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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8043509 No.8043509 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on a long term juice fast, and talking about it keeps me motivated. Anyone else juicing, either for a meal replacement, or for nutrition supplement, or for weight loss? Share your stories and best recipes.

>> No.8043516

So you're mentally like a vegan then?

>> No.8043530

>So you're mentally like a vegan then?
Sort of. I prefer local produce and organic, but I'm not religious about it. I know that when I come off this fast I'll want a solid diet plan including some nuts, eggs, fish, and lean and clean chicken.

But for now, I guess I'm "vegan". Other than the cream in my coffee in the mornings.

>> No.8043612

On previous threads, Anons have reported losing 20 lbs in the first two weeks, if they're hardcore. That includes only homemade juice of mostly veg, no alcohol or coffee, and mild exercise like swift walking/jogging for a few miles per day. I believe it. I'm not that hardcore at all, I lost 15 pounds in my first two weeks which is admittedly gut contents and water weight, but after that it's 5 pounds per week or so like clockwork for me, with coffee and booze.
Yes, I know that the initial loss is temporary, and when I start eating I'll gain 5-10 pounds quickly. But the weight in between is legitimate fat loss.
It's a very calorie reduced diet, but with loads of nutrition. And more importantly it turns off one's taste buds and appetite and cravings, so when coming off it's easy to start the ideal diet because it's not one day to the next.

>> No.8043619

>I'm on a long term juice fast
So your an idiot. OK.

>> No.8043631

>So your an idiot. OK.
Not an idiot at all. I'm healthy and losing a pile of weight. I was never good at "dieting" or portion control, so it's easier for me to not eat at all.

I'm on day 36 of my juice fast and I'm down 30 pounds so far. I still drink coffee and lotsa booze and I don't exercise. And I'm getting lots of nutrition.

>> No.8043635

>>>8043509 (OP)
>>I'm on a long term juice fast
>So your an idiot. OK.


>> No.8043640

This isn't a "juice cleanse". That's bullshit. Such memes tell you that drinking nothing but carrot juice with some lemon and cayenne pepper for a week will make you a superman. That's not what I'm saying at all.

>> No.8043648

what about protein? Bruh you need proteins. Otherwise the weight your losing is actually muscle tissue. Are you blending soy with the juices to make like, smoothies?

>> No.8043662

>what about protein? Bruh you need proteins. Otherwise the weight your losing is actually muscle tissue. Are you blending soy with the juices to make like, smoothies?
Good juice has enough trace proteins to keep me going. If I were a bodybuilder, I wouldn't do a juice fast for months.

The protein needs of the body depend on how much you work, especially anaerobically. I don't lift and I don't get a lot of exercise, just walking around for my job.

If I thought that I needed more protein, I could easily add some unflavoured whey protein or egg whites to my juice and gulp that back too.

>> No.8043665 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8043668

Look at human evolution dumbass. At what period of time do you imagine humans subsisting on fruit-juice long term? Your body has evolved over millions of years of hunger-gatherer nutrition and a few hundred thousand years of farm-food nutrition. Even many aspects of the latter (while tolerable) are not great for us due to how short a period they've been part of our diet for.

>> No.8043670

>If I thought that I needed more protein, I could easily add some unflavoured whey protein or egg whites to my juice and gulp that back too.
Have you thought about maybe your "thought" process is just wrong? Go talk to those juicers over in /fit if you want some nutrition advice. You seem not to believe what you read.

>> No.8043671

Who is talking about sugar? My juice is about 80/20 in veg/fruit. Yes, there's some fructose. But if you subscribe to cal in vs. cal out,then what I'm doing is very calorie reduced with lots of nutrition too.

>> No.8043672


I feel like protien and fiber both are important for satiation and health. I could see this working with say, whole (deseeded) fruit, blended smooth with a bit of soy and some juice, so your body is getting all it's protiens and also not shitting liquid

>> No.8043677

>Look at human evolution dumbass
Good luck with your paleo diet, dumbass.

>> No.8043687

>I feel like protien and fiber both are important for satiation and health.
This Anon gets it. If you know how much protein you need, you can juice to meet that need or add with supp.

I use a masticating juicer, which presses out lots of the juice and a bit of fibre too. I have a small shit every day or two, and if I use lemon in the juice it's of normal consistency.

>> No.8043693

I still feel like you should be adding protein by default

>> No.8043702

You understand that patients who for whatever reason cannot eat solid food have serious problems with their gastrointestinal system (which has evolved to digest solid foods NOT juice) and in many cases have their upper and lower intestines shut down completely?

t. >>8043677 Med. student (not a paleo-diet supporter)

>> No.8043707

>I still feel like you should be adding protein by default
I appreciate that sentiment. But I've looked at my protein needs at the moment and I don't need much. My juicing fills that need. Most of us, especially lifters, overestimate the protein that we need.

>> No.8043712

>You understand that patients who for whatever reason cannot eat solid food have serious problems with their gastrointestinal system
I understand that argument, Anon. My masticating juicer leaves behind enough fibre that my digestive tract has something to do. I have a small shit every day or two.

>> No.8043723

>I have a small shit every day or two.
That's not normal for your bowels. Do whatever you want m8, it's your body, but if you wanted to lose weight you could have just exercised more (and more smartly) and developed some bloody eating discipline. Unless you're a female past her 30s, where hormones are actively working against you, you have no excuse it's just laziness.

>> No.8043736

P.S. I hope you're using organic produce otherwise you've really fucked yourself over.

>> No.8043745

>you have no excuse it's just laziness.
I agree, I got up to 241 pounds out of being lazy and sedate. But I'm turning that around.

