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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 708x574, Alcohol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8088386 No.8088386 [Reply] [Original]

Hate yourself in the morning
State your woes and regrets
destroy your body

Al/ck/oholism General v. 215666535

>> No.8088396

Vote TRUMP 2016!

>> No.8088402

I woke up in a terrible state this morning. I wasn't hungover, but I can tell my pancreas is getting really tired of my drinking. I should take a break.

>> No.8088412

hey! whats up everybody welcome to my laboratory where avoiding hangovers is the number one prioritie!
How do you guys avoid it? i take ¨yeron¨ its aspirine caffeine and some sort off aluminum something, i dont know.. you can find it everywhere here in my country and its really cheap ( one american dollar a blister with 4 pills )

>> No.8088416


Just stop drinking. It's literally that easy.

>> No.8088435

you've clearly never dealt with or been an alcoholic
stopping drinking is one of the hardest and most terrifying things you can do

>> No.8088440

Not really though.

Just get a hobby and stop wasting your life feeling like hit.

>> No.8088447

2 weeks sober but only cuz I'm broke. Fuck me m8 I want a cold 16'pack so bad.

>> No.8088452

Please. Drinking makes my hobbies 100x better. Especially fishing. I love bringing some cold ones to the lake and fishing. And now that footballs back I'm loving Sunday's again

>> No.8088463
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try harder next time

>> No.8088515

At a point last week, Monday morning to be exact, I decided that it had to end. A weekend (read: Friday night through Sunday evening) of drinking, alone, starting at dawn and trying to keep myself awake with energy drinks throughout the day but usually failing around 4 left me in the deepest, most abject hell by Monday morning. Absolutely crippling depression, and I can guarantee that the energy drinks had something to do with it, so many of you may not know *exactly* what I'm talking about, but that's not the point of my post. The point is that I've resolved to never drink alone again. As good as drinking feels at first, I've finally been able to reason with myself that the slippery slope I slide into on the weekends, oftentimes tanking handles and side beers, is not worth the dark places I'm forced to visit when that happens. To an outsider, it sounds easy: "If it makes you visit hell, just don't drink it." It isn't that simple, and it's taken me a couple of years of hard drinking for me to get to where I am and move the fuck on. I'm a week in and my willpower to not evet commit the same, cyclical errors I have in the past is far stronger than the draw of the substance. I hope the rest of you can get there too.

>> No.8088518

Forgot to throw in a "/blog," but I hope you get me anyway.

>> No.8088538


This is al/ck/

It's blogpost after blogpost. Life sucks, most of us are at least 30.

I'm divorced, one kid, courts gave me pretty much all of the benefits a man could ever wish for in a divorce, yet i don't want to see my son, I don't want to see that dumb cunt of an ex. i don't want to work. i just want to live in a drunken stupor until my organs fail. i hope i don't even have a funeral.

>> No.8088543

Can somebody explain to me how alcoholism works? I'm not trying to be condescending or anything, really the opposite. My mother was a heavy alcoholic and I don't want to be the same, does alcohol have addictive properties? thanks.

>> No.8088575
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If you get hangovers instead of withdrawals you're not full blown and should quit while you're ahead.

>> No.8088576

Mostly psychological which really varies but there are physical withdrawals. Feeling buzzed/drunk is normally a good feeling. Physically I only experience normal foggy feeling in the morning and cant talk or think for shit but I also get the shakes and get kind of manic with anxiety(on top of your stomach being fucked up after you've put little in your body aside from water, whiskey and bread or some shit for a month).
Which is babyshit compared to how I get without smoking, opiate withdrawals and the worse.. Benzo withdrawals. Enough that I will happily go through my alcohol withdrawals as I do once a week before I just go back to it the moment I have a day I don't have it.

Really it's just not drinking or getting drunk every day. You'll be fine if you actually try since its easier to prevent then stop.

>> No.8088578
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Alcohol is physically and mentally addictive. It provides a temporary escape from shitty emotions.

The best way I can explain the progression from weekend warrior to full blown alcoholic is through a shitty metaphor which will come in future posts.

>> No.8088589

To also add you can be addicted to tons of shit, not just 'bad' things. My sleeping is horrendous with my insomnia. Alcohol makes me actually sleep. I've tried many over the counter and prescription meds but even shit like zzzquil claims is none habit forming well I had shitty withdrawals from that too only using the reccomend dose for a week(pre-alcohol and drug days). Caffeine withdrawals are also a thing but tend to be more subtle.

>> No.8088609
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I decided fuck the metaphor.

>started drinking at 16
>fun way to spend fri/sat nights
>black out occationally, throw up sometimes, whatever
>makes me more sociable, life is good when i'm drunk, women laugh at my jokes, etc.
>get to college
>drink on weekends but start drinking more on weekdays with my 21+ friends
>hung over at class more often, black out and do shitty things
>core friends still like me, but ashamed of my ways so i just stick to weed the following summer
>get seriously depressed sophmore year, start drinking every time i can get my hands on plastic handle vodka, cut class, manage to scape by with Ds and Cs
>quit drinking for second semester
>summer after sophmore year, get job on dreamland paradise island
>party every night, 100ish 18-25 y/o staff members skinny dip off the rocks
>discover daily drinking is possible, don't get hangovers, get fucked up every day starting at 3
>get laid all the time, fall for a girl out there, everything is peachy
>leave and go back to college for junior year
>drinking all the time is now associated with fantastic memories, fun, and sunshine
>continue daily drinking, still make it to class, things are going fine-ish
>cold weather comes
>cue surprise anxiety and panic disorder
>think i'm dying all the time, 8+ hour panic attacks (yes seriously)
>prozac cures me
>now i'm drinking daily on prozac (amps alchohols effects 30%)
>start blacking out more and fucking up more
>friends notice the change, but stick with me because they're good shit

>> No.8088611
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>summer on island paradise 2.0
>keep losing control
>ashamed of my fuck ups, combined with anxiety all the time
>alcohol takes away the shame and anxiety
>drink in the mornings to numb these emotions which are strong as hell when I wake up
>summer ends, not as fun, fucking 5-6/10s instead of 7-9s because being a drunkard ain't hot
>grab loads of booze on my way home
>shaking hands and anxiety on the way home, nips on the highway baby
>back to school
>take day off drinking
>auditory hallucinations
>shadow people
>full body shakes
>constant state of panic
>tired but too wired to sleep, close my eyes and see grinning demons staring back at me
>call friend in panic, go to store, get booze, taper off

I quit drinking for about two weeks after that then went back. All the issues that cause me pain that have resulted from my drinking all disappear after that first sip. I think I'm doing well then I just say fuck it, and two beers turns into a five day bender at 30+ units a day. That's the mental addiction, the physical is just when you get withdrawals.

That's not how it works for everyone, but its how its worked for me. I have a good job lined up a year later and I don't want to fuck it up. I get sober for a week then get drunk non stop for five days straight. At this point I know I need help but daily AA or rehab just seems so inconvenient right now. I just need to stay alive and out of jail for the next 3 months.


