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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 1000x667, americanbloodsamples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8045836 No.8045836 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans fucking love sauce?

Ketchup, mustard, sriracha, chipotle mayo, bbq sauce, fucking ranch.

WHY drench food that already has its own flavor?

>> No.8045844

because a lot of our food is flavorless shit

>> No.8045847

Why you got to make it a regional thing? Everyone loves sauce. I'm pretty sure lower class people the world over cover shit in cheap sugary sauces.

>> No.8045853

I don't like it when my meal is entirely dry. If there's no liquid whatsoever in the dish, I add it using sauce, otherwise I struggle to enjoy it.

>> No.8045919


our food has to be as radical and extreme as our lifestyle. regular, plain, traditional food cannot keep up with us, so it has to be flavor blasted with an extreme sauce.

>> No.8045930

Literally nothing to do with America. Every single region of the world has tons of sauces that are used liberally. America uses no more or less.

>> No.8045932

Can someone name those sauces? They look really good.

>> No.8045948
File: 29 KB, 416x344, soylentXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8045969

My guess from left to right, in rows:
sambal oelek, garlic parmesan pepper mayo, honey djion
regular mustard, pesto mayo, ketchup, regular mayo
cajun spiced mayo, bbq sauce, buffalo sauce

>> No.8046173
File: 43 KB, 620x455, sippingonsauce-620x455[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


come closer.

>> No.8046208

>Americans love sauce
We do but we ain't got shit on iceland. Them niggas is crazy with the sawse

>> No.8046214
File: 120 KB, 400x400, no flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like sauces
>he doesn't like food, that has it's own distinct flavor, dipped in a sauce of another flavor that compliments it to near orgasmic-levels
>he enjoys plain, dry food with N O F L A V O R

>> No.8046224

everybody loves sauces you dip

>> No.8046235

>it's an 'Australian makes another "Why do Americans do x" thread' episode

>> No.8046299

>curry is meat and vegetables cooked in sauce
>the very existence of mexican salsas
>everything I ever had at a Chinese joint is covered in the same brown sauce
>asado de puerco
>carne guisado

shit most of "our American sauces" aren't even ours

>> No.8046410

It's a combination of two things, best I can figure. First off, Americans love choice, and a variety of condiments allow them to tailor their food to their specific taste. Also America is full of picky eaters, so mass produced food is tailored to lowest common denominator taste, often seasoned with little more than salt. People who want more flavor than that reach for condiments.

>> No.8046509

nah the second one isn't too accurate but you're right about American and choice not being able to choose a sauce isn't a picky thing with them but more of an infringement upon their rights.

>> No.8046554

Don't forget that Americans have lived with modern advertising longer and more pervasively than anybody else. Meaningless choices are epidemic there, perfected by the tobacco industry in the 1960's and 1970's. Walk into a supermarket and the shelves are loaded with redundancy - many variations of the same product, some varying only by packaging - tailored to appeal to a specific customer. The American consumer has been trained by advertising to see this abundance of irrelevant choices as a sign of affluence. Exercising his will to make these choices makes a certain kind of customer feel empowered.

>> No.8046602

This entire post sounds like someone jealous as fuck because their only options when shopping are the two big names and the store brand.

>> No.8046603

I think it is good and does not make Americans stupid. Euros are stupid and have no choice and must let their government restrict them or everybody go crazy. As international student from Vietnam I have been to american twice and love it. Germany is disgusting country.

>> No.8046634


Greekfag here, even though tzatziki is a sauce (and a vary tasty one too) it acts more like a spread or a cooling agent. You take a bite of food (usually meat or potatoes or bread) and you put some tzatziki on it. Don't expect to cook something with tzatziki unless you experimenting with some crazy nu-shit.

>Remember tzatziki HAS to have garlic on it.

You should try "melitzanosalata". That shit gonna blow your socks off mate.

>> No.8046641

I'm American. I just find it tiresome to have to make irrelevant choices whenever I go to buy something. I will give you my money if you give me something good. I don't care beyond that. I only get a thrill from making choices when I'm being paid to do so. I do not want to play 20 Questions just to get a fucking sandwich.

>> No.8046676


>> No.8046723


Whatever you say, comrade