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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 422x500, me and bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8043304 No.8043304 [Reply] [Original]

how often do you take your girlfriend to a restaurant?

What restaurants do you guys tend to visit?

>> No.8043316

At least once weekly on average. We have a pretty diverse set of restaurants that we visit.

>> No.8043321

I take her to Applebee's and make her pay half of the 2 for $20.

>> No.8043328

You sound like my boyfriend

>> No.8043337

Do you like Piña Coladas?

>> No.8043349

back when I had a girlfriend we went out maybe 2 times a month maybe more. We went out for Mexican food and sushi a lot. We went to one really good restaurant called Trulucks for dinner once they had awesome seafood and crazy good chocolate cake.

>> No.8043352

yeah of course

>> No.8043354
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>> No.8043357


We probably go out for drinks &/or food a couple nights a week. Probably a little less frequently now that she just started law school. Pizza, sushi, pho are kinda go-to.

Why u askin about my girl, tho?

>> No.8043362

>law school
your girlfriend just made a bad, bad choice.

>> No.8043365

The Best Hot Girlfriend You Will Ever Taste™.

>> No.8043389

we have a 2 year old so fuck that. I miss it though. Her and I eating adventurously around town.

>> No.8043408
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>> No.8043412
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Once a week we go to a selection of around 10 restaurants, the only chain we go to is Chili's and get pic related

>> No.8043418

Maybe once weekly or biweekly. It's usually something simple, like an Italian restaurant when it's her choice, or a Chinese buffet when it's mine.

Oh and it's my wife, so as a game, I make her suck my dick as payment for feeding her.

>> No.8043423

i wish my bf would demand sexual favors in return for buying me food :(

>> No.8043427

Get a baby sitter. I have 3 kids and we always find time to go out. Shit, I'll watch your kid for 20 bucks. Or even 10 bucks and a monster energy drink.

>> No.8043436

Once a week.

We try to visit every restaurant in our city. She's white and she hasn't tried most of Asian cuisine, so I take her to heaps of different culture restaurant.

>> No.8043437

Drug him with sexual enhancements and then tell him you'll only put out if he buys you a burrito.

guaranteed to slowly poison your relationship. That's when I'll swoop in with a tray of sushi from 7-11 and give it to you in exchange for a power-fuck.

Don't tell my wife I post shit like this. She'll take my phone away.

>> No.8043440

60% of the time we go to the same local place. It serves food I grew up with.

20% to the same dozen places near and far. Food trucks, nicer places, kiosks, etc.

20% trying out spots. New businesses most often.

2-4 times a week.

>> No.8043451
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We hit up the McDonald's drive-thru on the way back from Wendy's.

>> No.8043458

She knows. She's quite smart and rather politically active - it's right up her alley and I think she'll be successful. Her ass is in for a lot of work, tho.

>> No.8043467

well its not the work thats the problem, its mainly how over saturated the market is with law degree kids.

>> No.8043496

ill get my hands on a pack of extenze then

>> No.8043503

Hmm. To the contrary, firms in our city seem to be desperate for lawyers/bar certified. She was even doing some paralegal stuff over the summer (obviously without her cert.) with a firm, and it sounds like she has opened up points of contact with a few more already.

>> No.8043504

I only meet up with my boyfriend for a week or so every few months because he's clear across the country from me, but when he visits I take him out to all my favorite places. Usually we'll go for Thai, ramen, and sushi, maybe burgers. I'll also cook him a nice pasta dish or some roast chicken, make us breakfast in the morning, etc.

I also send him care packages with imported sweets because he lives in the middle of nowhere and I'm in a decently international city.

>> No.8043506
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Sometimes on the weekend we go to an American style deli called "swartzes". They serve massive portions. Otherwise we pick a restaurant in Rue Montorgueil. There's a huge variety there and apart from the Thai place, they're all pretty nice. There's also a brasserie just below my flat which is expensive but the cheese/charcuterie and wine is always excellent. Also they randomly give you chips when they've made too much.

Pic related, food market for lunch.

>> No.8043520

I go out with my bf once a week. We really like getting pho since it's a lot of food and it's cheap+always good.

