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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 300x400, hangover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8084844 No.8084844 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best hangover cures /ck/ I feel like im dead right now, im a fucking ghost thats what I am
I usually have a shit, a hot shower and whack it but that hasn't done anything for me today.
Woke up with all my clothes on and then after the shower I tried to put my pants on without underwear. Pretty sure im still drunk

>> No.8084862

Drink a lot, I usually drink milk. Eat salty food, fries will do. Sleep a lot. Take some aspirins.

>> No.8084887


amphetamine and lots of water. Also, salty greasy food or eggs. Some people swear by pickles. Never tried it myself. The acidity put me off, as my stomach is usually destroyed when I've drank enough alcohol to induce a hangover.

>> No.8084920

Quart of smartwater, or gatorade and water. Sweet tea to sip throughout the day.
Filling breakfast, high fat stuff like a sausage McGriddle or full diner breakfast.
Oatmeal cooks a screaming raw stomach. Bananas are soothing too and have potassium.
Tagamet, Pepcid. Nexium will slow down the acid pumping that is part of the pain and diarrhea from all that abuse of the GI lining. Take it for 2 days.
Anti-inflammatory, like yes, aspirin will work on the blood vessels, but watch the stomach.
Go ahead and take a multivitamin if you think you could do with a bit of Vit B.

Take it easy in the heat and sun while you're dehydrated. Wear sunglasses.

>> No.8084931

alright so the consensus seems to be eat food take some pills and drink some gatorade
gonna make me a plate of the leftover pan fried chicken I made last night and im already working on a vitamin water

like im going to go out in the sun in this condition I can barely leave my couch

>> No.8084938

Pedialyte and some asprins

Chug the whole pedialyte and u will feel better in an hour

>> No.8084954

this faggot suggested meth. disregard.

OP, food helps, taking a nap helps

>> No.8084962

this faggot suggested all amphetamines are meth. disregard.

>> No.8084969

Oxygen and exercise help if you're up to it
A brisk walk somewhere shady or a trip to the local pool

>> No.8084972
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drink a little bit of this stuff.

>> No.8084983

>2x cold Beer Lao (0.75 l)
>cold Pepsi
>scrambled eggs with cheese
>french fries and may
>french bread with garlic spread
>500 mg paracetamol
>10 mg valium

>> No.8084984

Smoke a fat bowl, OP. Trust me.

>> No.8084990

Toasted corn tortillas, chopped avocados and tomatoes, lemon juice, and salt. Eat it, puke it, eat more, puke it, repeat.

Make some electrolytes; 4 cups water to 1/4 teaspoon each of salt and baking soda, plus 1/4 cup orange juice. Pound it back and make more.

If you need to puke and your stomach hurts but you can't, take activated charcoal pills (2 to 4) and slippery elm tea, 3 cups at a time. This worked for me when I took kratom... worst drug ever.

>> No.8085024
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>> No.8085025

>hangover cures

These are pseudo-science for the most part. There have been some studies indicating a certain vitamin cocktail does actually assuage the chemical byproducts that cause the hangover, but other than that, le drinking water and le eating greasy food XD don't actually mitigate pain associated with processing those chemicals.

>> No.8085033

Dont do this you'll get mustard on it

>> No.8085042

Shit, shower and water are three essentials.

Food is key. Here in Ireland we have a filthy fried breakfast, it's pretty theraputic if you're hungover to fuck.

Take paracetamol for the headache, if you have one.

Once you're full of something greasy and protein-based, see how you are. Get a takeaway or something later.

If you have access to a gym with a pool and a sauna, that's a god-tier combo, just make sure you bring a shitload of water.

>> No.8085047


>> No.8085053
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Also cures colds, flus, irritable bowl syndrome, aids, cancer, zika virus, glaucoma, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, middle blood pressure, restless leg syndrome, heart attacks, tourettes, gulf war syndrome, virginity, diabetes, two terms of obama, and the bends (decompression sickness).

Ask your doctor of pho is right for you.

>> No.8085057

driinking water is for dehydration and processing alcohol. Being dehydrated is not a good state for feeling your best.

