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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8065964 No.8065964 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.8065968

Fuck off with your free healthcare, stupid leaf.

>> No.8065972

Is it halal?

>> No.8066021

So long as it is whole milk I don't care.

Whole milk or bust

>> No.8066037

bag milk is gross

nobody closes it and it absorbs the flavors of the fridge

also who drinks 3 fucking litres of milk before it goes bad

fatties and nobody is who

>> No.8066038

Bagged milk is weird shit. What sicko thought it was a good idea to store a liquid in a bag like that?

>> No.8066046


>> No.8066049

I don't see why I would want to live like someone in a third world country

>> No.8066050


>> No.8066054
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>> No.8066056


>> No.8066059

Jugged, easily.

It holds its form and reseals without any extraneous bullshit.

>> No.8066060


>> No.8066066


>> No.8066067

>mfw leafs slice open a bag of milk in the morning before they hop on their work-moose to patrol the forests and beaver dams

>> No.8066075


>> No.8066078
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>> No.8066083

We don't force it open at knifepoint. We ask it politely.

>> No.8066112

>not powdered .

Sigh ,why do I still come here

>> No.8066120

>powdered milk

How's the war against those sneaky Japs going?

>> No.8066665

how are you suppose to close it?

>> No.8066738

Bag. Doesn't taste like a plastic jug.

>> No.8066814
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Powdered milk never tastes good. It might be good for baking, but not everyday consumption.

Now boxed milk is really where it's at.

>> No.8066887

I was in Thailand last year and my friend asked me if I wanted some fruit juice because it was hot.

She came out the store with a plastic carrying bag filled with juice and a straw.

Couldn't believe it, then I seen people riding scooters with their little juice bags hanging off their handle bars

>> No.8066902

bag milk is gross
>all milk is kinda gross
nobody closes it and it absorbs the flavors of the fridge
>absolutely true. If you put baking soda in your fridge to help with the smell, it will make the milk even worse
also who drinks 3 fucking litres of milk before it goes bad
>when i bought bagged milk i could only finish 2 bags IF that and then throw the dump the other one

I but cartons now, and I don't waste any milk anymore, and it's like 50cents cheaper

>> No.8066915

lol...guess what pal...that wasn't juice. those ppl put all kinds of random stuff in those bags. they have stands out in the street and take a look at the stuff they're making. bugs, meat, spices, some fruit and veg, tea, etc

>> No.8066932


I'm Canadian and have never in my life seen milk in a bag before. Yes I've seen the pitchers that are supposed to hold those bags in dollar stores, but it's always been sold in 4L jugs out here.

>> No.8067820

where you at? I think it's an easter thing, the farthest east I lived was Winnipeg as a kid and went to a summer camp in Ontario where they had bagged milk. First and only time seeing bagged milk in person

>> No.8067843

Use the meme arrows on who you're quoting not on your response.

>> No.8067880

as someone who has had both living in canada i prefer bagged milk because it doesnt get the gross crusts at the top like the jugs do and it's fresher. we buy a 1 gal jug of milk and by the end it gets pretty rank, the bags are split into smaller portions. you also dont need to buy 3 bags at a time if you dont want to.
also prefer bags because nostalgia

>> No.8067884

also the jugs are heavy as fuck and the bags are much easier to pour

>> No.8067949

only ontario has bagged milk, everywhere else in canada uses jugs/cartons

>> No.8067955

salty coins

>> No.8067963

We used to have it in BC when I was much younger. Some kid I was friends with was the only household I knew that bought it and I always thought it was weird.

>> No.8067983

Growing up, everytime I visited my grandparents in Minnesota they had bagged milk in their refrigerator. I wish I could buy bagged milk where I live, simply for nostalgia.

First, the bag goes in a pitcher that holds everything upright. To close the bag you just fold over the corner that's cut open and clip it together.

>> No.8068392

What weirds me out is when hot drinks go into those little bags. You can practically taste the leached carcinogens.

>> No.8068760

jug for the everyday
bag for guests

>> No.8069704
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We have bags in Québec, my dear squared-head friend.

>> No.8069733

So you have to buy accessories like a pitcher and a clip?

>> No.8069806

Have had the same pitcher for 25 years now.

Also who doesn't have clips in the kitchen anyway

>> No.8069815


>> No.8069850

>ITT: Weeding out Canadians

>> No.8069871
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boxed masterrace

>> No.8069898
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ITT post bags, jugs, etc

>> No.8069920


>> No.8070352

Boxed soy/almond/coconut milk for me please