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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 189 KB, 1187x854, burger mcdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8027181 No.8027181 [Reply] [Original]

>Burger was bigger back then
>people were skinnier

>Burger is smaller now
>people are fatter

Do you think there's any correlation with this? If you got a big ass burger back then, you'd feel full. Now I find myself over stuffing myself with burgers on the dollar menu because I know that the main course won't fill my stomach.

>> No.8027184

The Big Mac was bigger; nothing else was. People also didn't eat as much of this shit in a week.

>> No.8027204

Was there actually more meat in it?

>> No.8027219

>Do you think there's any correlation with this?

Nope. I think it's related to an 3rd factor: lifestyle. In the past people did a lot more physical activity. Now we sit on our asses and play with TVs, computers, and phones.

>People also didn't eat as much of this shit in a week.
This too. In times past fast food was a once-in-a-while thing and not the default diet for many people that it is today.

>> No.8027224

>olden times people wuz better
>new times people sux

your post in a nutshell

>> No.8027228

Wait...what happened after 1990?

>> No.8027231


I'm not sure "better" is the right word here. More like "burned more calories".

that's in a different photo.

>> No.8027232

Bill Clinton

>> No.8027267

>jumping to conclusions
Your post in a nutshell

>> No.8027273

Bigger maybe, but less calories for sure. Even when foods and conditions were more dirty/less regulated, people saw things like burgers and sodas as treats. Today, they are things you can eat everyday and no one would be surprised buy it.

The calories in sauces, mayo, and fries is fucking crazy, let alone the amount of sodium and lack of nutritional value

>> No.8027285

People used to marry and have children
Having children used to make you more responsible not less
So yeah McDonalds went from being a place you take kids to a place you take manchildren and the big mac went from being the adult burger for parents to becoming the staple of the restaurant

>> No.8027289

This has been a constant factor for two hundred year snow

>> No.8027318


Burgers arent even smaller now, they are bigger than they were in 1950. You are only looking at a picture of the big mac, which was its largest size during the 70's when it was competing with the whopper for popularity. Plus fries and drinks have gotten larger and now you have the option to "supersize."

How about you just eat less fast food and go outside more? Stop trying to rationalize your gluttony.

>> No.8027336

They call the original sized Big Mac the McKinley Mac in Alaska.

I would only go to McDonalds if it was the only thing in the area, and even then it would only be out of desperation.

>> No.8027405

Can't super size anymore.

>> No.8027412

People have thought this way ever since there were people

>> No.8027420

Biggest change between now and then is that people ate more home cooked meals. Going out to eat was a treat, not something people did several times a week. Also Americans consumed far less sugar and cheese back then (both fattening things).

>> No.8027429

Nothing to do with the burger, everything to do with the size of the sodas and the frequency of attendance.

Go look at the soda sizes from then to now.

>> No.8027668

I for one welcome the long-awaited thaw.

>> No.8027699

stop breathing anytime

define fattening you FUCKING retard

do you mean it contians a lot of fat?
do you mean it is calorically dense?
what you stated is absolutely meaningless and is 100% a buzzword in casual speech, fuck you, i hope you get hit by a car after picking up your shitstain "children" human litter

you are trash

t. card carrying member of the Cheese Consortium

>> No.8027724
File: 1.37 MB, 320x240, xgz9nkR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8027733

It's not the burgers that make us muricans fat. It's the gallon size soda cups that we drink with our food, refill, drink again and refill on our way out of mcdonalds.

>> No.8027769

My point was simply that the average American's cheese consumption since the mid-1970's is up over 300%. Triple your intake of a particularly calorie dense food and you're consuming a lot more calories.

>> No.8027886

Fattening typically means calorie dense, not filling, or both

You're having an aspergers attack

>> No.8028211

>two hundred year snow
Thanks to climate change.

>> No.8029037

the bun was bigger back then. the meat was the same size.


>> No.8029041

fattening means it makes people fat, do you even english?

>> No.8030708
File: 1.00 MB, 257x199, wrestler creepin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


underrated post. Almost disrupted the liberry with my laughter