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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8062347 No.8062347 [Reply] [Original]

What are five skills a chef MUST HAVE? I say:

>elementary knife skills
>be able to cook perfect scrambled eggs
>be able to cook perfect eggs Benedict
>be able to create a dish on the spot when provided surprise ingredients
>be able to keep it in his pants around the front of the house

>> No.8062353

A chef?

Menu design, HR management, vendor management, expediting, then maybe cooking.

>> No.8062355


that's perfect if you run a restaurant that serves scrambled eggs, eggs benedict and random fuckery that the chef has no prep on.

I sense a Michelin star on the way

>> No.8062366


>> No.8062374


-mastery of chezy 'za
-Mastery of sketti making
-mastery of eggywhigs
-can cook with oil naked without burning theirself
-mastery of putting 'up and 'naise on foods

>> No.8062386

- common sense
- feeling
- creativity
- knowing your abilities
- knowing your audience

I'm gonna add two more and say you need the "wisdom" and "humility" to to seek a sensible pairing between the latter two. First three according to Martin Yan *hehe*

>> No.8062402

A sense of taste
Basic knife skills
The ability to multitask
Capability to learn and retain new methods of food preparation
A job

>> No.8062408

Knife skills
Good control of fire
Be able to whisk egg whites to a snow peaks point without machines
Good balance of spices, sugar and salt

>> No.8062414


>> No.8062417

Why tf would it matter if a chef can cook scrambled eggs, and wouldn't the basic fact that he can cook food ensure this, and also a retarded monkey with less than 5 years of training under gordon ramsay can cook good scrambled eggs so what

>> No.8062426

>be nihilistic
>be intelligent
>have a wicked sense of humor

>> No.8062434

Fucking kek.

>> No.8062447

I have no other way to put this, but:
>understanding flavors' relationships and complements
>knowing your audience and investors (who you're cooking for and who's paying you and please both creatively)
>adaptability and wisdom based on practical experience and knowledge (knowing something and doing something is very different)
>business skills (marketing, customer wants vs. needs, presentation of menu and ideas, etc. etc. etc.)
>team skills (building, maintaining, and getting the most out of a group of people)

>> No.8062454

how does the dress stay down?
is it taped or sutin?

>> No.8062474


ding. "chef" != line cook

>> No.8062481

knows how to activate almonds

>> No.8062499

Are you like an egg fetishist or something?

>> No.8062547

I know it's ass backwards, but after cooking for many people and clients in different settings and across the world, I realized that the food is mainly about what you can do with it––as little or as much, as simple or as complex, as traditional or as forward thinking, etc.––to appease others. No one but yourself cares about your LOLmeme signature dish or w/e unless it's something that another person––whether it's a buncha of 4-year old children or an absolute gourmand––wants to truly eat and enjoy eating.

>> No.8063082

Sourcing: Identifying, buying and properly storing quality ingredients.
Food Hygiene: Avoiding contamination, spoilage, clean hands + equipment, etc.
Organisation: Planning, measuring, sorting, time management, etc
Food Preparation: Washing, peeling, knife stuff, egg cracking, etc
Artistic Judgement/Appreciation: Combining tastes, smells, textures, colours, shapes, etc.

>> No.8063088

the egg thing is wayyyy overrated, no chef worth his salt has worked someplace that does breakfast in years. seriously if you work some place that serves eggs/breakfast, then you're probably a dinerjocky and not an actual chef

>> No.8063093

alcohol problem
anger problem
coke problem
enjoys being borderline poor

>> No.8063159

That's not true. Where I live brunch is a big fucking deal, and no chef, cook can get by here without knowing how to flip an egg.
Even fine dining places have it up here

>> No.8063166

Dude, it's fucking eggs. A hamster can cook perfect eggs. I can't believe you guys eat this meme up.

>> No.8063167

different strokes I guess, where I live brunch is a thing of the past, several places have tried to revive it over the years but just don't get enough business to keep it up for long. and that's with bonuses like free all you can drink mimosas. people just aren't that into brunch around here and only dinners/greasy spoons in this area do breakfast

>> No.8063169

post ur eggs, hotshot

>> No.8063174

That's lucky. What's your region? I'm great lakes here

>> No.8063175


>> No.8063179

Sounds like you can only cook two things well, scrabmled egg and egg benedict. You think, especially, cooking the later would impress whomever you are dating or planning to date.

Remember, even in european style cooking, those two dishes are low plebian tier. In other styles of cuisines, they are just trash.

OP, you need to educate yourself before you shame yourself even further.

>> No.8063182


I bet OP doesn't know more than two classical sauces and thinks melt cheddar is one of them

>> No.8063184

Fucking this

>> No.8063186

hahhaha eggs and eggs

>> No.8063194

Wtf, the nearest you got to the cooking is lurking /ck/ and seeing few episodes of masterchef? Because that's how you sound like.

>> No.8063198

I was working a brunch once (same guy in the thread) and one of the customers ordered an eggs Benedict (we do it with braised greens and pulled pork on a halved buttermilk biscuit) and she sent it back because she didn't want the 'cheese sauce' that came on top

>> No.8063223 [DELETED] 




>> No.8063240 [DELETED] 

Actually he's right.

