No.8130889

This last weekend was a massive fatass time for me:
>friday go out for lunch and overeat, decide not gonna each much that night
>that evening when visiting parents go to buffalo wild wings
>afterwards they want something from coldstone, each getting one scoop
>I had been drinking so I get the biggest one with a chocolate & sprinkles waffle bowl

Saturday wasn't so bad, but yesterday I went out for lunch to get BBQ, ate far too much (they gave more food than I anticipated), and when I got home ate a bag full of ginger snaps and most of a pint of icecream before making a sandwich.

>> No.8130936

I once got a triple whopper then went and got a Chipotle burrito. This was when I was 14

>> No.8131045

Any time I visit my mom, which happens a couple of times a year. Partly because my grandmother lives in the same town, so I also visit her every day I'm there (usually over the weekend.) So, I end up eating a much heavier breakfast than usual, then "lunch" at my granny's, who always encourages me to eat huge portions and then some dessert (like icecream.) Later, a heavy dinner back at my mom's, and in the evening often something like nuts or candy they have lying around in the household. Of course they also have something sweet (like icecream, again) with evening coffee and a small evening meal.

The thing is, I never buy anything sweet like candy or icecream on my own, nor anything else that's particularly unhealthy. I never eat out either. Mostly its to save money. But when I get to eat as much as the times I visit my closest relatives, I really have a hard time controlling myself. Every time I come home from there, I have a sore stomach for a couple of days. It feels like I have some sort of an eating disorder. Good thing I'm poor.

>> No.8131069

The most fat ass thing I've ever done is make a grilled ham and cheese with mayo instead of butter. It was terrible and I didn't even finish it.

I've also eaten 75% bags of cheese popcorn in one sitting but never the whole thing. And I sometimes drink soda, which is less than seldom, which is too much. It doesn't even matter though because long ago I opted to trash and pollute my body in favor of instant gratification and didn't resolve to even work on having a good soul. So I'm basically a garbage person and all I have to brag about is that I can admit it.

>> No.8131093

That's because you dont actually lift

>> No.8131117

To be fair they claimed to be a binge eater. But i can see how someone with an eating disorder can feel they are binging even if they arent.

>> No.8132035

While house-sitting earlier this week, I ate an entire container of icing. Then proceeded to go out to eat with friends afterwards and ordered a burger and fried cheese curds.

Ugh, I feel sick just thinking back on it.

>> No.8132049

Too many to tell.

One that comes to mind, a year or two back at Christmas I was visiting my mom, and I bough this huge brie cause brie is delicious. So anyway she wraps it up in puff pastry along with a bunch of dried cranberries and walnuts and maybe honey or something I dunno and bakes it... I just ate slices of it like pie. Several slices... Oh god it was delicious but I don't even want to think about the calories in that shit. Of course this was accompanied by usual Christmas foods too, and cookies and cakes and shit.

>> No.8133705

I agree that anyone can do it, but unless you make a complete life change and eat "better" for the rest of your life, you'll start gaining the weight again.

I was 240 lbs when I was 12. I lost all of the weight and got down to 140 by the time I was 21. Problem? I never lost my urge to binge eat. Instead I just made it worse by constantly being on a caloric deficit and never truly tackling the binge eating problem.

Now I'm 155 (which isn't that bad), but shear "willpower" and motivation is NOT working like it did back when I started. I feel like I fatigued myself over the years. The constant yoyo dieting, binging, starving, gaining and losing weight. It fucked me up.

Long story short, it's not just about losing weight. It's about making a lifelong commitment to eating better. I never thought maintaining my goal weight would be this hard. That alone is a huge struggle. Don't be like me.

>> No.8133804

>over this last week I gradually ate three pounds of roasted peanuts, ended up packing on a few pounds
What? How sedimentary is your lifestyle? I stir fry a pound or two of peanuts every week to grind up and mix with my oatmeal.

>> No.8133812

I used to eat large pizzas every week then changed to small fairly recently...
Was afraid that I was getting diabetes

>> No.8133815

>Was afraid that I was getting diabetes
Spikes in sugar intake or overly large sugar intake gives you diabetes. You were eating too much grease and cholesterol.

>> No.8133819

Pretty much everyday up to last month. Stuff like normalish breakfast and lunch with something ridiculous like 2x family orders of chinese entrees, or an entire pizza, wings, and pepperoni rolls, or making carbonara late at night with a whole box of pasta and finishing it all in the same night.

I've been doing keto the past 4 weeks on a measured calorie deficit and haven't looked back. Of course, being a shut in helps minimize temptations.

>> No.8133824

As someone getting /fit/ this is triggering me specially because i used to do some of these things.

>> No.8133850

that is bulimia.

>> No.8133855

eating disorders are defined by arbitrary criteria that change depending on the psychological body of research/outside goals.
Sounds like you do a really good job of pitying yourself, so there's something.

