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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 600x200, Book-Soda-Pop-Cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8105619 No.8105619 [Reply] [Original]

I've decided to quit the carbonated jew and start drinking more water and juice.
Can you recommend me some fruits?

>> No.8105629


>> No.8105630

Hello Anon! This is a /pol/ free board. If you would like to continue your antisemitic ranting, you may return to >>>/pol/, >>>/b/, or >>>/tv/. Have fun and G-d bless.

>> No.8105643

Drinking fruit juice is in general a bad idea because most of the time you're getting just as much sugar as in the sugary soft drinks. Even if you squeeze your own it's only bandaging the problem. Unless you like drinking pulp.

Maybe try adding a tablespoon of red wine to your 6 or 8 ounce glasses of water. It will taste similar to fruit juice and by the time you've had 6 or so glasses of water in a day you'll have added up to the weekly wine intake suggested for possible health benefits.

>> No.8105653

I really, really don't like alcohol but this sounds worth trying out.

Dumb baby eater.

>> No.8105701
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Here you go OP.

>> No.8105818

Fruit juice is just as bad as soda, you get the same amount of sugar (or close to it) regardless of whether it's "freshly squeezed" or not.
Eat a piece of fruit (since that has fiber and slows the sugar absorption) and drink water, or "infused" water (chuck some fruit pieces in some water and let it sit over night). That way you get a little bit of flavoring without drinking the equivalent of 12 oranges.

Unsweetened tea and coffee work as well.

>> No.8105824

>quitting soda
>still drinking juice

coffee, water, tea, alcohol. If you drink anything else more than twice a week then you are still a child.

>> No.8105830

Careful of some alcohols, they still have calories and many have sugar.
Straight liquors (vodka, scotch, etc) have 0 sugar.

>> No.8105835
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>some alcohols still have calories and many have sugar

>> No.8105847
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Pic related, it's you

>> No.8105851

just drink flavored seltzer

>> No.8105861

>hating on grapefruit juice

Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.8105892
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pic related, you

>> No.8105955

Some alcohols have sugar, and all of them have calories I meant.

>> No.8106002

Freshly squeezed fruit juice is not bad, you fucking idiots.

>muh sugar

Fuck off, it's not the same as factory refined cane sugar.

Invest in a juicer. Fresh apple juice is a gift of the gods. In the summer I like to mix water and cucumber juice. Carrot juice is a great option year round. Add some kale or spinach if you want it extra healthy.

>> No.8106011


>Buying juice.

I hope you aren't going to fall for the glorified sugar water jew. Buy fruits and a blender if you don't have one and make it home made.

>> No.8106021

>i'm going to stop one spending habit
>help me pick my next one

>> No.8106034

There is no difference between sugar in fruit and cane sugar, the ONLY difference is the fiber when you eat the fruit.
>Drinking the sugar of 12 fruits all at once is perfectly fine and won't fuck you up at all
Fructose has to go through the liver to be processed and turned into something usable, keep overdoing this (such as by drinking a fuckton of juice, fresh squeezed/juiced or not) and you are taxing your liver.
Ever heard of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?
Where the hell do you think that comes from?
What do you think high fructose corn syrup is made from? Fructose.
Is there any goddamn difference between how HFCS is processed and the fructose in fruit?
Read a fucking book.

>> No.8106070

Who is geedashdee?

>> No.8106086

lol it is the same. calories are calories

>> No.8106107

>There is no difference between sugar in fruit and cane sugar
There is.

>you are taxing your liver
I'm not standing in the kitchen for hours making and drinking a gallon of fruit juice.

>What do you think high fructose corn syrup is made from?
Lots of corn.

>Is there any goddamn difference between how HFCS is processed and the fructose in fruit?
Yes, because the ratios are fucked up in HFCS.

Biggest misconception there is in the realm of nutrition.

>> No.8106113

How about look up the effects of fructose on the body, replacing a bad habit with a bad habit is no different from keeping the original bad habit in the first place.
OP clearly has sugar issues, suggesting another sugary fructose drink for him to replace it with is not a good idea. You really think he'll stick with a glass every few days?
Hell no, he's probably going to do exactly what you mentioned.
>Standing in the kitchen drinking a gallon of fruit juice
Plenty of fatties already do because they are addicted to sugar.
He needs to stop the bad habit entirely, and that habit is adding sugar to his (probably already) sugar heavy diet.

>> No.8106145

fuck off kike

>> No.8106167

Why not just drink a gallon of honey?

Honestly you fucking flyover babies and your need from sugar.

>> No.8106172

>Flavored water
Stop being a fucking baby and man the fuck up. Water is the ONLY thing anyone needs to drink. Room temp only.

>> No.8106296
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>he watched a documemetary and now believes fruit juice bad for you
Fruit juice has been around since the beginning of mankind. Childhood diabetes is a relatively new, and common, phenomenon.

>> No.8106307

Because now fruit choose is available year round and cheap as fuck, plus sugary sodas are found literally fucking everywhere.
I'm not saying if you drink a glass of orange juice every few days you're going to develop diabetes I'm saying if you indulge in fruit juices as much as OP was probably indulging in sodas you're going to have the same effect because it's nearly the same amount of fructose which is causing the issues in the first place.
And no, it's because I've done actual research into this topic. Have you ever read a single scientific study that wasn't funded by the sugar industry?
I would guess not.
Kill yourself.

>> No.8106329

So, you're telling me the only thing that makes soda so horrible is all the sugar in it? Then, sugar-free soda should be absolutely fine to drink, by your logic?
I would tell you to kill yourself, as well, but thankfully, you're already doing a good job.
>as much as OP was probably indulging in
Your actual research is spot on. Faggot.

>> No.8106330

Don't drink juice, 99% have the same amount of sugar as soda.

>> No.8106337

Yeah sure, it's the only thing anyone *needs* to drink. If your life is so bogged down that you actually think it's pointless to do anything you don't *need* to, though, you should probably go find something to hug because you're a sad person who needs it.

>> No.8106343
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Also, I've never heard of someone suffering from "orange juice mouth"

>> No.8106350

How is that related? I'm saying two sugars are equally bad for you considering they contain nearly equal amounts of 1) total sugars and 2) fructose
The "aspartame causes cancer debate" is an entirely separate issue, which I have no opinion on as I don't drink it. Some people consider the research available and consider it fine, others say it needs more research, others just plain don't trust it.
But fact of the matter is that it's an entirely different substance.
Sugar from fructose, and sugar from sodas are not.

I have seen quite a few kids with that, their parents don't allow them to drink soda but allow them to drink as much juice as they want.
Most juices and soda have nearly the same sugar content, and acidity. Look it up yourself.

>> No.8106352

Sugar from fruit, I meant to say.

>> No.8106363


>Undiluted fruit juices cause erosion of the dental enamel and they should always be diluted before drinking.

This has been a known issue (especially with children) for a long time now, anon.

>> No.8106366

>I'm saying two sugars are equally bad for you
[citation needed]
Fruit juice has been readily available for, and purchased by, consumers for nearly a century. Childhood diabetes is an epidemic affecting the US for the past 20 years. Why don't you do some 'actual research' on that.

>> No.8106379
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 1473838575906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British Dental Health Foundation
>British giving others advice about teeth
hearty keks, m8

>> No.8106419

Fuck you man baby. I don't need to "enjoy" food because I'm a grown adult and a fatassed manchild.

>> No.8106440

This. Add some Worstechire, celery salt, black pepper, Tobasco and a splash of spanish olive brine for a truly wonderful experience.