>> No.8043751

>hope you're using organic produce
I use organic produce whenever I can. At this time of year, there are lots of cheap options for organic produce. In the winter and spring, I get a box of organic produce delivered. That's costly, but I agree that it's worth it. By juicing, I'm concentrating all the good stuff but there can be stuff I don't want too.

>> No.8043825

Lotsa hate here, which I would expect from /fit/ but not on /ck/. But that's fine too.

>> No.8043914

>attentionwhoring this hard
KY- I mean carrying on drinking the juices that should work

>> No.8044001

You should pick up some psyllium husk fiber pills to help you poop at least once a day.

I have a pretty nice masticating juicer, i just made a batch tonight.
3 granny smith apples, a bell pepper, a big chunk of ginger, two bags of kale and a couple pounds of carrot.
awful color, but tastes pretty good.

>> No.8044042

Or.....you could just eat those things or at the very least blend them instead of juicing them and not require added fiber.

Jesus, you people are as stupid as vegans and gluten-free maniacs. I imagine there's a pretty big overlap between these groups though.

>> No.8044053

well of course he could (and should) eat some actual veggies for fiber, but hes obviously not going to so i offered an alternative.

I am not one of these "juice diet" people, i dont like eating most mornings so ill just have a cup of fresh juice, and like being able to have fresh fruit/veg juice for cocktails is dope.
Made a real strong ginger syrup the other day using it.

>> No.8044055

>I have a pretty nice masticating juicer
Yeah, I've thought of adding unflavoured psyllium but I don't think I need it.

You have a good recipe there, Anon. I try to add more variety, then I don't need to worry about whether I'm getting enough of any one thing. Don't you think that lots of apple and carrot together adds a lot of sugar and calories? I guess it depends on what you're after.

Peppers are great, but their juice is bitter in my experience. I juice with them sparingly.

>> No.8044061

>Or.....you could just eat those things or at the very least blend them
That's a common reaction and I don't blame you for posting it.

Yes, I can juice three carrots, a whole cucumber, a tomato, two apples, a half lemon, a bit of fresh ginger, and a pound of leafy greens like kale or spinach or whatever. I do that, and drink the juice. If I had all that raw veg and fruit sitting in front of me, I'd never eat it all. I don't think I could. Juicing concentrates the nutrients and lets you toss it back quickly. That's one of the big advantages.

>> No.8044065

>being able to have fresh fruit/veg juice for cocktails is dope.
That is quite cool actually. I'm not even advocating against juicing, in fact I have a really good juicer myself, it's just that I think it's a terrible idea to do it as some sort of diet (especially when it's 'long-term' like OP).

So how come you prefer juice to smoothies (the type you make with a blender)? They're more satiating in my opinion.

>> No.8044070

I'm sure it does, but the kale doesnt really provide a lot of juice by itself so the apples and carrots provide a lot more liquid.

I am also not too worried about the sugar content/calories as i usually only have 5oz or so most mornings.

most of my extra calories come from booze...

>> No.8044078

>I am not one of these "juice diet" people,
Neither am I, Anon. I'm happy for you if you've found what works for you.

I bought two huge canteloupes this week, juiced them with some lemon and a bit of ginger, and made a spectacular drink with vodka and soda and juice over ice. It was awesome.

And if you've never made cocktails with fresh and homemade juice then you've never lived, right?

>> No.8044095

I have never really tried just blending a bunch of veggies and fruit to make something like that. I feel like it would too thick and fibrous.
My juices are pretty veg dominant.
I've done fruit smoothies, but that feels like too much sugar normally.

that sounds like a pretty good mix m8
I did a cocktail a bit back that was watermelon juice, rum, mint and a little lime juice that came out pretty good.
My buddy does one thats cucumber juice, mezcal, mint and sparkling water that is almost bar worthy

>> No.8044096

Minimal effort options:
>a whole cucumber, a tomato
Add some sort of white cheese and you have lunch - prep: cut them

>two apples
One in the morning for breakfast, one as a snack at some point during the day - prep: none

>a pound of leafy greens like kale or spinach - prep: put in a bowl with olive oil and seasoning
Use as salad for your dinner.

>three carrots, a half lemon, a bit of fresh ginger - prep: put in an oven dish
Roast in the oven

I understand your aim is to stop being lazy, you're going to achieve that with babysteps like this. Putting shit in a machine and pressing a button isn't effort.

>Juicing concentrates the nutrients
You have don't know how many nutrients get lost in the shit that ends up in the other cup.

>> No.8044099

>most of my extra calories come from booze...
I'm with you, Anon. When I'm in the mood for booze, I juice accordingly if I'm not having beer or wine.

Yes, kale doesn't provide a lot of juice. Neither does spinach, or parsley, or any other dark green leafy. But what you do get is packed with nutrition, right? So I mix my dark green leafy with some watery like cucumber and a tomato, and add a bit of fruit like apple or grapes or berries, and the end result is awesome.

>> No.8044109

Holy shit, your buddy is on to something. Cucumber juice is mild but has a nice flavour. It's watery of course. Watermelon is full of vitamins and is great to juice. Mix them, and add a bit of ginger or mint, and you have the basis for a stellar cocktail.

Fruit smoothies are okay, since you're drinking rather than eating the fruit. Juicing fruit concentrates the sugars too, so on a daily basis I only use enough to make the juice drinkable.

>> No.8044119

>Minimal effort options
You're missing the point. All of that produce's juice goes into one glass.

I know how to cook. But juicing takes the best parts of the veg and fruit and puts it into a glass and you toss it back.

What, you're going to sit down and eat a pound of raw kale, two apples, a cucumber, and a tomato for a meal?

