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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 192 KB, 1000x667, green-monster-burger_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8110084 No.8110084 [Reply] [Original]

Dear vegans,

Why are you so ashamed of what you are that you need to pretend you eat meat? Instead of just eating a salad or a bowl of veggies, you need to figure out how to create a vegan analogue for dishes that traditionally feature meat.

Why eat a vegan burger? If you're a vegan, eat a salad and call it a meal. If you want a burger, give in to the fact that you really want meat. Why go through so many culinary gymnastics just to pretend you're eating what normal people eat?

>> No.8110091

but a veggie burger is basically just a falafel sandwich and a falafel sandwich is good.

you want me to eat my falafel sandwich all deconstructed into some kind of bullshit salad? get outta here with that

>> No.8110097

Anon, you remember how back when you were 7 or 8 your uncle put his thing in your mouth as a game.
You know how you fantasize about doing that to your nephew now and feel ashamed about it?
That's how vegans feel about eating animal products. They still crave it, but they look for other ways to satisfy that craving. In this case it's fake meat.

>> No.8110098

Veganism is retarded, but they have a point.

We could use to reduce our meat portions. Have a four or six ounce filet of quality beef and plenty of vegetables, legumes, tubers and grains to round out the meal.

Meat is key to a balanced diet, but humans are retarded and think you either have to eat a 72oz steak or refrain from eating anything a living being may have urinated on.

>> No.8110111

what are you talking about? why is making patties out of black beans and shit pretending to eat meat

>> No.8110118

The fuck are you blabbering about?
Veganism != proper dieting.

Vegans/vegetarians do not have a point about anything. There's a huge difference between abstaining from meat for faux moral reasons and limiting protein intake in the name of being healthy.

>> No.8110140

Because you're making it into a hamburger.

Vegans take a meat dish and neuter it rather than just making their own unique vegan dishes.

>> No.8110147

Why invent hundreds of thousands of new recipes when you could just make meat substitutes and use all the old ones?

>> No.8110153

Well, I love me some meat, but the vegans and veggies I know have real objections to the way animals are treated. I have a vegan friend, completely hardcore, who was cool to eat some food my other friend made witheggproducts, because she has her own chickens. Just because vegans are annoying, (and this one is), doesn't mean you have to assume that their motivations aren't genuine.
There is also an element of fitting in. I keep a couple veggie patties in the freezer for when I have BBQs. I imagine it's nice to be able to just eat your black bean burger like a normal person instead of bringing a salad or having to ask if there is ham in the potato salad.

>> No.8110155

>meatless meat recipes
The best they could do was take something that was once good and subtract from it.

>> No.8110160

That's just like, your opinion man

>> No.8110164

This is the dumbest and most nonsensical complaint about veganism

What difference in your life does it make if someone eats a fucking meat analogue, I can't imagine many vegans have ever objected to the fact that meat tastes delicious, creating something that mimics the taste without the animal itself is entirely understandable to anyone that isn't a complete fucking autist

>> No.8110172

This has to be one of the stranger complaints I see semi-regularly on /tg/, it seems such a strange thing to get bothered by. Mushroom burgers are really nice. A good black bean patty is really good also. The crux is though why on earth you should be fussed by it?

>> No.8110174

Because I have undiagnosed and untreated autism alongside a shitty life

>> No.8110178 [DELETED] 

>le fug le vagins xD

Fuck off

>> No.8110179

I'm not bothered by it. I'm just pointing out that it shows a lack of conviction in their choice of lifestyle.

>> No.8110181

>I'm not bothered by it

>yet I make some stupid fucking whiny thread about it for no actual reason

>> No.8110184

>implying all other threads on /ck/ are profound and meaningful

>> No.8110189

>implying implications

>> No.8110195

>I'm not bothered by it. I'm just writing an open letter to vegans on a fast casual diners' forum expressing my confusion over mushroom burgers.

