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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 320x263, fingerless-gloves-fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8064148 No.8064148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>*A portly fellow in a flame shirt waddles to the counter of a Starbucks*
>"What would you like sir?"
>*The atheist squints around the coffee bar, his hands at the sides of his khaki shorts like he had two holsters. With one hand he expertly pulls out his wallet and with the other, he brings the tip of his hat down before placing his order*
>"Coffee. Black."
>*A hush falls over the patrons and staff. Women gush in their panties as whispers from men can't believe what's transpiring. The barista looks like he's about to faint, his grip on the cup furiously shaking as he slides it over the counter to our hero*
>*The cheetoh avenger slaps down a sticky five and a quarter with his hamhock fist before mumbling to no one that they should "keep the change", knowing he's a far more euphoric human being than people that put sugar or milk in their coffee*

>> No.8064179

why does it offend you so, that I like my coffee plain?

>> No.8064180

>being so insecure that you extensively over analyze mundane things into being "pretentious"

>> No.8064183
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/ck/ doesn't deserve posts like these.

Why do you do this?

>> No.8064185

Oh fuck off. This is what 4chan was built for.
>inb4 banned by the cuck janny for triggering him too hard

>> No.8064187

someone once said "milk and sugar are for babies" and he took it so personally that it assaults his ego to the very core. Every time he utters "sugar" to the coffee store employee he winces inside, and quickly glances around to make sure no one is judging him, even though no one gives a shit in reality. He does this to overcompensate.

>> No.8064194
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1449627917985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you 12?

>> No.8064199

See that alien man in your OP? Go back there, they miss you.

No, it's what /b/ was made for. Its a containment board for newfucks like you.
/ck/ is a place of both productive insight and scathing banter, much like a busy restaurant's kitchen.
Take your fedoralord bullshit back to /r9k/ or /v/ or wherever the hell you came from, your stench is bringing flies to the kitchen.

Thank you

>> No.8064205
File: 305 KB, 1000x1000, 1401160961475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what 4chan was built for.
No. No it's not.

You have completely missed the entire point of this website.
Being shitty and obnoxious is a consequence of what we are, NOT the objective.

Why on earth did you think that we would celebrate you for posting like this?

>> No.8064210

classic pasta, you really baited them good this time

>> No.8064222

>b-b-but 4chan is meant to be taken seriously!!
>b-b-but I need muh serious discussion :(
Reddit is probably more your speed. Hell, even Funnyjunk or the Gaia forums would welcome your kind.

>> No.8064226

Trips confirm. Based.

>> No.8064227
File: 237 KB, 1100x1380, 1355739283325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips don't lie

>> No.8064231

Can someone people explain to me why is this memespewing fuckwad telling other people to fuck off to reddit?

>> No.8064235

Someone wrote this

>> No.8064242

You have to be 18 to post here.

You're even worse than he is honestly. Fuck yourself.

>> No.8064243
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1465412061703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fedoras are so triggered by an accurate portrayal of their behavior that they cry and shit themselves while waiting for mods to save them

>> No.8064244

I drink my coffee black and my water unmolested.


>> No.8064245

>You're even worse than he is honestly

>> No.8064246

No, but I can explain why you need to be gassed.

>> No.8064247

>bawwwww he hurt muh feels save me reddit :'^(

>> No.8064249

What, do you want an apology for not recognizing how great this thread is?

>> No.8064252

I want you to stop posting.

>> No.8064253

Reddit is so much better than this shithole.

>> No.8064254

I love my coffee French-pressed and a fifth of it being creamer.

I want so much creamer in there that I am simply incapable of tasting the bitter.

>> No.8064257
File: 658 KB, 300x281, 1456511912559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post with "thanks doc" or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.8064259

Calling OP a faggot and telling him to fuck off is the least offensive thing in this thread.

Take your autism and put it into something constructive.

>> No.8064261

You are so rectumragnarocked that you're attempting to nuke this thread from orbit. Absolutely phenomenal.

>> No.8064263

Just walk away.

>> No.8064266

Thanks doc

>> No.8064267

You've never worked a kitchen in your life faggot.

>> No.8064269

Serious question, are you even saging right now?

>> No.8064270

Literally what?

>> No.8064273

please stay there cucklord

>> No.8064274

Yes. Taking away the ability to see when a post is Saging is the worst thing to happen to 4chan. There was nothing like seeing a shit thread get Sage bombed.

>> No.8064277

>MUH oldfaggery

>> No.8064284
File: 7 KB, 217x165, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the FAQ for once in your life.


>> No.8064288

Alright, good.

I can walk away happily as long as I know that.

>> No.8064290

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.8064291
File: 68 KB, 645x773, 1441412386592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent to drink coffee

>> No.8064296

You'll need to be angrier and edgier than that if you want to fit in with the cool kids.

C'mon. You wanna be like us oldfags, don'tcha?

>> No.8064300

I'm really craving Fazoli's.

>> No.8064310

Thanks doc

>> No.8064320
File: 683 KB, 436x1247, tmp_13196-Midora has had enough of your shit1361457935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you yes I have, 4/5 upper-middle class bar and grill specializing in modern spins on comfort food, St Louis Missouri.
I served and bussed tables, I've been in a kitchen during a dinner rush before you presumptuous shit.

>> No.8064322

Thanks doc

>> No.8064326

You've eaten at those places but you've never actually worked in the kitchen. Top lel, busboy.

>> No.8064329

go back to fucking reddit, you insufferable autist

nobody finds these over exaggerated "le cringy XDDD" scenarios funny anymore

>> No.8064330


>> No.8064334


>> No.8064369

I don't see the point. If I put cold milk and sugar in the coffee, it doesn't improve the coffee, it just adds fucking milk and sweetness. But I can still taste the coffee, it's just diluted. So I solved this problem by getting better coffee.

>ordering actual coffee at Starbucks

You fucked up, son.

>> No.8064371
File: 537 KB, 600x900, 1468889214163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even give you the benefit of considering you're just pretending to be stupid. Go back to /v/.

>> No.8064424

Thanks doc

>> No.8064436

Thanks doc

>> No.8064452

thanks doc

>> No.8064453

fuck you

thanks doc just in case

>> No.8064480

Thanks doc

>> No.8064502

I drink black coffee on regular basis as i like the bitter taste that it gives off after you swallow it, unlike the cum taste that you get after your barista milks his cock in your coffee to make it white.

There is literally nothing wrong with drinking black coffee.

>> No.8064507

Coffee is the biggest food meme

Its just a way for speed addicts to get high and shit bean juice out their assholes.

>> No.8064509
File: 34 KB, 480x640, ay6ntd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for a coffee
>we have a special today on blah blah
>OK can I just get a macchiato (so you will shut up)?
>naw but this specaiaaaall

Goddammit I don't care I just came here for coffee. Fucking starbucks.

>> No.8064512

thanks doc