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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.30 MB, 640x360, Fat woman in line at buffet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8051382 No.8051382 [Reply] [Original]

What do you consider gluttonous eating? Have any stories?

>> No.8051416

How does a person get that fat?

>> No.8051434

gluttonous to me would be eating purely for pleasure in excess over the course of a long period.

>> No.8051452

the thought keeps me awake some nights

>> No.8051490



>> No.8051496



>> No.8051505

I'd eat the shit out of her front-bum

>> No.8051528

sedentary life +eating sweets like donuts and drinking soda everyday

>> No.8051548

I just always wonder how these people don't stop. You'd think at 300 pounds something would click, but they just keep going.

I guess part of me gets it, when I'm hanging around /r9k/ thinking "shit man, why even bother competing, what does it matter" but I always remember that it's better to feel good anyways.

>> No.8051616

gluttonous eating is eating for the sake of eating. like, not because you're hungry, but because you just want flavor. just eating and eating, without any good calories/protein/vitamins. that's gluttony.

>> No.8051685

the question is...how many peoples plates would look similar?

>> No.8051694


>> No.8051716
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Imagine how it smells.
I bet if you pulled the pussy lips apart, it would be like opening a grilled cheese.

>> No.8051717


>> No.8052049

Consistently eating far more than your body needs. Maybe for the true spirit of the word "gluttonous" it would involve doing so like a hobby.

>> No.8052377

I think there's a sharp distinction between a glutton and a gourmand. Both eat for pleasure, but the former values quantity over quality. It's not that hard to take great pleasure eating quality food without overdoing it.

>> No.8052385

I would agree so. Also, see that mentality with fat people in general.

>go eat shitty fast food 5 times a week
>instead of eating interesting stuff at a decent restaurant once a week

>> No.8052388

she has someone feeding her at home. She has control over the feeder in some way, like she owns the house and could kick them out, or the feeder is hoping the die so they can inherit the property.

>> No.8052401


>> No.8052416

desu if she is still able to walk she probably does not have a feeder. The super fat 400 pound wheel chair fags all have feeders

>> No.8052417

most of them are depressed they think well I am already a fat monster what will another 20 pounds do

>> No.8052439
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i was near 300 pounds once.

i was just so hungry. think of how hungry a normal person gets if they go without eating for 24 hours. it felt like that for me all the time, even after eating.

i only lost weight (i'm 197 at 6'2") by enduring the hunger pangs. strict shaolin monk discipline.

>> No.8052453

I think it's called "sooo-duh" .

>> No.8052493

Gluttonous eating is something anyone can do.

Fat people just do it constantly.

It's when you eat more than you need. Not just for pleasure, but past the point of nourishment, comfort or even health.

It's not like desserts will fill you up, but having a few is a fuck load of sugar or fat. Eating a 40oz. piece of meat or a full rack of ribs is gluttony due to the sheer amount of food. Surely half of that would make a filling meal.

Gluttony is excess. Constant gluttony makes fat people. But like most sins, if performed sparingly, one can avoid most of the adverse consequences. Constant lust makes perverts. But anyone can be a whore.

>> No.8052500

how can i be a whore i havent had sex in 2 years i am so lonely

>> No.8052510

I can fix that for you anon

>> No.8052579

I used to weight 270lbs, exercised down to 200 and plateaued. So I became anorexic and would routinely not eat for multiple days and then eat over 3500 calories for a meal. Shit was actually cash because it worked for a while.

>> No.8052640

During my later years in High School when I had a car and a job, I was a fucking garbage disposal. My friends and I would go and grab pizza multiple times a week. It became the norm for each of us to get a large pizza for ourselves. On days when I was really hungry, I would get a large pizza AND a large meatball sub. I can't lie, though. It was fucking awesome.

