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File: 372 KB, 600x900, ostrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8057838 No.8057838 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Animals whose meat you've either tried or wouldn't mind trying.

I kinda want to try emu or ostrich. Flightless bird sounds intriguing to me.

>> No.8057843

A while back they were talking about selling Lion Meat tacos at a restaurant in San Diego. I was all ready to try it, but protesters fucked it all up.

They were gonna sell for 8 bucks a pop.

>> No.8057980

I want to hunt and eat a panda, but them Fuckin gooks are all muhh endangered species n shit

>> No.8058007

Ive eaten dried ostrich meat. Its a really nice snack.

>> No.8058009

Human flesh

>> No.8058013

Whale looks fuckin yum. Feel like i'd probably have to go to Japan to get my hands on some though.

>> No.8058025

Unborn puppy

>> No.8058038
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baby pygmy hippo

imagine how tender and succulent it must be.

>> No.8058064

not gonna lie. i wanna eat a baby seal and wipe my mouth with a puppy.

>> No.8058081

Looks like frog

>> No.8058094

I think we can buy frozen ostri h here in the UK. We can definitely buy frozen kangaroo

>> No.8058119

It's very fatty or very stringy depending on the part.
By the time it gets to shore, it is usually rancid. Basically the blubbery part tastes like fishy pork, and muscle part tastes like fishy beef.

I really wanna try seal.

>> No.8058121
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>> No.8058146

I've had minkewhale. Tastes of venison-y tuna or fishy beef, whichever makes most sense to you.

>> No.8058185

Bull (I didn't know you could eat them, always thought the meat would be too tough)
Kangaroo (pretty fucking good)
Donkey (like horse but tougher)
Ostrich (tastes like goose)

Want to try:
Ball fish
American beef (not very exotic but I know that the animals are fed differently and thus taste differently)

>> No.8058216
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Iguana from Tijuana.

>> No.8058217

tried whale, seal, and reindeer.

>> No.8058224
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Santa is disappoint.

>> No.8058410

Tried alligator
Was like a tough steak only kind of porky and chickeny, Idk was a long time ago.

>> No.8058434

our teacher in year 4 set up a lunch for us where she cleaned and carved up a fucking crocodile tail

i dont really remember what it tasted like, we only cared about (what we thought was) a gigantic crocodile dinosaur-tier tail

>> No.8058435

That's pretty accurate except for the toughness. Yours wasn't prepared properly.

I've dined in Louisiana more times than I can shake a stick at.

>> No.8058438

I've tried chicken meat.

>> No.8058446

Look at the big man on campus.

King of the castle.

>> No.8058463


>> No.8058484

Was at alligator Jacks or some shit in Dallas.

>> No.8058485

Yea I don't know what you're talking about. They wouldn't sell rancid whale

I've had whale in Japan. Went with a group of 5 people and we all had whale different ways. It basically taste like shitty tough beef. All the cooked dishes were pretty tough and it was only kind of enjoyable when it was raw and sliced extremely thin.

It wouldn't be too bad if it was way cheaper than beef, but since its more expensive and not as good I don't understand why anyone would eat it. Talking to some older Japanese that lived out in the country, its used to be cheaper and basically only served with school lunches. It can be bought at the grocery store but the main people buying it are the people that grew up eating it. Its nowhere to be found in Tokyo grocery stores.

>> No.8058582

Mostly tasted tougher venison-ier beef to me.

>> No.8058683


I ate Cougar. It was like a gamey pork.

>> No.8058707
File: 2.33 MB, 4752x3168, Puffin_Latrabjarg_Iceland[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to Iceland instead and you can have puffin and shark along with your whale.

>> No.8058870

Shark is fairly common in Japan. Can't get it all the time but any place specializing in fish has it and a lot of the regular grocery stores have it seasonally

>> No.8058872

i want so bad to try it, but here in the US, they dont like eating horse...


>> No.8058875

It's pretty good, a little sweet. Nice texture and taste.
Will eat again.

>> No.8058886

I've heard Iceland sells all sorts of shit, i just never bother shopping their

>> No.8058962
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come to finland

>> No.8058965

No Christmas for you!

>> No.8058968

fug, kind of tired here

>> No.8058972

can have christmas without presents :^)

>> No.8060010

You can eat them in the South, not here, the only iguana here is marihuana

>> No.8060014

Literally any of them.

>> No.8061051

I tried alligator when I went to Florida. I assume they taste pretty similar to crocodile. I don't remember a lot about the flavor, but I do remember it being pretty savory. It's definitely something I'd try again.

Buffalo is alright. I feel like it gets hyped up a lot. It's leaner than beef and has more protein than beef so it's healthier for you, but if it's not prepared right it can get very dry. Tastes like low quality beef. I prefer elk.

