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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8017120 No.8017120 [Reply] [Original]

Enough of this faggotry and idiots who've never actually cooked in their lives.

This thread for those of us who get paid to put out great food.

How was service tonight, anon?


>tfw I open tomorrow and Im still not asleep

>> No.8017140 [DELETED] 

Service was pretty good. Until I choked my son so hard he started to blwed out of his nose.
God forgave me though :)

>> No.8017144

Lol what?!

>> No.8017516

I'm with you anon. I have to leave in 4 hrs and haven't slept yet

>> No.8017526
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>> No.8017541

I worked at a shithole called Las Alitas in Monterrey, Mexico. Place was dirty as fuck. Roaches, rotten food everywhere, dirty, wet and small workplace, the food was disgustingly made and everything was frozen. I worked from 5 pm to 5 am because we where at half worker capacity. Is every restaurant like this? I would like to work on a decent kitchen

>> No.8017545

I prefer to cook for my own enjoyment, as well as not working in the service industry.

>> No.8017550

Fuck no.

>> No.8017569

What are some good american mainstream restaurants that have a decent kitchen? We have Chilis, Ihop, Olive Garden... And I think thats it, I loved cooking for other people even if it was just a chicken burger, I would perfectly fry the chicken, nicely toast the bun and spread some ranch dressing, cut the chicken in half and bathe it in hot wing sauce, put in the bottom bun, add cheese, lettuce and grated carrots, top the sandwich and stab it with a giant toothpick in the middle. Then assemble the dish with some potatoe wedges. Damn did I love to get out of the kitchen to get some coke and see the dude eat it and say to his girlfriend that it was good

>> No.8017571

; )

>> No.8018793

So you dont know how to cook.

No? I work breakfast at a fine dining restaurant/4 star hotel

>> No.8018809

This is why no one appreciates chefs, because a lot of you are stuck up poofs

>> No.8018819

Theres just a difference between a hobby and a profession dude. A vast majority of the people that think they can cook super well usually commit at least 2 or 3 mortal sins in a given cooking session.

When you have the repetition that we get and the constant critique we get, you just have to understand that every person that says that they can cook that has never worked in a kitchen, gets a bit of an eye roll.

>> No.8018820

I was preppin some lasagna and I was just about to butter my canolis when in comes the manager of the joint with this gorgeous broad and im sittin there with this hot fuckin pizza pan in my hands and this son of a bitch just keeps talkin and I my hands are starting to come off like fucking rotisserie chicken finally this motherfucka leaves and so I piss in the clam chowda

>> No.8018829

Define some cooking sins, as the other anon was talking about cooking for hobby, not for an establishment so they may or may not apply

>> No.8018832

He's not arguing that, he's just calling you a cunt for a being a cunt. Hell you probably call yourself a cunt all the time ya cunt.

>> No.8018837

>Theres just a difference between a hobby and a profession

Not true, working 55 hours a week in fine dining is my hobby, i love it and i cook on my days off aswell

>> No.8018840

I mean, I am in fact a cunt. Go fuck yourself.

People are absolute retards when it comes to all kinds of meat in both temping and seasoning and failing to allow rest.

>> No.8018844

My food is better than the vast majority of restaurants'.
suck my dick fag boi

>> No.8018847

Man I love the grind too but sometimes im just too broken to get it done at home.

You counting mcdonalds in that statement?

>> No.8018850

I mean youre probably not wrong in your assertions, but you came on way too strong in this thread. Dad used to have a saying "it doesnt matter if youre right, if youre an asshole about it no one will care to listen" im glad you feel proud of your skills, just dont put people who do cooking as a hobby down

>> No.8018856

Sorry, I just got off and Im still jacked from service this morning. Fucking 80% of the hotel checked out and im pretty sure every single one of them came in and ate this morning.

>> No.8018857

>get some coke

We understand you're all drug addicts. Please stop trying to make food.

>> No.8018864

Thats why i tend to give chefs a long rope, some days can be hell. I mean i sure as hell dont miss dealing with drunks when i was a linecook many years ago

>> No.8018865

Who here /backpains/?

>> No.8018867
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No i am not.
>tfw put some music on, get a drink and take your time cooking dinner

>> No.8018868

Yeah man, thankfully I dont work our dinner service. We're downtown in a decent sized city and we close at 11pm and like Ive heard after like 9:30 its just a complete shit show. Some interesting stories though.

