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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 400x160, Publix-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8037968 No.8037968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>He doesn't have glorious Publix in his town

when will coasties and flyovers git gud?

>> No.8037971

>He doesn't have an HEB

when will this retarded hurrr where I live makes me better than you thing end? it isn't funny or creative.

>> No.8037984

>He's assblasted about 4chan culture

>> No.8037986

>t. biggest flyover state there is

>> No.8037988

Because cuckoast Americans mistakenly emulate Europeans and obsess hourly over people that aren't from NYC or LA.

>> No.8037994

nice, might reuse this

>> No.8038012

Wait, what? Isn't publix literally the definition of a flyover store, like winn-dixie and piggly-wiggly?

I see it mentioned here all the time but the only time I ever saw one in real life was when I had to go to Atlanta for work and I drove past one. I stopped immediately and checked it out, it had fat, slow-talking cashiers much as you'd expect of a flyover store.

>> No.8038015


>> No.8038016
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trap sprung, coastie

>> No.8038017

>people from NYC
Pick one, if you don't live in a sprawling infinite horizon of abandoned tract houses, Bob Evans drive-thrus, and Verizon stores, you hate America and have literally never even set foot here

>> No.8038018

Florida is fly over mate. disneyworld isn't. disneyworld even has their own set of laws technically. you're just buttmad cause no one in the world goes to Daytona or anything else you have to offer and the only
people going to miama are drug dealers

>> No.8038020

Are you saying that Florida isn't flyover? That Atlanta is in Florida? That I'm from Florida? What kinds of drugs are you on? Is it oxy or meth?

>> No.8038022

why do non flyovers want people to visits their state? I wish less people came to Texas desu we have enough people moving here and being relocated here through jobs.

>> No.8038023
File: 9 KB, 223x226, 1471117978566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for flying into our state, paying for our infrastructure with our hotel and tourist tax, and then flying out of our state.

Thanks for letting us have no state income tax!

We profit from the toil of both the coastie and the flyover.

>> No.8038024

>He doesn't know where Publix originates from

>> No.8038025

Thanks for proving my point, Mr Leibowitz.

>> No.8038026

implying all that money doesn't go straight back into Disney. also it's pathetic u need tourism in able to not pay a state income tax

>> No.8038027

>Implying Texas isn't flyover

that truly wew'd my lads

>> No.8038032

It's somewhere in flyover land, the rest is just splitting hairs

>> No.8038033

did I not imply Texas was flyover? I'm
pretty fucking sure my posts conveys that I know Texas is flyover and wish even less people came.

>> No.8038034
File: 272 KB, 447x458, publixsmuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you work for publix
the cool kids pronounce it pubics

>> No.8038036
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>tfw there are lots of based publii in your city

>> No.8038044
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>tfw publix
>tfw no state income tax
>tfw not flyover
>tfw not an urban cuck
>tfw no cold weather
>tfw no snow

>tfw literally the greatest state in the union

>> No.8038047
File: 55 KB, 604x453, 123423523542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest state in the union

>> No.8038049

>not flyover
Is this a joke?

>> No.8038051

why are Florida flyovers so in denial?

>> No.8038055
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>state literally funded by cucking tourists

>i-it's flyover tho!!


>> No.8038059
File: 48 KB, 450x428, 1471130584961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As of 2016, Orlando is the most visited destination in the United States, and one of the most visited destinations in the world.


>b-but florida is flyover

inb4 cucks from states with literally one city of note start claiming their state isn't flyover for some specious reason

>> No.8038062


It would be the greatest state if it weren't for 1 thing.

>fucking Floridians

Worst people on earth, and I'm including slavs, chinks, and niggers. Floridians are truly shit tier.

The whole state has a combined IQ of about 3.

>> No.8038065

flyover emotional breakdown: the thread

>> No.8038075
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Man it sucks having more than 250 sqft to my name

Oh wait rent cucks don't even own a single square centimeter

>> No.8038079
File: 7 KB, 1203x58, this triggers the coastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're still mad they're from a dying shithole

>> No.8038087

being a touristy shithole doesn't make you good

>> No.8038093

>cucking people from shit states into paying for your infrastructure and allowing you to have a god tier state with NO STATE INCOME TAX is bad

>> No.8038096

Touristy shithole>>>>>>>>POWER GAP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>flyover

>> No.8038097

It really is great in the parts full of old people, since none of them work but they all buy stuff.