>> No.8110208

>Yelled at by carnivores for not getting enough protein
>Probably get more protein than most meat eaters

>> No.8110211

>Why are you so ashamed of what you are that you need to pretend you eat meat?
Not me.
I'm happy with my choices and couldn't care what anyone else thinks.

>> No.8110222

Many vegetarians/vegans grew up eating meat so they crave burgers, tacos, and other foods that are based around meat.

I'm a vegetarian (not a vegan) and I'd be lost without fake meat.

>> No.8110223

what does falafel taste like

they have falafel balls at my local wal-mart but i've never tried it

>> No.8110239

falafels from walmart will be shitty.

its a fried ball made of chickpeas, parsley and garlic. Not hard to imagine. Make some yourself, it isn't hard

>> No.8110241

I wouldn't. The difference between good falafel and bad is huge.

>> No.8110243

why care so much about what other people eat?

>> No.8110253

Ask yourself and I'll just use whatever answer you come up with. We're both on a forum to discuss what other people eat, after all.

>> No.8110292

Usually its not knowing how to cook, or not being able to define a "meal" outside of the usual meat main, carb side, veg optional triumvirate. I don't eat meat analogues very often but I'm not ashamed to admit that I sometimes miss/crave the things that I grew up eating. There are huge social aspects to eating and for most people, that means some kind of animal-based product. Just think about all the gathering occasions that are BBQs or some kind of roasted meat as the main event. Meat is an inescapable part of our social culture. I think it's safe to assume most people have cheat days from time to time, and for me, sometimes, a meat analogue is that thing. I'm generally not bothered by what other people chose to eat because veganism is a personal choice for me and being pushy is for assholes, but I hate all of these junk-food vegetarians and vegans who swap out the animal-based versions of things for the over-processed pretend versions because it's not really any better. (And don't get me started on the vegetarians who just cover everything with cheese... might as well just eat meat at that point and really quit pretending.) I think a lot of pretend meat exists because, like most modern people, many vegans and vegetarians lack any cooking or culinary knowledge. It's too easy to just go out and buy something these days. Especially if you're some bleeding-heart millennial who just learned that meat doesn't just "come from the store" (I've actually heard this IRL) and it's a piece of dead animal, you're not really prepared to function without your usual McDonald's drive-thru and microwave tendies when you make your ill-informed political statement on Facebook.

Unless you're just being one of those sperglords who is arguing the semantics of calling it a burger instead of a compressed legume disc or some stupid thing.

>> No.8110294

ITT meat eating subhumans xD

>> No.8110308

I'm on your side anon.
Why would a vegan EVEN PRETEND to be eating meat?
Wouldn't you look at your sawdust burger and KNOW you're an omnivorous creature that craves the actual taste of meat? Don't you feel wierd mimicking somthing so natural to meat eaters?
If your vegan, go all the way. Don't skip around being vegan by sing "look, it's sorta kinda similar to a hamburger, a thing I hate! Can't wait to eat it!haha right brothers?"
Eat a salad. Eat food that is TREULY vegan. Don't cheat to try to blend in with normal people.
Jesus christ vegans so high and mighty about thier black bean scented shits.
Just eat your falafel at the barbeque and be proud you don't have to eat a lie to fit in.

>> No.8110322
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See, this guy gets it.

If you're in, go all in. Don't get on the vegan train because you're against meat while pretending to eat meat. One would think someone who has an objection to meat and animal products would try to distance themselves from it as much as possible, but I guess most vegans want to be just different enough to hold moral high ground and not a lick more, all the while wishing they were biting into a chunk of beef.

>> No.8110341
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Nice analogy senpai

>> No.8110359

a well written statement on ck, wow

to all the other cucks, hating vegans and vegetarians because they apparently push their convictions, doesnt go well together with pushing your shitty convictions onto them. what you want to eat is your personal choice and if you dont happen to cook for a "allergic to gluten,carrots,paprica,lactose intolerant, vegan"-meme it shouldnt concern you one tiny bit. If someone argued ops point irl id think of you as an immature cunt, and i am not vegetarian or anything.

