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File: 450 KB, 792x617, Chipped Ham Retro AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8099441 No.8099441 [Reply] [Original]

Working in a deli for 10 years, chipped chopped ham has been the bane of my existence. Does anyone here legitimately enjoy these? What are some fascinating things I can do with it?

>> No.8099445

Why not quit? I left the deli and pursued teaching in my teens and didn't regret it
Some people I used to work with still work there

>> No.8099448

eh I've been working for Kroger for 10 years, that's already a lot of my time. It's convenient.. I mean it's a job. Sure I hate my life but it's work! And they have benefits. My pay isn't so bad either. And who would hire me? I think I'm just meant to work uncomfortably for the rest of my life. Puts hair on your chest.

Not here to talk about work though.

>> No.8099453

Oh. You're right. Better grocery stores don't want experienced employee.. Oh and being manager is haaarrd and ten years isn't nearly enough experience.

>> No.8099488

That looks pretty good if you fry it up on both sides, like headcheese.

>> No.8099491

>Working in a deli for 10 years
This is where you failed

>> No.8099492
File: 226 KB, 894x1007, BBQ Chipped Ham Sandwich by Cleo Coyle 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I really mean chip chopped ham in general. It's a retarded phrase that old people use and expect everyone to understand (thus the constant confusion of undertrained new employees over here that I refuse to help because they need to figure it out themselves).

TL;DR: Ask the deli guy to slice your meat so thin it's falling apart.

The only sandwich I heard of this being in is when you fry those bits with bbq sauce and do this.

>> No.8099493

>bane of my existence

Is it hard to cut? What's the problem with it?

>> No.8099494

Like I said it's like too late. Way too late.. no point in leaving. And I get paid $11/hr, I get benefits, they haven't fired me so that means they like to keep me. It's practically like tenure. I suffer 8-10 hours a day 40 days a week because everyone is rushed and management sucks. Always has been. But I've also been pretty good with following orders and whatnot so it's cool. I'll just suffer.

>> No.8099495


1. Disgusting
2. The people who order it are the kind of people who would eat a spit+baloney sandwich if one existed
3. The slicers suck so you literally have to slice it so thin that the slicer can't handle it and it just falls apart. It makes a huge mess.

It's easier to do it by hand.. but people are retarded and want the deli guy to do all the work. I've told people this before under stress and they just call the manager or they get really pissy about how it's my job to do it and how they don't want to get their hands messy at home by breaking apart cheap ham meat with their hands.

Anything else besides that sandwich that this could be used for? I'm legitimately curious

>> No.8099500

I like it, tudors has shaved ham melts which is a biscuit with shaved ham and melted cheese. fucking delicious. I don't really know if shaved ham and chipped ham are the same though but they look a lot a like.

I mean I prefer pulled pork when making ham BBQ though.
iirc you have to shave it paper thin which is both kind of dangerous and time consuming.

>> No.8099507

I started working in a deli a few months ago and I have to agree, fuck Chopped Ham.
It's disgusting, chipping it destroys the slicers and only the trashiest people order it.

I've asked a few people why they get is and the answer is always that it's cheap but it's really not much cheaper than good shit.

>> No.8099512

I don't get why people don't get cooked ham and get it sliced really thin. It's still cheap meat, it's still so thin that you don't have to taste how shitty your life is, and you don't have to stress out the deli guys.

>> No.8099525

You don't like shaved ham?

>> No.8099528
File: 15 KB, 456x320, 1472490905525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when customer wants 1 lb of paper thin saucisson sec

it'll be good if I stay there one more month

>> No.8099533
File: 89 KB, 900x900, 4x6-Cooked-Ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooked ham

Cooked ham is this stuff, and I don't like that. I mean, I see why it can be tolerable and even enjoyable when you're hungry and if you lather it in BBQ sauce and get it cut super thin, but nah.

I like shaved ham when it's good ham.

>> No.8099573

Fuck off you cunt.
You're better than this. Fucking deli guy Jesus.
Change it up nigger. Move town and get a better job.

>> No.8099635

lol I start at $15 an hour doing student-tier part time work w/ limited benefits due to not being full time

>> No.8099726

I'm from Pittsburgh, BBQ chipped ham is the usual thing. It kind of sucks but it's pretty popular here, especially during get togethers or cookouts or whatever. Not horrible but I'd rather have other things.

Never made it myself or cared to know how, but I usually see it in a crock pot, don't think it's typically fried around here.

>> No.8099748

>11 bucks an hour after ten years.
Jesus. I worked at Whole Foods a year or two back and they started at 11 an hour, plus 5 percent raise every year. Get with it, man.

>> No.8099772

I like to get 1lb thick sliced ham, takes about 30 seconds in and out and doesn't give your deli worker jerk off arms.
Hit it with a knife when you get home.