>> No.8085060

go back to sleep

>> No.8085065
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>tfw there is no cure for acid comedown

Someone help me

>> No.8085071

Gulf War syndrome is actually really sad. Hundreds of thousands of troops go to war only to come back with a mysterious illness that the government won't acknowledge and treat them for.

Theories range from radiation sickess, to biological warfare agents, to permanent damage from the drug called Cipro that they had to take

>> No.8085074

Best hangover cure is hangover prevention. Make sure before drinking you have a full stomach, then before bed drink 16oz of water and have a salty fatty snack. One of my favorites is ramen noodles, nothing tells a hangover to fuck off like a full days worth of salt before bed.

>> No.8085081

Drinking fluids should help, alcohol being a strong diuretic and everything. It eases the headache, but not the general sick feeling.

Some food to get the body glucose level back to normal will also give energy. Consuming large quantities of unhealthy foods will release some endorphins, alleviating the ill feeling.

Both should ease an alcohol-victim's pains, even if the byproduct wont process any faster.

>> No.8085085

A glass of water between every glass. Following that rule, I haven't had a single hangover.

>> No.8085087

Before you go to sleep, take a shower and then wrap a wet towel around your neck when you sleep.

>> No.8085092


>Oxygen and exercise help if you're up to it
>A brisk walk somewhere shady or a trip to the local pool

European solution: cycle into a kebab-shop.

>> No.8085099


is this so you don't notice that you've managed to piss the bed, because the entire thing is soaking wet from the towel?

>> No.8085114


Cipro, as in ciprofloxacin?
It's just an anti-biotic.

>> No.8085123

>Smoke weed
>Head feels like it's going to explode before actually getting high
Somehow I'm not seeing that as a good idea.

Water and Excedrin, no memes involved and it actually works.

>> No.8085131

1lt water + aspirin
Oats with spoonful of peanut butter
1 bununer
1 cup of rooibos

Some porn if you feel like a piece of shit.A proper walk to maccy d for a few meters once you're pumped up

>> No.8085167


>> No.8085173


>> No.8085180

The main mechanism how cannabis helps hangovers is that one consumes less alcohol the night before.

>> No.8085186

sometimes you just have to take your lumps

but generally I'd say weed+aspirin works best

>> No.8085201

sounds like a great plan if I want to spend the whole night pissing and feeling bloated

>> No.8085206

It really is a wonder cure for hangovers. It dulls the sharpness of headache/other pains and gets rid of nausea. Just a hit or two should fix you up for a few hours.

>> No.8085214

I have a hangover every other day. The only effective things that ever help me with stress is time and water. Fill up a giant cup of boiled lemon water and take it with you in the bath. Make sure to have a bucket ready for puking. Just sit there and wait, maybe with something to cover your eyes.

>> No.8085219

>>Head feels like it's going to explode before actually getting high

I get this too. People tell me to smoke to help with headaches and nausea but it just makes my head feel like it's gonna split open and makes me cough, which makes me puke.

>> No.8085232

>stuff your face with avocados and keep puking them up

If you're eating food just to lose it later, it doesn't matter if it's healthy, so long as it tastes good coming up. Fruit is best.

>> No.8085240



>> No.8085255

Vitamin C and B are important too, and so is eating light food like oatmeal

No sugar, because you're a drunk and that's where all your sugar comes from now. Just use vanilla extract.

>> No.8085293

drink water between drinks.

Also have a proper nutrtion.

I'm 27 and rnever suffer hangovers this way (I get shitfaced pretty much every friday)

>> No.8085320

drink water before you go to bed

>> No.8085326

take amphetamine when you wake up

>> No.8085371

Unless you're a 15th century sailor pretty much all vitamins are worthless to you

>> No.8085389

This. So much fucking bro science ITT

>> No.8085390

hair of the dog that bite 'ya

>> No.8085399

Get prescribed benzos. You won't have hangovers ever. Don't drink too heavily or you will die.

And you will eventually not have any memory either. But remembering things is overrated. What 80 year old wants to remember they used to be able to climb stairs. No me, that's who.