>> No.8038098

If you want proof that I'm right, just look at this thread.

The saddest thing is that Europeans see this and still think the coastal US is as much a shithole as the rest. So all your imitation is for nought.

>> No.8038103

But anon, you're both
And on top of all that you're the deep south

I don't see how this could possibly get any worse

>> No.8038110
File: 19 KB, 340x227, r926916_9677185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already proven ITT that Florida is the least flyover state of all states

>> No.8038112

>florida man claims that florida isn't in florida
Gene Ray is that you?

>> No.8038113

Only the panhandle is the deep south. The rest of Florida is an unnervingly accurate microcosm of the US, both geographically and culturally

>> No.8038114

Except unlike essentially the rest of the USA, it lacks

>state income tax

Plus it has god tier beaches, the best in the USA.

>> No.8038122

lel all thes floridians going "muh state income tax!!!!!"
Texas > Florida

>> No.8038128

For all this Florida defense, you guys sure are massive retards: http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a40729/year-in-florida-man-2015/

>> No.8038129

>literally nothing to do : the state
>but guise look at how big of a flyover area we are, it takes your planes so long to get past our worthless borders
el oh el

>> No.8038136

> it lacks
>state income tax
>god tier beaches, the best in the USA.
gulf coast beaches suck
atlantic coast beaches are almost exactly the same from miami to long island new york
california has better beaches by a long shot. Hawaii is part of the US too.

>> No.8038138


>> No.8038140

>doesn't know what the word 'essentially' means

>> No.8038143
File: 33 KB, 600x294, florida-man-is-at-it-again-16-photos-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8038146

>if i keep spamming memes it will change stone cold facts about states level of inbound plane passangers, climate, beaches, and state funding methods.

is this the best the rest of the nation can do?

>> No.8038157

They're upset that Florida is legitimately both the best and worst state at the same time and they just can't handle it

>> No.8038168
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>he lives in a meme state

>> No.8038208

>being this much of an assblasted Californian
fucking kek, dude. Florida has an average IQ of 94. Majority of Floridians are well versed and resourceful people. Only dumbasses here I know are either immigrants or from other states

>> No.8038210

the only people ruining florida are cucks from new york

luckily they stay in containment cities for the most part

>> No.8038223

>A Florida man thought to be on hallucinogenic drugs fatally stabbed a couple, bit off part of the husband’s face and wounded a would-be rescuer, police said.

>It took three deputies and a police dog to pull 19-year-old Florida State University student Austin Harrouff off the dead husband in the driveway of the couple’s Tequesta home Monday night, said Martin County Sheriff William Snyder.

>Police said Harrouff, 19, was making “animal-like noises” and ripping off one of his victim’s faces with his teeth when they arrived at the victim’s home Monday night.

>The case immediately prompted comparisons with the “Miami face-eater” case of May 2012, when police fatally shot a naked man who they said had been trying to chew off another man’s face. Yet the suspect in that case, 31-year-old Rudy Eugene, had only marijuana in his system, and his victim didn’t die.

What does human face taste like /ck/?

>> No.8038227

not even once

>> No.8038255

>shopping at a grocery store named "Butt"

>> No.8038261

>continment cities

Fucking lol. Have you met the retards outside of miama, Tampa, and orlano?

Jacksonville is pretty straight home grown. More trailer trash welfare folk thsn just about anywhere else in the country.

>average IQ of 94

>trying to make a point about how smart Florida people are.
>confusing average with summation.

>> No.8038302

>home of disney world
Keep telling yourself that your state is good because it has the most popular theme park in the world. The only reason it's even in your shit state is because walt could buy acres of swamp land no one else wanted for almost nothing. You're only popular because no one else wanted to be there. Let that sink in.

>> No.8038309


Nobody said it was "good", anon. They said it wasn't flyover. Because people fly THERE to attend the park.