>> No.8088616
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>> No.8088618
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>> No.8088623
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>> No.8088627
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>> No.8088630
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>> No.8088634
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>> No.8088637

Motivation the post. My nigga

>> No.8088640
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>> No.8088646
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>> No.8088665

you know how heroin or meth gets so you so fucked up that you can't go to work or even do anything while on the drug
well alcohol is pretty much the polar opposite
its easy to hide how drunk you are, its easy to consume, its easy to lose track of how much you've consumed.
You can go to work get drunk and come home and get more drunk. You can hide your vodka in a water bottle and people will think you're just staying hydrated.
When you wake up in the morning you think hey Ill just have a couple shots or a beer or whatever to cure your hangover like normal people drink momosas or bloody marys but then you drink to excess. you probably dont understand because you might not have an addictive personality like most of us do but its really hard to limit yourself. Its legal, and easy to obtain

>> No.8088678

are these OC? I like them a lot

>> No.8088684


more plz

>> No.8088747

credit to /u/SHITTINI from reddit on the /r/cripplingalcoholism sub. its one of the few good ones. dont post there just lurk.

heres the album

>> No.8089740
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half a bottle into 151 right now

very functional alcoholic here usually drink a bottle of pic related 4 nights a week. no idea how I'm still alive

>> No.8089782

im new to alcohol turned 21 a few days ago,
anything you guys recommend in areas of wine and spiced rums?

>> No.8089840

With wine you really have to go out and try shit. You have to discover which flavours you like the most. My faves are Chianti and Nero d'Avola.

>> No.8089867
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>my face when marijuana literally saved my life
>that feel when the paranoia comes back

>> No.8089887


i just need to stop drinking

>> No.8089896

dude, go to bed

>> No.8089902

just got the fingers crossed up on the keyboard

I recently added a pass code to my phone because I'm paranoid of my family finding me dead from alcholism aand seeing weird shit on my pgone

>> No.8089973

Went on a bender this weekend. somehow its tuesday and im still fucking drunk. Jesus chirst. done some stuff this weekend im not proud of.

>> No.8090017

This Saturday I'll be 26 days sober.

However, I've been invited to a dinner with people I know will be drinking. It should just be a few beers but there's a possibility it spills into something bigger (although one of the guys has a relatively newborn baby so probably not) or it gives me a taste of what I've been missing and I relapse. The cravings have finally subsided so I was feeling confident with my sobriety but I don't want to be that sober guy saying no every time I'm offered a beer (mainly because nobody knows how bad my alcoholism was) and I know I would go overboard drinking over dinner, it's just the aftermath I worry about.

Should I just say no to all drinks or should I just drink the beers, enjoy them, and focus on controlling myself later and the day after?

>> No.8090020

*I know I wouldn't go overboard drinking over dinner

>> No.8090027

if your alcoholism really was that bad, chances are you will relapse hard. maybe you should just skip the dinner.
or you allow yourself to get shitfaced one night per week and try to stay sober the other six

>> No.8090034

>maybe you should just skip the dinner.

I really can't. Haven't seen these people in five months and I honestly want to see them. Cancelling now would come across as rude and I'm not saying it's because of alcohol.
I don't want to get shitfaced any night any more, I honestly just want to be that guy who has a few social beers every now and again, I just don't know if I'm ready yet.

>> No.8090051

realy sucks though doesnt it. I wish I could drink casually but my drinking habit stops me its fucking terrible

>> No.8090517
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Drinking Bombay at 730 am bros.

Been on a bender, my heart is getting fucked with. Girl playing me and another dude. Trying to end it peacefully and gracefully, hurting.

Had to wake up and drink to stop shaking.

>> No.8090541

Those Lemon Extracts are like 90 proof and super cheap (I steal em) and they get me through another day of work, i have the gun next to me right now should i just do it.

>> No.8090599

Make an exit bag family, no need to leave a mess

>> No.8090677

I mostly detoxed this weekend after a shitty boozy summer. I heard that 21 day is what it takes to create a habit, so I'm doing 21 days of low-to-no booze to see if I can crack this thing. October 2, I'm crossing off the days.

If it doesn't work I have have to go dry, which will wreck me emotionally. But I think I'm legit going to die if I keep drinking the way I have been

>> No.8090764

Glenknichie 12 years or Glenfiddich 14 years ?

>> No.8090775

>relate to this the hardest
>gf I want to marry has to deal with my alcoholism

It ain't fair.

>> No.8090781

Glen 14 is so fucking solid for what it is. I'm gonna stay dry for a few weeks because I'm committed to teaching myself self-control but I might buy a bottle of this when friends come around next to split with them. No more drinking alone for me, I know exactly where that road leads.

>> No.8090785

Fuck I just started drinking once or twice a week alone. I tried the Glenfiddich last week. Pretty good but I can't really judge whiskey properly.

>> No.8091100
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>drink nearly every day for the past 6-7 years or so
>black out just about every time
>finally had enough of this shit
>looks gone to shit
>health gone to shit
>relationships super shaky
>sober for about a week but give in after some bad shit happens
>go on a bender for about 6 days
>wake up and look in the mirror
>I mean REALLY look at myself for the first time in ages
>eyes dark and sunken in and red
>hair looks dry and brittle
>skin has visible wrinkles and grey/pale as fuck other than red blotches/dryness and whatever
>look thin, gross and malnourished as all HELL
>feel like throwing up upon seeing what I've become

>fast forward about 2 weeks sober
>skin has a lot of color back
>eyes no longer sunken in and look brighter
>hair has its shine and softness back
>wrinkles far less noticeable, borderline gone
>feel a bit tired and a bit depressed because body still isn't used to lack of booze, but feel amazing otherwise

Obviously I'm not where I could be yet, but goddamn seeing how sick I looked that day was one hell of a wake up call. I'm honestly afraid to relapse again, I don't want to go back to that life.

Anyone here get sober and stay sober? I still want to drink all the time, but just remembering how I looked that day was enough to scare me for a while. Literal zombie-tier.

>> No.8091217


I did. I was sober for 2 months then I found out I was pregnant. Now i've officially been sober for 6 months and i'm doing really well. Good luck to you anon.

>> No.8091429

>tfw my reviews aren't getting many views
currently drinking said rum. I also have some Redemtion Rye, but I'm saving that for tomorrow's review

>> No.8091435

my still is running as we speak. dark times..

>> No.8091448

why don't you just tell them how bad it was? I'm really sorry mate but to me it sounds like your body will forever react badly to alcohol because of excessive drinking, and the only way to fully recover is to never touch the stuff again

>> No.8091472
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I'm in somewhat of the same situation. My brother's wedding is this Friday night. Everyone's getting shitfaced afterward and staying in hotels. It'd cost me an arm and a leg to get a taxi back home and I'm without a car right now.

I hate that I'm somewhat dreading my own brother's wedding. I don't want to be around alcohol, but what can I do.

>> No.8091489

I'm 2 months sober now, and that was the hardest part about stopping. I live in wisconsin so basically every activity I did revolved around booze. Going fishing? Lets bring a rack of beers. Watching the game? Lets all meet at the bar. Hell, we have outdoor events literally called "Beerfest" where I live. Its tough trying to do everything you're used to and be ok without drinking, or without getting angry because you can't while all your friends drink

>> No.8091523

I don't care about your problems, I just wanna know where this dreamland paradise island is

>> No.8091524

how do people here feel about dolcetto wine??
specifically Giacomo Grimaldi dolcetto d'Alba

>> No.8092058

So what are you guys doing during the day? I usually just sit around for about 5 to 6 hours then I get ready and then I'll go out again to the bar to drink again. I've been at since friday.

>> No.8092099

But seriously, this.

Entering into an alright cutback zone of like a bottle of wine a day. It could be worse.

>> No.8092103

I'm not trying to be an asshole here but you just don't know what addiction is having never been one. I mean I'm glad you arent', but you don't understand what you're talking about.