>> No.8085401

Shit loads of water, bacon sandwich and some pain killers. Not coffee, it will dehydrate you and make your headache worse.

>> No.8085406

Your liver metabolises ethanol at a specific rate. You can't rush it. Stop talking in this thread unless you're stupid.

>> No.8085537

here's a simple solution: stop drinking so much

>> No.8085549

fuck you

>> No.8085564


>wanting to ever not be intoxicated

people like you make me sick

>> No.8085569


>> No.8085586

just get drunk every evening for a week or two. You'll not have a hangover anymore

>> No.8085717

chug a gatorade and a panadol right before you go to bed. take a dehydration tablet too if you wanna be fancy.

often it's worth staying up an hour or two without drinking before going to sleep, if you know it's gunna be a bad one.

>> No.8085748
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Guys, thread over, I just drank more and felt better

>> No.8085758

Welcome to alcoholism. Heavy withdrawals are much more fun than hangovers!

>> No.8085770

Yeah you definitely need grease, water, and time.

I usually go with a cheesesteak, but if you're looking for breakfast, a couple sausage, egg, and cheese English muffins, a shit ton of water and juice for that tart taste, and then sleep.

>> No.8085786


I used to do this, I'd stay up until 5 in the morning watching the weather channel of all things, drinking water/gatorade and eating crackers until the spins went away, then pass out till 2 in the afternoon. Fucked up my sleep cycle for sure but made sure I didn't spend the day heaving my guts out, just felt tired and a little off instead.

>> No.8085802
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The worst thing about acid is the farts you make as you come down. Smells like something died and is rotting in my asshole.

>> No.8085808

It's too late. You have to prevent, not cure, hangovers. Everything is bullshit. Attributing cause to cottelation. Idiotic. Only drinking more alcohol can cure.

>> No.8085824


Blowfish. It's hangover medicine. Works like a charm

>> No.8085827

Eat greasy food eggs and bacon hash browns worked good for me. Next time take a break when drinking and shoot down a glass of water will help a lot the next day also an Advil or two will help the throbbing head.

>> No.8085878


>> No.8085910


>> No.8085927

Here's a pro tip for never getting a hangover op, drink liquor and dont mix it, beer and sugary mixed drinks dehydrate you way more

>> No.8086003

orange gatorade

>> No.8086006

I don't think that is true, beer is loaded with water

>> No.8086020

>Make an Easter bunny pizza

>> No.8086150
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u retarded?

>> No.8086178

2 Multivitamins + 2 800m Ibuprofen before you sleep my nigga.

Also the hair of the dog son, if you ain't got work you best be drinking.

>> No.8086247

>Soluble fiber and probiotics to help your GI tract return to normal
>Aspirin for pain
>Vitamin B to help metabolize the alcohol byproducts
>Enough water to keep your urine clear

>> No.8086252

And red meat causes cancer right, WHO faggot?

>> No.8086272

CTRL + F Menudo

/ck/ I am disappoint.

It's a pain in the ass when you're turbo lit, but you need to hydrate (like, one glass of water. Maybe some swigs of Powerade or coconut water. You aren't trying to piss the bed.) and take Aspirin before you go to sleep. Rx strength ibuprofen (800mg) is good too, as Aspirin tends to be rougher on the stomach. Tylenol is useless and thus strains your liver unnecessarily.

Opiates are ill advised. They can worsen the headache, although it's easier to endure any headache when you're high on opiates.

Weed has never done much for me, though some swear by it.

Amphetamines will do the trick, but so will coffee or an energy drink.

In short:
Pre-treat w fluids, NSAIDs
Menudo / fried chicken / pizza / fries
Stimulants (after eating if they suppress appetite)

>> No.8086278

coconut water before bed

>> No.8086501
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menudo is the best for hangovers.

spicy, oily, packed full of offal vitamins, easy to eat.

>> No.8086504

Weed, junk food, water and sleep

>> No.8086527 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8086686

Going for a run, or have hockey game or something in the morning.
It may be hell but you will sweat the poison out

>> No.8086706

I'm lucky enough to live alone and I time my hangovers for days that I have absolutely no responsibility to do anything. I usually pop three 10/325 Vicodin's, eat a fat laden meal, drink some electrolyte replacing fluid, and go back to bed and binge watch Netflix. Works every time...