>> No.8044129

Sometimes i get my carrots from the farmers market with the greens still attached, and i just juice those up at the same time. shits handy

one of the first things i juiced was some concord grapes, goddamn that was some good juice

>something watery like cucumber
Yeah, i should use more cucumber, my juicer doesnt do the *best* job on softer items.

As much as I hate to add sugar to things that probably don't need it, we are both pretty sure its missing some agave nectar that would bring it to the next level. you should definitely try making one.

>> No.8044148

>carrots from the farmers market with the greens still attached,
I only buy carrots with the greens attached, same with radishes and beets. The greens are the best parts.

>concord grapes, goddamn that was some good juice
I'm sure it was awesome, that's how sweet wines and grape jelly are made.

>my juicer doesnt do the *best* job on softer items.
You're probably using a spinning grater type of juicer, which doesn't do well on soft or pulpy or fibrous things. My go-to model is a side extration masticating Omega juicer, you get more juice out of the produce with a drier pulp and more nutrients too. Having said that it's slower and has more working parts to disassemble and clean. Whatever works for you.

>> No.8044157

>juicing takes the best parts of the veg and fruit and puts it into a glass
Why do you keep repeating the sales-line as a mantra? You have no idea what you're talking about! What are the "best parts" and exactly how does a juicer distinguish them from the not "best parts".

>What, you're going to sit down and eat a pound of raw kale, two apples, a cucumber, and a tomato for a meal?
No, because I'd rather have a more nutritionally balanced meal. However, a tomato, cucumber and kale salad is really not a big deal at all and can be a meal in itself with some added ingredients like some dairy, nuts, seeds, drupes etc. Apples are a joke, you can have them at any time of the day in a matter of seconds. If you need a juicer to make sure you consume two apples then I don't know what to say.

>> No.8044175

nah dude, ive got a omega j8006 juicer. stuff thats too soft just doesnt come out nice unless i feed something harder like carrots through after

>> No.8044179

>Why do you keep repeating the sales-line as a mantra?
I keep saying that because it's true. I'd never sit down and eat four pounds of raw veg and a pound of fruit for a meal. But by juicing, I'm getting all of the best parts into a glass which I toss back and I'm done. It's no mantra, it's what you're trying to accomplish. If I can get the vitamins and nutrients out of a pound of spinach etc. by juicing it, then I don't have to actually eat it, and the juice is lower calorie than too. And by cooking it a lot of the nutrients are lost.

Yes, I could make a huge salad but then am I going to add dressing? And how long would it take to eat it all?

Look, I'm not trying to get followers and I'm not shilling anything. If you don't like the idea then don't do it. I'm not making you do anything, or worship a vegan god.

>> No.8044184

>nah dude, ive got a omega j8006 juicer. stuff thats too soft just doesnt come out nice unless i feed something harder like carrots through afte
I have the same thing. When I'm juicing peaches or berries, I alternate a handful of them with a quarter apple or some carrot. Or I take the wet pulp and just run it through again.

>> No.8044192

>I keep saying that because it's true.
It simply isn't:

>What they found is the blended juice had significantly higher levels of beneficial phytonutrients compared to the juice made with a juicer (the electric juicer and hand juicer had about the same levels).
>In particular, the blended juice had about a seven-fold higher content of a compound called naringin.


You can read the full scientific study here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22957912

Use your juicer for your cocktails or as a treat when you want something sweet, not as a substitute to a healthy diet.

>> No.8044200

>I only buy carrots with the greens attached, same with radishes and beets. The greens are the best parts.
Nope. If they were the best parts you would say, "I only buy carrots with the root attached, same with radishes and beets".

But you didn't. You buy them because you want the root part and occasionally enjoy the leaves as an afterthought.

You figured you'd impress the big kids on /ck/ by telling us how you eat the whole vegetable. Guess what? You didn't You look like a immature twat trying to impress daddy by pretending to drive while your pathetic legs dangle impotently far from the gas pedal.

I bet your parents didn't even own a vehicle. You probably grew up taking the bus everywhere with your entire family, even to the grocery store. Your whole family had to wear back packs and bring as many shoddily repaired cloth bags as they could manage. It was pathetic to see this ragged family making their trek to the grocery store rain or shine, but even worse to hear your mother berate you and your monkey siblings for not tearing off the leaves of root vegetables because, "they added weight which added cents" and took up excess room in your collective bags.

The idea of your pathetic disgusting little motley family stealing "free samples" from bulk bins of nuts and candy while your sow of a mother argued with the cashier over the price of grapes and your dejected father sat silently watching fills me with a revulsion that cannot be overstated.

Are you using a computer in a public library now? I can't imagine you managed to escape your lineage of poverty let alone your parents hovel and were able to purchase a computer and internet connection.

Just fuck right off, your little games are transparent and no one likes you on /ck/ let alone 4chan. Leave the big boys alone and FUCK OFF.

>> No.8044207

While I follow your sentiment and I have been criticising him/her during this entire thread that was a little harsh m8.

>> No.8044208

>Use your juicer for your cocktails or as a treat when you want something sweet, not as a substitute to a healthy diet.
Thanks for those links, I'll look at them. Really.

>> No.8044223

Go fuck yourself.
Yes, I understand that the carrot and radish and beet are generally understood to be the "root" part, and when I buy them I only do so with leafy green tops that I can juice as well.

Go fuck yourself with your judgements, assumptions, and insults.

As I said, I'm in my mid forties. I can afford good food. I drive a car of my own. I have a house of my own. Two, in fact. I'm a lawyer.

So suck the corn out of my shit. When I'm back to eating.

>> No.8044228

What makes people think that consuming absurd amounts of fruit and vegetable concentrate is good for you?