>> No.8133859

> The most fat ass thing I've ever done is make a grilled ham and cheese with mayo instead of butter. It was terrible and I didn't even finish it.
I do that all the time...

>> No.8133871

you seem drunk.

>> No.8133892

If you are just going to make yourself throw up why not throw up AT THE BUFFET

You could like eat your fill a few times maybe,
Try a bunch of new food, throw up, eat a bunch of your favorites, throw up, eat a fuck ton of dessert, throw up.

The skies the limit at a flat rate , make the best of it.

>> No.8133969

I do this a lot. I'll get a sugary cereal and a carton of almond milk, sometimes 2%, and I'll just eat the whole fuckin box.

>> No.8133991

>tfw never thought of this

>> No.8134006


>> No.8134052

But now you're a speed fiend. Nice

>> No.8134090 [DELETED] 

I used to go by the mcdonalds at my old work 2 or 3 times a week during my lunch break and get a double quarter pounder, fries, a large coke, two double cheeseburgers and a 10 pc chickin nuggets which i would bring back to the office and eat in the parking lot sweating profusely in the summer time cause i was ashamed to bring such a huge bag of food in the offise. I finally quit eating huge amounts of fast food when the obese black cashier woman at mcdonalds commented on how much stuff i ordered every week and i told her it was for other ppl at the office lmao. Now i just get two cheeseburgers and a large coke when i go and i haven't lost any weight at all lmao.

>> No.8134103

>former binge eater
>one large pizza in a day

You're just a regular old attention whore, not a former binge eater. Any grown healthy adult over 5 feet shouldn't have a problem with a spread over a day.

>> No.8134161

They're gonna kick you out eventually and ban you, and also call other places around them to ban you as well. That's what happened to a friend of mine at least. They got suspicious after a 2 hours of purging and binging.

>> No.8134174

Haven't posted mine yet but I've had several. The really extravagant ones I don't regret at all. One of my favorites was an 8 course homecooked meal I had with another fat-ass friend of mine. Cooking, shopping and prep work took over 12 hours and the meal itself lasted another 12 including drinks afterwards. Best $300 I've ever spent DESU.

Its the bags of processed garbage I regeet the most.

>> No.8134206

Does a dozen hot dogs count, or is that still in the realm of normal?

>> No.8134219

with buns?

That's fucking loads.

>> No.8134223

>Once in a while
>I drink 4 litres of soda everyday

>> No.8134242

Do you just dump the insulin in with it or what americuk

>> No.8134254

With buns and sauce. I was about 14 and had just helped my grandma move with help from two other guys. When we were done my mom brought 2 dozen for everyone. I had half of them, my mom had two, my grandma had one, and the other guys had three each. I had two more that night and my mom had the last one.

>> No.8135520

He could have earned that milkshake if he walked to the store and back.

>> No.8135639

I started struggling with binge eating after a long struggle with weight loss; of course, I'm starting to gain the weight back.

Any advice, anon?

>> No.8135652

fat people fucking disgust me.
it's like go take some meth instead of that tub of ice cream you gigantic tubby obese fuck.

>> No.8135657

/fit/ pls go

>> No.8135667

Yeah, don't be like me.

No but seriously, the best I can tell you is recognize your urge to binge as your reptile brain. It has no control over you.

>> No.8135668

i'm not. i'm skinnyfat you fat piece of shit you don't have to put in effort try not eating as much.

>> No.8135725

>tfw reading this after binging

How can the reptile brain be responsible when I didn't used to do this?

>> No.8135727

How bout you lose the tummy before u shit talk huh man

>> No.8135736


How massive was he

>> No.8135738
File: 19 KB, 130x200, IMG_1758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because your reptile brain knows that you have restricted in the past and it wants to do everything in its power to make sure that you keep eating. It's goal is yo ensure that you have food too survive, but your prefrontal cortex is the rational part of your brain. It knows that you have an abundance of food and you don't need to eat.

I'm gonna be honest. This way of thinking isn't working for me anymore, but you may find it useful. I recommend you read this book.

>> No.8135741

Nigga I'm 5'10 150 lbs, but please keep shitposting.

>> No.8135765

I'll check it out, anon, thanks.

>This way of thinking isn't working for me anymore, but you may find it useful.

I hope you find something better.

>> No.8135859

Once a week I dedicate myself to an all out binge. Anything I want goes. It's always friday or saturday night because that's when everyone is out and I can be alone.
Some binges have been;
1.One deep dish little Caesar's pizza, two cups of ranch, bread sticks, one family sized bag of any chips I want with hot sauce, any left overs (usually chicken or turkey), pint of ice cream with peanut butter or nutella, cookies, brownies, and a large lemonade
2. Large plate of chili cheese fries and 2 chili cheese hot dogs with ranch and jalapenos, leftovers, home baked brownies slathered with nutella, family sized bag of chips with hot sauce, half a gallon of almond milk, and yogurt with pb2 and lots of blueberries
3. (what I do now) one bottle of tequila, two munchie meals from jack, lots of ranch, family sized bag of chips, grandma cookies (4 bags of pb, chocolate, and double chocolate), lemonade, almond/soy milk, and my favorite cereal

I'm trying to stop

>> No.8135869

Are you fat? That's the question.