At most of the top culinary schools in the country, proving that you can cook an egg any way youre told to perfection is the first big test. Also many top executive chefs will ask someone on their stage to cook an egg to gauge their experience level.

As a breakfast chef at a fine dining restaurant that we serve 2 eggs for 6 dollars. Probably the hardest thing to learn was how to get perfectly shaped and colored eggs and not ever breaking the yolk. Fucking the bitch who I worked with in the beginning had a culinary degree, been in the industry for 10 years, most of which was at a pretty top tier restaurant. Even for her it was pretty hard.

>> No.8063244


>> No.8063246

my bad

>>8062347 (OP)
Actually he's right.

At most of the top culinary schools in the country, proving that you can cook an egg any way youre told to perfection is the first big test. Also many top executive chefs will ask someone on their stage to cook an egg to gauge their experience level.

As a breakfast chef at a fine dining restaurant that we serve 2 eggs for 6 dollars. Probably the hardest thing to learn was how to get perfectly shaped and colored eggs and not ever breaking the yolk. Fucking the bitch who I worked with in the beginning had a culinary degree, been in the industry for 10 years, most of which was at a pretty top tier restaurant. Even for her it was pretty hard.

>> No.8063323

Scrambled eggs
Egg in a hole
Sunny side up
Hard-boiled eggs
Eggs benedict

>> No.8063620

Holy shit your post screams damage control Denny's cook.

>> No.8063629

1. Be able to cook perfect over medium eggs
2. Be able to cook perfect over hard eggs
3. Be able to cook perfect over kinda medium eggs
4. Be able to scramble eggs to perfection
5. Be able to crack an egg and not even drop it on the floor

>> No.8063661
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>> No.8063672

If you can't flip and omelette or a pancake you a shitty cook.

>> No.8063727

If you can't flip an omelette or a pancake you are a pathetic human being, let alone cook.

>> No.8063741

vai vai vai

>> No.8063864


>> No.8063877

What's the matter? Learning to cook all on your own since mommy took your tendies away?

>> No.8063927

Damn, venturing over to /ck/ from /b/, /sp/, and /fit/ for the first time. Are there actual chefs here? Seems like it. I figured it was mostly a place for people who casually like to cook. I've been trying to improve my cooking to make my weekly food preps more palatable but this seems out of my league.

>> No.8063938

>Are there actual chefs here? Seems like it.

No. Maybe a few on the entire board, but in your average shitty thread like this? It's people who work at fucking Chipotle and McDonalds living in fantasy land and stating shit they heard Gordon Ramsay say once to be a fact they've learnt from 'experience'.

It'd be pretty dumb to believe much of the shit spewed here, people lie for their own ego far more than people tell the truth.

>> No.8063946


So literally /fit/ for fitness or /sp/ for sports. That's what I figured, just wanted to confirm.

>> No.8063950


>> No.8064158

IHOP then? Sorry didn't mean to offend, I know you're softball rivals.

>> No.8064163

We have as many chefs here as /sp/ has NBA players.

>> No.8064167

>/b/ /sp/ /fit/
I didn't know people like you actually existed.

>> No.8064170

Hey, that sounds pretty much like me.

>> No.8064177

Think that's an odd combo? My boards are /toy/, /k/, /vp/ and /ck/.

>> No.8064181

My boards are /b/, /ck/, /pol/, and /tg/

>> No.8064182

At least you don't come off as some underage retard with a board list like that. /b/, /sp/, and /fit/ is pretty damning.

>> No.8064190

>/k/, /toy/ and /vp/
>not childish autism

>> No.8064388

How is /sp/ and /fit/ underage shit?
/toy/k/vp/ fag here. /toy/ is full of autism-incarnate 6-year-olds, I assume, going by the posts there.

My instinct was to shitpost you for calling /k/ childish autism, but... damn you're right. I hate that place.

I should stop wasting my time on things that I don't even enjoy huh.

/vp/ is alright, if you ignore 80% of the threads.

>> No.8064443

Not a single one of you cocksmokers is actually a chef

>> No.8064446

sounds like you need to get good

>> No.8064607

probably very few chefs but there's definitely a number of line cooks here

>> No.8064626

Chefs are too busy screaming at people IRL to post on here.

>> No.8064632 [DELETED] 

I read that the folds in the traditional chef's hat represent the 100 ways the wearer can cook an egg.

>> No.8064641

The folds in the traditional chef's hat represent the 100 ways the wearer can cook an egg. Mastery of eggs has been used as an indication of chef skills for over a century.

>> No.8065519

This hat was made from japanese steel folded over 1000x
lmao what an idiot

>> No.8065890


/sp/'s biggest problem is people way too committed to their team more than being underage. /fit/ is mostly frogposters who have discovered an outlet that they think is the magic bullet for fixing themselves. But /sp/ often jumps on sports news faster than ESPN and the banter is decent, and /fit/ contains some good info every now and again.

>> No.8067282

Holy shit this makes me want to become a chef.

>> No.8068805

5 tickets to the gun show

>> No.8068902

There went my dick

>> No.8069653

Not everyone is Bourdain. Even he admits that.

>> No.8070905


>> No.8070932

dios fucking mio