Juicing is a ploy to get you hook on an expensive gadget. Eat the entire vegetable/fruit like your ancestors did. You don't need to eat 34 oranges, 21 lbs of carrots, 11 lbs of kale, and .6 hectares of spinach. This isn't going to make you live longer than people who eat a balanced diet.

>> No.8044231

>I'm a lawyer.
This is one of the least impressive professions now.

>> No.8044233

You can look at the study if you feel you have the level of knowledge required to judge their method or results but to be honest all you need is that excerpt from the NPR article I posted.

Look, if you're not willing to give up the convenience of a push-button meal with lots of fruit and veg in it, at the very least switch to blending. I'd still contend that your diet would be lacking in nutrients, but not as much as it would with the juicer.

>> No.8044239

>Juicing is a ploy to get you hook on an expensive gadget. Eat the entire vegetable/fruit like your ancestors did. You don't need to eat 34 oranges, 21 lbs of carrots, 11 lbs of kale, and .6 hectares of spinach. This isn't going to make you live longer than people who eat a balanced diet.
I like my gadget. It does a lot of things. So you can also eat me like the Anon I replied to above.

Holy fuck, the trolls are out in full force now. What, mommy sent you to bed and you now have unsupervised computer time?

>> No.8044246
File: 184 KB, 700x447, mediterranean-diet-pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This isn't going to make you live longer than people who eat a balanced diet.
Indeed. It has been consistently proven, study after study over the past 50 years, that the Mediterannean diet is the healthiest one. Perhaps with certain exceptions if you belong to a very genetically divergent population like the Inuit or something.

Eat fresh, seasonal, organic produce, substitute bleached, plain white wheat products, for whole and vitamin-rich grains wherever you can, avoid factory meats, opting for free-range organic stuff instead, avoid eating large fish like tuna regularly (due to high concentration of pollutants), drinks shit-tons of good water and follow the food pyramid.


>> No.8044257

>Eat fresh, seasonal, organic produce, substitute bleached, plain white wheat products, for whole and vitamin-rich grains wherever you can, avoid factory meats, opting for free-range organic stuff instead
This Anon gets it. Good on you for posting.

>> No.8044259

>I'm on a long term juice fast, and talking about it keeps me motivated
God you sound insufferable. Wow, I wish I was one of your coworkers. That would be great to listen to you drone on and on about how drinking juice for the last two days is so amazing and sustainable and a healthy choice.

How about you learn to eat and exercise like a normal, responsible adult instead of jumping to a fad diet?

Oh that's right, because it's easier to do this than live a moderate lifestyle. Plus, you get to harass everyone within earshot or with an internet connection about how great you feel.

We aren't your little juicing cult support group. Want motivation? Ask the bull who holds the key to let you take your chastity cock cage off and promise yourself one cum & pineapple juicing fix every day you stay on your ridiculous fad diet. I'm sure the thought of drinking semen will do more than enough to motivate you for your "long term juice fast".

Did you even know what you were getting yourself into, or did you think the twink selling you the juicer said, "dong sperm deuce blast" instead of "long term juice fast"? You can admit it, don't be ashamed. We are your support group and personal blog, after all.

>> No.8044262

>Every Day
Shit. Till now I was drinking water only three times a week. What an eye opener.

>> No.8044277

>God you sound insufferable.
I'm on 5 weeks of no solids. This isn't a two day "cleanse". I'm trying to lose a lot of weight quickly with good nutrition and I'm doing it.

There are Anons who reply and follow these threads I start. I do this for them more than for me.

I harass nobody, in real life or online. In fact, you're the one harassing me you dicklicker. Nobody made you post here.

But thanks for bumping my thread, I guess. Faggot.

>> No.8044290

>I'm on 5 weeks of no solids.
lol wow, sounds great. It's not like the human body evolved to consume solid foods. How is that dental health and weak chin treating you?

Also, I notice how you refused to acknowledge:

>Did you even know what you were getting yourself into, or did you think the twink selling you the juicer said, "dong sperm deuce blast" instead of "long term juice fast"?

I knew it. I fucking knew it.

>> No.8044292

Thank you, I've been posting this entire thread:


>> No.8044297

Funny I was actually thinking about getting a juicer, Does juice make a good substitute for breakfast? I thought about drinking juice in the morning instead of bagels and usual food

>> No.8044300

>There are Anons who reply and follow these threads I start. I do this for them more than for me.
Why are the people who have the tendency to join cults polluting the food world so much nowadays? I suppose it's better than suicide cults and the Nazi party but it's still pretty fucking annoying.

>> No.8044306

Are you serious? Read the thread.

Are people genuinely this stupid? I think, instead of getting outraged, I should get in on this and make some money off you dangleberries.

>> No.8044316

>Did you even know what you were getting yourself into
Holy shit, I can't believe I'm replying to you but I'm bored so I guess I will.

Yes, I know what I'm getting into. I wouldn't do this if I didn't. And I don't recommend it for everyone, as I've said.

I don't give a fuck how the human body evolved, you asshole. My dental health is fine, I brush and floss daily even though I'm not eating. I'm aware that bacteria build up in the mouth. And a weak chin? Are you on glue? What, my facial muscles are going to atrophy? I do actually talk, and I chew gum here and there. Nobody "sold" me a juicer either, I did my research and picked it out myself after looking at reviews. Fuck, you're a tool.

Go back to /b/ you scab lipped cum gargler.

>> No.8044342

>Does juice make a good substitute for breakfast? I thought about drinking juice in the morning instead of bagels and usual food
I suppose that it depends what you want out of your breakfast and when you are going to eat next after breakfast. When I'm eating, I often have a smoothie for breakfast, I use a simple "magic bullet" to cream up a banana, some ice, some yoghurt, berries if I have them, and a scoop of chocolate protein powder or a spoonful of peanut butter. That has lots of good stuff and fills me up.

