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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8032678 No.8032678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he pays for his groceries at the self checkout lane

>> No.8032690

>waiting in line like cattle
>not doing it himself like the overman he is

>> No.8032695

I don't want some 17-year-old skeezbucket looking at and manhandling my fat guy food.

>> No.8032699

Why wouldn't I?

First of all, nobody is using these for some reason. That means I don't have to stand in line.
Secondly, I am usually much faster using these than the "professionals".

No matter how I look at it, these things are frustration and time savers.

>> No.8032701

hey buddy, I pay for most of my groceries in the self checkout lane, i'm not a monster. most produce is a kind of banana if you think about it

>> No.8032702
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>being so insecure you don't want people judging your shopping habits

>> No.8032707

Do you work in a grocery store?
Do you get your own food at restaurants?

>> No.8032715

It's easier to steal spices that way

>> No.8032720

I'm curious, what stops you from stealing while using the self-checkout machine?
I mean besides social obligations, the law etc.

>> No.8032721


>> No.8032731

>buy condoms
>scan it and requires assistance
>checkout girl looks at it and winks
>i report to the manager the next day
>never see her again

>> No.8032732

Unexpected item in bagging area!

>> No.8032733

So? Don't put it in the weight-sensitive bag.

Btw only an autist would bother working as a cashier for free in order to avoid minimal human contact.

>> No.8032741

I want to try these but I'm too scared and awkward...

>> No.8032763
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>> No.8032767



>> No.8032776
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An attendant has been notified to assist you.

>> No.8032787

>go to self-checkout since I only have like three things to buy
>in line behind some assholes with carts full of shit

Why do these hoarding fucks do this? It just takes even fucking longer for them.

>> No.8032797
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>usually only buy a basket worth of groceries and use the self checkout
>decide one day to do some serious shopping
>have a full cart, $300 worth of food
>spacing out, wander over to self checkout line out of habit
>stand there for a while waiting for one to open up, still facing out
>push my cart up to the kiosk
>grab something and scan it
>reality of what I'm doing hits me like a brick in the face
>look up
>attendant is glaring at me
>can't stop now
>fill the bagging area with overstuffed bags
>can't fit anymore in there, I'm not even a quarter way through the cart
>feel the judgmental stares of fellow shoppers piercing the back of my head like 1,000 daggers
>start taking the bags off and setting them on the floor to make room
>desperately start tapping the "I don't want to bag this item" button on the screen in vain
>attendant comes over and punches in the override code without saying a word
>about halfway through this nightmare the manager comes over and informs me that "for future reference, the self checkout is only for 10 items or less"
>eventually finish it, 25 or so bags sitting on the ground blocking the aisle way to the exit
>try to pay with $100 bills
>machine keeps spitting them back
>attendant tells me the machine doesn't take 100s
>have to wait for her to go break them into 20s
>apologize to her for being a retard
>she doesn't say anything
>I haven't been back since


>> No.8032803

>>MGTOW detected

get fukked, cuck!

>> No.8032808


great meme, 5 stars

now fuck off forever

>> No.8032810

They still have door alarms lol that's no different than pocketing it.

>> No.8032812


>> No.8032813

I walked away with Wilton cake pans this way.

>> No.8032817

I've had a few drinks and this made my night. Thank you.

>> No.8032819

>only cute girls and grandmother's at the register at all lanes
>only thing in my basket are mountain dew and condoms because parents aren't home that weekend and gf is coming over
Self checkout at 16 and 17 in high school saved me from the horrible embarrassment that I honestly had no reason for feeling. Now I'm 19 and don't give a fuck if there's a grill and the register when I'm buying tendies and magnums.

>> No.8032828

whoa, McDonald's lets me take my own order and A&P let's me scan and bag my own groceries now
can't wait for the prices to drop because of saved labor, things keep getting better

>> No.8032831

>can't wait for the prices to drop because of saved labor
lol nice b8

>> No.8032842

>arguing about this shit when the reality of rfid purchase with your device will be a reality within 10 years

>> No.8032854

it's really easy to steal produce at the self checkout lane and i appreciated it when i was a brokeboi

>> No.8032857

>get in line at self check out behind a baby boomer
>at 50 something years old he is unable to perform a task that alcoholics and high school students do

Why do they bother?

>> No.8032859

you don't know he wasn't an alcoholic bro

>> No.8032862

Only boomer females are drunks

>I loooove white wine so much, no I don't have a problem I only drink two bottles a night!

>> No.8032865

>door alarms
>for food

How do you think the door alarms work? They have magnetic tags on items in stores that do that, they're not small. You'd have noticed the magnetic tags on your food items before if they were there.

>> No.8032867

I do that if there is no line

Also when I'm buying makeup because I don't want them to know I'm a cd

>> No.8032872

i actually did that the other day even though I was thoroughly braced for an esoterically humiliating checkout

>at walmart to buy like three things
>figure I'll hit up the $5 dvd bin
>cool i can get a bad anime movie and a weird seventies adult cartoon on the same DVD for $5
>throw Howl's Moving Castle into the basket for $15 because I have never seen it
>pick up a bunch of gluten free baking shit so i can try out some new bread stuff when I visit my celiac aunt and grandfather next month
>walk past asian section, hey i've been out of sriracha for about six months, also buy a tube of neon green wasabi paste to mix into sauces
>on my way to checkout, avocados are on sale ¢50/ea
>avocados, sriracha, wasabi, gluten free xyz, greek yogurt, anime DVDs and like 48 cans of tuna
>steal Howl's Movin Castle, wasabi, a candy bar and a bottle of vanilla extract

the self checkout was closer. Jeanae, Lupita or Betty-Kay would have given a single fuck what I was checking out with. but that was a sad haul of groceries for sure

>> No.8032873

I bought an 18 rack and a whole chicken the other day...bitch gave me the dumbest look,.

