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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.41 MB, 4176x2366, IMG_20160920_175734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8111803 No.8111803 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck puts peanut butter in the fridge? I could maybe understand if it was natural because that slows down the oil separation but still makes it way harder to stir and reincorporate.

But this is like shitty name brand crap with all the non-adaptability hydrogenated oils you could ever want. Why the fuck would you stick it in the fridge?

>> No.8111807

why don't you ask xhim

>> No.8111817

> having 'roommates'

Stay pleb.

>> No.8111823

Well, why do you have butter in the fridge? Maybe he's doing it to mock you

>> No.8111830

Cold peanut butter eaten with a spoon straight out the jar is one of the great gifts of life, though.

>> No.8111850

My old roommate would put boxes of cereal in the fridge. He would only do it while high. But he smoked every night so it was a constant thing

>> No.8111863

Why do you have to categorize him as "old?" Do you say, "My black room mate?" or perhaps your, "Jewish room mate?"

>> No.8111881


I usually just called my black roomate "boy".

>> No.8111884

not even him, but old like from the past

>> No.8111894

>from the past

Oh, so now he must be dead just because you don't see him any more?

You intolerant creeps.

>> No.8111898

Yeah I meant my roommate from 4 years ago. I'm older than him if that will settle you down

>> No.8111916
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>> No.8111937
File: 139 KB, 1023x682, bread+cot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is that gif?

>> No.8111956
File: 83 KB, 660x495, Halva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put nut butter in the fridge because I eat it out of the jar and prefer it to be more substantial.

>buy natural sunflower seed butter
>pour off oil put on fridge
>delicious no-extra sugar halva

>> No.8112091

>those fucking gloves
>but they aren't green

the things I've seen that I must reckon with

>> No.8112397


Because butter goes rancid in like a week and I'm not going to use four fucking entire sticks in one week.

>> No.8112425

>Because butter goes rancid in like a week
Whatever you're using, it isn't butter.

>> No.8112433

butter is fat it takes a lot longer than a week for it to spoil. freeze it if you're still worried about it.

>> No.8112521


I live in Dallas. There's there's no fucking way I'm leaving butter out on the counter for a week, dipshits.

You, specifically.

I'm using butter. Butter has a high percentage of milkfat. milkFAT. You know what happens to fats after prolonged exposure to room temperature air? They start to oxidize. You know what another word for heavily oxidized fats is? Rancidity. You know what significantly helps slow down fat oxidization? Reduced temperatures.

>> No.8112557


At first I thought you were being an SJW But now I'm laughing, well done.

>> No.8112583

>I live in Dallas. There's there's no fucking way I'm leaving butter out on the counter for a week, dipshits.
Are you too dumb just to open a window? Make sure it isn't in the sun as well.

>> No.8112615

Is it just me, or does anyone have one peanut butter in the fridge and one not in the fridge? The one at room temp is for spreading on sandwiches and stuff, and the one in the fridge is for when I'm craving a spoon full of chunky PB and I can just lick it off like ice cream. When I eat it plain i like it more solid

>> No.8112635

>calls them dipshits for not naturally assuming that you live in Texas
I guess everything there really is bigger, including the retards.

>> No.8112662

>Do you say, "My black room mate?" or perhaps your, "Jewish room mate?"
No, I say "nigger" and "hooknose"

>> No.8112729

My roomate did that too, and left ketchup out the fridge after opening.

>> No.8112738

>roommate buys bread
>takes it out of grocery bag and stares at it
>looks at me
>Anon does bread need to be refrigerated?
>Uh... no?
>GOD ANON you don't have to be such a bitch about it

How fucking coddled do you have to be to not know whether or not to refrigerate bread?

>> No.8112747

I don't think I know anyone that puts it in the fridge. I put it in the fridge and it became solid...

>> No.8112769


From a music video by Tobacco.

>> No.8112780
File: 73 KB, 640x417, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just you.

Besides, you're all doing it wrong. Everyone knows the god-tier is Nutella left in the fridge and then carved out with a teaspoon at three in the morning. Pic related.

>> No.8112790

>left ketchup out the fridge after opening.

you're supposed to...cold ketchup on hot food is not good.

>> No.8112799

Wait, what's wrong with refrigerating bread?

>> No.8112804
File: 79 KB, 625x801, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhhhh am I being meme'd here because I definitely refrigerate my bread

>> No.8112806

Only natural peanut butter needs to go in the fridge.

Sugary shit like Jif, Skippy, and Peter Pan does not.

>> No.8112819

JIF > Skippy > Peter Pan

>> No.8112829
File: 202 KB, 1600x1388, country-crock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a roommate that ate spoonfuls of Country Crock like that shit was delicious pudding

>> No.8112840

Not op but living in a big city makes it near impossible to cover rent on your own sometimes. In my case I have a decent paying job, so I don't have trouble paying rent but I have a roommate to cover most of my rent so I can buy silly things online to make myself happy.