I've gotten my shit in order and have lost about 50 lbs since then. I eat well during the week and save any splurging for the weekends, and have removed soda and most sugary shit from my diet. The last time I truly ate beyond my capacity was a couple of months ago. I was hanging out with some friends and got drunk, and there was just so much food. Toward the end of the night, we ordered these big trays of steak, rice and fries from this Brazilian grill, and I ate the whole thing. This was probably the only time I ever threw up from eating, though I suppose the booze probably played a small part in it.

>> No.8052653

maybe but you don't get that fat unless you hardly move. maybe she sits on the couch and has someone bring her food, and/or someone else does her shopping.

>> No.8052656

high fat diets do that. I hardly feel hungry at all. my diet is ultra low fat and very high in complex carbs (beans and whole wheat bread mostly.)

>> No.8052714

You can get pretty fat even without having others bring you food. I have a friend who is 500 lbs, possibly more. He gets around enough to have a job and cook for/feed himself. You gotta get pretty fucking huge to be incapable of that.

>> No.8052794

>i was just so hungry. think of how hungry a normal person gets if they go without eating for 24 hours. it felt like that for me all the time, even after eating.
This is totally true. Fat fights to maintain itself. The cliche of the obese person being hungry all the time is no joke. You can get fat slowly over time by just eating a little more than you need on a regular basis. But once you are fat it takes a lot of calories to maintain it, and if you don't get them you will be irritable and miserable.

Back when I was obese I couldn't go more than four or five hours without eating, and my portion sizes were 1.5 to 2x what they are now that I'm trim. You can get fat without being a glutton, but once you are fat you become a glutton to maintain it.

>> No.8052798
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>> No.8052822

imo it's just eating past the point of fullness.

>i only lost weight (i'm 197 at 6'2") by enduring the hunger pangs.
I think I've got brain problems because I actually enjoy those.

>> No.8052826
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>gluttonous eating? Have any stories?

>> No.8052919

I ate four whole dominos pizzas at work once when I was like 19. Weighed 55kg@6ft at the time too.

>> No.8052959

I cooked 500g dry noodles (idk how much that is when wet),added 800ml carbonara sauce in a huge bowl and ate it all in 10mins. It was delicious. Noodles are very easy to overeat. I had a heavy feeling in my stomach for 2 day after.

Another time I ate 1kg of rice with chili con carne and I put 2 eggs on the rice. I ate it all in 20 mins.
My belly was so full I thought it would explode.
I layed down in bed right after eating. After 10 mins of lying there in pure agony and regret I started having explosive and watery diarrhea. I had to sit 2 hours on the toilet
I guess my stomach was about to explode for real

>> No.8052978

maybe fat cells are like little obese organisms that feel pain losing fat like humans do??

>> No.8053025

I don't know, but being trim now I can tell you for sure I'm not nearly as hungry as I was when I was obese. If I have breakfast but skip lunch I'll still be OK by dinnertime. Back when I was obese skipping lunch would have left me lightheaded, borderline shaky and incredibly irritable by mid afternoon. Also I don't feel compelled to snack anymore, which I used to do a lot.

>> No.8053041

Actually many fat people are malnourished despite eating. Fat cells decrease the bioavailability of many vitamins and water. The most common problems are dehydration and being deficient in vitamin D and B12, which is probably why their brains send off hungry signals all the time.
>making fat people jokes less interesting since forever

>> No.8053055

>Chinese Food

>3 lunch specials.
(usually Genreal tso,egg foo,and Hunan pork) These come with an egg roll each.
Shrimp Toast, Fried chicken wings, Spare ribs, maybe fried dumplings depending how I feel.
Mei Fun always a great side. Shrimp fried rice, and of course won ton soup.

>Its a marathon not a sprint
So basically I'll order at lunch time. 12pm. And the whole thing is done by 7. Dozing off, and being "food high" for hours is wonderful. Might do it this weekend now that Im talking about it.