>> No.8092115

how do you even afford to do this jesus christ

now I get why conservatives don't wanna fund welfare

>> No.8092136

why does anyone ever spend more than three dollars on a bottle of wine
I've done plenty of tastings and I'm aware that it gets better than a three dollar bottle of white from Aldi, but fuckin'
Maybe I just like simple things but I can't wrap my head around the idea that 10-15 dollars a bottle is like, the standard that people hold themselves to.
It's not like it's Franzia or nothing.

>> No.8092182


>> No.8092191

guys I think I need help

>> No.8092199
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>tfw you love drinking with friends
>tfw you always liked drinking alone and it's even more dependable to get you right where you want to be

>> No.8092203

Wanna elaborate.

>> No.8092212

Personally, I hate drinking with friends, because I tend to get blackout drunk. When I drink alone, I can stay exactly where I want to be, and only black out when I mean to get that smashed. Also drinking at bars gets expensive. I can easily spend $50-70, not including buying drinks for others.

>> No.8092240
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Shiraz and black spiced. Captain Morgan may be pleb, but their black spiced is tasty on its own as well as mixed with cola, ginger ale, or a bit of soda water.

>> No.8092247


21 year old nerd here
How is drinking at bars considered like such a standard social activity
There are only a couple I ever go to regularly, for reasons other than just to drink, and even at that I pregame hard as fuck and still end up spending too much. How do people manage to get pissed without bleeding themselves dry?

>> No.8092300

Yeah I feel you, but my post still is representative of the way I feel. It's just like fuck...

>> No.8092308

Yeah I'm 26 and I still don't get how much money people can spend on booze. I just suspect it has to be much easier if you have a real career instead of a job.

>> No.8092414

Another shitty night of sobriety and depression. Nothing is interesting and I have no desire to even talk to any of my friends. I'm so bored I may as well just sleep.

>> No.8092445


I'm very sorry. I understand exactly how you feel and it's not fair and it's not your fault. I've heard good things about ketamine and lsd as long term treatments. Regardless, you're far from being alone.

>> No.8092454

It's nights like these that makes me wonder if it's even worth it to try and quit, but everyone seems to say it is in the long run. It's that time between that's fucking hell though.

I have way too much of an addictive personality to try and cope with this with other drugs. I know I'm not alone but it sure can feel that way when minutes sometimes feel like hours while sober.

>> No.8092468


After you dry out your dopemine levels return to normal. It's all the interim period that sucks balls. Drink coffee while you're sobering up and it'll help, it's a bad way to abuse a stimulant but it works. You need to wait about 5 days before your shit will level out.

>> No.8092472


This is how shit works and it gets all fucked up on booze


>> No.8092475
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hey family

i spent the last month in montana visiting a friend when he and i had a really bad fight.

i drove 12 hours home (colorado) and immediately slammed a disgusting amount of vodka and passed out.

the next day i started drinking again like an hour after i woke up because too many feels. kept myself drunk all day, but ended up talking to a girl.

today, since i'm talking to that girl, i don't feel nearly as powerful an urge to drink. but she did help me with the urges. she seems real nice, guys.

>> No.8092491

The main thing you need to know is if you're really depressed, it's not you, it's the booze. That shit, if you drink hard, makes you unhappy. When you do properly sober up for a week or so, you will be better. Other than that, talk to your friends and talk to a doctor, they'll help you out.

>> No.8092532
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I turned 21 last month, and since then I've only been drunk once. And I was by myself.
I had maybe 4 beers (craft), three beers through I started on my last - a coffee porter - which I was sipping on for about an hour. Then I took a shot of Woodford Reserve. Then I grabbed I a Busch Signature, light beer. But I threw up before I could almost finish it.

Anyways, from my drunk experiences in the past, I typically bob and swing my head back and forth in my computer chair while listening to music as if I were bouncing around in a car crash. Then I throw up.

I'm pretty sure I know my limits by now.

>> No.8092533

So why are you in the alcoholics thread exactly?

>> No.8092575
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Stores sell 100ml bottles, and 375 ml bottles, then 750 and so on or any strange amount in between. Notice the difference between the quantities of liquor and their respective prices, don't get fucked. For my birthday I spent like 15$ on a 375ml bottle of The Kraken only to find out the next day that the 750ml bottle was like only 20$.

You want wine? Go to taste testings. Your finer liquor stores should hold tastings once a month or so. When you find what you like, hold on to it. Then come back here and ask us what meal you should pair your selection with. I cannot wrap my mind around the idea of people drinking wine without a meal or a snack.
Uggh....... drinking anything other than water without eating something as well... absolutely disgusting....

>the different types of wines are named after the types of grapes used
>get a wine book for toilet reads or coffee table reference - whatever
>black spiced rum is amazing
>what's good nigga

>> No.8092612

Because there isn't a general?

>> No.8092614
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You're kidding, right?

>> No.8092636
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You want funny?

>> No.8092654

i was posting a bunch of shit about self harm and vomiting in my bed about a week ago

just got out of detox

christ, so many hallucinations and shakes

>> No.8092659

Are you feeling better at least? Hope you do your best to stay sober this time, anon.

>> No.8092660


i feel less mentally insane but i can't sleep

i am indeed going to stay on the wagon for as long as possible this time

>> No.8092661

What's a good lower-middle end vodka? I've been making Whisky sours lately and they're my favorite drink, but it's a pain in the ass and I don't want to squeeze lemons every damn day. Vodka is more versatile and I've been craving bloody mary's and Greyhounds. I never want to taste $11/handle rot-gut Kamchaka or however it was spelled again. But I don't know about shelling out for Tito's.

Also, is Gin worth it by comparison? I've never tried it.

>> No.8092662


stoli or beefeater


just kidding guys you can argue with me i wont mind

>> No.8092665


i can tell you there is no better feeling in this world than goign through hardcore withdrawals and having 8 mg of ativan slammed into your elbow intravenous line

>> No.8092674


I don't think there's any time that valium isn't great. Still..

>> No.8092676



is valium food??

can we cook with valium?

>add a little je-ne-sais-quoi to the tart meringue?

>> No.8092707

You're a terrible person

>> No.8092829

50€ at least. Once I spend 90€. It's pretty exspensive for cheap booze

>> No.8092836
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Guys I just ate SOOOOO much tramadol...

>> No.8092896

When you're on MDMA

>> No.8092976

I feel like I get really anxious and depressed and like have to drink and then everything sounds like a good idea. I fucked up really bad last time I did this and ran a light and totaled my car. Now I have to buy a cash car because all I'm getting is 1800 and I still owe my landlord 400 for Septembers rent. I have like 250 in my bank account right now I'm seriously thinking of stripping but my day job wears me the fuck out
>tfw wanna die

>> No.8093053
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>crippling anxiety and PTSD
>drink 750ml 100proof vodka a day in between work and sleeping
>5 years of this
>finally starting to vomit/shit blood, constant heart burn, bloating, severe stomach pain
>every morning I'm pissed I haven't died yet and stay angry until i start drinking
>family pretty much disowned me and never call or speak to me
>gf left me a year ago
>hate even existing

how much longer do i have bros?

Currently 9am and just had my first couple drinks

>> No.8093058

these are starting to turn into "give me attention 420blazeit" threads

please finish yourselves off

>> No.8093074


The blood is probably an ulcer. I had the same issue when I drank a lot and thought it might be pancratitus, but it wasn't. 5 years of drinking isn't really that long enough to kill your organs TOO much.

>> No.8093077
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Man, I really have sympathy for you guys.