>> No.8018869


This isn't too far off, I'm a foodrunner at a restaurant in the vegas strip and all the cooks have some sort of drug vice (along with being mostly mexican)

I don't judge though, I party it up with them

>> No.8018871

Man, I dont partake in that shit but like, at like hour 11 and you really hate your life and your body is mad as fuck at you, i kind of understand why coke exists in the industry.

>> No.8018884
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>chef de cuisine is going to put me on grill next week
>i also have to run the wheel
>i am the dishwasher
>executive chef dgaf
>sous chefs face when
sink or swim i guess, holy shit.

>> No.8018893

>chef de cuisine is going to put me on grill next week

And youre dish?

Also that sounds like some shit leadership from your exec. Your sous will have your back though.

>> No.8018894


Yup, service industry is tough. Back when I worked club scenes (that where also restaurants) doing those 14 - 16 hour days were hard. Constant physical labor along with customer service for such an extended period of time is very difficult to do without getting really irritated or angry. The staff always had some flavor of the day, adderall, coke, etc.

>> No.8018902

Honestly IMO the worst part about those long days is if you have to close to finish them. Oh youre tired are you? Well heres a kick in the balls and go detail everything that you just spent the last 16 hours getting every kind of uncleanable bullshit in the world caked on it. That shit is why I count my blessings right now that Im a breakfast/brunch chef. I still have to break down but none of the big ticket detailing items for closing.

>> No.8018969

I dont do uppers but i've started smoking weed after shifts to help me sleep as i was having trouble getting to sleep after long shifts. my body would be fucked but my mind was racing too much

>> No.8019004

>And youre dish?
i have previous experience, just rusty af. i quit my last job a year ago because i wanted back into foodservice. requested dish because i think spending a year or two on the sinks builds good staff relations (if you're not a total shitbag) and fosters knowledge and an appreciation of the property that you just don't get by hiring right onto the line.

>Also that sounds like some shit leadership from your exec
he oversees three full kitchens on-site and generally allows the CdeCs a lot of room to make decisions without micromanaging.

>Your sous will have your back though.
he's going to crawl up my ass and make a nest is what he's gonna do.

>> No.8019016
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FOH at a mid-range NY style grill here

How do I into cooking without having to work in a shithole kitchen or go to culinary school?

Or, if i have to go to school, where, and what's the least amount of time i need to spend there?

>> No.8019066

How do you define a shit hole kitchen?

>> No.8019075

I've never worked in a kitchen, but I just started dating a chef. She's gorgeous, funny and smart, but I'm almost certain it's not going to work out.

Between her fucked up schedule, all her co-workers trying to fuck her, and her being up to her ears in drama and stress, I just hope I can enjoy her as long as possible.

>> No.8019081

>when a waitress brings a customer into the kitchen to bitch at me

>> No.8019088

>How do I into cooking without having to work in a shithole kitchen or go to culinary school?
just start hanging around the prep cooks during the time in which you would normally be fucking off on your phone at the waitstation. they want your help. they NEED it. go help them.

>> No.8019101
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servers don't talk to the cooks. only the expo talks to the cooks. you want something from the cooks? you have to go through the expo. guess what? i'm expo and you're both leaving! bye!

>> No.8019113

kitchen is made up of mostly ex-cons who can't really get a job anywhere else, as well as a kitchen where I'd be making less than I would be as a server now. Honestly, I don't know enough about the inner workings yet to be sure... How would you define it?
Is there any easy way to do this w/o it being awkward? Usually I know how to deal with customers, but that's because they're receptive. Generally, the kitchen seems cold (lol) toward waitstaff because they know how much easier our jobs are and how much more we get unfairly paid

>> No.8019137

>How was service tonight?
I don't know, I don't work fucking loser shifts.

We just had two of our best guys put in their two weeks. No new hires. Menu changes every 3 seconds, schedules getting changed 3 times a week, they just keep piling more and more on us, with no reward, raise, or praise. We've all had it with this place. Been doing this for almost 8 years, never worked so hard in a kitchen.

I think I'm over it. The egos, the no money, the no social life. It's not worth it. Anyone successfully make it out of this grinder?

>> No.8019175
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How do I deal with bullying culture in the kitchen?