>> No.8053070

I knew a big guy who was also a big drinker. He and his friends used to have a thing they did after a night of drinking called Breakfast Wars. They'd go to a diner and order three or four breakfasts each. There wouldn't even be room on the table to hold all the food. And you HAD to drink coffee with it, no water or OJ. Whoever had to get up from the table first to take a shit had to pay the bill for the whole table.

No joke. This is what fat guys on Long Island did in the 1990's.

>> No.8053138

My mom manages to be morbidly obese from denial, once she tried a diet with a protein quota and for her "protein" is chicken pot pie or battered chicken/fish dipped in mayo. also "vegetable" means potato or corn with butter

Also she follows bullshit like doctor oz and mercola and goes through stupid alt health fads like eating spoons of coconut oil to "raise your metabolism". She has even claimed she's a fatass because GMOs and artificial sweeteners ruined her metabolism from destroying gut flora

tldr stupid can make you fat

>> No.8053146

I have a couple stories nigga. I binge eat like a motherfucker, tbqhwyf.

>parents aren't home
>me and the younger brother are hungry
>decide to go out to eat
>we hit up a local pizza joint to get a slice (they sell 'za by the slice)
>tell him im in the mood for some Burger King
>go to bk, get some large fries and large onion rings
>still hungry
>go to subway and get myself a foot long

There was another time I ate two footlongs and told myself I was going to take a 2 foot shit.

>> No.8053150

I'm obese and I gotta say, some form mental illness is involved. Most of the time it's not just about eating- I probably eat a normal amount of food, but it's about making a change in both diet and lifestyle to loose weight that, mentally, makes it extremely hard.

Especially when I work 9+ hours a day, I feel so mentally exhausted I need to 'recharge' on my free time so I don't really have an active lifestyle.

I'm not saying there's an excuse, but it's not easy and the mental aspect is why so many have trouble changing their lifestyle. You can't always just 'stop' you have go forward.

>> No.8053178

6ft1 male here, in my late teens I got to 260, lost 70 lbs since then though.

Something did click, I decided to make myself less of a pig.

>> No.8053183

Changing patterns in your lifestyle is brutally hard when you like the patterns that got you where you are. I'm a formerly obese guy, and getting on track with the diet and exercise was awful at first. I absolutely hated it for the greater part of a year. But I did it. Now the effort required to maintain a normal weight isn't so bad. (Not fun by any means, but not horrible). Getting to it was a long, unpleasant ride for someone who really likes food and doesn't particularly like exercise.

Good luck. Remember the start is the worst part. So just keep telling yourself it's gonna get better over time, and eventually it will.

>> No.8053188

Most days I barely eat throughout the day, then I have a huge meal before going to bed, mostly carbs. Of course I feel like shit the next morning hence I don't eat during the whole day again, until before bed. I'm like 5kg overweight, would probably be much worse if I didn't ride my bike.

>> No.8053192

At least that fat bastard had an end-game planned out.

>> No.8053200

C L A W S?

>> No.8053202

6'7" 450 pounds here... not all of us eat for not stopping... we can stop... some of us don't want to...

>> No.8053212


like 4-5 times a year i go to buffets and plow through 10-15 plates full of food with no intention of keeping it down

>tfw i look like i'm 9 mo pregnant after eating

>> No.8053373
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>> No.8053375

Are you happy? I used to be overweight but I felt like a complete failure.

I guess it's really a problem with me and comparing my accomplishments and looks to those around me and if I'm not up to par I feel an urge to change it.

Wish I could just let it go teebz

>> No.8053383

Not so much eating, but I remember being stuck in traffic going to work one morning besides a KFC and a minivan full of M O R B I D L Y obese people park up at KFC into disabled spot and osmotically flow out of the van. They all walked up the the door/door windows and after realizing that KFC isn't open at 8 on the morning they proceeded to slam their honey glazed hams of fists on the doors and windows trying to get in. I think there was 5 of them if I remember correctly.

