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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 495 KB, 1024x877, 1472837900033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8055998 No.8055998 [Reply] [Original]

Bread is the most basic food we eat. It's been around since man has harvested grain and there are many types.

What's your favorite? Pumpernickel a cute.

>> No.8056005

>current year
>eating bread
did you know that many bread products have a brown-coloring agent mixed in so that they look "healthier"? (not to forget the useless sprinkles of seeds and corn husks to make it look like it wasnt made from white flour and is basically toastbrot-tier health-food, ie not healthy at all)

>> No.8056024


>> No.8056027

>many bread products have a brown-coloring agent mixed in so that they look "healthier"?

Some of us don't live in burgerstan and actually have decent baked goods.

>> No.8056033
File: 2.08 MB, 2365x1869, Pumpernickel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not a pumpernickel.

THAT is a pumpernickel.

>> No.8056034

challah is unequivocally the best, bagettes and some german Landbrot are solid runners up tho

>> No.8056039

this. Americans have no idea how important bread is in other countries

>> No.8056051

That's actually more rampant in the UK and Ireland than in the US.

Is that what you kids are calling it these days? Cool. I can be "down" with the current lingo.

So tell me, lads: would you pump Nadiya Hussein's nickel? I'd pumpernickel. I'd pumpernickel so hard.

>> No.8056070

>current year
>not baking your own bread

>> No.8056071


Nah you wouldn't do shit. You're not strong enough for real pumpernickel.

>> No.8056081

pumpernickel sounds like a gay little nigger dressed in orange

>> No.8056091

Potato bread is my favorite all-purpose bread, sourdough for stuff like garlic bread and a lot of sandwiches. Pita is also pretty great.

>> No.8056093
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>they flipped the slice over instead of just laying it down like it fell over after being cut off the loaf

>> No.8056095

With short, almost buzzcut, bleached hair?

>> No.8056098

bread makes you fat, I haven't eaten it more than 4 days per month in almost a year

>> No.8056106

In what sense is bread the most basic food we eat? It has both complex flavors and an involved creation process. There is also a wide variety of types of bread.

>> No.8056129

bread doesn't make you fat, caloric surplus makes you fat

>> No.8056137

He is probably refering to flat, unleavened bread.
As in, some kind of flour, water, and heat.

>> No.8056140

true but it's a whole hell of a lot harder to fill up on bread, I can eat 5 plates of pancakes but one steak is about good.

not to mention that almost every product considered "bread" is full of sugar

bread leads to overeating and makes you fat

>> No.8056150

>I overeat bread and carbs so you'll overeat too

Not everyone's a glutton anon

>> No.8056160


pancakes have lots of added sugar and fat. Plain whole wheat bread will not make you fat.

>> No.8056167

who eats plain whole wheat bread with no butter or spreads?


eh, tons of people have the same problem

>> No.8056171

Sourdough, do americans even have decent sourdough available in mainstream stores?

>> No.8056175

I eat it without butter and eat it with cheese.

>> No.8056176

>eating gluten

>> No.8056177

exploding with calories and not filling whatsoever

>> No.8056181
File: 2.99 MB, 4000x2667, knc3a4ckebrc3b6d-fotoakuten-se[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crisp bread.

>> No.8056187

>who eats plain whole wheat bread with no butter or spreads?

I eat bread with soup, beans, chili, stuff like that. I never put butter, jam, cheese, peanut butter, etc. on bread. These kinds of toppings are what cause obesity.

>> No.8056190

>See animals eating weath
>Attempt to eat weath
Oh no weath hard, weath hard hurts mouth
>Attempt to roast it
>Still hard as fuck
>Beat the shit out of it with a rock
>It turns into dust
>Attempt to eat dust
Oh no white dust dry
>Go to drink water
>Throw evil white dust into it
>Turns into paste
>Bring paste into camp
>Enjoy paste for dinner
Oh noo evil paste made me shit liquid poo
>Evil weath will never hurt me again
>Throw it into fire wich is the strongest weapon I know as vengeance
>AWeakened by delicious smell
>Evil paste turns into bread
>Recluntantly bite into it
Oh noo evil bread is way too hot inside it burns mouth

>> No.8056205
File: 82 KB, 300x272, BestBread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively this

>> No.8056206

why did early humans have lisps?

>> No.8056216

Because they fucked their mouths by biting hard shit and attempting to eat fire

>> No.8056227

>I never put butter, jam, cheese, peanut butter, etc. on bread. These kinds of toppings are what cause obesity.
Toppings do not cause obesity, caloric surplus does.

