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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8016374 No.8016374 [Reply] [Original]

I've had three or four glasses of alcohol in my life and I just bought one of these. Is it truly The King of Beers?

>> No.8016376

No. It's something to drink in the morning when you're out of whiskey.

>> No.8016409

Absolutely. Anyone who says otherwise is a hipster try hard faggot

>> No.8016428

I have Budweiser in my fridge almost all of the time. I drink it regularly. I still think it tastes of nothing and only drink it to get drunk. If I want to enjoy the beer I'm drinking, I'll get tripel or a stout.

>> No.8016446

Speaking seriously it gets a lot of shit but it's not bad. It's probably the most boring, generic lager in existence but it's not offensively bad like lite bullshit or PBR (watery beer is loathsome) so I don't mind it.

>> No.8016455

Yes. Trust me, I've been drinking beer exclusively for 30 years now and i know. I've tried more than 200 species of beer, kiddo. Bud is as good as they come. Bud is truly a king of beers.

>> No.8016469

yes it is royalty.

>> No.8016476

how in the fuck can a guy get drunk on bud

>> No.8016483

By downing a sixpack over the course of a movie.

>> No.8016494

By consuming a lot of it in a short window of time, much like any alcoholic beverage.

>> No.8017001

Well OP back

It's garbage

>> No.8017027

I'm still drinking it though
I feel like if I don't I'd be wasting it
And throwing away a half-full can would be shitty

>> No.8017031

Just chug it down in one motion. Cheap beer is for getting drunk, not for enjoying.

>> No.8017783

Really watery and fizzy

also that can is stupid, unless you're gonna neck it 750ml will be warm by the time you get to the bottom of the can

>> No.8017961

it's the king of beer shits

>> No.8017975

tastes like warm salt water. i prefer heineken and dos equis.

>> No.8017985

Get you some Modelo, bruh.

>> No.8017990



budwieser + buffalo wings make me shit out a spicy, sienna colored playdough at least three times a morning after I consume them. Same volume each time too.

>> No.8018015


That title goes to Molson 67

I have no idea how, I can drink like 2 litres of any macrobrewery lager or hipster 7% ABV double IPA and feel fine but two times I've had 2-3 tall cans of 67 and I woke up the next day and spent all morning violently shitting a fountain of pain with tears running down my face, my body begging me to stop but being unable to

>> No.8018042
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>> No.8018088

When I was under 21 and I thought that all beer was adjunct lager Budweiser was my favorite. As far as adjunct lager goes it is not bad at all.

>> No.8018105


>> No.8018196

It wastes like water. It's the least beer-tasting beer I've ever tried.

>> No.8018203

Watery beer would be better right?
Beer taste nasty.
Why drink it to get drunk when you can have a tiny shot of something instead of drinking a couple cans that will make you feel so full and bloated.

>> No.8020178


>> No.8020186

It's just Gatorade for alcoholics. You drink them in the morning to rehydrate and dull a hangover.

>> No.8020324

Well, it's not Natty or Bud Light, so it's got that going for it. Cheap enough to be acceptably bad, while not being bad for its price.

>> No.8020455
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>The King of Beers?
The loyal peasants concur

>> No.8020502

Doesn't work for me, that's why I'd need to down those Icehouse Edge's with 8% tastes like shit though but you can't beat it for 4.50

>> No.8020678
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I enjoy making fun of Bud more than I should. Every time I drink one, it ain't so bad my man. But it's just so easy to make fun of. But that's what happens when it's at the top.

Personally, if I'm drinking cheap, I'll have a High Life, occasionally a Rolling Rock - though that's not an american adjunct

>> No.8020698

I started drinking what they call "craft" beer back in the early 90's and have been sort of a connoisseur of beer since. Bud Heavy is not a bad beer. I can drink it any time. I'd much rather drink this then a lot of the fake "craft" that's out there now.

>> No.8020739

Rolling Rock tastes nothing like it did 15 years ago tho. It's been ruined.