>> No.8110405

Yeah, eating what you want IS a choice, so pick your side and stay there. If you vegan, don't eat fake meat. Eat veggies. Derp.

>> No.8110406

Exactly. If your vegan for the animal cruelty bit, why even feign eating somthing thy represents what your against?
If I really hated gay people, I wouldn't be a metro sexual.
Just sayin.

>> No.8110412

It's A

>If you think rape is bad, why do you have consensual sex? They're practically the same thing!


>> No.8110422

A woman riding a dildo doesn't necessarily want cock.

>> No.8110429

Best explanation.


>> No.8110430

vegans are single child females who didnt get enough attention, and the nu-male creeps who lust after them

thats it. thats all.

>> No.8110437

As a vegan I can eat fish, chicken or really really dumb cows

>> No.8110467

Because they desperately long for the taste of meat but don't want to give up their ostensible, self-perceived moral highground by actually eating it. It's a mental-illness thing. Their only source of pride lies in their irrational, arbitrary abstinence from certain foods. I pity them, and you should, too.

>> No.8110474

What's with this weird, genuinely autistic transmutation argument; where the really flavorful in their own right mushroom or black bean patties when given form as a hot sandwich in a bun transform, like the wafer at mass into the literal flesh of Christ, into genuine animal flesh.

Yet I bet you cunts would still hypocritically rage at any feminist making the argument that rough pornography is the equivalent of enjoying the act of rape itself.

>> No.8110482

>a veggie burger is basically just a falafel sandwich
it's not

>deconstructed into some kind of bullshit salad?
falafel is often served this way when you don't buy it from a fast food place you dip

>> No.8110489

uh oh the fat neet pities them. how will they recover

>> No.8110686

>Why eat a vegan burger? If you're a vegan, eat a salad and call it a meal.
This is idiocy. You can be vegan and never eat a fucking salad. Under most circumstances a salad is kind of a bullshit meal. A burger is delicious, but its form is not sacred. There are sliders, lamb burgers, turkey burgers, pizza burgers, foie gras burgers...

The only reason I can think of not to do a vegan burger is because of the annoyance it causes in dedicated meat eaters, and really, at the end of the day that's on them, niot the peddlers of vegan burgers.

>> No.8110689

>You can be vegan and never eat a fucking salad.

Of course. But surely the mention of salad was an example, not a suggestion that vegans eat nothing but salad. The point is why not enjoy vegetables for what they are rather than trying to transform them into something they are not?

>> No.8110694

Why are you so eager to appease 4chan that you feel the need to write that vegans are "retarded" and "annoying" every now and then (without saying why) even though your posts are largely supportive of them?

>> No.8110705

Some of the best food in the world is good ingredients prepared simply. But that's not all there is to food. Some of the real magic lies in transformation - turning that grape juice into wine, or that piece of pork into jamon serrano. Why not apply that idea of transformation to the parameters of vegan cooking? It makes sense to want to make a somewhat limited cuisine as varied as possible.

>> No.8110729

Faggots are mad about sandwiches: the thread

Time to hop back on Ron Swansons greasy bacon persperating dick

>> No.8110735

>Why not apply that idea of transformation to the parameters of vegan cooking?

I agree that transformation in cooking can be a great thing. But it can also generate crappy results, or be complicated-just-for-the-sake-of-being-complicated.

I think you can do all kinds of great things with vegetables. But in general what I tend to see with Vegan diets isn't the pursuit of quality or making foods "better". Rather it's trying to shoehorn veggies into applications where they don't fit very well.

>> No.8110741
File: 132 KB, 465x296, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why go through so many culinary gymnastics just to pretend you're eating what normal people eat?


Pic related.

Those faggots invent shit like vegan hotdogs, burgers, "tofurky", bacon, which is just dumb as fuck, and little more than a vain attempt at eating like a normal person instead of eating like the pretentious idiots they are.

>> No.8110742

There's literally nothing wrong with veggie meat products. Its not like most vegans think meat doesn't taste good, they just have ethical reasons not to eat it

>> No.8110751

>There's literally nothing wrong with veggie meat products.