I wish I could just lock you up in my house, forcing you to live my non-alcoholic lifestyle until you feel better about yourselves.

>> No.8093099
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But life is shit regardless and this is what makes it good.
I'm literally happy with no repercussions.

>tfw money is happiness

>> No.8093112

>tfw money is happiness

It's not friendo. My family is very wealthy and i still turned out to be a hopeless drunk.

Literally have everything I've ever wanted except for a woman who will tolerate me and the only moments i feel happiness or just "OK" in my life is when im drunk.

>> No.8093125
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Try opiates
When those run dry try another drug
If alcohol isn't working then use something else

If money can't buy happiness then nothing else can for me but it can

>> No.8093131
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I bet you do faggot.

>> No.8093147

Hey, think about it like this -

If I'm raping you for years, you'll still have a healthier lifestyle than you do now!

>> No.8093157

hi everyone. just got back from a ban. 7yrs drunk.
drinking right now. going to vietnam soon so I will have some pics.

Recommendations are welcome

>> No.8093159


>tfw I could convice you that life is good out of drinking
>tfw I'm pretty decent with women and could coach you on that, too

Perhaps the best I could get is playing some videogames while having a chat with you guys, hmu anytime lads

>> No.8093165

how old?

>> No.8093168

I turned 29 this year

>> No.8093174

you're pretty much fucked

>> No.8093178
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>no family
>no life
>no potential

I'll keep doing this until I die while playing video games but thanks glad u exist anon

>> No.8093187


>> No.8093189
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u 2

>> No.8093194


Discord ID is: ( • v •)//#8375

drop me an add anytime, I'll play whatever, but I'm mostly into strategy

>> No.8093201
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Jesus Christ loves you friends!

Bring your problems to Him, and He will gladly take them away.

>> No.8093350

good ol SHITTINI

I also lurk and occasionally post there, the only subreddit I bother with. I like the community.

>> No.8093491

>go outside
>quit anime
>quit videogames
>stop drinking so much
>go to school

It sucks sometimes but man anything's gotta be better than drinking all day

>> No.8093501

>try to force myself to be a part of a society that I'm unwelcome in just to prolong my life for no reason when I could be high all day

>> No.8093533

Jesus can you please make wine run from my water faucet?

>> No.8093535

i'm fucking quit this shit after this weekend

>> No.8093552

Why give in now. See how long you can make yourself go sober

>> No.8093559

Ppl do bars to get laid

>> No.8093566

kek ok

drinking is fun go back to /v/ or something you autist

>> No.8093568

Normies mostly go to bars to socialize, it isn't just about the booze. We aren't normal, we're alcoholics. After awhile the alcohol and money spent on it take precedence over having a drink in a social atmosphere. That's why we drink alone at home for cheaper.

>> No.8093579
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got of of detox 3 weeks ago and relapsed 13 days later. don't become me, anons. I literally drink from when I wake up to when I go to sleep.

>> No.8093591

Man you guys are depressing. I drank non stop when I got my first job, traveled all the time so the only thing to do was go to bars at night. Drank all weekend, even when alone, could polish off a couple 24 packs no problem. One day I realized I was spending a shit load of money for something that wasn't all that fun. Decided to get rid of all the alcohol in my house for a weekend. It sucked but it wasn't crippling. After that I steadily just drank less and less, never kept any booze at my house, and have no problem whatsoever only having a drink or two at a restaurant. You all just lack discipline.

>> No.8093597

>We aren't normal, we're alcoholics
You special snowflake.

>> No.8093663


addiction is a lot more complex than simply 'lacking discipline'

>> No.8093678

took a pic of the empty box 'cuz it was under my desk and i'm lazy

a 12 pack of various unibroue beers

anyone had any of 'em? they're world class

>> No.8093682
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son of a fuck i forgot the pic

>> No.8093686

someone who has no idea how addiction works or what it's like calling it lacking discipline is fucking comical.

Oh you drank a couple 24 packs in a weekend? Get back to me when you don't know how many months in a row it's been that you've finished more than just a 750 nightly, every single night. That's addiction.

>> No.8093693


my best.. or worse.. was two 750s in a day. I couldn't get drunk anymore even if I tried. my face was numb, fingers numb. it was like walking through syrup

>> No.8093719

I quit shit after this weekend after I realized I won't have enough to make rent because I spend money like an absolute mad man when I'm drunk. I wish I hadn't crashed my car. It took me a week after I crashed my car to decide I've had enough. Also Halloween is coming up. It's a good time to quit drinking and hit up the gym. Fuck I hate myself.

>> No.8093720


I hope you can cut down. It is possible. I was typically killing half a handle which is about 850 ml at minimum a night. I'd usually make it through 4-5 handles in a week, 90% of that by myself. Friends would be over and have 12 shots between 4 people and I'd finish the rest of it after they left.

Then I got a better job, started seeing a good girl, and was able to cut back slowly. I'm not sure if I want to quit.... I still drink like half a handle a week, but at least I can make it from 10pm until 5-6 the next day. Prior to that I was driving drunk to get more booze, etc. it was horrible. There is hope.

>> No.8093884

How do you even do this? I just go the fuck to bed after most of a single 750ml, I can't stay awake through that shit.

>> No.8093916


ive always had bad insomnia. after a while the alcohol stopped helping me sleep so ill be up for days when I try to sober up.

>> No.8093923
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Quitting for a month or two, got way too drunk these last couple of weekends
wish me luck

>> No.8093925

it starts with a lack of discipline.

>> No.8094046

This is still somewhat debatable.

>> No.8094058

Been drinking like a bottle of wine a day everyday lately. This is actually really good for me considering, but the downside is that I still do absolutely nothing and am staying in bed longer and longer.

>> No.8094069

I drink because I hate my job. I'm not happy.
Three bottles of whiskey every week; bottom shelf cheap shit.

>> No.8094080

I just fell off the wagon again. Its been like a year but I felt I needed a few beers. I am an alcohol.

>> No.8094094

What was the year like man?
I haven't been more than a month without a drink in 8 about to be 9 years.

>> No.8094108

was it nice to be sober? Did you feel great?

I haven't been sober a whole day in 10 years, don't even remember what it's like to be sober for a week and have senses

>> No.8094113

Try drinking a litre/36 Oz of mil before 12am everyday, and not puking

>> No.8094120

It was good I wasn't depressed and drinking 12 beers a night squandering my savings. But I just cant get it out of my system it was like all this week I've been craving alcohol. It was good to be sober though definitely cleared up my mind. I could think better for sure.

>> No.8094125

Yeah it was nice. I didn't have the peaks of euphoria I get from drinking though but I didn't have the depression either. If this is more than a one day thing I'm going to kick myself.

>> No.8094129

I've only ever self-harmed while drunk. Only a few times but I've got horrible scars now. cigarette burns and some cuts. not alot, like most self-harmers, but just enough that ive only worn long sleeves the past two years because I'm self conscious. fuck me, I hate seeing them. I'm not an edge Lord or attention whore.

I'd like to maybe get tattoos over them to hide them, but then id be 'degenerate' according to general consensus.

>> No.8094137

You can of course do whatever you want, but so many people have tattoos these days it's like not having tattoos is the new having tattoos.
I mean I'd never get one anyway. Not because of the pain but just because it fuckin stays there forever.

>> No.8094151

I have one tattoo a cross. I thought it would help to remind me to be sober and it has at times but not today. Not this day when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all...