>> No.8043534

Fuck off, retards, can't you read?

>> No.8043553

Fags need not post, this is for straight folks and dykes only hence the term girlfriend

>> No.8043572

Almost never.

I'm a damn good cook. Restaurants only happen maybe once or twice a month.

>> No.8043584
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We go to Kappa Nara every week.

It's this ramen shop with a small menu, but she likes it and won't budge for anything different for Friday night.

>> No.8043602
File: 27 KB, 414x508, 1467701541906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about girlfriends
>women show up to talk about their boyfriends

what the fuck

>> No.8043660

>frog posters and autists who take things too literally
>posting in a thread about people in relationships as if they have one

>> No.8043706

Lawfag here.

Market is turning around, not near as bad as it was in 2008.

>> No.8043709

What the fuck, Jim beam in a can?

>> No.8043717

They sell Jim Beam and Cola in cans now. I'm a heavy drinker, and even I got sad when I saw them.

>> No.8043782
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4.6%... :|

>> No.8043797

it's an Australian thing apparently.

>> No.8043812

We got to wingstop at least 2x a month, logans about once a month, a local seafood restaurant that started in mexico once a month, i pay my inlaws to babysit

>> No.8043932

Nyc/nj. We only go to mid-high end places for stuff we can't cook ourselves or stuff we want to try and maybe recreate later maybe once a

We also go out maybe once every week or two to an ethnic spot.

We cook a lot though, so most of our meals are homemade. Makes going out special

>> No.8043968

>ethnic spot


>> No.8044583

probs 3-4 times a month, we tend to go out for sushi, korean bbq, ramen, pho, etc.
there's a really nice ukrainian place that has the best hangover food, they just douse their perogies in this creamy garlic dill sauce and it sounds gross but it's the best

as much as I like putting on niceish clothes and going on official dates at more expensive restaurants, I end up having a lot more fun at medium priced places where there's less pressure and I'm not stressed out by dropping $75-$100

>> No.8044585

>look up this place
>15 mins from my house

do you think if i eat there i can hook up with your ex-girl?

>> No.8044592
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Thanks for reminding me of my ex. It's only been 15 minutes since I've thought of her last.

>> No.8044612
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>she hasn't thought about you at all today

>> No.8044617

that is the gayest picture ive ever seen

>> No.8044669

That's actually one of my favorite things about having a girlfriend, is you get to go to certain restaurants that might be a bit weird to go to alone. I go alone to restaurants all the time, but that's usually only not awkward at lunch spots.

How often depends on the girl. My last GF ate out all the time so we would go once a week someplace. She would go pretty much anywhere, so we'd hit up any kind of restaurant: traditional American greasy spoons, Mexican, sushi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Lebanese, Colombian, Somali, Italian, Hippie Cafes, barbecue in all the color of the rainbow, et al. She'd go literally anywhere, but at the same time, she was a picky eater. She never bitched and would find something to eat on any menu, but cooking for her was a nightmare.

>> No.8044673

I'm sorry you're a never-been-kissed virgin. Chicks love holding hands in public; that's just what they do.

>> No.8044691

The filename ls really gay and cringy tho

>> No.8044774

I'm 31 dude. I'm lucky I even know what "bae" means. That shit matters a hell of a lot less when you're older. Fucking millennials, you could be drowning in pussy and you're worried about dumb shit like this.

>> No.8044790

there are no girlfriends. we have no need for real females who interrupt gaming you faggot

>> No.8044815

I have neither girlfriend nor restaurant money
I have nothing

>> No.8044822

my boyfriend and I usually go out every time we are together.

>> No.8044827

shut the fuck up, you dumb roastie

no one asked about your boyfriend

>> No.8044828

I'm a fag lol

>> No.8044831 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8044832

kno dat feel

>> No.8044872

>restaurant money

>> No.8044876

I thought /ck/ was a Safe Space™?

>> No.8044907


>> No.8044913

She takes me out more than I do her if anything

We only really eat at nice restaurants, but rater frequently

>> No.8044929

Protip: he's cheating on you

>> No.8044932

Maybe once a week. Lately less since I got laid off.
We either get a pizza and go to a brewery with it, or go out for sushi, Mexican, or burgers.