Except for the fact they're filled with additives, colorings, and other processed garbage in order to create the illusion of being "meat".

>> No.8110753

>Why eat a vegan burger?
As someone who is neither vegan or vegetarian, every non-meat burger I've ever tried has been fucking delicious and nothing like a real burger. That's probably the worst example you could name alongside things like vegetarian lasagna and any good application of tofu. They're different foods and they're supposed to have different flavors.

>> No.8110821


I agree with you anons but I'm gonna eat veggie burgers anyway sometimes cause theyre good. I just had a brown rice & lentil burger and it was tasty desu

>> No.8110880

>trying to shoehorn veggies into applications where they don't fit very well.
That's kind of the point, though. A cuisine establishes a bunch of popular dishes. Some will just happen to be vegetarian/vegan, but most won't be. When it comes time to cook for the vegetarians it's easier to find a substitute for the meat than reinvent the wheel. Chinese Buddhist temple cuisine is a perfect example. The monks are vegetarian. It was easier for those cooking for them to come up with mock duck, pork and chicken, then use that to make vegetarian versions of traditional Chinese cooking than invent an entirely new cuisine for the monks.

In the Werstern world today we have vegetarian fake meat, like Field Roast sausages. Are they better than meat sausages? No. But do they scratch the itch for sausage in a situation where someone doesn't want to eat (or can't eat) meat? Absolutely.

>> No.8111171

>Why not apply that idea of transformation to the parameters of vegan cooking?
Because vegans are transforming vegetables into the thing they object to and wished to avoid in the first place. The very existence of a vegan hamburger is hypocritical.

>> No.8111215
File: 73 KB, 500x320, cafo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The very existence of a vegan hamburger is hypocritical.
You're missing the point. Vegans do not object to a hamburger. They object to their diet being a direct cause of animal suffering. A burger that can be made without causing animal suffering would be perfectly acceptable to them. Because the burger is not the issue to them. The issue is animal suffering.

The whole vegan thing is a reasonable response to industrialized farming. There were no vegans until the Industrial Revolution. My guess is if animal products were still raised on more traditional farms most folks who are vegan right now probably wouldn't be. It's kind of like the Matrix - once you see it you have a hard time going for the blue pill. And the conditions under which most of our animal products are produced are deplorable. So even though I'm not vegan myself I get where they're coming from. I eat WAY less meat and cheese now that I know how disgusting the production of it is today.

>> No.8111225

>The whole vegan thing is a reasonable response to industrialized farming. There were no vegans until the Industrial Revolution.

You're either lying or you can't do research. Google "Pythagorean Diet."

>> No.8111246

>They object to their diet being a direct cause of animal suffering.

EVERYTHING we do in human society results in "animal suffering".

Do you think the land we clear for our homes and businesses are devoid of animals? What about all the roads we made? Do you think animals willingly leave the lands we use to cultivate your fucking vegetable crops?

No, douche. The answer you're looking for is no. Pretty much everything we do comes at the expense of other animals on this planet.

Your defective genes should really be eliminated from the pool.

>> No.8111260

>Pythagorean Diet
You don't know what you're talking about. Beans are a cornerstone of most vegan diets.

>> No.8111267

This is a good post.

>> No.8111279

>EVERYTHING we do in human society results in "animal suffering"
No shit. But industrially raising animal products on a massive scale causes quite a bit of animal suffering (and pollution). And it isn't necessary. It's a choice we make.

It isn't all that difficult to see why someone would make the choice not to be a part of it. Sorry that makes you mad.

>> No.8111296

I eat vegan food for some periods, to detoxicate my body and stop making smelly poop.

It takes me like 2-3 weeks to be "clean" and stop stinking, and during those periods I sometimes make a vegan burger or tofu stew (I usually cook stews with meat).