>> No.8056233

wtf, bread was invented in Egypt meaning the first people to create bread were aliens not primitive humans.

>> No.8056241

I usually eat my homemade whole wheat sourdough. Sometimes I add other stuff to it, like other grains, or flax. I eat it less than weekly because I don't like bread as much as other stuff.

>> No.8056246

>Not filling

What shitty cheese product are you eating? Real cheese is filling as fuck.

>> No.8056250

I still think that is less basic than most vegetables.

I really can't tell if you are agreeing with me or not. Seems a lot less basic than

>See plant
>Eat plant

>> No.8056253

I eat 4 eggs over 2 piece of sourdough almost every day.

I love sourdough.

>> No.8056285

Any animal can eat fruits and vegetables, only humans make bread.

It is like looking at a mudhut and saying "It would be more basic to sleep on the floor"

But i suppose i get your point

>> No.8056290

its the most basic complicated thing
basically easier than anything else with 2 ingridients

>> No.8056293

humans learn by seeing what others do, this is extremely rare. We most likely figured what to eat by watching another animal eat something, killing it, stealing the food and then eating the dead animal too

>> No.8056315

Lately I've been buying whole wheat bread from Aldi.

Sometimes I'll buy honey wheat when I want to make PB&Js. Its also good for making meatballs.

>> No.8056343

just more evidence to support the alien theory, then

>> No.8056347

sourdough forever

>> No.8056458

Bread confirmed for Goa'uld mechanism of social control

>> No.8056474

sourdough is incredibly common in the states. Even when I lived in the midwest every grocery store had a sourdough of some kind

>> No.8056750

Guinness in solid form. I love it.

>> No.8056779

>Even when I lived in the midwest every grocery store had a sourdough of some kind
that kind was rarely a sourdough or by the midwest you mean chicago

>> No.8056796

If it's white, firm outside and soft inside, ima eat.

>> No.8056801

My mom always just called them "Portuguese buns" I don't know if that's what they're actually called. The texture is so great, soft but springy and has a bit of crust on the outside with just the right amount of give.

>> No.8057443
File: 2.90 MB, 2464x1799, 2016-08-31 09.23.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this shit the other day. Fuckin staff of life, my man

>> No.8057472

There's a great deal of difference among sourdoughs, though. Most mass production sourdoughs just have a little vinegar added to make them sour. They don't actually use a proper starter.

Gotta shop around for the good stuff. I hate most "sourdoughs", but like a good one.

>> No.8057475
File: 118 KB, 1280x960, photo_2016-08-31_21-30-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mine from the other day, new one fermenting right now.

>> No.8057479

I've been into ciabatta rolls recently. They toast up so fucking good. A little extra virgin olive oil, a dash of balsamic vinegar, some prosciutto, some mozzarella, some tomato, a little fresh basil? Oh mama.

As for standard bread I have a soft spot for potato as well as Pepperidge Farm Rye and Pumpernickel Swirl.

>> No.8057486
File: 48 KB, 400x507, breadtruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic white French. The candy of breads.

>> No.8057493

every one loves a good anadama and they probably don't even know it.
I don't have a real structured memory of the first or even any time I've had the proper version, but I can taste and smell and feel it like it was yesterday.
almost makes me believe in genetic memory.

>> No.8057494

Crust on that looks excellent, almost flaky, and the crumb seems pleasantly soft, though obviously it's hard to tell from a picture

>> No.8057603
File: 55 KB, 500x334, tumblr_inline_muya2ymFm71rpogsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh fuck, I saw that too

>> No.8057604

Rice is a better

>> No.8057639

Enjoy your arsenic nigguh

>> No.8057782

I've recently gotten into cooking and I'm thinking of trying to bake my own bread? Any pro tips and maybe a good recipe for my first try?

>> No.8057846

How necessary is bread as we know it in the diet? It seems like a general indulgence for the most part...regardless of type, it does taste great, but so do cookies...

I mean, could you skip the bread entirely and just eat a sweet potato instead? If we're talking nutrition (harvesting grain for subsistence and all that), regionally speaking--there's probably a vegetable that is far more nutritionally dense than bread.

The other day I was making rigatoni for my old Italian dad. As I was pulling them out, I was thinking--this is basically like eating cardboard in terms of nutrition. Nothing of value to digest, covered with slop that is also minimally nutritious. Sure it might taste good..but that night I ate an avocado with some cooked spinach and grilled sweet potatoes...no bread, no wrap, no massive pasta base...I think I'm better off, is all I'm saying.