>> No.8086741

When I have a bad hang, the only thing that helps is throwing up. You should try it!

>> No.8086743

a litre of gatorade, then use the bottle to make a bong and smoke a gram of the good stuff.

ah, to be back in highschool again. good times.

>> No.8086823

broccoli soup and a joint

>> No.8086829

A gram?! Your weed is definitely not good. I can have like 0.15 at max on a single hit.

Hangover comes, you choose the day :)

Seriously though, one or two standard servings of "hair of the dog" will do wonders, it's just that all people can't keep it at that.

Those pissy moralfags propaganda against it, because it's the best cure.

>> No.8086835

Make your ass some egg drop mother fucking soup with chicken broth and a slurry and then put down at least 2 bowls of it. It cures 2/3rds of whatever terrible fucking hangover I inflict on my self every time.

>> No.8086842

>whats tolerance

>> No.8086847

Don't smoke it like tobacco, idiot.

>> No.8086858

>what is tolerance
>what is a smoke session
>what is having an actual hangover

its ok little sapling, you'll get there eventually

>> No.8086863

>do psychs
>notice really uncomfortable sensation in belly
>feels like my liver is bloated or something and no matter how I align myself I can feel whatever is above pressing down on it
>every time I did psychs I felt this
>ruined every trip
f-fug :D:DDDD

>> No.8086888

Don't drink on an empty stomach and ensure you drink some non-alcoholic liquids during your session. Of course this requires planning ahead so that's not an option. Eat something plain (I'd go with toast) and drink your preferred local variant of Gatorade, Powerade or similar.

>> No.8086890


It really does work, gin and tonic is my hangover cure of choice. You do need to draw the line at one or two and not get pissed again, that is where the problems start.

>> No.8086898

Eggs benedict and coffee minus bread.

>> No.8086899

one word; more alcohol

>> No.8086903


>> No.8086962
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Raw egg, worchestershire, tabasco, pepper and salt. Shot of Vodka for increased effect.

>> No.8086966

Pretty much this. I learned years ago that the best cure for hangovers are getting up and doing physical activities like working or exercise. It might be a rough start, but once you get your blood pumping, and sweating out toxins, you will feel a lot better really fucking quick.

>> No.8087003

That's basically it anon

>> No.8087036
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why is /ck/ full of alcoholics

>> No.8087040

its the only board you can get an actual response on

>> No.8087110

Smoke weed or take benzodiazepines if you have them (or both)

Then eat a egg sandwich and go to sleep with a bunch of water near your bed

>> No.8087143

Drink water and wait. There is no epic meme cure and everyone who claims to have THE CURE FOR HANGOVER XDDD can fuck off back to Ieddit.

>> No.8087264

Drink as much water as you can. Eat something salty if you can keep it down. If you have access to painkillers with codeine take some. Go back to sleep.

>> No.8087605

antibiotics can have some serious negative health effects, especially if you take them regularly over a long period of time.

>> No.8087713
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Get ya a pedialyte anon.

>> No.8087725

>easy to eat
I wish. The texture is far too strange for me. I wish i liked it.

>> No.8087784

There are certain kinds of pain killers which are best because they dont interact with the alcohol. I believe ibuprofen is the common one. Take the maximum amount of that and then eat carbs (and nothing but carbs) and gatorade. Gatorade has always done well for me, but i dont always have it on hand, in that case just drink whatever?

I dont really take vitamins or anything else because they take stomach power to digest and that can wreak havoc on a hungover digestive system.

>> No.8087819


Ibuprofen doesn't interact with alcohol. BUT, it is rather hard on the liver, as is alcohol. So even though it may not interact with the alcohol it's still not a good idea to take it after a lot of boozing.

>> No.8088244

You don't have a hangover if you can eat and drink all that.