When make a vegan burger, I don't pretend that it's meat. I often don't even find a substitute for the meat, I honestly just love the combinations of the ingredients.

what i sometimes make:
tomato slices
onion slices
crunchy lettuce leaves
roasted paprika
roasted buns
I don't use ketchup, I just sprinkle some lemon or lime on it.

(non vegan version: 1 large/thick/juicy well done burger-beef on the bottom bun. Preferably with tiny garlic pieces and spring onions in the meat).

I eat vegan burgers even when I'm not "cleansing" myself... I tend to make vegan dishes mostly late nights, when I'm hungry as hell and I can't eat something too heavy like meat.

>> No.8111349

>But industrially raising animal products on a massive scale causes quite a bit of animal suffering (and pollution).

So does industrial farming. Moral vegans are either incredibly ignorant of what's involved in plowing a field, protecting grain stores, etc or they've decided that the life of one cow is worth more than the lives of thousands of insects, rodents and reptiles.

Nobody's getting a free ride. The only sensible vegans are the ones who follow the diet for the health benefits and recognize that the moral side is nonsense.

>> No.8111368

>the moral side is nonsense.
If you view the world in black and white, absolutist thinking like religion encourages. The moral grounds for a vegan diet make perfect sense if you begin with the premise: If I can't do no harm I can at least attempt to minimize the harm I do.

>> No.8111394


Did you not read my post? In what way is choosing to kill hundreds of assorted bugs, rodents and reptiles instead of a single cow "minimizing harm"? You've just arbitrarily decided that the life of the cow is worth more.

Industrial farming involves a large amount of death. Anyone who's spent any time on a farm can tell you that it's not uncommon for big scavenger birds to show up and follow plowing tractors because of all the mouse, snake, lizard, etc carcasses they leave in their wake. Unless you're growing everything you eat yourself and making extreme efforts to avoid harming anything in the process then you're not minimizing anything.

When I hear someone claim that they're vegan because they don't want to hurt animals, all I can think is that they're incredibly ignorant of what's involved in growing the produce they eat, or how many thousands of mice were poisoned to protect the stores of the grains they're eating.

>> No.8111411

Companies don't give a fuck though, when you buy all their other products.

Most of the "competing" products you see in a store are made in the same factory by the same company, with a different title.

>> No.8111412

>vegan because they don't want to hurt animals
But that's not my point. My point is industrially farming animals is particularly horrific, and it shouldn't be a surprise that some people wouldn't want any part of it. We all choose the lines we will and won't cross. That's hardly an unreasonable line.

>> No.8111420

I don't know about you, but I try to minimize the amount of factory produced foods I buy in general.

>> No.8111456

With products I ment products in general, not specifically factory produceed food.

To be honest I had stuff like grains, vegtables, flour and oil in mind, when I wrote that comment haha... I've never had pre-processed vegan food in my life... it has always been home made and delicious and healthy, so I need to readjust my way of thinking about vegan food a bit ....as obviously what I think is vegan food is not the normal way lol

>> No.8111476

There's nothing wrong with your perspective, but remember you're in a thread about fake meat.

>> No.8111521

The blatant hypocrisy is why we all make fun of you.

>> No.8111526

Zero fucks given here.

>> No.8111527

>The moral grounds for a vegan diet make perfect sense if...

....you're a pretentious, hypocritical, douche.

>> No.8111536

I guess the point >>8111394 is trying to make is that people deciding industrial farming of animals is particularly horrific is an arbitrary choice. So really, the people are doing a decision that mostly eases their conscience, when deciding to eat (industrially grown) plants vs industrially grown meat, since the suffering is still happening, it's just that the sufferer changes from farm animals to wildlife. Like moving the suffering out of the picture, so that they don't have to think about it.

Another thing is, of course, the fact that farming animals is less efficient than farming plants. So eating animals is, in a way, less ethical, since it demands the suffering that is created during farming the animals' food and the suffering of the animals, compared to only just the suffering made during farming plants.Since animals can take up to 7 times the amount of food in plants to make the same amount of meat, it really adds up. So veganism would, in a simple sense, cause maybe a third or a fifth or half of the suffering of eating strictly meat. But these numbers are really difficult or maybe impossible to get for sure, so there's really not a point if all we want is to minimize the suffering. Though they are good for solving internal moral debates.