I work as a Potwash in a country club and live on site. I share my apartment with a couple of the cooks and they make my life pretty hard, mostly owing to the fact I am not a very good chef.

For example yesterday I was cleaning dishes and one of the chefs passed me a plate and said 'someone vomited on this plate Potty' and handed me a dish.

It was a dish with my leftover lasagna that I made the previous night.

Other times they just act straight rude and cruel because they consider themselves above me. for example o Halloween I came to work in an Octopus costume to make a joke about how much better I'd be if I had 8 arms and they started saying that I can't be an Octopus because an Octopus can open a jar but all I can do is put soap into one and rinse it. Or that I can't be an Octopus because they are good at escaping from places but I can't even escape my futureless potwash job.

I haven't even said anything about it, I just politely laugh and go along with it. they paid a male stripper to dress as a cast iron pan for my birthday and made me wash him. I thought going along with it would make them like me but it has made it worse.

>> No.8019183
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>they paid a male stripper to dress as a cast iron pan for my birthday and made me wash him

>> No.8019185

Please tell me this doesn't happen

>> No.8019217

>How do I deal with bullying culture in the kitchen?

The same way you deal with it anywhere else--stand up to it. Throw banter back right at them.

>> No.8019246

Does passion really make it that much easier? I can't imagine cooking professionally, all that heat and stress and asshole customers.

>> No.8019278

you should probably just go to HR about it. people like that have no business in a professional kitchen, or any professional environment for that matter.

>> No.8019828
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>HR department
this is a no cunt work zone

>> No.8019963

>as well as a kitchen where I'd be making less than I would be as a server now
So, pretty well every kitchen? BOH rarely makes tips so it's a pretty rare circumstance where servers don't make substantially more than cooks.

>> No.8019978

Those dudes sound fucking hilarious. You're in the wrong industry dingus

>> No.8020016

>cooking for money

lmao enjoy your poverty and substance abuse, cuck.

no but for real--seems like a really hard thankless job. Had an aspiring chef roommate a few years back in a big city working at fine-dining places as an entry level cook fresh out of culinary school. He'd be gone all day for about 13-14 hour stretches on every day, 6-7 day weeks. Crazy shit.

>> No.8020039


>> No.8020050

Most of the time i'm happy with my job- i get paid to do something i love- but i really wish the pay was less poverty-tier. I get why it's not, profit margins in restaurants are tiny as it is, but i do a pretty skilled, high-stress job and i work a fucking lot of hours and my pay is pretty much a joke.

>> No.8020057

>profit margins in restaurants are tiny as it is

Is this actually true though? In the decent restaurants around here, i have to meet a owner who didn't own a nice house and decent car

>> No.8020075

Just bring a gun to work one day and shoot them all to death, duh.

>> No.8020084 [DELETED] 

Let's be real: Unless you work at a fine dining restaurant, the only reason I pay you to cook food for me is because I am too lazy to do it myself. Most Of the food I cook when I have the time is better than the slop even medium level restaurants serve

>> No.8020088

Head chefs (and maybe sous chefs?) get paid OK in high-end places I assumed. What about in "middle-end" restaurants?

So does pretty much everyone else in the kitchen get paid shit except for them, even in fine-dining places?

>> No.8020092

>Most Of the food I cook when I have the time is better

Nice "IKEA effect" retard

>> No.8020110

Average pay for an exec chef is about 50k/year. And that's working a shitload of hours too- think 80-100 hours a week.

Sous chefs make 30-40k or so and line cooks basically make minimum wage or pretty close.

>> No.8020114 [DELETED] 

Or maybe the food I cook actually tastes nice. Hell, what are the chances of finding people who like cooking on a cooking board?

>> No.8020115

Nah, it's true.

>> No.8020128

>working slave-tier hours for shitty pay because "muh pashun"
l m a o

>> No.8020136

Passion is a meme word to justify bad career choices

>> No.8020143

Off work today.

I worked Lunch yesterday and it was the first really and I mean REALLY nice summer day. Its was almost as busy as our usual Monday dinner service for the last 2 hours of Lunch service

>> No.8020270

Yeah, Ive found a good situation. I make 13/hr get 40 hours and full benefits. My schedule is also pretty nice in that I work four 10 hour days and then get 3 off. Im also a breakfast chef so Im off by 3pm. Extremely professional environment on top of that. Exec chef is extremely keen on the atmosphere of the kitchen. In the 6 months ive been there, theres only been one turnover at one position.