Check the nutritional contents of a bagel. There's a days worth of carbs in that. Breakfast should have lots of fibre to keep you full through the morning, with some protein too.

I don't recommend just juice for breakfast, unless you're fine to go for a while without eating. Most people would be better with a smoothie.

>> No.8044347

>I don't give a fuck how the human body evolved, you asshole.
That much is abundantly evident.

>> No.8044350

>it's still pretty fucking annoying.
Then don't post.
Thank you for bumping my thread.

>> No.8044360

>I should get in on this and make some money off you dangleberries.
While I do admire your use of "dangleberries" there's no chance you'll make any money off of me unless you're a farmer.

Oh, and fuck you. And thank you for bumping my thread, asshole.

>> No.8044367

>Thank you for bumping my thread.
That's not how 4chan works anymore grandad, welcome to the age of the Catalog.

I'm going to post until I have disproven all of your idiotic claims, in order to stop you from recruiting more mouth-breathers to your cult. The worrying thing is, you're not even a paid-shill you don't make money out of this, you've truly just drunk the Kool-Aid.

>> No.8044370

>That much is abundantly evident.
Enjoy your paleo diet, faggot.

Also, fuck you and thanks for bumping my thread.

>> No.8044385

>I'm going to post until I have disproven all of your idiotic claims
Bring it on, fuck face.
Or go back to bed where your mommy put you an hour ago. You should sleep now, or else you won't get GBP for tendies.

>> No.8044394

Why do you assume that everyone is into some sort of fad-diet-cult you idiot?

Despite being (like all fad-diets) simplistic in its approach, the paleo-diet is more scientifically grounded than what you're doing. Evolutionary biology and in turn evolutionary medicine are constantly explaining more and more of why our bodies are the way they are and require what they require. It's your choice to ignore all that, but when you start evangelising then you're gonna be called out.

>> No.8044395

The burden of proof is on you fuckface.You, contrary to those arguing against your point in this thread, have not provided a shred of evidence for your claims.

>> No.8044402

>but when you start evangelising
Who is evangelizing? It's an AMA thread, and I never maintained that this is for everyone or even for anyone, all I said is that it's working for me.

>> No.8044408

>The burden of proof is on you fuckface.
There's no burden on me at all. You're the one replying to me. If you want to disprove me, or tell me that I'm dying because I'm an idiot, then go ahead.

>> No.8044417

You are dying because you're an idiot.

>> No.8044423

You are evangelising. You made numerous claims that were unsubstantiated.

>all I said is that it's working for me.
Define working. You mean you're losing weight? Cancer patients lose weight that means nothing with regards to your overall health and you still haven't tackled the root causes that made you overweight in the first place.

>> No.8044429

Why does it have to be juice form? Why Not just eat Fruit And vege

>> No.8044447

Not only are juicing fasts wrong and unhealthy, you're doing it long-term as well (toplel). Here's some predictions:
-you will lose a bunch of weight but that will include both muscle-mass and fat
-the toxin levels in your body will get completely fucked up as usually happens with people on juicing diets (I've personally seen the blood-tests of friend's who went on them)
-your metabolism will get fucked
-you will eventually end this fad-diet when your bowels begin to shut-down, this will either happen due to discomfort or something more serious will happen and you'll have to visit a doctor who tells you to stop
-not having learned to cook and plan a daily meal schedule consisting of balanced nutrition, you will end up struggling to control your weight again and will be unable to find the nutrients you were previously consuming via those large quantities of fruit and veg.

The result will be you will gain weight once more, possibly quicker than before as fasting makes your metabolism slow down and go into survival mode and you will have the added bonus of becoming vitamin-deficient.

You can avoid this. If you gave me legal advice I'd fucking listen to it, you choose to listen to the bloke who sold you a gadget instead (and possibly Gwyneth Paltrow's blog)

>> No.8044452

>You are dying because you're an idiot.
And you're dying because you're choking on cum. Stop typing and jam you shit covered fingers down your throat. Breathe, faggot. Breathe.

>> No.8044454

Because his/her cult-master said so.

>> No.8044458

>You made numerous claims that were unsubstantiated.
Tell me one. Just one. Seriously.

>> No.8044469

>If you gave me legal advice I'd fucking listen to it,
Got a legal question? AMA, I'm the LawFag. I post under that name too.

I'm a lawyer, working mostly in family law.

>> No.8044479

Just one? I'll give you three:

>juicing takes the best parts of the veg and fruit and puts it into a glass


This has already been disproven. See: >>8044192

Two more unsubstantiated (and erroneous) claims:
>by cooking it a lot of the nutrients are lost.
Depends on what you're cooking, how you're cooking it and for how long. Also the vast majority of fruit and veg require little to no cooking to be eaten.

>the juice is lower calorie than too.
It is actually more calorie dense than an equal amount of the food itself

Posted here: >>8044179

In fact you have not made a single claim that can stand up to scrutiny, except that it's great for cocktails.

>> No.8044483

>Why does it have to be juice form?
It doesn't have to be in juice form, but by juicing I get the nutrition of a lot of veg and fruit in a glass, then I toss it back and I'm done. I wouldn't ever have the time or the appetite to sit down and eat a few pounds of mixed raw veg for a meal.

>> No.8044491


I'm sure you're doing much better.

>> No.8044499

>I wouldn't ever have the time or the appetite to sit down and eat a few pounds of mixed raw veg for a meal.
So what's your plan, once the diet is over?

>> No.8044518

OK, I'll take the time to reply since you've taken some time to construct this pile of shit that you call a post.