>> No.8061054

Only marriage iguanas

>> No.8061112


SA here, we have ostrich quite often. extremely lean and an absolute bitch to cook.. an extra minute unattended is the difference between a dry stringy piece of meat and a perfectly cooked melt in your mouth piece.

>> No.8061142

Liberals really are a cancer to society.

>> No.8061161

You got that right.
But still though, Hilary 2016.

>> No.8061168

Hell yeah, Hilldawg! Treason is a rite of passage!

>> No.8061194

You shouldn't eat big preadator the mean isn't good and it focuses the toxic shit from the entire food chain bellow into the meat.

>> No.8061197

Had a whale steak burger in Norway it's a very rich salty meat. Nice but you don't want too much at once.

>> No.8061207

Yeah, tuna and swordfish are garbage meat...

>> No.8061790

I've had swordfish and it was damn good. Too thick to cook on a normal skillet, though.

>> No.8061813

I've had an ostrich burger before, don't remember it being anything spectacular. Was definitely dry.

>> No.8063531

I had mountain lion tacos once.

Wasn't that great desu; it was slow-cooked for a day or so so it was tender enough but it tasted kind of like liver and was fairly gamy to boot.

>> No.8064401

As a general rule, you want to avoid carnivore meat.

>> No.8064417

I don't understand why you can't get horse meat in the US.

I've tried plenty of meme meats including all sorts of African shit. It's fun to do for the novelty but there's nothing I've eaten that can't be beaten by a good, well prepared steak.

>> No.8064420


>> No.8064421

There are very few animals I won't at least try. Let me judge for myself whether it should be eaten. Oh, you're going to turn your face at the thought of eating dog? Fuck you, there is nothing special about dog. I'm not asking you to serve me your fucking pet, assholes. Chicken breast and hamburger for every meal is fucking boring.

>> No.8064423

enjoy mercury poisoning

>> No.8064431


Want to try:
Puffer fish
Bluefin Tuna

Overall, if it looks good, or people have recommended a meat to have when I travel, I will try it.

>> No.8064617


>flightless bird

Ever had chicken or turkey? They're extremely intriguing

>> No.8064630

ostrich is like a cross between poultry and sirloin. Pretty fucking good IMO

>> No.8064660

You think you made a clever joke, don't you

>> No.8064664

>go to Paris
>can't speak French
>go to nice restaurant, see "otruche" on the menu
>ask waiter what it is
>he barely speaks English
>makes a flight gesture with his arms and says "le grand canard" (the big goose)
>may as well order it, it was pretty good
>later look it up on a dictionary
>I had eaten ostrich steak

>> No.8064823

emu is fucking delicious, 10/10 sausage meat

>> No.8064841
File: 179 KB, 686x385, dodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat a fucking dodo
A whole dodo cooked rotisserie style
But even if we eventually clone them somehow, it just won't be the same

>> No.8065107

I'm south african so I've tried quite a lot


Kudu (Biltong, boerewors and steak. Biltong was nice)

Ostrich (Steak, burger and biltong, all pretty good)

Giraffe (dried boerewors aka droewors, was absolute garbage )

Springbok (in a stew, was okay)

Blue Wildebeest (steak, very nice)

Impala (in a stew, was okay)

Eland (biltong, i dont think it was actually eland it tasted a lot like kudu)

Want to try:

Cape buffalo


African bush pig


American buffalo

Waterbuck just to know how shit it tastes

>> No.8065119
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battered and deep fried

>> No.8065130
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>> No.8065632

Tried mountain lion (closest taste is pork), bear (dogshit), elk (leaner beef), whitetail and mule deer (Slightly game-y beef), pronghorn (utter shit) bison, gator, and pretty much every mammal in africa (except elephant, hippo, lion and leopard).
Zebra takes the cake. I get why the japs are obsessed with horse meat now.

>> No.8065635

What does a penguin taste like? Chickeny fish? Or fishy chicken?

>> No.8065637

Warthog was disappointing. Apparently the young ones are great though.
Waterbuck is meh, cape buffalo is similar to the eland just a little tougher.

>> No.8065692


>> No.8065738

Bison was great. Was like a dark beef, like if you slightly burnt a burger, but in a good way.

>> No.8065872

Tried(mostly little to no seasonings because i'm plain and boring)
>whitetail deer(too sweet for my taste)
>moose(also too sweet)
>rabbit (fine but boring plain)
>guinea pig
>raccoon(garbage in every shape or form)

Not sure why people think deer is gamey. Its not awful or anything, similar to beef but it tastes too sweet to me. I would have tried wolf knowing that its total shit but just skinning one made me want to gag. Wolves and coyotes smell awful inside and out.

>> No.8065886
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I want to try hourse