>> No.8053393
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please post a pic.

god i wish they made girls like you

>> No.8053402

Eating til I'm uncomfortable. I do it all the time

>> No.8053433
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Truly gluttonous

>> No.8053452
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Either co-dependency (feeder/enabler) or physical neglect, most likely the former.

>if she is still able to walk she probably does not have a feeder

It depends on her body type, anon.

The FUPA/gunt suggests the adrenal body type; that's how adrenal women usually fill out.

>> No.8053469

It's like a dirty house or being out of shape.

Problems start very small, but are neglected and grow worse over time. Then the problems are big, dealing with them will be a real hassle, so it's avoided.....which makes things worse yet.

Weight gain is a very slow process, and for most fatties it's an issue they'll "deal with tomorrow"

>> No.8053475

currently 335lbs, look in the mirror and think I look pretty good. Sucks when people take unexpected pictures of me though, lol. kind of deflates my balloon

>> No.8053477

>consider gluttonous eating?

While i was going through puberty and before i learnt about a wonderfull thing called exercise, i used to eat 3 Mc.Dolandlds cheeseburgers for lunch.

>> No.8053480

one time i got really stoned drunk and ate 2 large meat lovers pizzas and 30 piece boneless chocken wings from papa johns and drank a whole 2 liter of pepsi

>> No.8053496

turn sideways and look in the mirror. when i was fat i thought i looked good in the mirror until i started doing that. you don't realize how wide you are when you only see the front

>> No.8053499

>3 Mc.Dolandlds cheeseburgers
> gluttonous
anon you're making me feel american

>> No.8053512

just did this. fuck, wish we weren't eating burgers tonight

>> No.8053524

there's a large category of overweight missing from in-between normal and the stage 1 obese.

>> No.8053535
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Eating for the pure purpose of feeling full.

Here's some memories that make me cringe

>8 years old
>live in a cul-de-sac type neighborhood, dad and mom leave for work around 12
>my mom goes by foot, dad tells me to get in the car
>drives to papa johns and gets two medium plain pizzas because no food in the house for some reason
>this was supposed to be food for the whole day for both me and mom
>he didn't actually say anything at all like that, and i didnt ask
>why didn't you ask anon? because my fat little self assumed the pizzas were for me
>eat the two medium pies in an hour then go out to play with neighborhood kids until like 7pm
>my mom comes home asking wheres the pizza
>hfw she can't believe the monster shes created

>13th birthday, my mom got some fancy baked goods in a gift basket because I don't like cake
>get a cake for the other kids there
>its all going fine
>until i discover a rip in the gift basket and go apeshit
>literally spit and drool spraying out in anger as i yell
>smack the shit out of my 11yo cousin because she is notorious in the family for being a thief and having a sweet tooth
>we live states apart, during one visit she stole all my halloween candy
>party done, immediately eat the entire gift baskets contents and food coma

>16 or so
>addicted to chinese food
>get a part time job for the sole purpose of getting more chinese food
>eventually the workers their would just make my order the second they saw me coming down the street

I'm almost 20 now, and 30lbs away from a normal weight for my height and weight. Shame me

>> No.8053554


I almost did this. I couldn't finish the fries. I ain't even fat

>> No.8053594

fat fuck

>> No.8053605
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Specifically bulimia, only because of how endless it can be. it probably doesn't count because it's a disorder, but it quickly becomes an endless spiraling obsession.
Like, eating out of the garbage (not because of poverty or hunger), stealing people's food....

>> No.8053660

Fix yourself you miserable fucking wretch. Are you honestly happy being so disgusting? Are you happy knowing that everyone who even remotely likes you has to do so consciously trying to get over the hurdle of your disgusting body? Everyone who isn't a kinky fetishist finds you repulsive and has to do everything with you IN SPITE OF IT. If the fact that most people who aren't delusional Walmart trailer trash can manage to keep a normal weight doesn't tell you how disgusting you are, then you deserve all of it, you pig.