Juicing the veg extracts the most nutrient part of the veg. There's not a lot of nutrition in the cellulose and undigestible fibre. I think you'll agree. Yes, fibre has a purpose and we should all consume it. I'm talking about nutrients.

If you seriously want to say that cooking doesn't remove nutrients, then you're an idiot. Yes, cooking can be done in ways that keep a lot. I know how to cook, I do it all the time. Raw is best. Except perhaps for tomato, which has more digestible lutein after cooking.

And it's true that that the vast majority of fruit and veg require little to no cooking to be eaten. Stop the presses.

Yes, juice is more calorie dense than the equivalent weight of food. Duh. It's also more nutrient dense and more quickly and easily ingested. I am well aware that the juice of a pound of kale is more calorie dense by weight than the pound of kale itself. That's the fucking point when you get down it, moron. I'm not saying that you should juice a pound of kale then bring it back up to a pound with melted cheese. Or in your case, cum.

>> No.8044524

By the way, it is highly unlikely that you are obtaining the daily amount of nutrients you should be getting (through juices) and not exceeding your daily sugar RDA. Keep in mind: the nutrition in a whole apple isn't the same as the nutrition in a glass of apple juice from that same apple, so don't tell me you're basing your calculations on the nutritional info of the whole fruit and assuming that's what your glass contains.

>> No.8044529

>So what's your plan, once the diet is over?
Good question. Part of the point of all of this is turn off my taste buds and appetite. When I start eating again, processed and shit food will actually taste like shit, as I've noticed already. We train ourselves to like the food that's bad for us.

When I start eating again, I'll have some protein from eggs, nuts, and lean meats like fish or chicken. I'll eat lots of veg with good spices or dips, like home made hummus with lots of garlic, or yoghurt with herbs blended in. Carbs will come from the veg and fruit, and I do like boiled potatoes. Quinoa is good too, it can be eaten cold with some berries and a bit of cream like oatmeal, it's a whole grain with lots of protein.

The point is to get away from the old habits and that's very hard to do from one day to the next. Having a long break when you don't eat makes it easy to start up on the right path without missing the crap food you ate yesterday.

>> No.8044532

>assuming that's what your glass contains
I don't assume that at all. In fact, I don't do a lot of calculations, rather I mix up as much different raw veg and fruit as I can. And I make it about 80% veg and 20% fruit so as to keep the fructose down. Natural sugars are still sugar, I agree.

>> No.8044539

>Juicing the veg extracts the most nutrient part of the veg. There's not a lot of nutrition in the cellulose and undigestible fibre. I think you'll agree. Yes, fibre has a purpose and we should all consume it. I'm talking about nutrients.
It doesn’t, it simply doesn’t. Cellulose and ‘undigestible’ fiber are not the only things that you discard, you would know that if you had bothered to read the study I posted.

Also, ‘most nutrient part’ – nice English.

>If you seriously want to say that cooking doesn't remove nutrients, then you're an idiot.
I literally, didn’t say that.

>Yes, cooking can be done in ways that keep a lot. I know how to cook, I do it all the time. Raw is best. Except perhaps for tomato, which has more digestible lutein after cooking.
>And it's true that that the vast majority of fruit and veg require little to no cooking to be eaten. Stop the presses.
Then why don’t you do that?

>Yes, juice is more calorie dense than the equivalent weight of food. Duh. It's also more nutrient dense and more quickly and easily ingested
But that’s where you’re wrong. You THINK it is more nutrient dense, it isn’t. It is more calorie dense and depending on the fruit/veg equally or less nutrient dense than the whole fruit/veg. Blended fruit/veg is equally calorie dense and equally nutrient dense as nothing is lost. Your machine isn’t some magic contraption that singles out all the ‘good bits’ from your produce and puts them into your glass. It’s just a machine that separates solids from liquids. THAT’S ALL IT IS!

>> No.8044547

>I don't do a lot of calculations
So you're drastically altering your nutritional intake method (in a totally unnatural way) and doing so in the dark. You can see why that's not a great idea, right?

>> No.8044559

I don't see why fasting will make you stop liking junk food faster. Both I and many other people have picked up bad eating habits and all you need to do is stop cold turkey. If you don't drink Coke for long enough, you stop liking it. That doesn't mean you should stop consuming everything else too, that's completely arbitrary.

>When I start eating again, I'll have some protein from eggs, nuts, and lean meats like fish or chicken. I'll eat lots of veg with good spices or dips, like home made hummus with lots of garlic, or yoghurt with herbs blended in. Carbs will come from the veg and fruit, and I do like boiled potatoes. Quinoa is good too, it can be eaten cold with some berries and a bit of cream like oatmeal, it's a whole grain with lots of protein.
>The point is to get away from the old habits and that's very hard to do from one day to the next. Having a long break when you don't eat makes it easy to start up on the right path without missing the crap food you ate yesterday.

You could just do that already. You're wasting time, fucking up the toxin levels and metabolism in your body, losing muscle-tissue and very possibly weakening your bones, when you could switch to what you describe and increase your exercise levels (which is the most important part of losing weight and living healthily). A proper workout makes even "boring" healthy food taste good as fuck. I'll also contend that junk food does not taste better than any of the things you described. You just need to cook properly.

>> No.8044574

You should relax. You'll live longer.

I'm aware that I'm not getting the amount of total nutrition by juicing two pounds of kale etc. as I would get by eating it all. But I wouldn't eat it all. I probably couldn't.

"most nutrient part"? Pardon my typo, you fartknocker. You're grasping at ways to tear me down.

You went on about how food can be cooked to preserve nutrients. I know that. But cooking takes time too, and unless you're going to simply boil or steam the food, you're adding other ingredients which adds calories, fats, and other shit.