>> No.8057849



>The philologist Johann Christoph Adelung states that the word has an origin in the Germanic vernacular where pumpern was a New High German synonym for being flatulent, and Nickel was a form of the name Nicholas, commonly associated with a goblin or devil (e.g. "Old Nick", a familiar name for Satan), or more generally for a malevolent spirit or demon. Hence, pumpernickel is described as the "devil's fart", a definition accepted by the Stopes International Language Database, the publisher Random House, and by some English language dictionaries, including the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

>The American Heritage Dictionary adds "so named from being hard to digest". A variant of this explanation is also given by the German etymological dictionary "Kluge" that says the word pumpernickel is older than its usage for the particular type of bread, and may have been used as a mocking name for a person of unrefined manners ("farting nick") first. The change of meaning may have been caused by its use as a mocking expression for the (in the eyes of outsiders) unrefined rye bread produced by the Westphalian population.

>> No.8058017

bread was first invented by BLACK egyptian KANGZ! evil white colonialists came to steal bread from the black pharaohs, and they also erased the true origin of this afrakan meal from history!

>> No.8058225

Grains are the densest calorie/weight.
There is absolutely nothing (other than fat) that has as many calories in as little weight as wheat, rice, rye, etc.

>> No.8058236

The only thing blacks invented was efficient cotton picking.

Also, where do you think the term, "white bread" came from?

>> No.8058245

FFFFFFFFuckin hell, dudes. Why does bread have to be so FUCKIN top? Why do carbs have to be so GOOD.

>> No.8058250

>Why do carbs have to be so GOOD

>> No.8058286

Bread is nowhere near the most basic food. What about raw fruit?

>> No.8058292

This one actually came out pretty soft. Usually it's a little on the denser side (which I'm fine with because it's easier to slice).

>> No.8058325

Rice is way more basic than bread

>> No.8058355

You said what everyone was thinking.

>> No.8058366

humans have been eating meat long before they started harvesting grain. Plus the available evidence suggests we started harvesting grain for beer, not bread

>> No.8058372

Wonder has always been a personal favorite of mine.

>> No.8058389
File: 221 KB, 617x340, rye_bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rye bread is best bread, here in the UK I go to a Polish butcher to get Ukrainian rye bread made by a family bakery in Bradford or somewhere.

I like it when my bread can be used as a doorstop.

>> No.8058401

>only one person suggests vegetables

>someone even suggests meat

oh /ck/

>> No.8058408


>he believes this

I work in one of the largest bread industries in europe, and I bake the bread myself, and yes it is coloring and seed/seed husks. Delude yourself if you want, but it is shitty, tasteless and unhealthy.

>> No.8058439

>working for big bread

>> No.8058478

Really crusty with airy inside. I like my bread borderline difficult to eat. I hate soft bread.

>> No.8058479

all modern vegetables are the result of an incredible amount of artificial breeding. Wild game or foraged vegetation shit is the most basic proto-food. Obviously foraged vegetation will almost always taste terrible so meat is the obvious choice

>> No.8058486

>difficult to eat
Why on Earth would that be appealing?

>> No.8058489

>meat is the obvious choice
If you have salt.

>> No.8058490

Because he is a dumbass trying to look tough on an anonymous image board

>> No.8058510

Fucking what?

The best kind of bread, both objectively and subjectively, is homemade.

>> No.8058512

For the same reason people enjoy eating something like dried beef?

I'm no tough guy but also not pussy enough to ever associate crusty bread with badassery.

>> No.8058518

>the only options are wonderbread and homemade
everyone laugh at the flyover
>b-but it saves me $2!
and poor too

>> No.8058537

You really have to look for a small independent bakery, some place that probably labels themselves "artisan" or some shit like that. Storebought bread ain't gonna cut it. You have to get it from someone who just makes bread.

>> No.8058553

>For the same reason
That isn't a reason, sport.

>> No.8058557

>Saving money means you're poor

>> No.8058563

Dude, flyover has massive fucking grocery stores with all sorts of kinds of bread.

>> No.8058570

I grew up there, you don't need to explain it to me
5,000 kinds of mediocre bread isn't helpful

>> No.8058579

So? I like what I like. Shoot me.

