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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 474x434, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8059059 No.8059059 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the most qt food reviewers?

>> No.8059089


>> No.8059125


>> No.8059144

I love Emmy's videos. They're always simple yet comfy to watch

>> No.8059145


>> No.8059155
File: 613 KB, 501x661, reviewbrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8059164


>> No.8059213



>> No.8059234
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>> No.8059241

reverend burn during his food diary review

>> No.8059242

anyone but reviewbrah

>> No.8059270


>> No.8059272

That legitimately looks like a man.

>> No.8059305

Yeah, a man I'd like to fuck
And to answer op; reviewbrah

>> No.8059316

reviewbrah moves people to create art.

>> No.8059364

I would love to have an oil painting of RB

>> No.8059380

So does Joey

>> No.8059382

Who wouldn't?

>> No.8059407

Yeah, I don't know what even lead me to watch her videos but I remember sitting down with a few drinks, stumbling on it and just watching loads. Very comfy.

>> No.8059409

I bet she has a bush i watch her too.

>> No.8059417

Is that good or bad?

>> No.8059418

She does the annoying yank thing of basing her identity around her heritage. That's all fine and well but don't tell me you're a jap when you have the most generic yank accent I've ever heard. You are a yank with jap ancestors. Be proud of it but don't lie.

Other than that, I like her. Inoffensive.

>> No.8059441

>She's actually Chinese

>> No.8059443

Honestly he is.

>> No.8059452


>> No.8059462

Is this a meme? I don't actively dislike him like Joey and he is sort of entertaining. But what do people like about him so much? Is his autism just easy for you all to relate to?

>> No.8059487

>But what do people like about him so much?

Many things.

>his refined palette
>jis honest amd educational reviews
>his moral compass
>his tailoring
>his mom
>his hair-gel

It's all there.

>> No.8059506

He's a nice lad.

>> No.8059667
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x1486, reviewbrah1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he reminds me of my deceased great grandmother

>> No.8059673


>> No.8059683

She's the older person I ever was close to, and her house was like exactly the same as reviewbrah
with the same interests. and same clock

>> No.8059692

If your not playing then you have serious issues, get help. Review guy is not a solution.

>> No.8059696

No one gives a fuck what non-Americans think. You keep being irrelevant and we'll keep doing as we please.
>Inb4 generic salty "enjoy it while you can etc." eurowhining

>> No.8059698
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>> No.8059701

No one posts any cute youtube girls, everyone just memes about some fetal alcohol syndrome autist.

>> No.8059706
File: 71 KB, 368x537, het.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8059713

>Americans actually believe they have a say in the white homeland
>Conflating corporations with US interests

Europe regularly laughs at you, you flex by killing peasants. Hilarious.

>> No.8059716

w-what? his videos just make me a bit nostalgic and reminds me of my great grandma and a different time(everything about reviewbrahs is from a time he didn't exist in, and it's so authentic. It's kinda freaking me out when I think about it). I'm not saying I'm literally incapable of telling them apart or something

>> No.8059719
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>> No.8059723

She would be so easy to rape, she couldn't even try and fight back. Then, amusingly, she probably couldn't give a decent report to the police. Classic.

>> No.8059733

fuck. behave yourself anon

>> No.8059737

>white homeland
>Islamic Caliphate of Europe
If you have time before the minaret sounds, tell me another funny joke. I've got one for you: Europe isn't an irrelevant backwater! Hilarious, I know.

>> No.8059746

Sorry, I couldn't understand you. I don't speak Spanish.

>> No.8059751

>dumb euronigger can't tell the difference between English and Spanish.
Way to look even stupider, Muhammad.

>> No.8059756

You're disgusting, even for 4chan standards.

>> No.8059757
File: 17 KB, 220x265, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a thread about QTs only! Please refrain from posting any further!

>> No.8059763


10/10 yank response, you really confirm the stereotype

>> No.8059771

You sound like an uppity wench, I'd rape you too but I bet I couldn't find your vag under the rolls of fat.

>> No.8059772

I'm sorry are you talking or shooting the place up? It's hard to tell the difference.

>> No.8059775

Stupider is a perfectly cromulent American English word. You know, American English, the one that counts? I bet if I embroidered it on an islamic prayer rug in lovely arabic calligraphy you'd think it was to die for.

>> No.8059779

Dying for Islam embiggens the soul

>> No.8059784

You couldn't rape a toddler with your little hangnail dick, faggot.

>> No.8059790

Even if what you say was true, talking about raping toddlers is not funny. You're fucked up.

>> No.8059803

For me, it is reviewbrah, the best youtube food reviewer

>> No.8059806
File: 95 KB, 585x790, 1471384367334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8059808

What if they're toddler clowns? Then it's kind of funny.

>> No.8059809

Nothin personnel, kid

>> No.8059815

No. Raping disabled women is funny. Raping kids is barely amusing.

>> No.8059821

>Raping kids is barely amusing.
so jaded...

>> No.8059827

/ck/ the food cooking and rape board

>> No.8059830

Every board can be a rape board if you have magic in your heart.

>> No.8059837

Does he really have fecal alcohol syndrome or is it just wild internet speculation?

>> No.8059839

You seem wise in the ways of rape, what other knowledge can you impart on me master?

>> No.8059844

no, he doesn't. I have a pretty good grasp of it, and he doesn't. way too many people over-apply that shit

>> No.8059851

Hi review mong

>> No.8059854

That can't be him, that post isn't draped in an ill-fitting suit.

>> No.8061434

That ain't me

>> No.8061951

is it really you?

>> No.8061953

I know what I'm doing with my free 8x10 from Walgreens.

>> No.8061961
File: 314 KB, 337x230, brah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reviewbrah has some sweet moves

>> No.8062003

>not the part where he pretends to get shot

>> No.8062248


Why the long face?

>> No.8062255

This is a really weird post

>> No.8062392

go shag a sheep you inbred island ape

>> No.8062395

is that lil dude wearing a star trek uniform?

>> No.8062509
File: 104 KB, 850x476, 1472438251691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8062831

Emmy is great, she has these cute mannerisms that for some reason I don't get annoyed at. I think it's because she's just so relaxed in all of her videos.

>> No.8062836

are you retarded?

>> No.8062886
File: 55 KB, 600x800, Ashens Ketchum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062894

Not a food reviewer

>> No.8062906

>Not a food reviewer
Except for the 67 vids in his playlist where he reviews food

>> No.8063444


Also all the reviewbrah posters are toshfags who haven't been subbed for 1+ years, fuck off.

>> No.8063828
File: 145 KB, 450x337, cute-pet-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emmy looks like a puffer fish

And it gets on my nerves how she goes "itadakimas" every single time she stuffs her face with cheetos or some other junk.

>> No.8064095

mommy tang

>> No.8064099