I'm also aware that my juicer is a transmogrifier, turning food into a magical potion. My juicer extracts the juice, and most of the nutrition I want from a pound of kale is in its juice.

Are you fucking retarded? You sound like it.

>> No.8044582

>So you're drastically altering your nutritional intake method
If I wanted to eat 4 pounds of mixed raw veg and 1 pounds of mixed fruit per day, then people would call me a nutjob vegan. But I can't (or at least won't) do that. So I juice it instead.

I suppose that if anyone wants to call me a nutjob vegan, then those same arguments apply to what I'm doing. But I'm not a nutjob vegan, I'm on a temporary juice fast. Maybe I'll go for two months or more until I hit my target weight. When I come off of it I'll be perfectly healthy. I'll eat meat, and have a treat too here and there. I don't understand why I'm getting the hate.

>> No.8044588

What you do is entirely your own problem, you can juice yourself into a comma and no-one will stop you.

I've already disproved all your erroneous claims, so hopefully you won't get to recruit anyone else to your stupid cult through this thread. That was my main objective and I've achieved that so there's nothing left for me to post.

Good luck.

>> No.8044591

>I don't see why fasting will make you stop liking junk food faster.
This is a thoughtful post, thank you.

This works for me. I wouldn't work for everyone.

I get protein from the juice. I get calcium from the juice. I get iron from the juice. I get everything I need from the juice. I'm not going to do this forever, I wouldn't want to.

When I come off the juicing, I will eat better than before I started and I'll implement a moderate exercise program.

>> No.8044595

You're a fucking retard

>> No.8044596

>you can juice yourself into a comma
Nice english.

You're still a troll. Fuck yourself gently and kiss your mother goodnight for me.

>> No.8044600

>You're a fucking retard
No, you're a fucking retard. So's you're face.


>> No.8044601

Misspelling is a lesser sin than wrong grammar and you know it.

>> No.8044602


What a great contribution to this discussion. Bravo Anon, bravo.

>> No.8044607


>wrong grammar

As opposed to the proper way of saying it, "being grammatically incorrect?"

>> No.8044609

I like squirting juices into my bumhole :3

It's VERY healthy ;)

>> No.8044616

>I get protein from the juice. I get calcium from the juice. I get iron from the juice. I get everything I need from the juice. I'm not going to do this forever, I wouldn't want to

Except you have absolutely no idea because you're eye-balling it and even if you were basing your juices on the nutritional info of every single thing you put in there, you would have no idea how much of it was actually ending up in your glass because we only have such data for a handful of fruit/veg and it's not encouraging (and the tests were most likely done with a different juicer to yours so you can't even use that data).

>> No.8044618

This autist has literally been shilling his shit for hours now and been condescendingly and pretentiously dismissing any contrary claims to his nonsense. This is a pure shill thread and nothing else

>> No.8044623

Time to start reporting trolls. Bring it on.

And thank you for bumping my thread.

Wow, being here tonight is more fun that being on /b/.

>> No.8044625

>most nutrient part

>> No.8044626

>Except you have absolutely no idea
I'm alive and healthy so far. I feel great, in fact.

>> No.8044627

>This is a pure shill thread and nothing else
What exactly am I shilling?

Plus, I'm an excellent driver.

>> No.8044628

In all seriousness, juicing your urine and filtering it is actually nutritious, you're filtering out all the junk and getting the essential micronutrients being reintroduced into your body. I do the same with random strangers semen in my asshole

>> No.8044629

I had no idea you could run blood-tests on yourself m8, my bad.

>> No.8044631

>This is a pure shill thread and nothing else
What exactly am I shilling?

If those cocksuckers among you would leave my thread alone, I could have a decent conversation with those who want to talk. But I guess you think you're doing the human race a favour by chiming in.

Plus, I'm an excellent driver.

>> No.8044632

cocky poo poo juice juice

>> No.8044633


Oh no, an autist is on 4chan. Better comment telling him he's retarded. That'll help.

>> No.8044634

>decent conversation

Your only response to anything contrary is "NO NO NO"

You're a fucking retarded manchild I'd love to see you juice your fucking skull

>> No.8044635

Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?

>> No.8044636

Oh god, someone did this, better chime in with my irrelevant opinion, that'll help

>> No.8044638

fat ogre juice in my swamp


>> No.8044640

Unironically enjoy juicing semen in my pee pee

>> No.8044641

>Anyone else juicing, either for a meal replacement, or for nutrition supplement, or for weight loss?
You didn't want a conversation with "those who want to talk". You specifically called for other dimwits like yourself to post in your thread. Had they posted too, we would have taken down their claims as well. Thankfully, it seems you're the only one stupid enough on here.

If you'd just posted a thread about juices in general and hadn't name-fagged you would have probably even flown under the radar and got away with it. But hey it's not all negative, you could maybe read what we fucking posted and realise why you're wrong rather than calling everyone a cumgargler like an immature 12-year old.

You thick cunt.

>> No.8044642

goat penis juice is delicious especially when its raw with semen poop and pee

Im being serious......

>> No.8044643

penis juice is delicious.............

>> No.8044644

Fat fuck donkey dick juice in my anus

>> No.8044648

Welp there goes my thread

Thanks guys

Im gonna go down a glass of POOP JUICE

>> No.8044651

>You thick cunt.
If you look over the thread, I replied earnestly to everyone who made a legitimate comment.

To those who shitpost, I don't hold back. So eat me.

>> No.8044653


>> No.8044654

if only you could juice my anus youd get nutritious and delicious pee poo and semen

>> No.8044656


>> No.8044657

semen smoothies.......

>> No.8044659







>> No.8044660

my poojuice though....