>> No.8021148

>drinking beer to get drunk
you are doing it wrong
hit the liquor

>> No.8021209

keep your DTs to yourself squire

>> No.8021481
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>no Stella Artois

>> No.8021494
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you're kidding right? Stella is good and all but nowhere near anything special. Funny story, years ago some guy at the bar saw me ordering a Stella Artois and randomly asked me if I was gay

>> No.8022515


>drinking 72 ounces of beer in 1-2 hours

No wonder alcoholics worry about calories so much

>> No.8022536
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Goes hand in hand with my love for the Broncos. Coors and Coors Light are truly the best piss beer. PBR be damned.

>> No.8022541

Bud is fine, but Bud Light is one of the stickiest, thick beers out there. It's like drinking sparkly syrup.

>> No.8022552
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King of beer?
>>pic related

>> No.8022556
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>not brewing your own

>> No.8022557
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This is all I drink. Usually go through a couple 40s a day.

>> No.8022559

Not everyone is a scientist

>> No.8022560

It would be if they shipped the stuff all over the country. I got one for under $2 at the Cheers tourist bar of all places.

>> No.8022668

Why do people go so crazy for Yuengling? It's just okay. An inoffensive decent tasting beer. Really about on par with Budweiser.

>> No.8023507

Married one of your cousins?

>> No.8023511

Where you from? This shit is hard to find

>> No.8024296

It's not bad. Not good but not bad either. However I don't drink it anymore because it always gives me really bad hangovers.

>> No.8024339
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>Build dependence drinking a lot one day
>Have a beer upon waking after what little sleep you got
>It barely takes the edge off and you need more to keep the shakes and aches away

>> No.8024378

fark no. come to australia, we water our plants with budweiser

>> No.8024430

Only if a yugo is a Rolls Royce.

>> No.8024467


You have to go back.

>> No.8024502
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My god is this entire thread a troll thread?

Let me educate you on good beer.

Best of the best (no particular order)
>Chimay blue (all strengths are good too)
>Tre fontane (my favorite)
>Westmalle tripel
>Westvleteren (all strengths)
>rochefort 10 (8 and 6 are also good)
>Delerium tremens/nocturnum
>Delerium red
>Tripel karmeleit
>straffe hendrik
>Kasteel donker/triple/rouge

Drink real beer.

>> No.8024535

Is it 2003?

>> No.8024554


>> No.8024797

Brewing beer is no more complicated than baking. It just takes longer.

Follow the recipe and you'll get beer. It may not be great the first time but you get better each time.

My favorite is brewing so they'll be ready right before a big holiday.

Oatmeal Stout for thanksgiving

For Christmas a Pale Ale
A tart cider (for grandma mom and sister in law)

Then the rest of the year I have a batch of Amber ready about every other month. I use it as gifts and send 6packs home with friends.

It's fun to brew, and people love it.

>> No.8024819
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I have enjoyed the beer but the distribution network sucks.

Once I moved out of Florida it disappeared. I enjoyed the Tampa tour though while I was underage.

>> No.8024822
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>Let me educate you on good beer.
blind leading the blind
Seriously? Paulaner?
>no Unibrou
>no Corsendonk
Keep trying.

>> No.8024823

Maybe you are fine, but for the average person the beer tastes vile, and scarily the taint beer is too common

>> No.8024828

>Stella Artois
For those that think they have taste, but don't.

>> No.8024837
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>> No.8024840
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If you care for your equipment and pay attention (like a normal fucking adult should) not a concern.

You say that it tastes vile (I love this contention that you can't possibly support), but people ask for it even when we have store bought around.

I doubt they're sparing my feelings, they almost laughed me out of the house over my hot wings.

>> No.8024841

not by a long shot. the late comedian ewen gilmour used to have a joke that ive modified. if want to drink water with my beer i'll drink budwiser... so umm nope. try steinlager instead, at lest it won awards for its beer. or stella artios

>> No.8024845
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This kind of hit me like a bag of bricks. A six pack over the course of a movie seems MINIMUM, in my opinion.

I love good beer, but used to be of the opinion that the cheapest 30-rack-mac was what you do. For me, that was (and is) Miller High LIfe.