>> No.8088257

eat a pickle spear or a couple hamburger pickle slices. it gets rid of the towel tounge and horrible taste also gives you some salt. drink milk if your stomach feels like shit. smoke like 3 bowls of weed so you pass out. drink water and take a couple asprin. alka seltzer is a godsend.

>> No.8088324

Yeah people always forget salt. You pissed it all out last night and your body needs it to move the water youve been chugging since you woke up. Eat canned soup, ramen or processed meat to get those sodium levels up.

>> No.8088948

best thing is to wait a few hours before going to bed after drinking, but if you can't: watered down gatorade to rehydrate you, tea/coffee to kill the headache

just drinking water by itself will make you feel bloated and not better

>> No.8088950


>> No.8089243

Spicy Bloody Mary and a toasted onion bagel with scallion cream cheese, nova lox, tomato, and onion. Works like magic for me. Or if you can't do that just take a shot of something and make a tomato and mayo sammich followed by coffee and a cold shower

>> No.8089252

There is no medically or scientifically verified cure for a hangover. A hangover will pass with time and rest.

>> No.8089276

Lots and lots of water (from last day would be better) and try being asleep for as much as possible.

>> No.8089349

there are things that you can do to alleviate the hangover though.

>> No.8089367

especially if the broth is made with chicken as well as beef

>> No.8089371

drink gatoraid, some water. alka seltzer. milk if the alka seltzer didnt fix your stomach enough, eat something vinegary, if you dont feel much better after all of this take a sleeping pill put a movie on that you have seen before so you can fall asleep easier and put a fan on you/turn down the ac. if you have access to pot smoke enough to make you pass out. take a nap, whether you feel better or not when you wake up at least you arent suffering.

>> No.8089389

Honestly, when I have a bad hangover, nothing really helps it because I can't hold down food and I don't have the energy to exercise. I've found that just making myself puke until my stomach is completely empty is the only way to get anything done, and then I sip on water and try to eat some peanuts throughout the next hour or so and I'm usually good, except for the extremely bad hangovers where I basically have to die and come back to life.

>> No.8089398

fuck bro you are going to get an ulcer. just dont drink quite as much.

>> No.8089408

also you dont need food, drink alkaseltzer. eat a minimal amount of something salty like a pickle or peanuts like you said gatoraid helps with the dehydration and salt loss. but mainly dont get to the point where you puke up food the next day, a loss of appetite is ok but you shouldnt be puking up food you eat the next day that shit will end up killing you and is basically alcohol poisoning.

>> No.8089435
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Water before you pass the fuck out. This once you can choke it down. Also add in some fucking drink where the booze can hide, either a Caucasian or a bloody Mary for my $

>> No.8089445

more alcohol never helps unless you have a slight hangover or are just getting drunk again because you are an alcohol.

>> No.8089724

My favourite thing to cure a hangover is pho. Easy on the stomach, as I don't like the "fatty foods for the hangover" - meme. It has lots of salt and liquid to rehydrate you and enough noodles to feed you, so it covers all the bases. Pop an aspirin with it and let the healing begin.

>> No.8089741


>because you are an alcohol.
This wouldn't be so bad if he was finely aged.Then he could post here without breaking the rules.

>> No.8089754

welcome newfag.

>> No.8089813

The acid comedown isn't so bad, for me the only problem was that I wasn't gonna feel good anymore

>> No.8090691

Weed is the single greatest cure for a hangover I've ever tried. Instantly your nausea is cured, and you have the willpower to scarf down a plate of something fried and greasy which also seems to help.

Since I get drug tested now whenever I get a hangover I try to throw up and shit as soon and as much as possible, try to hold down as much water as possible, take a gravol and lay in bed until I feel well enough to eat some bread or something easy on the stomach.

My brother has these electrolyte drops that he absolutely swears by but they're salty as fuck and make me gag.

>> No.8090758

Big greasy fried breakfast with a pint of water washing it down.
Or at least protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Last epic hangover I had was from rum and cider all night, and was fixed with a sausage baguette with chips and a bottle of water.