>> No.8094154

I'd probably never consider getting one either, if not for these scars. I figure it's the least worst option as opposed to having them out for everyone, including myself to see.
I wish I'd never done that shit, fucking alcohol. Guess it's not the worst though, like DUIs or killing anyone.

>> No.8094167

I actuly got my cross tattoo while hungover. I kind of regret it but it reminds me not to do stupid stuff on impulse although NOT THIS DAY WHEN THE COURAGE OF MEN FAILS, WHEN WE FORSAKE OUR FRIENDS AND BREAK ALL BONDS OF FELLOWSHIP.

>> No.8094184

Anyone here remember Lord of the Rings? That's from Lord of the Rings.

>> No.8094194

Well fuck you too. A bunch of Cool Alcoholics are what u guize are.

>> No.8094198

Love Unibroue

Got a similar taster pack last week in Quebec.

Mine had (3 each):

La Fin du Monde
Ephemere Pomme
Trois Pistoles
Blanche de Chambly
Raftman Smoked Ale

>> No.8094203

Remember weve all got scars. Even the most pussiest little girl probably has a scar somewhere.

>> No.8094222

Lol, thanks anon. At the very least I could probably say they're "cooking burns/accidents".

>> No.8094223

What kind of tattoos would you get?

>> No.8094225

I use my parents money not the government's. Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.8094233

I had 4 beers and a half-strength gin and tonic monday night (me and my best friend go to the bar to drink and play pool on the night when hardly anybody is there to hog it), but otherwise I haven't drank since Saturday on a bachelor party. It's been nice not waking up with a hangover, but I don't know, it hasn't been as nice as I expected. I think I was reaching a point where I was causing problems. If I even had a 4 pack of pints, I'd wake up with a hangover. (My hangovers aren't normally headaches, they're just this general empty-headed weird woozy feeling that's hard to explain that last for fucking ever)

Should I get a couple tallboys tonight or no?

>> No.8094243

I'm planning to just stop the weeknight drinking, and continue weekends. I'm working a 14 hour day today, though, so a tallboy or two sounds nice. Plus, buying like that helps me limit myself.

>> No.8094244

that's for you to decide and you to decide alone. Nobody's holding a gun to your head. If you think I want some drunk asshole who probably killed a family on his way to taco bell think again.

>> No.8094260

Taco bell sounds good but I'm trying to improve my diet again, too.

>tfw find myself more depressed when sober for a while than when drinking

>> No.8094268

Wrong thread? This anon said nothing about going driving drunk. But there is another thread where a drunk anon wants to get taco Bell at this very moment.

>> No.8094286
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What's up al/ck/

Who here has the coolest bottle opener?

>> No.8094287

I'm >>8094233

I'm planning on picking up some ingredients for whatever I decide to have for dinner, along with tallboys if I decide to. I'm not going out driving.

>> No.8094295

Not hating, but that's a mentality that'll never get you sober man. "After I get shitfaced one more time this weekend, I'll stop", idk how many times I told myself that. Sometimes it would work for a week or 2. But honestly, until you get to that point where you're too ashamed of yourself to have another sip you're not gonna make progress. The "just one more time" attitude just leads to "one more time" happening over and over

>> No.8094298

I once had a mini surfboard opener from the coast. I was the shit.

>> No.8094354

Are you a military guy?

I have a neat anchor shaped bottle opener that I can't find right now.

>> No.8094382

How bad is it really to drink when you're sick?

>> No.8094397

he's a military gay. Amirite? Gays in the military. Anyone?

>> No.8094458

I'm trying to cut down (went from practically black out drunk all week and then the weekend) and haven't been able to sleep since. Maybe an hour of light sleep a night. I cut down to maybe two beers a night since then... Like it's been 3 days and I have no idea how I've been able to work a 13 hour shift today. I've been at work since 7 am omg but I feel out of it.

>> No.8094466

Just bought another case of steel reserve 40zs, who else goes through a case a week?

>> No.8094618

I've never had any legit withdrawals of any substance (because of no legit long-term use), but just taking benzos three days in a row makes you feel like you have a bit of one on that fourth day. It's quite irritable and anxious as well. I'd fully believe just based on that legit benzo withdrawal is the worst, and I couldn't imagine someone taking large doses for a long period going cold turkey. Seems like pure hell.

>> No.8094702

Gotta buy some tequila. Can any of you seasoned alcoholics help me find something cheap to moderately priced that won't make a greener alcoholic barf immediately?

>> No.8094794

What is al/ck/'s favourite anime? Mine is K-ON!, Ichigo Mashimaro, NNB, Minami-ke and YRYR.

>> No.8094954
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Serial Experiments Lain, Now and Then, Here and there, and FLCL are all GOAT

>> No.8095012

Mediocre taste

Bad taste

Hunter X Hunter, Kaiji, Ouran, Tatami Galaxy, and Uchouten Kazoku

>> No.8095019

just got done binge watching food wars which is strangely endearing and full of cool food-related stuff and women having crazy gushing orgasms over how great food is and screaming about UMAMI

>> No.8095078

When do the craving start after your last drink ck?

>> No.8095089

I work about 12 hours a day. I dont think about alcohol until after work. My urge to drink is based on 2 things. How much spare time I have and what I have to fill that spare time. I drink out of boredom.

>> No.8095090


>> No.8095093

sorry, I didnt really answer the question. I dont really experience cravings unless im bored

>> No.8095094

ex alchy here. stayed drunk for a month once, shit was cash. whenever i get cravings now, i just have a nice tall glass of milk.

>> No.8095110
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Herradura or Corralejo. The latter this amazing.

>> No.8095113

here's the review of the Redemption Rye, I strongly recommend it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZQbE-Shck4

>> No.8095122

Opinion on four loko gold? Its the only "beer" I can drink without gagging.

>> No.8095205

>ichigo mashimaro

Flawless taste (I like k-on and minami-ke too but those are my top 3 three favorite anime), when I'm drinking myself to sleep I often rewatch episodes of those or read osamu dazai short stories (great author for any addicts desu).

This season amaama to inazuma and new game are pretty great as well. I'm pretty sure (hazy memory) I cried while watching the first two episodes drunk from seeing a father care/work so hard for their child since I never had that.

I also really like gambling anime since its the closest thing to portraying addiction in anime (legendary gambler tetsuya is great) and cheesy sports anime like chihayafuru.

>> No.8095210

Uchouten kazoku is also one of my favorites to watch when drinking.

>tfw never had and never will have a healthy family life

>> No.8095212
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>Tatami Galaxy
Niiiice, I wind up enjoying idol anime a lot while drunk for whatever reason, or anything with dumb girl emotions for girls because I will actually be tricked into crying a lot. Despair Sensei and Katanagatari are goat as well and I really like listening to music from danganronpa

>> No.8095322

It's true, though.

>> No.8095336

I had a Tulane Brain Institute one, but I can't seem to find it.

>> No.8095343
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>> No.8095353

How the fuck do you people drink so much? I rarely drink but my friends are straight fucking alcoholics, once they have one drink, they don't stop until they've blacked out, its insane.

Is getting blacked out even fun? I only drink until I can really feel it but my consciousness cuts me off so I don't go pass a certain point

>> No.8095386

Anyone else drink because it helps them get work done? I'm not sure if this is just an excuse I've subconsciously conjured up but I'm always more productive after 6+ beers. I'm a programmer by the way. The only downside is when I get past that tip and fall down the slope, the quality of my work goes to shit. This is normally around 12 beers and I stop before that. I'm either definitely more creative when buzzed, or it makes my work less boring so I get more done. I drink between 5 and 10 beers a night, so I'm definitely not an alcoholic by the standards of this thread.

