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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8090009 No.8090009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do the rich eat in a day?

>> No.8090036 [DELETED] 

Richfag here (parents make $70k)

We eat normal food, mostly. Burgers, pizza, sometimes salad when we need to be healthy

Rich people put on their pants in the morning just like everyone else. We're just human beings

>> No.8090040

>babbies first attempt at b8

>> No.8090042

0/10 stay poor

>fishy balls
>blue rare to meme rare steaks
>$1,000 salads
>tablespoon sized meals

And they wipe their asses with bundles of $100 bills and sneeze on gold-encrusted tissues.

>> No.8090043


>> No.8090044

70k is not rich, moron.

Millionaire here. I usually start off the day with a fresh baked pastry from a local bakery. For lunch I like to have a good quality deli sandwich or some fresh fish. For dinner, I see what the farmer's market and the butcher have fresh and have some of that. Last night I had a chicken I cooked in my fireplace. I liked to have good cheese after dinner. Recently picked up some wine-soaked cheddar.

>> No.8090046

you again? why do always show up in these threads to ruin them

>> No.8090047

Homie you aren't rich if you make $70k lol

I'm 20 y/o and me and my partner made over $300k this year (150k each) I wouldn't consider us rich, but we definitely are doing "well".

I eat steaks several times a week, but also eat fast food several times a week, mostly because I'm always working.

I only had a personal meal that costed over $250 one time this year, and that was when I did a huge business deal and wanted to reward myself.

I probably eat chick fil a sandwiches and walmart steaks more then anything else.

>> No.8090048

how do you have time to eat out for every meal?

>> No.8090050

Kill yourselves

>> No.8090058

Whatever my private chef gives me.

>> No.8090085

It's like I always tell people: you think I make a lot of money? I do but look at what I have left when Uncle Sam takes his cut.

>> No.8090119
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i make sure everything i eat has a fair amount of gold.

it's like chewing on aluminum foil and it tears up my asshole, giving me bloody poos, but it's worth it to feel luxurious.

>> No.8090131

Activated almonds

>> No.8090136

The blood and organs of third world peasant children

>> No.8090137
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People often ask me if I shit money. I actually do, thats how I got rich.
I eat whatever my cook serves me.

>> No.8090139

pommes frites marinated in carbonated toilet water

>> No.8090188

>my partner
Bank robber or 90s pimp spotted. Nigger either way.

>> No.8090197

the poor

>> No.8090294

Legit richfag here i eat normal people things and certainly never foreskins

gold is soft see a doctor and refrain from anything else you do that could tear your ass

I pay my poolboy to activate them for me every morning, if you catch my drift. (my drift is very far from foreskins)

I too am just a human being, with an intact foreskin.

Nah we use bidets. They're also good for cleaning my healthy, musculur and lively foreskin.

>> No.8090322


Maybe he meant, you know, his romantic partner?

Not being able to glean word meaning from context is literally a sign of autism.

>> No.8090324

This, I am not rich at all but my other half is, her/her family is doing 5+ mil take home a year.

We try to eat healthy, and we actually eat pretty normal food (i,e I come from pleb life, and am knowledgeable as to what is normal) but also have no problem doing home cooked meals with everything being bought from whole foods. What i'm saying is the normal wealthy diet from my experience is similar to non wealthy, but it just doesn't have any financial impact. The difference is what quality of food we eat in SOME but not all circumstances. For example if its lunch time yes we might get food from the same delicious places as the office plebs we work with but we also might get $20,30 salads, seafood lunches etc.

Honestly the two biggest differences would be going out to dinner and shopping at Whole Foods instead of walmart/publix (which we also like to shop at because more money saved on food = more money for other shit). We eat out with her family at least once or twice a week and its on average $100 a person (with drinks, apps, main course, etc).

>> No.8090336

>eat healthy, and we actually eat pretty normal food (i,e I come from pleb life, and am knowledgeable as to what is normal) but also have no problem doing home cooked meals with everything being bought from whole foods. What i'm saying is the normal wealthy diet from my experience is similar to non wealthy, but it just doesn't have any financial impact. The difference is what quality of food we eat in SOME but not all circumstances. For example if its lunch time yes we might get food from the same delicious places as the office plebs we work with but we also might get $20,30 salads, seafood lunches etc.
>Honestly the t
To further expand (had to post someone was bothering me at the shop) Her and I both like hole in the wall ethnic, so on the rare occasion we eat out and its not with her family we end up doing that, so the prices are much lower obviously but just because we like the food. Both her and I come from a humble upbringing, the money didn't become a thing for them until the past 10/15 years. We try to manage our money and we both are into fitness and being healthy, ironically that means not eating out all the time, but in her case falling for the "health food hype" and buying expensive ass fruits and veggies we could get at the farmers market for 1/8th the price. That's ok she has a fat ass and is good to me.

Lastly, the fast food, as the other anon said with working 70+ hours a week, plus going to the gym, plus taking care of the puppers, sometimes we just cant eat out or cook. Our go to fastfood (we live in a huge suburb with not many options for fancy organic healthy fast food) we settle on chick fil a. Which we eat like 3 times a week. Its good, high in protein, and has the stigma of not being as shitty as McDonalds, BK, etc.

>> No.8090341

How long could one live by just eating paper money

>> No.8090344
File: 167 KB, 870x807, Pol invades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, first time on /ck/ here
Is /ck/ redpilled?
is.. is /ck/ /pol/?


>> No.8090352
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The best taco bowls!

>> No.8090587

both parents make 6 digits but we're new money. the only difference between us and poorfags is a better liquor cabinet and the occasional high quality ingredient. after getting out of middle class and trader joes stops being unaffordable, eating like a pretentious twat is more of a choice.

>> No.8090595

>(parents make $70k)
not rich then, or was that your plan all along???????????????????????

well played sir, well played

>> No.8090603


Probably not long at all. Human beings cannot digest cellulose

>> No.8090609

Wait but cotton dude.

>> No.8090652
File: 424 KB, 830x550, Blue-Apron-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich people have blue apron meals delivered several times a week. (In South Carolina) it is a sign you finally made it once neighbors see Blue Apron being delivered to your door.

>> No.8091503


Top kek lads

>> No.8091521

>good cheese

>> No.8091535

Chinese baby girl FFFettus's

>> No.8091729


>> No.8092616

What ridiculousness

>> No.8092620
File: 8 KB, 220x229, okkid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legit richfag