>> No.8090811

>drink tons of water
>take some ibuprofen
>eat some scrambled eggs as soon as you feel you can keep it down
>rest, sleep if you can

>> No.8090816


>> No.8090877

>italian hoagie, you can tell it's going to be properly greasy when the delivery guy who doesn't work in the kitchen still smells like the food, and he's dressed to go to a nightclub
>black coffee

>> No.8090878


and b vitamin complex

>> No.8090970

>Still drinking the Alcoholic Jew
My dude, take a toke of this here fine weed! No hangover guaranteed!

>> No.8091051

its adderall you retard

>> No.8091059
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Psuedofedrine if you can't get anything stronger. Post-binge congestion is a bitch. Also, greasy food and evian water.

>> No.8091064
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>> No.8091070


>> No.8091074


>> No.8091078

Being 18.

>> No.8091088

Paracetamol is more work for your hard working liver.

You're better off with Ibuprofen.

>> No.8091373
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this nigger knows whats up.

or he is a dirty Argentinian nigger.

>> No.8091745

I usually just drink coffee and a shit ton of water, but my dad always told me to drink grapefruit juice and a very tiny amount of vodka. I've never actually tried it though and therefore have no idea if it works but I figured I'd share.

>> No.8091750

probably an NSAID and a bunch of water. Everything else is masking. Coffee doesn't work, hair of the dog is the worst. Just try to get your liver and kidneys back on track.

>> No.8091764

There is no cure. Some things can bring minor alleviation but nothing has been shown to speed up the actual thing causing bad things in alcohol to be ejected from the body quicker

>> No.8091792

You need pic related and Gatorade.

>> No.8091794
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forgot pic

>> No.8091798

I usually drink fernet and coke to get fucked up, I don''t think its good for hangovers.

>> No.8092174

I've never had a come down, only felt refreshed.

Are you sure you had real lsd?

The constipation and gas is real though. Your insides become too easy to feel and my muscles just seize up around them.

>> No.8092183

Take a deep breath. You're breathing too shallow. Lots of deep breaths. Also on psychs you can really feel the poop inside of you. I always fast before hand. Got rid of the feeling.

>> No.8092193

>pork roll
>not Taylor Ham

>> No.8092204

Last Saturday when I tripped, the first 6 hours were fucking amazing, but the last 6 hours were confusing and uncomfortable.

Yes I'm sure it was real

>> No.8092535

What did you think about? How did you prepare for the trip? I always start out with getting reborn in my own body and figuring out how to use it again. Feeling like some animal. Imaging the physiology of that animal and how it would feel to have its physical limitations. Get lost in thoughts about how connected life is, like the billions of miles of strings of fungus that connect to every tree in a forest, exchanging nutrients between trees. They've found salmon dna in trees when the fungus fed on a dead salmon and delivered it to trees. Forests are giant living systems. That kind of shit. Then I'll get real introspective and think about my life with clarity.

That's always been my experience on lsd. Leaves me refreshed and happy for weeks.

What the hell did you do?

>> No.8092944

Well, I didn't prepare for it at all really. It was only my second trip.

I hung out by the riverside at a local park and listened to music with two other friends. That was a really good experience. We stayed there until sunset. I remember taking my shoes off and feeling connected with the river.

I went to a coffeehouse after that and drank a couple cups and chainsmoked outside. Being inside around strangers freaked me out, but I know the staff well enough that I could order off the menu. My friends and I just talked. I remember being entranced by all of the lights, and losing myself in the mirror of the bathroom in there

After that we went home and played smash bros. my two friends I was tripping with kind of threw in the towel on the comedown, it was really lame. After an hour they both tried getting some sleep and I just stayed up watching movies. I had a lot of negative thoughts about being alone, and feeling like shit after smoking so much.

I should trip alone next time

>> No.8092959

Go eat a stick of butter and 3 eggs and 3 slices of bacon stay away from bread

>> No.8093056

Drink as much water as you can, eat crunchy dry food and drink more water or juice, or anything.
Eat something sweet or put way more sugar in your coffee. Jack off and go back to sleep.