You might want to work on your reading comprehension a bit.

>> No.8038314

When I worked for a Pick n' Save (Wisconsin roundys store, now bought by Kroger's) we called it "Pick n' Slave"

>> No.8038334

The state as a whole can't be judged off of one city. People fly to orlando, go to disney, stay at disney hotels, eat disney food, and then get on a plan and leave. Orland is a garbage town. Everyone knows it. But "people fly there so it can't be fly over XD" is stupid. Florida is garbage.

>> No.8038339

While I was in destin florida I saw a publix. Thought about stopping but saw a walmart neighborhood market and stopped there instead.

>> No.8038369

>No one in this thread mentioning south florida
A lot of people vacation there as well. Miami and the Keys are pretty big vacation spots.

>> No.8038753
File: 274 KB, 1024x768, Wegmans_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about Wegmans


>this year the 88-location grocery chain doubled its support — just as the chain prepares to expand. With a score of 76% satisfaction, Wegmans beat out No. 2 Publix and No. 3 Trader Joe's.

>> No.8038780

I miss Publix so much. I told them that on their FB page and they said they could ship to me from the NC location. But my tendies won't ship very well

>> No.8038812
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>This asshurt his flyover ""paradise"" doesn't have Disney or Universal or Seaworld all in one location

>> No.8038933

My area just got it's first ever one not that long ago (I'm in NC). While I was impressed with the level of service (hell bring my cart out and loading it into my car wow wtf) I really couldn't notice that the prices were that good compared to where I would usually go maybe even pricier. Hadn't been there since.

>> No.8038942

the west coast?

>> No.8039056

I lived in florida for 12 years and jumped when I had the opportunity to leave. The south is full of assholes, druggies, a metric FUCKLOAD of hispanics and morons. And the north is pretty much just like alabama/arkansas. Publix is also much more expensive than other grocery stores, but does have a goat deli / subs

>> No.8039095

you have the highest concentrations of pedophiles and cubans.

>> No.8039116

>Publix is also much more expensive than other grocery stores
When I was in florida last month I was shocked how expensive publix was, when everyone talks about it as the GOAT
Meat wasn't too price wise bad and the OJ was divine tho

>> No.8039118

This. Please stay away from Texas. Stay out of my HEB, keep your gun politics to yourself. I live in a college town and the coastal cucks come disturb the peace every year. I don't know why they think they're hot shit.

>> No.8039132

I have always found it weird that people get excited over Publix. It's a grocery store. Jumping up and down over their subs just goes to show that you've never lived in an area that has good delis or sandwich shops.

>> No.8039247
File: 109 KB, 641x299, dillons_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Local Regional Grocery Chain©™ here is Dillons. I like them quite a bit. They're got reasonably priced food, and their employees are above-par for grocery stores on knowledge. The one in my town recently added gizmos that will grind peanuts right in front of you on demand for non-canned peanut butter. It's in the section of the store that's like Whole Foods, but not retarded. You know, with the bulk nuts, and the "organic" stuff. For a grocery store, their meats are pretty good, and they do their best to source things locally, especially brats, bacon, produce and cheese.

>> No.8039270
File: 113 KB, 810x550, metro-market_2-810x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seattle here, we have a lot of good supermarkets. Right now I live by a Safeway and Metropolitan Market. Metro market is expensive and bougie. It also has a poke bowl bar.

>> No.8039279


>coasties and flyovers

Isn't that pretty much everybody?

>inb4 the south

As though they matter.

>> No.8039293
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1000_1347381293_Dillonsentrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of what I'd call the average store front. It's not quite as fancy as some of the others in this thread, but rack lighting and fake stucco doesn't really make the food any better.

>> No.8039347

are you implying coastal towns don't have publix

>> No.8039349
File: 52 KB, 620x413, 20120425-060517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>good at anything other than drugs and bizarre violent crime

>> No.8039352

Doesn't Florida have the longest coastline in the continental US? How are Floridians not "coastie"?

>> No.8039382

You pay to keep the niggers out

>> No.8039388

Pretty sure that would be Alaska breh

And nobody south of the Delaware Bay is "coastie", sorry