>> No.8135888

Not anymore

>> No.8135901

Well, you will be.

>> No.8135931

That's why I'm trying to stop ;_;

>> No.8135957

/fit/ here. I can eat a full X-large 4 topping pizza in about 5, pushing 4 hours no problem. It used to be something I did on a semi-regular basis. Much less so now, but once every couple of months I drop 35 on a big ass pizza and a 6 pack, just to prove to myself I can still do it.

>> No.8136032

who gives a fuck about a bit of a tummy are you homosexual?
sure you are you fat fuck

>> No.8136106

That looks tasty as fuck, where do you live that they sell that?

>> No.8136152

I don't think that's physically possible. I can finish a large Dominos pizza by myself, but at that point my stomach is practically bursting and I physically cannot fit more food in. Unless you're a 300 lb hamplanet that shouldn't fit inside you.

>> No.8136227

I'm a 6'4 giant and I've put away 3 large pizza hut pizza hut pizzas in a sitting before, I couldn't drink that mu8ch coke in a few hours though. I like my teeth.

>> No.8136323

Jesus Christ. Well, at least your new step-son isn't a picky eater.

>> No.8136440

>300lb is "hamplanet" now
That's pushing it a little bit. These days, 400 is more like hamplanet.
I admit 300 is fat, don't get me wrong. But it's on the high end of normal fat.

>> No.8136447

ate like 6 domino(oreo in other countries) cookies.
i eat cookies or shit like that like twice a year

>> No.8136462

scrolling through your list, i thought, "okay. okay. pushing boundaries here, but its okay. maybe i could do this in a day."

and then i got to frozen pizza #3 and i thought "oh fuck you."

>> No.8136482
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>> No.8137296

doesnt the hot sauce make the chips soggy?

>> No.8138086
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-10-05 22.01.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I have pic related I feel like a fat slob. One time I had 2 of them back-to-back with 512 Pecan Porter, if anyone is familiar. Fucking good, but as fatass as fatass gets

>> No.8138097

>But it's on the high end of normal fat.
Not sure if trolling or American

>> No.8138665
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that

>> No.8138894

in college i would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and eat an entire "family size" bag of potato chips in about 10 minutes, then fall back asleep

>> No.8138906

Was the roof of your mouth sore/raw? That's whay happens to me when I slam potato chips. The severity depends on the texture of the chips, kettle chips being the worst (even though they're the best)

>> No.8138910

They're fucking delicious mouth razors.

The potato chip cousin of Captain Crunch.

>> No.8138917

yes, I could feel the flesh hanging there afterwards. but once I started it was almost impossible to stop. I didn't even feel bad afterwards besides that, but I know it was like 3000 calories at best

>> No.8138969

I am 235 pounds, 6'3, little muscle fatty.
I wish I had the mindset to be anorexic just long enough to lose the body mass and start over.

>> No.8139113

Just do the work you disgusting blob creature

>> No.8139154

Thank god im not the only one

>> No.8139261

>mfw this is exactly how the rich guys make the most of a high-class party in the Hunger Games' dystopia.

>> No.8139265

I used to eat six fried eggs for breakfast, everyday, whilst studying my undergraduate.

>> No.8139302
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I think I still can feel the beetus flowing through me
>11.2kg worth of pure sugar/candy

Right now I'm getting /fit/ and am now 190 lb at 5'10 and dropping quickly, happy ending hopefully.

>> No.8139322

>XL pepperoni, bacon, and ham pizza from Dominoes
>Exttra extra heavy on all toppings
>ate entire thing myself

>> No.8139341

>Tenga egg 6er pack
One of these things is not like the others.

>> No.8139352
File: 238 KB, 300x730, coke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a gastric bypass when I was 22.
I weighed 143Kg at a height of 1.75m.
The reason for my obesity was poor discipline and eating when feeling sad - which I continued doing after my operation. My biggest vice was the copious amounts of soda I consumed, which eventually caused my "pouch" to stretch out and allowing further weight gain.

I then had a heart attack.

>> No.8139356
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>I weighed 143Kg at a height of 1.75m.

this is an american board please speak american

>> No.8139362


hey i'm trash too

>> No.8139364

>speak american

>> No.8139369
File: 448 KB, 640x547, img_0711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you're the only retard here friend

>> No.8139374

Are you me? I shit you not this has been my diet since april. Plus, an apple a day, cause i want to keep the doctor away

>> No.8139375
File: 5 KB, 251x201, belmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American is a language

>> No.8139398 [DELETED] 


>> No.8139417 [DELETED] 

Jonah hill, pls

>> No.8139448

the bait is real

>> No.8139494

who is that guy in the pic?