I know I'm no fucking pleb and if anything I'm alpha as fuck for making someone pay most of my rent so I don't have to.

But also my roommate doesn't do whack shit like put his peanut butter in the fridge. He's pretty well house trained and knows to label his food as his own, too.

>> No.8112842

Why would you? The fridge has MORE humidity than in a cabinet so you'd only be promoting mold growth.

>> No.8112858

I thought I was the only person on earth who hates refrigerating condiments

>but anon it will spoil!
no it fucking wont god dammit it's 85% sugar

>> No.8112868

you mean you don't fight at knife point when you open the fridge?

jeeze your roommates are pussies.

>> No.8112870

But won't it have trouble growing in the first place because of the temps?

>> No.8112880

Fridge temp fluctuates every time you open the door.
Cabinets are opened much less often, and thus this is not really an issue.

>> No.8112931

I used to live in FL and would not dream of just leaving a window open with butter out on a counter.
Bugs will come to investigate the butter and whatever else you have. Yes even if the window has a screen and yes even if the butter is covered. They will find a way if you leave food out.

>> No.8112944

It's supposed to cool down my fresh hot fries tho??

>> No.8112957


Cold ketchup on hot fries is the best. The contrast of temperature and sweet vs. salty makes the perfect balance.

>> No.8112971

It's called a butter bell or whatever fag

>> No.8113032

Not a roommate but when I was still living with my parents my dad put fucking everything in the fridge. Peanut butter? Bread? Fridge. Potatoes, onions and garlic? All in the fridge. My god damn herb plants I was growing in the window? Right into the fucking fridge.

He was also insane when it came to meat spoilage. If I bought some sort of meat it had to be used the same day or put into the freezer or he would throw it out because it was "spoiled". The worst part was he is a fucking vegetarian so even if the meat had magically gone bad after a day it wasn't like he was going to fucking eat it anyways.

>> No.8113034

I do this, but it's just cause I'm lazy despite liking cold ketchup a tiny bit more

>buh buh buh it gonna go bad
Yeah okay I'm sure thats why every restaurant has room temp ketchup sitting all day

>> No.8113107

>It's called a butter bell or whatever
You don't sound confident about that.
Also if read my comment, I mentioned that even if the butter was covered, if it's left out, bugs will still find it.
Hot climates are not the places to leave things out in.

>> No.8113128

Why don't you go fuck xirself?

>> No.8113185

It goes stale faster. If you go through a loaf every couple days it shouldn't be a problem though.

>> No.8113187

Anon aren't you worried about the Zika in your area?

>> No.8113202

FL resident here, bugs do indeed get everywhere but there's no way for them to get into a butter bell.

>> No.8113222

It's called ants and yes there is.

I no longer live there because it's a shit hole.

>> No.8113231

>Who the fuck puts peanut butter in the fridge?
I used to do this during summer at my old house because ants would swarm it

>> No.8113237

It depends on the humidex levels of where you live. I use to live in Las Vegas, which had like 0-10% humidity levels. I left bread out for weeks with no signs of mold. Now where I live has a fucking humidity level of 80-100% during summer and 70-80% rest of the year. Bread will go bad in a few days so I have to refrigerate it. Don't listen to
Unless you're a fat cunt who's opening your fridge every 5 minutes you'll be okay.

>> No.8113242

I don't like that you just called peanut butter a condiment.

>> No.8113250

Not roommates but parents.
They use to freak out if I ever set the burner above medium low, and would proclaim higher heats don't cook the food any different and only ruin the pans.
>Tfw they never even cooked or used any of the pans
Also, soaking dishes was an absolute fucking no no because they saw it as me being lazy. Tried explaining to them how fucking impossible scraping hardened dough is off a mixer and completely different than removing whatever residue from canned food or piece of bacon they cooked.
>Tfw when raised by retards but somehow ended up moderately intelligent

>> No.8113253

I've never heard of the peanutbutter brand called ketchup, is it new?
Dumb fuck.

>> No.8113255

I guess I got my reply chains messed up. Seek help for your anger anon.

>> No.8113261

>Seek help for your anger
I don't have a cure for other people's stupidity. Somehow you fuckers always end up in my kitchen, and now you're on the Mongolian picture book website I frequent. It's like the universe wants me to snap.

>> No.8113267

I was joking the first time but now I feel like you really probably should. Or maybe not, whoever you talked to would just tell you to quit your job.

