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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 332x227, raw-chicken-breasts-ss[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8041915 No.8041915 [Reply] [Original]

I have a butt load of chicken breast, wat do?

What can you do with chicken breast besides grill it??

I think we can all agree that breast meat is the shittiest part of the chicken.

>> No.8041924

why is there an herb next to that raw meat?

>> No.8041930

Brine it and bake it. Or slow cook it with some curry & veg.

>> No.8041933

Because women think that it looks nice.

>> No.8041942

But I'm a woman.

>> No.8041970 [DELETED] 


Stew. Hash. Stir-fry. Cut into strips and make tendies.

>> No.8041987

I grill and pan-sear a lot of chicken breast. For the grill, I will look online for a marinade, or if I'm lazy, I'll use Italian dressing. For the pan-sear, I just pat them dry, coat in salt and pepper, and lay them in a cast iron skillet that is coated with about a 1/2 tsp. of oil. The flip-often method produces the best results. They never come out dry, but I used to be a line cook, so I have good instincts for doneness.

>> No.8041995

Why don't you think that it looks nice?

>> No.8042010

I've tried making tendies, they always come out like shit.

>> No.8042018


>> No.8042019

If you have loads, best to make something like a stew or a curry.

>> No.8042024

Stuff with cheese and wrap with parmaham.

>> No.8042027
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use it to feed some chickens and then slaughter them for their thighs.

>> No.8042056

smash,poach,chilies sichuan pepper bangbang mothafuckin chicken

>> No.8042080

I dunno, don't really like the idea of decorating raw meat s'all

>> No.8042106

its by far the most healthy meat that exists because it has the best protein to caloric ratio that exists it is also the worst tasting but hey you cant have it all

>> No.8042126
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>implying fat is unhealthy
>implying it isn't the only low-fat animal product

>> No.8042127

>worst tasting
Nitpick: it doesn't taste bad. Because it doesn't have much flavor!

>> No.8042130

grind it into a raft to make a consomme

>> No.8042137

Drench with Tabasco sauce, wrap in foil, and then bake.

>> No.8042147

Make it a billion different kinds of Mexican. I'm gonna convince my mom to let me Mexico spice the chicken breasts so I can serve it with my pico de gallo instead of a lame ass lettuce salad.

>> No.8042149


>> No.8042154


shred it along with pickles and mix it with mayo and a bit of olive oil. best paste ever.

>> No.8042157

Half a tsp of oil? Screw that.

>> No.8042204


>> No.8042227

Any noodle soup. God tier shit

>> No.8042239

Yeah real men put it directly on the pan

>> No.8042246



>> No.8042281

Just throwing this out there as a thing to try. >>8028826

>> No.8042386

Put in bag with sirache.
Let sit for 2-4 hours
Put that red sloppy shit on hot grill
Cook that shit
Eat it.
Save rest for lunch at work.
I'm a simple man but damn is it good.

>> No.8042391 [DELETED] 

>Put that red sloppy shit on hot grill

It's like you want your marinade to burn.....

>> No.8042397

Charred my nigga

>> No.8042402 [DELETED] 


I'd prefer to call it
>>inept at cooking

>> No.8042407

OK mister fancy pants how would you make sirache chicken?

>> No.8042411

Thanks for this

>> No.8042420 [DELETED] 

I'd wipe the marinade off before grilling, then (if needed) make a sauce separately. Wiping off marinades before cooking is basic shit bro. We're talking cooking 101 here.

..though that's assuming I wanted to make sriracha chicken in the first place. Sriracha is not very acidic and it contains very little oil so it makes a pretty shitty marinade. Pleb-tier shit. You'd have better luck with oil, rice vinegar, garlic, and chilis pureed in your blender or food proc.

>> No.8042439
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>not including lime
Memes aside dats sounds preddy gud. How much of each would you use for say a pound of sliced chicken breast?

>> No.8042588

butterfly, season and stuff with wild rice and mushrooms and a 1/4 stick of butter. truss roulade, voat with herbs and mustard and panfry until browned, bake in the oven for eight minutes.

remove the chicken and make a nice pan sauce with some white wine

>> No.8042605

Well, most argue that breast is the best for making fried strips (tendies).

You could also stir fry it.

>> No.8042611

My mom also said the breast was the shittiest part. I'm trying to eat clean so what part of the chicken would taste better and is still pretty cheap?

>> No.8042616

cut into pieces

bread it, sprinkle on your favorite chicken seasonings and then bake it

>> No.8042618

Definitely thigh.

It's not as lean, but it's a little higher in calories per gram so you get more out of your dollar.

>> No.8042623

What parts of the chicken are better? I always thought that breast was the best part. Or is it just a preference thing? I haven't had anything other then breast for a pretty long time.