>> No.8053683
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Shit that's good. As good as fph threads on /fit/ for motivation.

>> No.8053688


i'm all for bantering fat people but for christ's sake she's on vacation, let her be

are people even decent anymore?

>> No.8053693

I used to play games by myself where I would pretend my backyard was the wilderness, and I would chop up the jade that grew on the side of my house and bring "lunches" of cheese and crackers, right before dinner. One time my mom caught me and told me to stop eating and I remember being so embarrassed. Also my grandma once told me that if I can't fit my fingers around my wrist that I was fat, or something. Not like they weren't both fat themselves, and fed me shitty food (that I would overeat, to be fair) all the time. Now I exercise a lot and cook my own food. Still could lose some weight though. I can eat so much fucking KBBQ that I feel like I literally shit oil/fat the day after. Fucking pork belly

>> No.8054548


>> No.8054572

>I actually enjoy those

Fuck, are you me?
I used to be a fatass, but somehow I sublimated my hunger pangs into some kind of masochistic pleasure to the point where sometimes when i'm hungry I watch people eat food and let the pangs tear at me.

>> No.8054590

I hope the Bangladeshi seamstress who assembled her circus tent sized pants was paid overtime. probably not though.

>> No.8054600

dude me too. there's the brief pain and then the endorphin rush. i used to challenge myself to see how long I could go without eating. i was drinking enough beer in the meantime to sustain myself, but got fucked over in the longrun when my stomach shrunk to the point that eating more than a half of a cup of anything in under ten minutes would make me throw up. i'd feel hungry but be choking back half of a tuna sandwich I had eaten 40 minutes ago. i just stopped eating altogether at that point.

i didnt realise how fucked up that was until i typed it out. i'm better now, i still dont eat much but at least i'm not masturbatory anorexic alcoholic

>> No.8055366
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>> No.8055367

i have ednos and i do the same

>> No.8055763

I've developed a bad habit from working in the food industry. Long busy shifts where I dont prioritize my own need for food have led me to the point where I eat one giant meal a day sometimes. I can come home, wait till I have stomach pains from hunger, smoke some weed and eat a days worth of food in an hour or two while relaxing.

>> No.8055833

I got stoned as fuck yesterday and went to BK. Got myself 3 orders of 10pc nuggets ($1.49 fuck yeah) w/ BBQ sauce, a whopper w/ cheese meal (+small soda and fries), and 2 original BK sandwiches. Ate everything within 20 minutes except a 10 piece nugget. I ate it like 45 minutes later.

BK is having $1 hot dogs (limit 5 per customer) this weekend. Might get 5 dogs, and 30 nuggets and take it from there.

>> No.8056714

Its called a gunt

>> No.8056723
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oh yeah?

>> No.8056724
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I'm a glutton. If I have something prepared I'm going to eat it. I eat until I feel sick or pain, sometimes a little past that. If I buy a pie I don't cut a slice, I eat the pie in one sitting. Bag of chips, slow cooker full of chili, whatever.

I still eat healthy though and watch my weight, I'm not overweight since I just avoid buying a whole pie or whatever. Still, that's gluttony. I just love gorging myself on anything I like. I also masterbate about 5-15 times a day. Hedonism I guess.

>> No.8056731

One meal a day is a current health fad.

>> No.8056733

It isn't sweets that does it. Pasta, pizza, even rice to a lesser extent. See everyone knows sweets make you fat, surprisingly a lot of people don't realize how fattening pasta and pizza are.

A package of pasta has more than 3 times the calories of a whole pie or box of cookies.

>> No.8056745

Jesus man you jack off 15 times a day? You've got to be nutting dust towards the end...

>> No.8056747


>> No.8056755
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15 is fairly uncommon, just gave my general range when I'm not flat out trying to set a record, of which mine is 26.