>> No.8095429

I drink 2 liters of wine twice a week and I've only ever blacked out once in my life.

It's very distressing not knowing what you did the previous night and I don't want to do that again.

>> No.8095497

5:50, two belts under my gullet, hoping to have a normie day starting at 6:45. took a kudzu pill, that sometimes helps. next drink 9 pm, wish me luck

>> No.8095664

>by the standards of this thread.

Okay bud. I'm sure you know it, but it needs to be said on the record: You know the standards of these threads are shitcunting fucked, right?

>> No.8095683

I quit drinking over a year ago and it's the best decision I have ever made. I've lost shitloads of weight, I don't feel tired and lethargic, I still feel depressed occasionally but I don't feel like hanging myself anymore.

I've got back into creative outlets (building a studio and putting together a well presented Youtube movie critic channel with a proper set and everything) and I don't get into shouting matches with others as much. I hate my job, but I don't feel the need to strangle people anymore.

>> No.8096247

Why can't you get into a situation where you can't be high all day? Too much money?

>> No.8096288

>tortuously long conversation with born-again christian recovering alcoholic parent
>drink and get high immdiately high afterward
>all three uncles recovering alcoholics or have died from alcoholism
>same with three aunts, fourth one died from cancer
>of all my family members, only my mom isn't an alcoholic

I'm basically destined to be a hardcore alcoholic, right? I don't want to turn into a christian wackjob like my family did, but I also don't want to stop drinking

>> No.8096545

You don't have to become an alcoholic even if you have a genetic proclivity for it and you don't have to do that AA faith bullshit to get clean.

t. Someone with a family history of addiction who has been sober for years

Getting a job where I was responsible for other people helped, and now I have a job where I'm responsible for animals.

I'm a depressed workaholic though.

>> No.8096552

relapsed 13 out of detox, dropped out of college cause it got in the way of my drinking, sleep a lot of nights in my car, pissed myself. forehead, nose, pinky and wedding ring finger are numb. jeez and that was only in the last few weeks

and my god the shits.

>> No.8096554

13 days*

>> No.8096561
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>tfw out of booze so I drank mouthwash last night to fall asleep
Yeah I guess you can say I have a problem

>> No.8096642

Does that really get you fucked? Wonder why more kids don't do that if it gets you a buzz?

>> No.8096724
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If it has ethyl alcohol yes, most are around 20% or so.

>> No.8096745

>feeling depressed sitting in a coffee shop yesterday
>see al/ck/
>decide to write up huge greentext in a notepad about life situations leading up to my impending alcoholism
>nearly complete
>laptop dies
>look over to power brick on floor
>cord has been slightly ajar the entire time
>lose the whole story
>no catharsis
>start feeling extra lonely
>go home and drink

there's my pussyboy story fellas. how have your weeks been. what're you drinking for TNF?

>> No.8096750

because it's denatured alcohol and it'll kill you if you drink too much.

>> No.8096864

made the decision to stop drinking on weeknights because i was feeling terrible at work all the time.

now i can't sleep at night and feel terrible at work for a new and exciting reason.

tomorrow evening can't come fast enough...

>> No.8096928

detox brah still here. that's why I cant get off the benders, the comedowns are too bad.

I want off this ride.

>> No.8096949

On and off alcoholic for about 9 years. long long time gf has had enough and i'm pretty sure it's over and I think I want it to be.

Been sober since Sunday, but i'm lonely, still live with my parents, and i gained back all the weight I lost.

What do I do next? When does it get better? Am I going to relapse again?

>> No.8096966

Passing out, being sick etc isn't particularly fun, it's just a byproduct of being incredibly drunk, which is very fun. For people like us (me and your friends), it's generally a case of trying to stay as drunk as possible without crossing the line of losing control, and failing. The problem is, the heavier a drinker you are, the thinner that line become.

When you first start drinking, you can have a few drinks, be buzzed for hours and feel fine the next day. When you're a heavy drinker, the difference between feeling almost sober and completely smashed can be as little as one or two drinks, so it's a difficult line to tread.

>> No.8097007

Don't dude, stop right where you ducking are. You think you want it to be over now, but in literally less than a month when she's with someone else you're going to want to fucking die, and considering your actions thus far, you probably will. Stay with her man, humans need eachother a lot more than you think.

>> No.8097010

I suggest you go and spend some quality time with her sober, just cuddle on the couch and watch tv or whatever you fags do specifically in your relationship. She loves you, and wants you to get better despite whatever you may think.

>> No.8097265

Alcohol has been shown to increase creativity. In college I always had 3-6 beers while starting to write papers. I had to do a lot of editing the next day, but I usually had a lot better wording and ideas once I started drinking

>> No.8097283

was drinking 10 beers a night for the last two years. last two months ive only been having 2 beers every other night.

im doing well lads

> inb4 '10 beers is nothing'

UK fag so our beer cans arent the 330ml ones you get in burgerland

>> No.8097319

Nice man, that's still a pretty big change. Are you going to just keep at that pace, or maybe start going to 2 beers every other night, or 2 on weekends. You should see some weight loss just from taking in that many fewer calories a day also

>> No.8097321

Are they pint cans? 500ml?

>> No.8097329

80% of my avocations and hobbies are enhanced by drinking. Only hobby I do sober is jogging and weights.

>> No.8097330

aiming for two week. ultimate goal s to give up completely

>> No.8097342

500ml. im still in good shape physically but the drinks given me a beer gut that im constantly sucking in. I dont even notice that im doing it anymore.

>> No.8097363

That's BS, heroin and opioid addicts can absolutely be functional. Trust me, I've been addicted and lived a pretty normal life during. Opiate addiction can be COMPLETELY invisible. Not every addict goes around nodding out all the time. There are millions of working people (medical professions in particular) who function normally on opioids. Also there's a reason it's legal to drive on opioids (if they're legally obtained) and not on alcohol. They don't impair motor skills or judgement as much until you get to much higher dosages.

>> No.8097375

From what I've seen being a functioning opioid addict is easy to maintain and hide. It's when their precious supply gets disrupted that everything spirals out of control. They function great on it and are worthlessly sick without it.

>> No.8097385

lol no its not they don't put denatured alcohol into a product that everyone is going to swallow at least a little bit of. There's no safe amount of methanol to drink. Listerine has straight ethanol, it just tastes like shit and costs a lot so few people abuse it.

>> No.8097393

Well, yeah, naturally. It'd be the same for alcoholics, but their sin of choice happens to be legal, cheap, and freely available. Anyway, at least opioids at least don't kill you slowly when you're addicted to them. Or at least they don't if you have a prescription and safe supply.

>> No.8097395

>standing in line at a truck stop
>dude whips out bottle of green scope in line
>takes a swig and starts gargling loudly
>oh wtf where is he gonna spit it inside here
>he just swallows it and proceeds to the checkout register like nothing just happened

the fuck

>> No.8097404

The thing about alcohol is you can smell it on their breath.

You can also look for constricted pupils in opioid addicts but most people aren't aware of that.

>> No.8097409


>> No.8097413

Is there any feeling better than getting a nice 6 beer buzz on and popping an Ambien?

>> No.8097432

blog post incoming:

im pushing a year of sobriety, less than a month away.

i told myself i was gonna quit for a year then take it from there. i would really like to have a beer but i dont know how long i can pretend to be ok with having just one. i think i might have ot be done for good, which would be fine i think. i miss it but i like having my health and a clear head more.