>> No.8044998

My fiance and I have been dating over 4 years and not one time have we ever gone out to eat any where. We order pizza some times if we have the cash for it. With me being an alcoholic and both of us chain smoking pall malls and her having 3 kids from 3 different dads it's just hard. We don't have the time nor money or a baby sitter who wants to sit in a crappy single wide and watch the demons for us. It sucks really.

>> No.8045016
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>my fiancée
>her having 3 kids from 3 different dads

>> No.8045036

plz be in colorado

>> No.8045043

Get out before you're #4!

>> No.8045060


>> No.8045061

damn man, I understand if she's as booty call but why would you engage with a women with 3 children?

jeez anon, re evaluate your life.

>> No.8045062

Dude, get the fuck outta there

>> No.8045067

r u boulder?

>> No.8045070

California. But just leave Skype on. I'll stream old vhs episodes of Arthur. I think I got Matilda too. I'll put my kids on Skype and they can talk to each other.

But you better fucking send that Monster down. And the money too of course.

>> No.8045074

My girlfriend is a boy because lesbians make the baby Jesus cry and we alternate between who takes whom out to eat.

I paid last time. We split it the time before that. He paid before that. I cooked before that.

>> No.8045077


Probably ended up settling out of desperation which something you should never do.

>> No.8045113

Fuck dating vegans. Such a pain in the ass to go out to eat with. The guy I'm dating doesn't even like getting the vegan options at normal places (and we're in Seattle so there's plenty of options), he just needs to go to the vegan restaurant that's 50% more expensive.

>> No.8045120

this is why i pity straight guys

last week i had my fifth anniversary of never paying for a meal

>> No.8045131

Naw, just southeast of it though.
He's super into Pawpatrol now so just play that.

>> No.8045134


You cheat on him don't you?

>> No.8045140
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5 times a month and we always go to KFC to get TENDIES. Once we went there though and there was no honey mustard sauce for our tendies and it ruined our week

>> No.8045141

Lesbians don't exist

>> No.8045147

You should pity your boyfriend too in that case.

>> No.8045158

Congratulations; You're a prostitute.

>> No.8045161

I don't have a boyfriend, I dine out on trade.

Nah, prostitutes get paid, I'm a slut.

>> No.8045167

Sluts receive no compensation. You assume prostitutes only receive cash, which is incorrect. You put out for meals (dine on trade). Don't be ashamed of the world oldest profession.

>> No.8045170

>I'm a slut.
You and your hubby into dogging?

>> No.8045174

meals hardly make it prostitution, i guess its more of a courtesan thing

anyway i'm not ashamed of anything, whether it's nude modelling or selling underwear or putting out for dinner at scott's of mayfair, but imho those aren't prostitution either

>> No.8045175

The only difference is that they dont pay dude

>> No.8045176
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Heh heh yeah guys this thread is great I love taking my girlfriend that I love out to dinner yeah last week we went to jack astor's and we totally ate there and also I paid for her because she's my girlfriend and I have a girlfriend lol

>> No.8045177

i can do it if you think you'd like that ;)

>> No.8045178

lmao I thought you were a gay bottom

>> No.8045183

This guy gets it. He knows What this thread's about.

>> No.8045184

What will I get if I take you to, let's say..... the cheesecake factory.

What can I expect from you sexually?

>> No.8045185

yea nah, u obv don't know what it means.


>> No.8045194

you guessed right

i dont know what that is, is it american?

i know what dogging is, everyone in the uk does after that documentary on ch4

also i'm not married so whether or not i end up getting fucked in public on a car depends on whats in it for me

>> No.8045195

They are in denial that what they are doing is literally prostitution so you'll get more, "I don't see it like that"s with apt questions like this.

>> No.8045213

honey if that were true that would make almost every straight girl in the world a hooker

i'm not some in-call 10 or a streetwalker, and implying that rinsing someone for dinner and a pair of louboutins is the same as actual prostitution is pretty insulting to them

>> No.8045222

They deserve to be insulted

>> No.8045224

>fags are degenerates who would have sex in front of kids if they received something in compensation

But yeah you're just normal people like everyone else.

