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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8028158 No.8028158 [Reply] [Original]

Canned breadcrumbs microwaved with margarine to produce sludge that ended up in crippling migraines and nausea was my rock bottom of poorfaggotry

>> No.8028162

pasta with pepper and ketchup

>> No.8028168

Using a trip isn't necessary

>> No.8028169

>inb4 nothing because I was homeless

I wasn't homeless at the time, just a recovering addict that had a gf living with him

>> No.8028171

bump for interest. never experienced poverty

>> No.8028175

You're right. It carried over from some other board I was shitposting on

>> No.8028182

Fucking oatmeal with frozen raspberries. I didn't know I have some kind of intolerance to oatmeal, I just kept eating it and feeling more and more unwell. It took real effort to finish it.

That or my peanut butter "meal." Just natural stone-ground peanut butter, nothing else.

>> No.8028192

Oatmeal with raspberries sounds pretty appetizing desu
Peanut butter on its own seems pretty relevant to the thread, though

>> No.8028208

It's appetizing to you m8. It's a living hell for me.

>> No.8028237
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I used to use coupons for fast food items to save a few coins.

>> No.8028255

I thought only i was this way, but i never even tried oatmeal until i was a teen. I grew up on grits. So much better than horse feed.

>> No.8028268

stolen garbage bags of dunkin donuts and/or the pizza from a truck stop dumpster on the NOLA - LA doggydog

>fuck you, I-10

>> No.8028308
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>I didn't ask for these feels

>> No.8028328
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One time a friend and I were so broke and hungry that we went to sonic and after they handed us the food we just drove off. Because of the guilt and feeling like a piece of shit it was one of the worst meals I ever ate. To this day sonic brings back bad memories.

>> No.8028360

Oscar mayer bologna rolled up with a pickle


>> No.8028381

it was a whole pizza right on top of the bags , it was awesome at the time
>first meal in three days
>except for vodka

>> No.8028601

One time my friend made a "hot dog" using a pre-packaged mozz cheese stick as the meat.

>> No.8029247

I eaten some cheap shit from the dollar store for a few weeks, just your typical frozen processed garbage

>> No.8029252

>collecting coupons
those were the days

>> No.8029282

dumpster donuts , they were great

>> No.8029288

during the first summer of high school. there were many days where the only thing i ate was just a potato cut up and fried in old oil. I was lucky that my gfs parents made dinner most of the nights that i went over. Those fucking potatoes made me learn how to use spices.

>> No.8029435

even at my worse life situation where I was homeless I never had a "bad" meal, I actually enjoy foods like sardines and ramen noodles.

I have a worse time when I actually pay heavily for food and it just feels like you been cheated, perfect example of that is bad deli food, expensive and dry as brick.

>> No.8029440


You mean dumpster diving for food gives you the feels? I did it even before I was poor and homeless, learn where to look and you can get a lot of packaged foods unopened and clean, you will never starve.

Don't take food from a dumpster that is unprotected please, always look at CVSs/Walgreens/Rite Aid/Dollar General/Family Dollar dumpsters, more often you will find some kind of food, still wrapped in plastic.

>> No.8029445

I've always had a loving family and have been able to exercise self control so I have never been in poverty.

I used to gag every time I ate green beans though.

>> No.8029446

not really a homeless/poorfag issue but i used to have ED and i got super obsessed with making really low calorie meals, a-la gains gremlin. i think aubergine 'burritos' were my rockbottom

>slices of aubergine filled with quorn chicken and a few veggies
>baked in vegetable stock
>zero spices, thought they were calorific
>texture of slime

>> No.8029456

>i used to have ED
What the fuck does erectile dysfunction have to do with this?
>zero spices, thought they were calorific
hahaha oh wow

>> No.8029462

ED as in eating disorder m8
i forget they have the same acronym tho thanks for the reminder

>> No.8029476

I read that as erectile dysfunction is a eating disorder.. and it really is, vegan diet supposedly fixes that.

>> No.8029531

To continue on the topic of dumpster diving for food, if your situation is so bad that your only option is dumpster diving for food to eat right now here's what you do. Go to a grocery store any store, ask for the manager, explain your situation, they'll give you food, probably will you do several meals.

Amount of food grocery stores throw away means that if you really need it you'll get it once you find the right people to ask, another good tip, ask the bread truck driver for bread explain him your situation you'll find the bread guy at every grocery store everyday.

Grocery stores toss deli foods out usually first thing in the morning so go to the back door of the grocery store in the morning if it's open talk with the receiver who works there explain your situation and you might get some cooked foods. Or go to the deli and explain to the deli girls your situation and if there is anyway they can help you out.

There's nothing wrong in asking for help. And there is no dignity in being to proud to ask and going into the dumpster to eat unprotected unwrapped food. That should be extreme last resort. Keep your dignity anons.

>> No.8029668

Bologna rolled up with craft singles. I still do it when im out of bread.

>> No.8029716

>Grocery stores toss deli foods out usually first thing in the morning
not the grocery store I work at, more at like 5pm in the afternoon... but fine YMMV

>> No.8030775

They throw it away in the afternoon? I guess every store is different. But main thing is you don't have to literally get unprotected food half eaten or touching garbage or other stuff directly out of the dumpster. That should be last resort in the extreme, most store managers will give you something.