>> No.8097451

I was in rehab with a guy that was sober for over a year, and while sleepwalking on Ambien, got drunk and got a DUI about 40 miles from his house.

Woke up in jail with no recollection whatsoever. No receipts or card charges for the booze, either.

Fuck Ambien

>> No.8097452

This absolutely.

Writers being alcoholics isn't just a meme.

>> No.8097453

Don't bother drinking. You know you can't have just one. By the end of the week, you'll be hammering a handle.

Congrats on a year, I got six months yesterday.

>> No.8097466
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Because it will kill the fuck out of you.

The scumbag transient Navajos drink it around here, I cheer when one expires from drinking too much of it.

>> No.8097470

some girl did it when I was in high school and had to have her stomach pumped

>> No.8097480


Not saying I know you, but for most of us - if you get out, stay out.

>> No.8097534
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I stopped at 12 my faggots. I'm hella drunk and I'm gonna continue until I finish up.


Please, tell me your

1.) Ideal drink of choice (what you'd be drinking if money wasn't an issue)
2.) Your staple (what you drink because money is an issue and cent for abv matters)

I'll tell you mine in the next post. Thanks senpai.

>> No.8097547
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Ideal drink of choice
>Oban. Fantastic, $80 a bottle single malt. Fantastic flavors.
Your staple
>Black Velvet, closest liquor store in Shit-Hio has a fifth at 9 bucks a pop and it doesn't taste like vomiting blood so I can't complain, that and Busch, it tastes like bread, and I like bread.

>> No.8097561

Dont let it get to you, you can and will be better someday. Old Grandad 100

>> No.8097665
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>> No.8097721

Haven't drank since Sunday night and had my first solid shit in months. Feels good, man.

Just bought 6 32oz Bud Ices (on sale at my 7/11), though.

>> No.8097764

Overrated feeling. Usually takes me close to a week after benders to start passing normal shits again, otherwise it's liquid shits about every hour, I've sharted myself on accident on plenty of occasions

>> No.8098087
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>Mfw at it again wit dat boi

>> No.8098095

Ideal - really good gin and tonic or some party mix like wop or fruits and various alchs mixed.

My bread and butter right now is fosters

>> No.8098105

They have some fucking shity customs, ugh my uncle was a trucker but he never did weird shit.

>> No.8098323

>Just stop drinking.
>Just get a hobby
just STFU you moron,
you don't know WTF
you're talking about

>> No.8098640

Just like >>8095110 said, go for Corralejo. Hornitos isn't half bad either. It also depends how you wanna drink it. If you wanna make cocktails, you can go for a blanco, if you wanna drink neat, go for reposado.

>> No.8098755

Cheers to you other drunk fucks (not now, but when you're drunk and see this): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5CjaqZb5nM

>> No.8098758
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Yeah, it's shit quality, but appreciate the metaphor with that and our lives.

>> No.8098766

the only beatles song I've ever been able to relate to is happiness is a warm gun

>> No.8098789

i wish i had the courage to anything but curl up in a ball and cry when i'm sober

>> No.8098813

Ive struggled with alcoholism most of my adult life. Here lately I would drink everyday to the hard buzz point,...which I eventually started needing more and more to get there. I justified my drinking by working all the time and being the breadwinner. Alcohol was my excuse to "relax" and escape my home responsibilities.

I got drunk drunk 2-3 weeks ago, made a huge ass of myself by getting into a stupid petty argument with my wife in front of my kid. Said things I shouldn't have, raged over nothing. Son ran down the hallway from the stress of all of it and fell down the stairs and cut his head. Not bad but enough to scare us.

I was too drunk to help or drive to urgent doc... Felt like utter piece of shit since then and haven't had a drink since. My family deserves better and so do I. I've been drinking carbonated water and Diet Coke and my wife is having sex with me a lot to help me over the hump.

I'm choosing to come home and interact with my family instead of closing myself off to them. Fingers crossed and praying I can make it. My wife, seriously, thank god for her. She could have divorced me a long time ago but she's just been god tier. She did draw a line this last time and I know she means it.

>> No.8099010

Just say you're on antibiotics and can't drink

>> No.8099043

But that's just a meme

>> No.8099341

Going out to buy some bourbon for the weekend soon, should I buy Makers or Bullet?

>> No.8099393

I'd go for Bulleit.

>> No.8099423

I know that feel. Worst part is, you know the bottom shelf shit is killing you faster, but buying anything remotely decent drains your wallet like a motherfucker. I would consider getting another job even if it pays less, but also reducing from three to one bottle or a bottle and a half per week.

>> No.8099435

I get what you're saying. I like to get together with friends, but I avoid bars. If we wanna drink, I'll put my house and a good bottle of something, because that is less than what I'd spend in a bar. It really depends on the kind of friends you have. My friends know I'm an alcoholic, so they always put a couple of bills in the jar according to what/how much they drink. I always buy the booze, though, because I'm gonna be the one drinking most of it anyways.

>> No.8099437


>> No.8099466

I'm a selfpitying test who blames alcohol for why my life is shitty. The truth is that blaming alcohol allows me to scapegoat my problems so I don't have to acknowledge that I'm a shifty person. God forbid I actually put effort into not being a terrible person. Blaming the alcohol is so much easier.

>this is what you all sound like

>> No.8099481

Now 'yer talkin!

>> No.8100455

Was 2.5 months sober and currently "relapsing", not planning on going back to my old ways because I know how fucked up I get, and appreciate where I am now. But I needed to get it out of my system. I'll never be able to be a "not another drop in my life" type person, but hopefully I can keep my drinking to the weekends at least. Anyone else feel like trying to be completely sober just makes it worse? I have a lot more luck controlling drinking to 1 or 2 days a week than I do drinking absolutely nothing. When I try to have nothing ever, I end up relapsing harder

>> No.8100483


Are you responsible for your cortisol and dopamine levels? You can take responsibility, but you need to realize you're being chemically fucked too. Don't go overboard.

>> No.8101380

Found out spirit circle has been completed and translated for a while, I really liked that manga when I first came across it years ago. Been drinking and reading all night fucking up my sleep schedule.

At least I only have a few hours of manual labor work tomorrow I guess.

>> No.8101409

Hey can one of you fags tell me why I'm so much more productive when I'm at least a little drunk? Best I can figure, it breaks my prefrontal cortex such that "impaired judgement" amounts to "impaired procrastination". Happens when I stay up for a really long time too. Anybody else get this?

>> No.8101509
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I just drank 2 liters of vodka

>> No.8101561


>> No.8101598


>> No.8101611
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>have a noting of a gf
>parents don't care
>sister is still being a whore
I'm slowly killing myself and I'm happy with it

>> No.8101634

break up with your girlfriend and stop being a dick to your family

>> No.8101658
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I've been thinking that shes a fat neet who dosen;t do anything yet complain when I don't cook

>parents I can't say anything bad about them I just wish they cared more about me instead about my slut sister

>> No.8101660

i found brandy for ~50 cents (converted) and i am absolutely loving every drop

>> No.8101681

RW was a coke head.

>> No.8101686

why the fuck would it bother you that your sister sleeps around? Why the fuck are you going out with a woman you hate? actually pathetic

>> No.8101692

Probably someplace where a college major with a girl-heavy gender ratio does a bunch of internships. My friend's environmental science internship in Costa Rica had like twenty chicks to 3 guys in their group.