>> No.8093130
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>Not coffee, it will dehydrate you

>> No.8093153


fuck right off

>> No.8093161

step 1: drink a large pedialyte
step 2: roast a monster bowl
step 3: consume a california burrito
guaranteed success

>> No.8093209

All these people saying "you can't cure a hangover you can only alleviate it" what the fuck do you think painkillers do? What do you think water does? Food? It's the same with a cold or a headache or back pain, you just find the thing that makes you feel generally better.

>> No.8093230


Make a bowl of strawberries and cream oatmeal with 1 cup sugar, 1 cup salt, and two frozen fish sticks heated up. Heat in a microwave for 1 minute.

>> No.8093233

Fucking retard

>> No.8093241

he's right though
coffe will make you piss a lot, getting rid of that precious water

>> No.8093358

I think they are referring to the sort of instant gratification people want when they are feeling extremely nauseous and depressed.
Painkillers and water work in the long term but you are still going to feel fucking dreadful for a long time.

>> No.8093771


Gastrointestinal problems will arise if you do this as your "hangover routine".

Never combine aspirine and alcohol unless you want to get shitfaced off of a few drinks.


Very hard on the liver, clearly the opposite of what you should do.

>That one nigger saying he takes antibiotics

How the fuck are you alive? This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on 4chan.

Do you drink bleach, too?

Antibiotics are serious and should be prescribed by a doctor, not taken as fucking painkillers, because they aren't painkillers.

The amount of uneducated mouthbreathers is astounding.

>Things that can actually work and aren't old wives tales

Exercising so you start sweating
Eating anything to slightly up your sodium levels and also feel less sick
Showering, getting lots of fresh air, avoiding noise or smoking weed to help with your headache
Drinking water because your body needs it
Avoiding overly sugary things because it will make your stomach more acidic

Don't thank me, thank science you fucking monkeys.

>> No.8093864

Drink water


That's my routine

>> No.8093899

whenever I get really pishy the next morning I tend to hover in that awful nausea that's just a little too far from being able to puke. and then stay like that for maybe four hours then puke till i have nothing left, then fall asleep and feel grand when I wake up.

>> No.8093908

No you fucks, enjoy the extra strain on your liver and kidneys.

Drinking+amphetamines or related (ephedrine/pseudoepherine) = pickling your liver

>> No.8093921

I like pickle juice

or chicken broth with hot sauce

>> No.8094001

1. Eat a banana
2. Drink a large glass of tap water (not too cold)
3. Cold Shower
4. Another glass of water
5. Breakfast

>> No.8094010

Pedialyte. It's the gold standard for hangovers.

>> No.8095114

It depends on if you're on one night of excess or a multi-day bender. Sadly after 3 or more days of drinking there is no cure except a day off chilling out.

If less than that then I usually get a gatorade. The 32oz works great. Do not be tricked into eating, this slows down metabalism.

>> No.8095120

>drink coffee
>get the shakes

never again

>> No.8095124


You were shaking because of an electrolyte imbalance. Coffee won't fix that.

>> No.8095163

i swear alcoholics are the stupidest shits
just chug an electrolyte drink

>> No.8095179

This man know.

>> No.8095198

Usually after a 3 or more day bender I have to take two days off, it sucks. Just laying in bed barely being able to keep water down knowing damn well if I dont im just going to keep feeling like shit. Also knowing you should be eating but cant even think about food without wanting to vomit

>> No.8095220

Bananas. Drink water between every bite.

>> No.8095229

Dude... this is exactly me when I get super high or faded on alcohol/weed but yours is a little more intense. I cant wait to try LSD if that's really how it's like.

>> No.8095259

How would he be able to make all this while drunk?

>> No.8095285





>> No.8095316
File: 33 KB, 500x394, 1451425427104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking pic, man.
The cork and corkscrew are right there so I guess she opened and drank half a bottle of wine next to the toilet?
And she's thowing up from half a bottle?
And she's in her underwear for some reason.

>> No.8095988

>drink nasty vodka by the fifth in HS and never get hungover
>drink 6 beers now and wake up feeling like shit

I aged myself about 50 years between ages 15-24

>> No.8096012

You an expat in Laos?

>> No.8096033

>not menta