>> No.8113645

>have peanut butter in the fridge
>only put it there since it says in big letters on the lid MIX AND REFRIGERATE

>> No.8114399

Same thing here except never throw anything out

>> No.8114406

how is sunflower seed oil I saw it at aldi the other day for cheap but it was a weird green color so I passed it up

>> No.8114410

plus it'll taste like everything else in your fridge after a few days

>> No.8114435
File: 28 KB, 300x400, fridge-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fridge has MORE humidity than in a cabinet so you'd only be promoting mold growth.

I've always refrigerated my bread and in fact the cold DRY air dries out the bread (thou not much unless it's in there a long time or the bag ain't tied up).

>> No.8114438


>> No.8114495

My Nigerian roommate made this vile voodoo potion last night. It's a handful of chicken legs with hardly any meat on them, some scraps of an onion, some of what I think is pepper, and about an inch of month old, rancid, piss-yellow oil. It smells and looks like something crawled into a septic tank and died. The most repulsive part is that he just leaves this abomination out on the stove for a day or two. No refrigeration or anything. It just basks in it's own putrid, rotting stench.
What I don't understand is what the hell it actually is supposed to be. There's hardly any edible food in there so it's not going to be filling. There are no spices at all and it just smells like it spoiled, so it can't be good tasting. And if he's so poor that he's eating this... thing, he might as well just buy a sack of beans for like 2lbs for a buck at Walmart.

I call it Chicken Bones and Oil because it's not sauted or fried, but instead just all dumped into the same pot and cooked on a low heat.Would any possible Africanons tell me if they know what this is?

>> No.8114497
File: 44 KB, 360x499, DoubleDoubleToilandTrouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan ate my image.
But anyway, he's made this once or twice before and never cleans the damn pot. He just hides in the back of the cupboard, oily food scraps and all.

>> No.8114764
File: 62 KB, 401x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year, I had four apartment mates. The black, autistic, weeb one would:
>put saran wrapped bowls of dry cereal in the (very limited) fridge.
>leave frozen fish and poultry out in a bowl of room temp water all day to defrost
>fill the freezer halfway with boxes of hot pockets and TGI Friday's appetizers
>have his Aunt Jemimah-looking 200% Jamaican mother visit at least monthly to cook (and by cook I mean burn) large amounts of cultural bastard food like jerk chicken lo mein which would occupy the kitchen for the entire day.
>half assedly hand wash all of the dishes he used despite the apartment having a perfectly good dishwasher
>put said barely-cleaned dishes away still wet with food particles clinging to them
>he'd rub cooking oil on the stove's heating coils after using them. We asked him why and he told us to prevent rust. We'd have to burn that off immediately afterwards with all the windows open and the fans on lest the fire alarms go off from the resulting MASSIVE smoke screen
That motherfucker and that motherfucker alone is why this year for school, I'm living alone

>> No.8114768

Well your roommate ate it, and 4chan ate the image. Have you ever considered that maybe you're just picky?

>> No.8114800
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>nut butter

>> No.8114836

>>leave frozen fish and poultry out in a bowl of room temp water all day to defrost
How else you going to do it?

>> No.8114853


It doesn't take "all day" anon, unless you're trying to defrost something the size of a turkey.

What makes more sense is simply to move the food from the freezer to the fridge the day before you need to use it. That way the food defrosts slowly and never gets to potentially dangerous temperatures.

>> No.8114954
File: 114 KB, 1000x270, Making+a+quenelle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES. Cold nutella is fucking great. If you can get finely chopped roasted hazelnuts in while it's room temp, mix it up, and refrigerate, you can make little quenelles to top things with.

>> No.8114971

> to top things with

Did you miss the past where I eat these things at 3 in the morning.

Hazelnuts added! Thanks, bro.

>> No.8115605

It's a must if you live in a humid climate.

I live in New England and my bread is fine on the counter for 2 weeks.

My family lives in NC though and for 10 months out of the year the bread will get moldy after a few days on the counter

>> No.8115613

>tfw I get anxiety when I hear someone else do dishes so I just volunteer to wash all the dishes even though it's not mine

It's not even the cleanliness I care about, it's the noise that gives me anxiety.

Other than that, my roommate and I get along pretty well. We ask each other before we use anything of the other's, so it's really easy.

>> No.8116069

It's called he's from Africa and used to eating next to nothing.

>> No.8116727

I live in cairns australia and can afford to have my butter out of the fridge for a week are you sure you don't have marg m8

>> No.8116860

Every time somebody talks about having an African roommate, they always talk about the disgusting "food" that they "cook" and it's always shit like this. I don't think they have any real idea about how to cook anything even remotely correctly over there... central africa anyhow. North africans have some great food.

>> No.8116892

Pretty sure the bugs down unda only eat people.
Don't you have a road warrior to fight? Or a crocodile to hunt?