>> No.8044662





>> No.8044664

dat poo juice do....

>> No.8044666


>> No.8044668


I guess /b/ has invaded

Gonna go down a nice stinky glass of fat poo

>> No.8044671

Wow, thanks /ck/. I get to have a completely legit thread derailed by a bunch of angry trolling memers who keep talking about literal shit. I get to call it a night early tonight and have my nightcap of stinky smelly kaka juice poopoo

>> No.8044675

Cut this shit out or everyone is getting banned

>> No.8044676

Guys, guys stop shit-posting for a sec. Do you guys reckon he actually learned anything? My whole perception of the world has changed. I used to believe that if you explain the facts and correct people's misconceptions in a factual way, you could turn even the most deluded people. It really seems like that's not the case now.

This changes everything.

>> No.8044677

Good night, /ck/. Stay classy.

>> No.8044680

Poop poo /peepee/ Poo peepee

>> No.8044686


>> No.8044725

what the Christ is going on in the last 20 posts?

did he get drunk or have a mental breakdown?

>> No.8045479

>To those who shitpost, I don't hold back.

Let's see:
>So eat me.
>No, you're a fucking retard. So's you're face.
>You're still a troll. Fuck yourself gently and kiss your mother goodnight for me.

lol wow, don't go too hard on them bro. If this is all you have at 40 you need some more life experience and imagination, because I've seen butterflies with more sting.


>> No.8045483

>Did you even know what you were getting yourself into, or did you think the twink selling you the juicer said, "dong sperm deuce blast" instead of "long term juice fast"?

>> No.8045579

protein won't add inches to your dick guys, quit shitposting about it already

>> No.8045840

Depends if you like having food in the mornings or not.
Half the time i feel hungry but can only eat a couple bites before feeling full in the mornings. Fuck wasting food or feeling gross because i ate the rest anyways, i have a cup of juice, some coffee when i get to work and that usually lasts me till lunch

>> No.8045856

Bootyblasted namefags are exactly what this board needs

>> No.8046346

>Bootyblasted namefags are exactly what this board needs

>> No.8047701

legit question someone might have asked already but what are your shits like

>> No.8047799
File: 109 KB, 998x974, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys what do you think of my meme diet
>waaahhh youre all wrong and im right

>> No.8047871

>losing 20 lbs in the first two weeks,
Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffucking bull shit

>> No.8048332

Even if it were true, there's no situation in which that's a healthy rate to lose weight at anyway. That's not something you brag about, it's something you tell your doctor lol.

>> No.8048944


Dong sperm deuce blast BTFO

>> No.8049161

>I'm a nigger: the post

>> No.8050063

Holy fuck calm your tits.

>> No.8051039

I'm back /ck/. Wow, the trolls really came out in force for a while there, didn't they? BTW, it should be obvious when it's me OP posting or some other fag using my handle.

I can't believe that this thread is still going after two days. Anyway, I'm on day 38 of my fast and have so far dropped 32 pounds. I rule. AMA.

>> No.8051123

>Nope. If they were the best parts you would say, "I only buy carrots with the root attached, same with radishes and beets".
>But you didn't. You buy them because you want the root part and occasionally enjoy the leaves as an afterthought.
>You figured you'd impress the big kids on /ck/ by telling us how you eat the whole vegetable. Guess what? You didn't You look like a immature twat trying to impress daddy by pretending to drive while your pathetic legs dangle impotently far from the gas pedal.
>I bet your parents didn't even own a vehicle. You probably grew up taking the bus everywhere with your entire family, even to the grocery store. Your whole family had to wear back packs and bring as many shoddily repaired cloth bags as they could manage. It was pathetic to see this ragged family making their trek to the grocery store rain or shine, but even worse to hear your mother berate you and your monkey siblings for not tearing off the leaves of root vegetables because, "they added weight which added cents" and took up excess room in your collective bags.
>The idea of your pathetic disgusting little motley family stealing "free samples" from bulk bins of nuts and candy while your sow of a mother argued with the cashier over the price of grapes and your dejected father sat silently watching fills me with a revulsion that cannot be overstated.
>Are you using a computer in a public library now? I can't imagine you managed to escape your lineage of poverty let alone your parents hovel and were able to purchase a computer and internet connection.
>Just fuck right off, your little games are transparent and no one likes you on /ck/ let alone 4chan. Leave the big boys alone and FUCK OFF.
Y-you alright?

>> No.8051136

>Y-you alright?
I'm fine. If someone wants to shitpost in an entertaining way, I enjoy that too.

However, I didn't expect this level of abuse on /ck/.

>> No.8051143

I have a smoothie for one meal every day (first meal before work). Consisting of one banana, milk, frozen fruit, peanut butter, scoop of protein powder. Tastes like something you would get from dairy queen.

>> No.8051149

That's what I often do when I'm eating, exactly. I use my Magic Bullet for that. It's fast and easy to clean. This recipe has fibre, protein, micros, fairly low cal, and filling enough to get to lunchtime. It's way better than a bagel or whatever.

>> No.8051270

I personally wouldn't recommend this diet to anyone unless you enjoy the pain of multiple peptic stomach ulcers due to the abnormally high acidic and sugar intake OP is ingesting.

Fruit really is just pure sugar. The body is a processing centre. The bottom line is when you break down fruit your body doesn't know whether it's fruit or a snickers bar. It just breaks it down and it realises "sugar". So now the pancreas produces insulin which leads to body fat storage. Sugar is a really crude carbohydrate and the brain doesn't differentiate between them.

I personally love freshly pressed juices and they are everywhere here in Australia but I'm under no illusion of them being beneficial to my health. I look at it no differently to drinking a regular milkshake so it's just an occasional treat.