>> No.8101770

Brandy is absolutely wonderful. But, where'd you get a bottle for 50 cents? Sounds a bit sketchy...

>> No.8102016

Posting from work at bar with a double shift until midnight, going to friends bar from 1230-3, work Sunday brunch at 10am. Anyone else work in a bullshit restaurant job and hate their life?

>> No.8102564

You aren't a true booze hound.

>> No.8102658

left side of my face and my left hand are always numb now

>> No.8102673

5 days out of detox

not going to drink for awhile


i had 8 mg of ativan pumped into my IV and was still shaking and seeing things

at least i didnt lose my job while i was in the shithouse

>> No.8102883

Been drinking like a bottle of wine a day for the past few weeks. Drank 6 tall boys last night and woke up with pretty bad anxiety. I just waited for it to pass however and didn't drink it off.
Only having some regular sized beers tonight.

>> No.8102896

What did you see?
I was feeling really weird this morning like my vision was starting to fuck up and I was quite nervous. It went away because I haven't been getting shitfaced with liquor in some time but still.

>> No.8102939

nothing too hardcore

i saw entwined bodies in the patterns of the wood floor

saw red and black spots

woke up in the middle of the night thinking a mad scientist was trying to drag me out of bed and kidnap me but i figured out that was horseshit pretty quick, but it did make me panic for a little

>> No.8102954

I'm happy for you, anon. Keep up the good work, buddy. We'll be here to support you, and we're here if you fail.

>> No.8102968

>allow yourself to get shitfaced one night per week and try to stay sober the other six
This is what I've been doing recently (except for me it's two nights, Friday and Saturday). It seems more sustainable than abstinence, and it's definitely more realistic than moderation (which I wouldn't even want anyway).

So far it's been working, but I know I have to remain vigilant and humble. Getting cocky will lead to disaster. . . .

>> No.8103001

You must be 18 or older to post on this forum

>> No.8103004

Functioning achly here. Can't remember the last sober night I had... doesn't interfere with work or anything. However I'm anxious as hell to leave work ASAP so I can come home and drink... I get very agitated if I have to work later than usual.
Been drinking about 6-8 (10+ on weekends) 16oz beers every night for years... I'm bored as shit and can't sleep without a buzz...

>> No.8103013

Well done to the both of you. I was sober for about two months, a little more, then I relapsed. Now I'm focusing on a harm reduction program, which seems to be working. But I know I'm playing with fire.

>> No.8103044

Go to a fucking rehab facility. They've got them available to the public in most major cities. Don't ruin your life. It can really get a lot better. I pushed myself into a deep hole year after year, reaching the nadir about a year ago. Talking to nobody except myself, constantly angry at everyone and everything, hanging onto my job by the skin of my teeth, feeling like I'm going to beat up a random stranger on the train just for looking at me funny, finding people-even gang-bangers-avoiding me like I look unhinged (which, I guess, I was), checking account almost always near zero, scraping change together to get a few steel reserves at CVS, every weekend a bender, . . . you get the idea. A few months ago, I took some time off, went on antabuse, and my life hasn't been this good in a decade. Dating a pretty girl, have a savings account, on good terms with my bosses, talking with family and friends again, playfully banter with strangers on the train, have a much nicer apartment, etc.

tl;dr: Don't give up (except the drinking part--definitely give that up)

>> No.8103054

This seems appropriate for Jesus.

>> No.8103058
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here, I took a picture of my drinking cave just for you, al/ck/


>> No.8103107

fuck yeah buddy

>> No.8103109

I woke up this morning and had a few drinks, than continued an argument my wife and I were having last night. She took my son and left. I think it's over for good. I've been drinking all day and don't see an end in sight.

>> No.8103118

>last week
>go to bar with my cousin and his older friend from work
>lots of cocaine and tequila
>call cousin so we can make plans to go to the bar or drink at my place
>says he can't because older friend (construction worker) fell off a building and is on life support
>taking him off of it today

Fuckin sucks man met the guy once but he was cool as shit, plus cocaine and alcohol makes you feel like you've known them forever after you do it together. I remember sitting at the table at the party with him hitting key bumps he was breaking off a Little brick at the table, everyone staring at us but the whole table was faded as fuck so no fucks given. (It's a family members bar kinda like a brothel, lots of girls go sell themselves, so security doesn't bother us because they know I'm related to the owner)

I just wanna go buy some beer but I'm on probation as of the beginning of this week and can't leave the house anymore. Cousin probably won't come since he's going to the hospital and that was his buddy. Fuuuuck man I just want a 16 of Budweiser so I can down it nice n cold tonight

>> No.8103127

How many years of your life have you wasted drinking guys? 19-27 almost daily here, and before i turned 19 i stole booze//got boots regularely since like 15.

i acomplished pretty much nothing in this time, even when working a decent job for a good chunk of those years, i barely remember it because i drank the second i got off work till i passed out every night for years on end.

HOWEVER, this year ive been sober for all but about 1 and a half months maybe two.

the hardest part about alcohol is admitting you cant help yourself. it fully fucks with your decision making and im slowly starting to realize that even drinking one time after a long break is enough to send me into week or month long benders.

im still hoping that after quitting for maybe a year my brain will reset and be abl to drink normally again but deep down i think i know that wont happen, and my brain is now forever chimically wired to fiend alcohol like a crack addict once i get it

>> No.8103229

>Tfw no fatty liver

>> No.8103327

I ended up drinking 12 beers and 2 kahluas with milk. I don't usually get impacted too heavily by hangovers, especially from drinking beer, but this one is murdering me. Little disappointed that my run of sobriety has finished but going to go straight back to not drinking.

>> No.8103400

>finally got fired from my kitchen job I've been working at for 2.5 years due to drunk related lateness or absences

>> No.8103407

I've been on a hellacious fucking bender. I quit it a couple weeks ago and went through the worst non-stop panic attacks ever and then was clean for about a week and now I'm scared to quit again out of fear for what literally felt like I was having a heart attack 24/7

>> No.8103713

Pro tip:
If you drink to 0.1 BAC you get a buzz with no hangover or vomit. I know it's well below what most of you drink at but if you're reading this and not an alcoholic, give it a shot.

>> No.8103722

stoli is a wholly good vodka, all-around.

stoli and some peppers is called the Gately Special.

>> No.8103735


I went through that for close to 5 months straight after quitting daily drinking 6 pack of 8% beer for like 3 years.

i never suffered from anxiety before but i literally went to the ER probly 10 times thinking i was dying of a heart attack, i also had other weird symptoms like my arms going numb every night when trying to fall asleep.alcohol is no joke

>> No.8103736

not really; it's mass-produced without regulations so it's dirt cheap

>> No.8103760
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Been sober a week, doin pretty good actually. Only time I really craved it was last night and tonight when I saw posts about people drinking

>> No.8103913

I still think it sounds a little sketchy, but I'd definitely give it a try. Whenever you get a chance, try Macieira, a Portuguese brandy. Good shit right there.

>> No.8103960

>jackposting banned
>apparently this is okay though
>>>/soc/ is where this shit thread belongs, it has nothing to do with cooking at all.

>> No.8103979


stroke city

>> No.8104025

naw just nerve damage

>> No.8104049

And I suppose it has everything to do with cams and meetups?

>> No.8104052

Just don't fucking go cold turkey if you don't want to have a heart attack or stroke.

>> No.8104720
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I love the feeling when you question your drinking habits then after 10 beers you remember exactly why you drink. Who here /alcoholicandlikeit/