Recently, I did the math, and going back to my high school water-beer days, 3 Busch Lights equals 2 High Lifes in both abv and approximate calories.

Really seem cyclical, where I went from shit beer, to great micros. Then I settled for middle road acceptable, adn back to beer-water.

Such is life, Comme ci, comme ça...

>> No.8024880

The right thing to do it has to be to drink three heavy potent craft beers for taste and then shot vodka in your ass for effect and no calories, no?

>> No.8024892

That doesn't solve the main problem; i.e. keeping a drink in a drinker's hand all night.

I'm surprised myself that I've gone back to Busch Light, but it keeps me more lucid longer while satisfying my urge to guzzle.

(also, rather pop a benzo than butt chug)

>> No.8025013


Corona is terrible for being skunky and PBR is terrible for that weird super-sweet taste. Bud is just generic. It's perfectly fine and it's IMO the best of the macro-lagers.

>> No.8025016

Czech Budweiser is good, American Budweiser is shit.

>> No.8025157

Molson Dry up here is only 5.5% or something. Where to find 10%

>> No.8025161

Czechs can't make beers to save their lives.

>> No.8025487


I'm 28 years old, I have been drinking for 14 years, I love beer and have drank hundreds of types and brands, everything from euro lagers to imperial stouts, lambic beers, bocks, homebrews etc. over the years and I can still say that budweiser is one of the top ten worst beers I have ever tasted in my life

>> No.8026038

Is it a good beer? no

Is it a good lager? no

Is it a good mass produced lager? still, no

Is it good in terms of cost:alcohol percentage? nope.

If you're going to drink a beer, go find a beer that you actually like. Don't spend your life guzzling down bud when there is literally thousands of beers leagues better. If you actually like that trash, that's good, just know that its a very shitty beer and if you find yourself only enjoying Budweiser, it's because you don't actually like beer.

Just don't bother posting here about beer either. Just go to your local liquor store or if you have a craft beer store, even better (I fucking hate craft beer culture but the guys who work there know their shit, just ask them for a recommendation). Every beer thread I've seen besides the generals I've skimmed through has been alcoholics defending their awful tastes and people sperging about craft beer.

Put it this way, if this board replaced steak and beer, these threads would be filled with angry autists posting about how well done steak is the best and anything else is pretentious hipster garbage.

People who genuinely enjoy budweiser don't like beer. People who genuinely enjoy well done steak don't like steak. They like the idea of it, not the actual taste, so they go for the thing that tastes the least similar to a perfect steak/beer.

>> No.8026106

I think the fact you've been drinking heavily for 15 years has affected the taste for you

>> No.8026123

>Bro only drink this Belgium stuff even though there's a world of beers out there
Do you understand just how utterly diverse beer is and how different people enjoy different beers?

>> No.8026126

>Czechs can't make beer to save their lives
Is this a joke?

>> No.8026206

The best beer styles come from Germany and Belgium. American companies make some good versions of those styles, but that doesn't change where the style originated.

British beer styles are trash.

>> No.8026328


5 star blog man

you should kill yourself though.

>> No.8027136

bahahaha your post is rendered irrelevant

>> No.8027169

>Delerium tremen
Fucking $90 for a 24 in Ontario. I've bought a couple singles and it is tasty, but $4 is still not the best.

If this is the beer thread, I'm drinking Sapporo. You know what's really annoying? People here pronounce it "Suh-pour-o" and have no fucking idea what I'm saying when I say "sap-a-row"

>> No.8027206

why do they look like that...

>> No.8027215

Best beer I've yet had that I could drink regularly is a Czech dark ale called Baron.
Cheap, it's from an ancient brewery, it tastes fucking great.

>> No.8027302

Sup-po-ro is the correct pronunciation

>> No.8028495
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It's japanese retards. Sa-poro
Sapporo (札幌;さっぽろ)

>> No.8028918

damn thats harsh.
I hate how they gauge the consumer like that. I mean, this shit costs about 1.50 or so Eur. per bottle in stores in the netherlands.

I was just in a store in the US and they charged 20 bucks for a 4 pack of chimay, HA.

Fucking scandalous.