>> No.8139813
File: 71 KB, 440x294, nighteatingsyndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like NES (night eating syndrome). Do you still do this? I have this and have to keep "knob block" on my door in order to keep myself from escaping my room in the middle of the night. Before going to bed I take melatonin and that doesn't even work most of the time.

inb4 just stop eating
inb4 just have self control

Waking up in the middle of the night half asleep with the urge to binge is 1,000,000x worse than having the urge to binge during the day while I'm fully awake. My prefrontal cortex is still completely asleep while the Amygdala part of my brain is fully active with its compulsive urge to binge.

inb4 just hurr you're just a fatass
inb4 just have self control

>> No.8139885

When my grandmother died we had to clear all the food out of her fridge or else it would spoil. I have emotional and eating problems, So I just ate everything. She had a lot of sweets, like donuts and ice creams, which is weird since she wasn't obese.
I ate about:

2 boxes of krispy creme donuts

2 tubs of breyers neapolitan ice cream

1 loaf of bread

2 bags of potato chips

1.5 gallons of milk

1 pumpkin pie

1 tin of cookies

1 jar of olives

5 apples

1 jug of arnold palmer tea

1 jar of jam

3 oranges

Half a premade lasagna

various bags of gummy and hard candy

Probably a lot more that I don't remember. I have a problem with self control that I am too embarrassed to address. It's not like I'm hiding anything though, my weight is repulsive. I honestly wish I were dead.

>> No.8140105

You're a fat piece of shit and you're probably American. Please kill yourself.

>> No.8140141
File: 1.24 MB, 1602x777, myshame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my freshman year of college, I was in a new state, far away from my friends in a major I didn't care for, in a major I was getting shit grades in, and above all else I had no friends.

I wouldn't say I was depressed, but I don't know what actual depression is like, but I was very sad. The dining halls on campus was buffet all-you-can-eat style. I didn't pay attention calories back then and just got the tastiest items I could get my hands on: pizza, calzone, etc. I'd have multiple plants, like 3 usually.

It didn't help that I turned to junk binging as a way to make my happy. I was very lonely, so I turned to YouTubers online. I remember the days I'd watch Gopher play Outlast and Alien Isolation. Every time I'd sit down to watch a session I'd assemble pic related as my """snacks""" and enjoy the FUCK out of it. I adored the salty/greasy chips mixed with the sweet as fuck frosted honey bun. Funny how people are scared of the freshman 15, where they gain it over the year. I gained 30 lbs in my first semester. My height is 5'5" and I weighed 191 lbs back then.

Now I'm a junior, I'm the same height (about, my Dad say's I've grown slightly) but I weigh 145 lbs now. When I was 191 lbs, I realized I no longer classified as overweight but obese. That was a wake up call for me.

I'm in a much better place now than I was back then. Still no friends, but I'm almost fuckin done with college. Got a shit gpa, but I can't wait to get a real job. I don't want to value myself through my grades anymore. I hate my peers, I'm in STEM and I honestly think STEM people are the WORST people there are. Very antisocial and unfriendly. Doesn't help that I moved from the south to the Northeast, where the people are as cold as the weather.
nuts are almost my weakness desu. Inherited from my Father.
Haven't tried it. Don't plan on to.
Its never too late to change anon. I believe in you.

>> No.8140164

>>40 wing special for very cheap (I wish wings were still as cheap as they were then)
>>she gets both of us, herself, her husband, and my friend's "little" sister a wing special
>>this is 160 wings if you're keeping score

Sounds like 200 wings to me anon. Fix your scoreboard.

>> No.8140367

KFC XXL Classic bucket ( don't remember the amount of chicken in it but i know there were 4 Large fries)
2 boxes of chocolate
big bag of paprika chips
homemade chocolate chip cookies (24)
3 eggs and two pieces of toast with butter
2 slices of kebab pizza

>> No.8140487

>last 35 lbs

>> No.8140515


I'm sorry, but you have a long way to go. I wouldn't call this an accomplishment. You never should have been that fat in the first place.

So glad I don't live in America.

>> No.8141032

I *could* eat like a monster, but I'm always trying to stop myself. It's a minute-to-minute struggle. I'm down to 157 pounds at the moment. Some samples I can remember:
2 large pizzas and a dozen donuts in 1 sitting
2 large pizzas and a box of breadsticks in 1 sitting
1 large pizza and a 1 pound bag of skittles in 1 sitting
3 boxes of Little Debbie snack cakes for dinner one night. I accidentally shat myself in the shower the next day from that one.

>> No.8141700

Gonna die anyway my man