The lower ends of the range are more common but it's generally around 7 or 8 on days when I'm bored. If I don't have a game to play or something else to take my full attention I either eat, jack off, or go shopping. I love money almost as much as I love being beautiful so I try to jack off instead. My dick hurts anon.

>> No.8056757

I never got that fat, but I was taught to eat every time I felt bad because good food = good feelings.

Long story short, to cope with depression, I ate appx. 8000 calories a day until I hit 350 pounds and felt 24/7 heartburn. I started working my way back down and I'm at 270 right now, 220 is my current end goal.


>> No.8056759
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>> No.8056764
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Don't mind me, just posting best monmusu.

>> No.8056770

You have excellent taste. I think the only one I nutted to more was the giant zombie girl, can't remember her name.

The 26 record was set to MGQ, I should add.
Fapped to literally every encounter at least once. Yes even that one.

>> No.8056838

thats fucking retarded lel

>> No.8056846

30lbs is fucking nothing

>> No.8057168

I used to be 175lbs overweight. Started losing around 18 and I'm three months away from 20 with 30lbs left. Feels good man

>> No.8057185

Until last week i was over 300 for atleast 4 years.
At a point, you feel losing it would be so hard you dont try. You just eat junk. Ifinally got sick of feeling worthless. Seeing that 3 change to a 2 was satisfying even if im still a fat fuck, it was my first goal. AMA

>> No.8057189


Why did you have to ruin grilled cheese?

>> No.8057191
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>> No.8057209
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>Wake up
>Make a box of Fridays Potato skins (The normal size box, whole half potatos, not quarters)
>Later get hungry
>Make a frozen pizza
>Eat it
>couple hours later get a publix chicken tendy sub, cup of soup and bag of chips with it
>Later at night throw down a pint of haagen daz vanilla into the blender with some milk and ice and make a milkshake, add some pretzel sticks on the side to dip in.

If I'm gonna be fair I hadn't eaten for 3 days.

>> No.8057425

Unless I mentally slap myself and say "no" I'll do shit like that when bored on my off days. I won't even be hungry, just sitting around watching tv or playing games and it's,
>I'm bored, guess I'll eat heat up this frozen pizza
>1 hr later
>fuck I'm bored, don't feel like doing anything guess I'll find something else to eat

>> No.8057713

thanks for the stories
laughed at the second one

keep it up anon

>> No.8057729

i've never heard of this before so i looked it up and it's fucked up how much i fit this

i'm freakin out

>> No.8058606


P A W S ?

>> No.8058979
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Everyone's got a body type that fills out different when getting fat.

I've noticed that a lot of white people are the thyroid type: filling out around the mid section, but very little (if at all) on the ass and thighs.

>> No.8059552


>> No.8059593
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I once knew a couple. The guy was pretty cool; smart, good at bowling, great beard, and fat as hell, but he had a wicked case of first girlfriend syndrome.

The girlfriend in question was obese, annoying, dumb as a fucking brick, and incapable of everything except doing basic sexual favors, I'd assume. Unfortunately, since she was this guy's first girlfriend, he propsed marriage - after four months of knowing her. At that point, we always kind of hoped he'd come to his senses, but it became less and less likely as time went on.

One time after a game of D&D, we went to Taco Bell. Now, I eat a shitton because I'm fat too, so I got four cheesey bean and rice burritos. I was completely blown the fuck out of the water, though, because both the guy and his girlfriend bought a Grande meal - each. That's 10 burritos/tacos for each of them. Then the girl also got a chicken quesadilla and a Fruitista Freeze. They both ate it all without issue. The girl hinted that she was still kind of hungry afterwards.

One time I also saw the girl eat a bowl of mayo with a spoon. She was using the mayo to dip her fries in, but after she ran out of fries, she just grabbed a spoon and went to town.