I guess my point is that >>8111412 argues that farming animals is horrific, and >>8111394 argues that so is all other farming, so choosing between animals or plants is arbitrary, since there is still plenty of suffering. At least if one does not care about the amount, only if there is suffering or if there isn't. But there it all grows complicated.

>> No.8111566

Ye about that, companies basically don't give a fuck which product you buy, as you end up buying from them anyways.

The moral highground is wether you support enslavement of livestock animals animals, or you support ruthless mass murder of creatures who are not considerate livestock animals.

Ever eaten a pepper fruit? You know there are bugs on those things, so pepper-fruit companies actually raise and release millions of spiders on those fields, to have the spiders kill and eat the other bugs. It's really horrible to watch the massacre.

Not all vegans are interested or like the taste of meat by the way. I personally get to detest meat and the smell of meat after 2 weeks on a vegan diet.... and once my diet ends, it takes me around the same amount of time to try to readjust and get used to eating meat again.

I am not a vegan because it is simply too bothersome and expensive where I currently live. If I moved to a better location where it was easier to live on a vegan diet, then I would actually prefer that.

>> No.8111569

>Oh noes, someone has a different concept of ethics that I do! This is threatening to me. Attack!
>choosing between animals or plants is arbitrary, since there is still plenty of suffering.
Not quite. While it's impossible to live without consuming resources, causing suffering and creating pollution one can make choices to try to minimize that. A plant based diet in an industrialized society would be a choice someone thinking along those lines would have to consider.

>> No.8111579

>I am not a vegan because it is simply too bothersome and expensive where I currently live.
Where I live a vegan diet is dirt cheap, so that's what I eat most of the time. But there are lots of restaurants nearby that make delicious foods with animal products in them. Being neither a monk nor a moral absolutist I indulge from time to time, then go back to eating like a vegan.

>> No.8111613

I raise my own cattle for meat,usually only two. I name them lunch and dinner and I treat them like gods until time to slaughter.
I bottle fed lunch, who's out in the pasture right now probably napping. He's gonna get the gun soon, I try to shoot as clean as possible.he's a big ass cow and I can't wait to see what kind of filets he gives me.
It's a fair trade. I give them a cruelty free way of life, six acres of green all to themselves and in the end they feed me.
Same with my chickens, they get to roam the yard, raise thier babies or whatever, then one day in the night I grab one from the roost.
The others don't notice. Everyone's happy.I get eggs and roast chicken in exchange for keeping them safe from predators and fed. If vegans really cared about how meat was treated they would save a baby cow and give it a home. But most vegans are in cities shoving carrots up thier ass and crying.
If you bring a veggie burger to my place, I won't say anything but just know I think of how sad you must be, trying so hard to fit in with people you claim to hate.

>> No.8111621

If everyone raised animals like you there'd be no need for veganism to exist.

>> No.8111623

Not trolling but a lot of vegan alternatives taste better and more flavorful than their meat counter parts. Whether they are more or less healthy is up for debate.

>> No.8111627

Everyone SHIULD raise animals like me, I'm not buying from the store and I know how my meat is treated.in fact, chickens are so easily kept I don't know why everyone doesn't have at least one laying hen.

>> No.8111638

Also there are MANY places currently trying more free range, healthy apraches. I'm sure every vegan here has seen food inc, that guy who was killing chickens in his own backyard? He said people drive hundreds of miles for his cruelty free meats.
Why not support what's he's doing? Why aren't vegans driving up there to donate money to him or somthing?

>> No.8111640

Because most people don't have a living situation like yours. It's a nice pipe dream but a lot of us live in cramped apartments with no yard.

>> No.8111641

>Everyone SHIULD raise animals like me
Doesn't work if you live in the city like I do. Which is why I eat a mostly vegan diet.