>> No.8058581

>wasting time means you're just like Gordon Ramsay

>> No.8058584

>sorts of kinds

>> No.8058586

They have literally the exact same kinds of bread as everywhere else in America

>> No.8058598


>> No.8058601
File: 1.59 MB, 2239x1344, T_20160903_175510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh from the oven, love me a good sourdough bread

>> No.8058605
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>> No.8058637
File: 212 KB, 1008x756, IMG_4126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a bit hole-ier than I would like, but still looks good!

still waiting on my poolish (and I'm cooking other things atm so I can't work it right now anyway)

>> No.8058646 [DELETED] 

i really like it holey, your poolish looks a tad brownish, what flowers you using?

>> No.8058655
File: 876 KB, 2125x1196, 20160903_1736312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like it holey, your poolish looks a tad brownish, what flowers you using?

>> No.8058661
File: 242 KB, 1600x1200, breadrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does hotdog bread count?

>> No.8058670

Pumpernickel a shit


>> No.8058675


I am now in charge of a nutrition class and I have to do breadmaking.
The problem is, I only have 1 hour a day to do it.
If kids mix dough and let it rise one day, and bake it the next, would it be okay?
Should they leave it to rise on the counter or in the fridge if the dough has to sit for 23 hours?

>> No.8058682

it's just King Arthur AP. My lighting is also not great.

>> No.8058688
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This recipe is legit good. It made this loaf.


>> No.8058719

That's good to know, but they have to cook a variety of breads and I was wondering in general how to manage long rise times.

>> No.8058738

It should be fine, just find a long ferment recipe that seems like it'll work. Also test it before hand and see if it works over that period of time, and if the yeast starve try adding less until it works.

>> No.8058902
File: 754 KB, 1200x800, rye bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shit does not even look like rye bread

>> No.8058998

rye bread can look like a bunch of different stuff

>> No.8059045


>> No.8059063

Gruel is more a blanket staple of civilization than bread. You ever hear of rice or cassava bread?

>> No.8059091
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>> No.8059096
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>hey guys klook at all these unhealthy carbs

>> No.8059476

no, boiled grains are

>> No.8059876

That's called Frysian rye bread
t. Dutch

>> No.8060638
File: 116 KB, 1280x960, photo_2016-09-03_21-25-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwww shuckie duckie

>> No.8061917


>all food must be healthy and carb free

I scoff right back at you

>> No.8062073

500 g of bread flour
300 ml of tepid water
a sachet of yeast
5ml of sunflower or other vegetable oil
a teaspoon of sugar or honey

Mix all of this shit together, and knead for a few minutes.
Leave it for 10 minutes.
Knead it again, and set it in shape.
Lave it for about an hour at least, or until it just about doubles in size.
Put in a an oven at about 230C for about a half hour or so.

>> No.8063224
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>Carbs are unhealthy

>> No.8063291

>arguing about the nigger of breads.

>> No.8064858
File: 20 KB, 220x390, 10506P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8064865

>largest bread industries

no shit sherloc, of course it's all fake
only buy from trusted, local providers

>> No.8064873


>> No.8065004

>packaged bread

>> No.8065035


Learn how adjectives work you little faggot

>> No.8065954

while you TEENYBOPPERS are eating your MEME FOOD, i'll be eating the highly superior TORTILLA.

I can make chips :^). What can bread do?

>> No.8066211

Make toast.

>> No.8066241

>coloring your bread to make it look darker


>> No.8066247

great blog

>> No.8066251

Sop up liquid.

>> No.8066334
File: 425 KB, 1600x1600, WAS-34061-0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the only person I know who eats this stuff. Tastes like cardboard but I love it

>> No.8066346
File: 1.16 MB, 3024x4032, xIYFrvB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this challah bread today from the New Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day book. Pretty good.

>> No.8066349

Reminder quick breads aren't true breads.

>> No.8066485


>> No.8066603

M8 please provide some sort of instructions or recipe.
I can't into bread I've tried making it three times and when it was in the oven it didn't "grow" and the inside becomes brownish and a little wet

>> No.8066671
File: 7 KB, 252x200, ryebread_villagebakery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is the bomb - unfortunately it's only on sale in upmarket places like booths/waitrose and is expensive but since eating wheat in decent amount (a single slice) gives me some digestive issues this is the best alternative i've found.

>> No.8066747

The taste and texture is different between wheat and rye.

>> No.8066753

>raw dough

>> No.8066830
File: 831 KB, 150x150, 105463659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww yiss. love me some delikatess with bregott

>> No.8066858

This is the most epic bread ever.