>> No.8045227

since they're the only way you're ever going to shed your virginity, i'd say they probably already are

>> No.8045228

lmfao why are you taking your kid dogging

>> No.8045238


did your dad show you something youd rather unsee? did he unzip?

>> No.8045239

You've sure convinced me you're not a hooker.

>> No.8045265

okay so show me in this thread where i've asked anyone to put the coin on the dresser then

>> No.8045286

Man, you know like every hooker colloquialism there is and it's not helping your case. For the record I don't care. Go get yours dude, just don't fantasize like your some princess just coincidentally being paid with food to blow dudes.

>> No.8045347

okay let me straighten something out, i decide when and if to give the sex and if some guy decides to buy me something or pay my damn rent or whatever, that's his decision and it doesn't influence me

it isn't prostitution, just like it isn't prostitution for karen living in the suburbs to have sex with her husband because she wants him to remodel the kitchen

it's literally all the same

>> No.8045350

Who are you trying to convince?

>> No.8045353 [DELETED] 

You're deluded and a parasite.

>> No.8045359


>> No.8045363

lmao you sound like this retarded tranny drug addict I know

austin/vicky is that you?

>> No.8045366

and you're stuck paying for dinner with the wages you get for slaving away at work and hoping for a half day off

don't get bitter, get better

>> No.8045374

>don't get bitter, sell your body for dinner

>> No.8045382

i will, and i'll wear the saint laurent sweater i didn't have to pay for to keep warm in the car i don't pay for the lease on

>> No.8045390


Not your personal blog, retard

If your life is so interesting, go live it and stop lying on 4chan instead

>> No.8045401

sorry you're so pissed about someone lowering the quality of your chinese cartoon board but i'll post w/e i want because the world is my ashtray

>> No.8045427

You'll be Cleopatra, the Queen of Denial.

>> No.8045432

okay, well i'm going to keep doing me and if that makes you mad that's even better

>> No.8045438

No mads here, brah. I'd still buy you a drink even though I prefer pussy.

>> No.8046255

orly? are you a fag?

>> No.8046267

And Im 19 dood, if youre really 31 and still using the word "bae" youre cringy. Also:

>Drowning in pussy
>Having a girlfriend

Pic one, you sad manchild

>> No.8046273

>Carl the cuck makes a guest appearance on /ck/

>> No.8046277

Roastie stereotype confirmed

>> No.8046282
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>it's a self hating millenial doesn't recognize hes a millenial menu item

>> No.8046398

tf is a roastie

>> No.8046482

that's good to hear! I just feel bad for like 20 of the people I've know. and all the stories I've heard from my peers about lawfags being fucked.

>> No.8046582

It's trashy as fuck regardless. You sound like a whore

>> No.8046618

like i said before, whores get paid, i'm a slut

>> No.8046738 [DELETED] 

>I'm a millennial dude. I'm lucky I even know what "bae" means. That shit matters a hell of a lot less when you're older. Fucking millennials, you could be drowning in pussy and you're worried about dumb shit like this.

>> No.8046755

ramen is god tier tho

>> No.8046759

this post makes 0 fucking sense. It starts off with some random statement about his age and then goes off on a tangent about drowning in pussy for no apparent reason.

literally what.

>> No.8046764


>> No.8046768

theres a local french fry shop we go to 1-2 times a month
go to fast food 1-2 times a week depending on how much she wants to cook

>> No.8046826

You're fucking retarded or a troll. Either way kys

>> No.8047902

kick me in the nuts instead

>> No.8048459

I've deduced from this that (either you're a liar or) 4chan is the only form of entertainment you can afford. Frankly, I'm proud to be included in such a major part of your life.

>> No.8048691

Informed her over breakfast this morning

It's the cuck shed for you I'm afraid

>> No.8048831

about 5 times a year, we go somewhere fancy like Logan's roadhouse or the olive garden

>> No.8048838

my coors light is 4.3...

>> No.8048856

No? I have a wife and 2 kids. I know that doesn't necessarily make me hate cock but, I am not a homosexual.

>> No.8048893

They're in Poland too. Drink of choice of underage sluts with daddy issues.