>> No.8042637

>cut into pieces


>> No.8043142

,, why? It's the most boring shitty piece of shit meat on it's own.

>> No.8043158

Its a song buddy.

>> No.8043161

Post feet

>> No.8043470

How can I make chicken wings come out like their hotwings?

>> No.8043480

I don't know their current hot recipe, but I personally considered running some dried habanero seeds through a pepper grinder and adding them in as the 12th spice.

>> No.8043483

dark meat > light meat

I'm a wings and thighs guy.

I always steal the wings on the turkey on thanksgiving.

>> No.8043587

Buy some bacon ends.
Run the chickie tits and bacon ends through a mincer or food processor, then make sausages.
If you don't eat pork, go back where you came from; you don't belong here.

>> No.8043969

Fry it and make chicken nuggets.

>> No.8044009
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1463465345922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kind of funny how many women there are on /ck/

really makes you think

>> No.8044041

If you have a buttload, then freeze as many as you can as quickly as you can.

Chicken breast is high protein, but little fat and little flavour. When cooking, either french them with some marinade for flavour, or bake with a brushing of olive oil and salt and pepper and whatever you you like, or coat and fry or bake in the oven.
BBQing chicken breast takes a special touch, if you don't know what you're doing then you'll fuck it up.
Leftover chicken breast is good in any number of things, but not as the main ingredient. Chicken salad, A tomato sandwich with a bit of chicken, whatever. Just don't expect the breast to "carry the meal".

When I'm lazy I sometimes stew them in mushroom soup out of a can. It comes out okay.

>> No.8044060

>Butterfly it
>Toss on stove, takes like 3 minutes tops
>Remove from pan after nicely seared on both sides and cooked, let it rest
>Toss some onions/shallots/garlic/whatever the fuck in with the chicken juice (Onions + some cream + flour = pretty solid sauce, can use broth instead of cream)
>Pour over breasts

Ez. Stir fry and other quick methods are good too, boneless breasts tend to dry out so if you're not braising them or boiling (jesus please dont boil them) you're gonna want the cooking process to be quick.

If you're gonna cook in the oven, make a nice sauce with soy sauce + honey + broth and thicken it with a bit of flour, makes for a good honey garlic chicken that wont dry out easy.

>> No.8044079

>slice it very thin (1-2 mm) across the grain
>divide the sliced chicken into meal-sized portions
>experiment with different marinades

seriously, use the opportunity to see if you can create an original marinade recipe. you could try combining different acids & oils with different sets of herbs and spices. You could use yogurt as an acidic base and flavor it in different ways, try using buttermilk, or even old wine. As long as you start by cutting the chicken across the grain into small pieces, you'll have a good chance at ending up with tender, tasty meat later.

>brown the marinated chicken and serve with vegetables and one starch. enjoy your relatively healthy food, being sure to stay really, really smug about it.

>> No.8044503
File: 286 KB, 680x1020, slow-cooker-general-tso-chicken-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General Tso's chicken.

>> No.8044540


>> No.8044564

>slow cooker general tso

Now we're talkin

>> No.8044646

Stuff it with mozzarella and vegies
Coat it with Parmesan

>> No.8044718

1. Cut them into thin slices
2. Put one portion's worth into a small plastic bag
3. Add spices and seasonings, sauces, oils, wines, whatever
4. Seal the bag and put it into the freezer
5. Repeat, with different seasonings if you want (e.g. soy sauce etc. for Chinese)

You'll lots of bags of pre-marinaded meat ready to go. Just have to defrost them. Thin slices defrost pretty fast, especially if you submerge the bag in water. Just have to change the water so it doesn't get icy cold, and smoosh the bag with your fingers a bit. You can do the same with any meat.

>> No.8044735

This recipe is for an entire chicken, but the marinade would work fine on breasts.

Piri piri Chicken

2 tbsp McCormicks piri piri blend
3 tbsp Olive oil
1 tsp Herbes de Provence (thyme or Italian blend may work)
2 tbsp White wine vinegar
1 tsp Salt
4 Garlic Cloves minced/finely chopped


Liquid piri piri hot sauce to taste (approx. 2tsp)

mix well

Use Jacques Pepin recipe for application instructions and cooking.

>> No.8044754

how about a rice and broccoli cheesy chicken casserole? i seen a buzz feed recipe that looks absolutely killer.

>> No.8044761

>not garnishing your blue rare chicken

>> No.8044778


That word always means vegetable snot to me. Green beans turned into the consistency of dish soap.

>> No.8044789
File: 35 KB, 599x530, FB_IMG_1471235135558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you.

Marinate the shit out of it, then cube it and add it to stir fry as the third-to-last ingredient.

It's perfectly useful in soup, as well

>> No.8044799

I must apologize. You must not fuck yourself.

You speak the truth.