>> No.8020725

Holy shit so much this.

Brag about your 'passion' all you want, you're the lowest of the low socially and economically, and you've got nobody to blame but yourself.

>> No.8020729

Apex lel. I make the equivalent of $68 per hour working in an office. You guys really did fuck your lives up. But hey, we can't all make smart choices.

>> No.8020869

Chefs finally realized our kitchen was a sanitary disaster when plumbers came in and found out rats were tearing through the water valves
So we finally did some deep cleaning and some water bombing under the ovens. Found a knife under the flattop, and I got to keep it lel

>> No.8020885


>"working" in an office

not him, but no thanks. i can't imagine anything more soul crushing than working in a cubicle while basically only doing ~20-25 hours of actual work per week but still being required to be there.


>office politics

no thanks

>> No.8020909

>not him, but no thanks. i can't imagine anything more soul crushing than working in a cubicle
I can. Being a bitch to women who make more than you for carrying plates 30 feet and making food for ungrateful idiots day in day out in an uncomfortably small and hot area seems like the worst thing to do fit a job.

>> No.8020969

It's nice that you get this idea from television and movies.

>> No.8020982

I'm also a pretty big masochist though

>> No.8020984

service went pretty damn well considering we ran two men short on a specials night. I think helps that I didn't drink before or during. on my way home to pack a bowl and pour a healthy sized bourbon, maybe watch some TV.

haha captcha was pictures of food

>> No.8021033

Keep thinking that. I have an easy job, i get breaks, i get holidays and benefits, my work area is comfortable and air conditioned, i work sane hours and get to have a social life, and i make four or five times as much money as you.

Enjoy making half as much as the servers (if that), constantly cutting and burning yourself, fucking up your knees and your back and going sterile from the constant heat. Those of us that made good life choices are laughing at you. Now hurry up and make my food.

>> No.8021050

Office work isn't existentially satisfying, so your rationalizations fall short. That being said, being a cook is worse in pay and workload.

I don't understand why they didn't go into general labor like construction or landscaping, that's more satisfying and pays better.

>> No.8021073

People with white collar jobs can work, get paid a high salary and cook at home to satisfy the need to be culinary-adventurous. And be able to afford all manner of high-end appliances, that blue collar cooks at the Marriott would never be able to afford on their wage.

Why anyone would work over 40 hours a week, breaking their body for shit pay and guaranteed substance abuse, is beyond me. Cooking is a hobby, not a wise career.

>> No.8021079

Tommy Wright, ma nigga

>> No.8021084

Your reading comprehension isn't too great, is it?

>> No.8021112

GM here. Why do all you faggot cooks try to make your fake shitty job more important than it is? I hire beaners to do what you do, and they do it 200% better than any amerifag. Your job is bottom tier slave work. Stop thinking you're badasses. You're uneducated slaves.

>> No.8021125

Th.. This is advanced jackposting.

>> No.8021130
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>its a forgot you were working the night before and only got 2 hours of proper sleep episode

>> No.8021160
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>> No.8021217


>> No.8021222

Has anyone ever cooked in small town restaurants? Trying to get out of the city, sick of the hustle, bustle and crazy rent prices
Are the prospects good? Is it impossible to get anywhere without car? Share some stories

>> No.8021270

Don't expect good money at all.

>> No.8021422

GM here again. I always laugh at you faggots who try to make "cooking" a career. You're all failures and alcoholics. Get into management. Or be a proper chef. I know it's hard for your simple slave minds to grasp, though.

>> No.8021436


I thought Mexico is just one giant shithole.

>> No.8021442

I'd rather make my own food and enjoy myself than work long hours making a bunch of shit I won't get to eat for people that probably don't even appreciate it. Faggot.

>> No.8021560


you actually, literally just made a gigantic strawman argument without addressing any of my actual points.

regardless, i look forward to going to work because it's something i enjoy doing.

>> No.8021571
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What's the worst hygiene violations you have seen in your time?

>> No.8021826

>all these trolls that think I give a shit

Anyone who cooks in a real restaurant is required to taste everything that goes out.

We also have an open kitchen and the amount of times that people come by to thank me specifically because of the meal I just provided them is actually starting to become annoying.

