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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1200x799, Chechil-Cheese-Braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8040682 No.8040682 [Reply] [Original]

Beer snack thread.

>> No.8040685

Dried squid.

>> No.8040691

shots of liquor tbqhwymf

>> No.8040694
File: 50 KB, 500x230, chicken-cabanos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ones i had were in poland

>> No.8040707
File: 257 KB, 1600x1205, hermelin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nakládaný hermelín. Pickled cheese from the Czech Republic.

>> No.8040721

wait, the cheese itself is pickled? Never heard of that before, please elaborate

>> No.8040727

Oh, man, I miss those. Grandma made the best. Slightly funky cheese just oozing with olive oil, peppers, onions, spices.... mmmh.

>> No.8040732

It is pickled in oil and and herbs together with onion

>> No.8040809

That sounds delicious. Why on Earth haven't I heard of this before?

>> No.8040858


Probably live under a rock, people pickle cheesr all over the world, pickled goat cheese is GOAT

>> No.8040862

>Probably live under a rock

fuck you, im european and i have never heard of it either.

>> No.8040919
File: 576 KB, 1600x1600, img_0349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here

>> No.8041081


> im european

Then it's probably just haram and your muslim overlords don't allow it.

>> No.8041096
File: 509 KB, 550x550, 0000402_sniks-pork-crackle-50g_550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork crackling

>> No.8041319

What's it like? Pork rinds?

>> No.8041325

That pig is high as fuck.

>> No.8041331


>> No.8041372

It's crack.

>> No.8041385
File: 281 KB, 1000x660, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, back in the day these were at virtually every bar (popcorn machines as well), most bars had dirt floors, you'd crack the peanut shell and toss it on the floor. Salty peanuts and popcorn make people drink more.

>> No.8041670 [DELETED] 

That looks like something that my veterinarian pulled out of my dogs asshole.

Soooo... no thanks. I'll pass.

>> No.8041717

keep that shit away from me before i eat the entire fucking bag in about five minutes without even noticing.

>> No.8041821

I hate these for the first mouthful then I can't stop

>> No.8041946

>Bro, we do it here in the Czech Republic

That's not exactly a good defense.

>> No.8041966

Pork Cabanos and Mittitei with strong mustard.

Or Placenta zu Brennze.

>> No.8041975


Shit's fucking CRACK

>> No.8041984

thought that was a french fry stuffed tamale for a second

>> No.8041988

I've had that. Was pretty good, should probably order some more. But it comes with an ice pack thing, so with it being 90 degrees and no local seller that seems like a bad idea.

>> No.8041992
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also pickled eggs, pickles, anything fking pickled.

just about anything dried too, such as ryebread croutons.

and ofc all dried/preserved meats.

also Salo

>> No.8042068

That's pulled cheese ya nigger

>> No.8042097
File: 65 KB, 700x394, 0,,17663995_303,00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want about boring german food but we have fucking perfected the beer snacks.

It's Oktober soon, guys.

>> No.8042202

Big 'ol pretzel with some strong mustard, maybe some sharp cheddar sauce, sausage and charcuterie, and a huge mug of beer sounds pretty good right about now.

>> No.8042369

>all I want is a shitty dive bar to go to
>everywhere near me is overpriced hipster shit or negrocentral
At least I have the VFW.

>> No.8042374

Those make me sick the next day for some reason.

>> No.8042383

Eastern Europe perfected drinking food.

>> No.8042404

I've never had it and it sounds gross.

Any time they're side by side, I like octopus more.

>> No.8042417
File: 24 KB, 400x300, HE_anchovies_s4x3_lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilled anchovies strait out of the can with a fork.

>> No.8042425

pickled sausage, cashews, pretzels and cheese

>> No.8042428
File: 226 KB, 1600x1067, 1233061288534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8042433

>It is pickled in

That's not pickling.

>> No.8042441
File: 287 KB, 1600x1200, kstreetfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night wasn't over in Dongduchon, S.K. until you wolfed down street food. Buck a piece.

>> No.8042811
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>> No.8042834

this is like..foreign go za

>> No.8042854

Looks like scary asparagus


>> No.8042982
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>> No.8042993
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>> No.8043054

Someone please enlighten me. What's the deal with Oktober in Germany? Is it basically an old tradition of people getting extra fucked up, similar to Mardi Gras in New Orleans?

>> No.8043093

The fall is jam packed with traditional harvest celebrations because a lack of refrigeration and preservation techniques meant they had to use it or lose it -- particularly the animals, which could not be fed in the winter.

>> No.8043913
File: 52 KB, 400x400, Riga_Gold_Shproty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this .. tomato pickles.. potatoes.. bread.. and sprats

god tier

>> No.8043920
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>> No.8043978

This is why I go to dive bars almost exclusively. Both of my main haunts have popcorn machines for the patrons, and peanuts are the all time greatest food for sitting around a fire with friends and drinking beer. Just cracking them and tossing the shells into the fire.

Come to NW Ohio. At least half the bars in my town are dives. Cheap beer specials, fried food, and drunken wannabe bikers. At least at the townie bars. The rest of the bars are near the campus and specialize in cheap potent drinks for the college kids. There's a wine bar, and a local craft brewery, but they're always barren. That hipster shit just won't fly here.

>> No.8043988

Ayy toledo here.

>> No.8044514
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>> No.8044557
File: 920 KB, 941x853, fgertt3t34444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating a wicker basket

>> No.8045020

Sprats are GOAT

>> No.8045026
File: 114 KB, 700x473, grilled-mushrooms-and-hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grilled chicken hearts

>> No.8045193

Dried squid and vodka are very popular in Russia and Ukraine

>> No.8045200

Chicken hearts are great

It's like liver lite.

>> No.8045680
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tss that's a fawkin good one tss tss

>> No.8045922

oh man activated pistachios are the best

>> No.8045979
File: 590 KB, 697x697, cubelife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is right tho.

>> No.8046020
File: 228 KB, 660x440, beersalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a snack but I take this beer salt and dump it in my beer. Gets rid of that craving for salty stuff when you drink and its delicious.

>> No.8046095

literally me when I at those