>> No.8059856
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>Back in 6th grade
>This shit came out at mcdonalds
>Tfw I tried it out and instantly became hooked
>During a half-day at school, me and my friends at the time would go to McD's
>I would get a Big Mac Meal, and 4 Mac Snack wraps

I fucking miss that shit mang.

There was another time I spent roughly $15 of fast food at mcdonalds for myself as well.

My diet at home consists of nothing but a lot of beans, rice, tortillas, and basic staple food shit.
We used to rarely eat out. But on the times that
I did, holy fuck did I pig out.

>> No.8061751

you're so fucking wrong fat is a macronutrient and it will keep you full. sugar and refined carbs will not. stop the "fat is bad" momphilosophy

>> No.8062169


>> No.8062188

>I probably eat a normal amount of food

The first step on the path is "Acceptance"

You are obese, you are not eating a normal amount of food. Start eating the calorie maintenance for a person of average build and the pounds will fly off you without you lifting a finger.

If you don't accept your abnormal eating habits now, you'll be 500lb and still thinking to yourself "Gee, I eat a normal amount of food, why am I getting bigger?"

>> No.8062194

Also goes hand in hand with

>muh fast food is cheaper than buying ingredients


>> No.8062201
File: 75 KB, 500x673, superman-now-thats-romance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that needs deflating is your gut. You fat piece of shit.

>> No.8062211

Sounds like your parents are partly to blame. Enabling you to be a gluttonous little shit without punishment. Ultimately, they never forced your hand though. Good to see you're recovering from your illness

>> No.8063242

Pretty sure that's a man

>> No.8063262

i once had two plates of christmas in july dinner at a work camp

then someone bet me $20 i couldn't eat a whole pumpkin pie

i did and i vomited

>> No.8063265
File: 65 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am ashamed to admit it but I am a glutton. When I was 13 I asked my dad for some chicken tendies. We lived way out in the middle of no where so he had to pick them up on his way from work cause I was not going to walk for an hour to get them. When he got home I was excited cause I was starving. I emptied the paper bag and there qere 5 tendies, fries, ketchup. I got angry because there was no honey mustard sauce though. I yelled "what is the point of tendies without honey mustard!?!?" I called my dad a faggot and tried to hit him. He sent me to my room. I gave him the silent treatment for a month and then to my utter dismay he died from a heart attack (undiagnosed heart condition). So now I eat tendies with honey mustard sauce on a daily basis (at least 20 strips and 4 orders of fries divided into 3 meals). I will often incorporate chicken and fruench fries into other meals loke sandwiches, pizza, macaroni and I only ever use honey mustard on my pizza instead of ranch. I am 5'6, 300lbs and won't stop eating until I double in size and die. I am 19 btw.

>> No.8063296
File: 62 KB, 960x641, Oh+well+what+can+you+do+_8bd2ab4245459637c27a0b56c1330894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gluttonous is having dinner in your bf's house and then going out to a restaurant with more people incluiding bf who ate a few minutes ago, i think that poor stomach was like...

>> No.8065295

You mean two grande meals each.

>> No.8066595
File: 176 KB, 400x236, slothful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brain trembles

>> No.8066614

I take it you mean 30lb away from the upper bounds of normal weight for your height? lul

>> No.8066642

Reminds me of the time I went to one of those asian all you can eat buffets with a friend.
You know the ones, those where you regret it after the first plate because you are already full, but continue stuffing yourself because you paid for it and feel shitty for the rest of the day. Well after we where done he wanted to go to Burger King.

>> No.8066648

eating until it hurts. you shouldnt be conditioned to eat half your body weight in food. you should be eating small and enough to get you through until your next meal. stop stuffing yourself like you are going to fast for a few days

>> No.8067062

where did you get this picture of me?

>> No.8067464

>smack the shit out of my 11yo cousin because she is notorious in the family for being a thief and having a sweet tooth
>we live states apart, during one visit she stole all my halloween candy


>> No.8067677

Plus-sized model? Wow ... ...