I said, "yeah,,all for me"

I split it........

>> No.8032897

christian values
t. /pol

>> No.8032902
File: 68 KB, 550x420, Seinfeld Season 07 Episode 07 - The Secret Code.mkv - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't wait for the profit margin to rise because of saved labor

>> No.8033113

>Do you get your own food at restaurants?

I mean, I would if it was faster and more convenient than waiting on the waiter and cook, yes.

>> No.8033117

I laughed out loud at how dumb this post was.

>> No.8033121

>I'm curious, what stops you from stealing while using the self-checkout machine?
>I mean besides social obligations, the law etc.

There's a very easily circumvented system of weights - when you put your items on incoming side, they're weighed and after you put them on outgoing they're weighed again. If there's a discrepancy, you dun fucked up. If the incoming loses a pound and the outgoing gains a pound, but you didn't scan the pound of meat you just moved over (so you can get it for free) it notices and doesn't proceed until you've scanned it.

But I mean, these are trivially circumventable by e.g. just never putting a product on the incoming weight to start with. Then again, you could do that in a normal checkout line too, so it's not like this is LESS secure.

>> No.8033122
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h-huh? I don't understand a-anon

>> No.8033123

>can't wait for the prices to drop because of saved labor, things keep getting better

So buy from their cheaper competitor until they drop their prices.

Companies don't lower prices when they CAN, they lower when they want to capture market share.

>> No.8033127


I get this look all the time. I like to buy two of those hot rotisserie chickens at once, one to gobble for gains and the other for lunch meat for the week.

Theres always that one guy who goes "wow you must really like chicken."

>> No.8033128
File: 40 KB, 500x632, Born To Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you put an unexpected item in the bagging area just to hear a woman's voice talking directly to you

>> No.8033139

>using the self service checkout at Ikea with a trolley of flat packed furniture and a yellow bag full of small trinkets
>Hamplanet behind me starts complaining that I have more than 15 items
>She was right but it's fucking 19 for fuck's sake, what are you in such a rush for?
>Tell her to get over it
>She starts going on about how it's inconsiderate
>Tell her to fuck off, her husband didn't do a thing kek
>She calls over the attendant who had been doing her best to pretend nothing was happening
>Hambeast starts whining to her about me
>Creates a diversion and I decide to just not scan two bookshelves and a coffee table
>Process transaction
>Leaving and the fat bitch is still whining and says, "About time"
>Meanwhile I've finished faster than old people that were fumbling around at the other registers
>Leave with free furniture
>No one notices or asks to check my receipt

Thanks fatty

>> No.8033143

>Food and Cooking board
>better blog about my thefts, heh heh, no offense kid

Seems like you have a problem with authority

>> No.8033145

I'm not going to wait a light year between old ladies piling pennies to the counter just to give exact change just so I can pay for the single Milky Way and Red Bull.

>> No.8033146

Not being a nigger. Which is why those types of stores in high minority areas have someone check your receipt on the way out

High trust society is for whites and some Asians.

>> No.8033152

>Seems like you have a problem with authority

He has a problem not being a cunt is what he has.

>> No.8033160

You cannot purchase alcohol in the self-checkout aisle.

So, I can't use it as I buy booze every time I go shopping.

>> No.8033167
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Ive had the guy at Walmart try and ask for my receipt for a 2 liter bottle of soda while a ham planet with a cart full of food went by without a hitch

Gave him my receipt, keep walking and he went "hold on!" and i told him to fuck himself as i walked out

They sent the patrol guy outside after me but I was able to get to my car before he could catch up

They had plainclothes following me around when I was shopping, still not sure what that was about.

>> No.8033170

>light year
>for measuring time

at how many mph do you cook your pasta?

>> No.8033198

you shouldn't have went to walmart while black, son.

>> No.8033202

I live walking from several supermarkets, four of which are from one of two big chains in this area. The one where black people shop implemented self check-out years ago while the one where black people have never shopped never had self-checkout. Why would the white people store refuse to put in self check-out but the every people store has it?
I've always thought it was odd.

Also, I did a study of this at university for a social psych course. Believe it or not, in America, white women are statistically more likely to shoplift than blacks of either sex.
IIRC, white teenage girls and Hispanic females of any post-pubescent age are most likely, followed by white adult women, then black or Hispanic teenage boys and black teenage girls, then blacks of either sex and above the age of majority, then white men, then Hispanic men. Asians of either gender and most ages are least likely to shoplift unless they're
a) teenage girls who associate heavily with white girls
b) teenage boys associated heavily with urban black and Hispanic cultures.

Junkies of all ages and races are most likely to shopfilt and being involved are associated with 'urban' culture increases likelihood that a person will shoplift considerably.

I remember finding no information for Arabs nor Asian-Indians.

The findings implied more that it's a matter of culture whether or not a person will shoplift. People into the materialism of pop culture and people of 'urban' culture are most likely, junkies excluded.

>> No.8033205

Laughed my ass off

>> No.8033206

>using light year to say a long time
y- you do know that a light year is a distance, r- right?

>> No.8033212

I think he scanned the DVD as something else, perhaps bananas? Not sure how that would work though

>> No.8033219

they have cashiers that see a readout of what you are scanning in real time at each station so they can match up what youve scanned with what they can see. so if they see you putting through 2 pounds of banannas on their screen but you are holding eye fillet at the station they know somethings up. at least in one of the supermarkets i go to.

never tried to cheat the stations so i cant say how likely you are to get caught if you try

>> No.8033222

Light year is not a unit of time measurement, Milky Bull.

>> No.8033293

>he goes to the supermarket