>> No.8111644

The nearby stores here sell rice and potatoes, but everything a tiny bit exotic is hard to get, such as lentils and grape seed oil. I have to inner town to find stores that sell these things, and I don't have a car... so I rely on public transportation and long travel time to get to a store that sells variety in of vegan food ingredients, and then I have to buy it in quantities that I can't manage to eat up before expiration date ends, and I end up with extra garbage.

The nearby stores sell plenty of cheap pork tenderloins.

>> No.8111650

I've heard of cities allowing rooftop setups if you only have one chicken. Why not check into that?

>> No.8111661

My roof has solar panels on it. Best I can do is a raised bed garden out back where I grow herbs and tomatoes.
I've got Middle Eastern, Indian and Chinese markets within walking distance, so for me a vegan diet is super easy. My grocery bill to feed me and the wife is about $30 a week.

>> No.8111679
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Picture related, the thing about being able to raise animals where I live is determined by the architecture of the city houses.

If the roofs were flat, I'd get into trouble with my landlord.

>> No.8111686

I spend $30 a day on food for me and my boyfriend, and I thought that was cheap.


>> No.8111687

And that's bad why?

>> No.8111703

You do know that in order to provide fodder for your cow you need to use much more land than would be necessary if you just ate the produce?

So you're not only killing the cow but also three or five or whatever times as many bugs, rodents and reptiles than would be necessary to provide for someone with a vegan diet.

I care about minimizing animal suffering. I don't delude myself that it's possible to eliminate it outright. I find a vegan diet a sensible choice in this regard.

>> No.8111738

>I care about minimizing animal suffering.
The level of animal suffering that Anon is causing so he can have beef, eggs and chicken is orders of magnitude les than what goes down in CAFOs and egg laying operations. If all animal products were raised the way he's raising them I would have much less ethical issues about eating them.

>> No.8111753

I agree. I couldn't believe that vegan chicken tasted as good as it did.
A little chewy though

>> No.8111763

Oh, is that the same guy? Didn't read the thread carefully enough.

I agree and I don't have much of a problem with eating ethically raised animals. I find it easier and even better to avoid them altogether, but it's not much of an issue for me.

Still, the argument that growing vegetables for vegans kills more animals than meat production is a shitty one. I don't even think this would be true in the "ideal" scenario of everybody producing their own food. And it certainly isn't true in our current situation.

>> No.8111790

>Oh noes, someone has a different concept of ethics that I do! This is threatening to me. Attack!

That's the vegan mantra....

>> No.8111839

Good point. It's just that actually validating that one's choices create less suffering is hard. As >>8111394 argues, there are drawbacks to the plant-based diet when considering the suffering of animals. Whether it's less or more than a diet that's based on both animals and plants is hard to find out. I wouldn't be surprised if the cultivation of some specific plants (Though they must be few and far between) actually creates more suffering than some specific type of animal farming, through the use of land usage/pesticides. Then perhaps the best move would be to limit yourself to the least suffer-inducing foodstuffs, whether they be animal or plant.

>> No.8111888

My vegetarian friends were never annoying. My one vegan friend is cool in person, but he is always posting animal cruelty related, and other sort of vegan propaganda on his FB.
He even convinced the mother of one of my best friends (who was a vegetarian for like 29 years), to become a vegetarian. Really irked my friend, after being harassed by her mom for all those years about not eating meat. I think it is kind of funny.

>> No.8111891

Yeah, there are some cases where plant production probably causes more suffering than straight up eating them animals. Oysters or clams, for example. They don't feel pain and do not, in any useful sense of the word, care whether they live or die. As an ethical vegan, I fully support eating clams over dairy, although the second option is vegetarian while the first one isn't.

Clam/oyster farming can also be very environmentally friendly.

I can't think of any other such examples, but there's probably more. Still, if one wants to minimize animal suffering, going vegan seems like a reasonable decision.

>> No.8111975

the one and only time i had it, it tasted like a friend potato ball except not creamy. kinda like eating a hash brown

>> No.8112051

I think the posts in this thread don't back that up at all.