Im sure you work at some shit chain or some locally owned restaurant that has the markings of a wanna-be fine dining establishment but just simply isnt the real thing, simply because theres a GM. In real fine dining restaurants the executive chef is who is calling the shots and the only people that cook are people that give a shit. Which not to be super racist means absolutely no immigrants. Immigrants are great workers for restaurants that set it up for them on a T but they cut corners and just arent cut out for restaurants that are actually trying to achieve something more than making money. Theyre there simply for a paycheck and will do the absolute bare minimum it takes to achieve that.

Also, for everyone else talking shit,13/hr is a pretty decent wage considering where I live and that was my starting, and I dont have a degree. No one in our restaurant works over 40 hours and we all get PTO, Full benefits(health including dental and vision, short and long term disability and life) and incredibly good 401k plan.

I genuinely enjoy what I do and the place I do it for takes care of me because of it. Talk shit all you want but my bills are paid, I have a nice car and I fuck the shit out of my girlfriend night the same as you (lol or maybe not because youre such a faggot).

And yes, my culinary skills alone gets me laid. So eat a fat fucking dick.

>> No.8022330

I actually just scored my second raise, not counting the initial minimum wage increase. man my ot is going to look fantastic.

>> No.8022441


when you work in construction for a bit you begin to realise that the reason why "chefs" (most of them line cooks) are so macho and swear so much

it's because you work in an environment where people are doing women's work and as such you feel the need to berate people and bitch all the time about how difficult your job is, when really you have no idea what hard work is

>> No.8022800

>only my job is hard work

>> No.8023091


>> No.8023330

This. Cooks act like their job is so hard but it's a joke and anyone who really knows hard work realizes it. There's a reason a plumber or contractor makes six or ten times more than you faggots.

>> No.8023353

how small are we talking?

>> No.8023356

>chef calls
>where are you?
>ohfuck i thought i was off
>oh wrong schedule have a good day man
>minor hearthattack

>> No.8023358

>he thinks you can't make excellent food unless you get paid for it

so, all hobbies are invalidated?

>> No.8023405


cooking is literally military work
>attracts the most degenerate fucks society has to offer
>individual skill invalidated, pay respects to move up the chain
>inflated egos over mostly cleaning and standing
>repetitive and boring as fuck but everyone swears they're a fucking hero
>both make less than me

>> No.8023415
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Just finished a ten hour shift for minimum wage, i sit down with a grunt from my aching back and get my titties slapped about by this troll who aint wrong. fuck

>> No.8024090

Sadly, the worst I ever saw was in the kitchen of a day care center I was doing a replacement shift in.

Found a jar of strawberry jaw expired for 15 months. It turned brown and the outside was caked in mold.

>> No.8024170

Just got a job at Kroger.
>Make $2.50 over minimum wage starting out
>Don't have to deal with customers, other than showing them where shit is
>Still sore from hauling boxes, but get a straight 40-hour work-week with two payed smoke breaks or an unpaid half-hour lunch every day
>Union job, can get health insurance, 401k, pension, payed vacation, and stock options after a year
>Can pick up cigarettes, gas, groceries, and prepped meals on my way home from work at a discount.

Suck it, restaurant industry.

>> No.8024228

I've worked in the kitchen at a pretty highly-regarded italian restaurant and Ive also done roofing and I gotta say the other roofers were alot meaner than the other cooks

>> No.8024342

Guy making salads kept moving my knife because he said it was I his way. Told him to chill out. Told me to fuck off. So I told him I'd beat the cocaine out his nose if he touches my knife again. Then he got in my face. But we had food to make so we moved on and didn't speak to each other anymore that night.

>> No.8024397

>skilled job
>literally doing something that everyone else knows how to do to


>> No.8024428

I've worked in cool restaurants in small towns (think under 1,500 ppl). It's not that bad. Cost of living is always super cheap. These were busy restaurants mind you, places that people would drive an hour to go to. Pay wasn't that much lower than big city restaurants actually. My boss at one of them used to rent out the apartments above the restaurant to the cooks for $300/month.

>> No.8024436

You are so fucking delusional. How long have you been in the industry? I can tell it hasn't been that long and you haven't been worked at very many places.

>> No.8024451

You both sound like assholes.

>> No.8024464

haha your guyses jobs suck

get on my level

>> No.8024465

>cooking for yourself is the same thing as cooking in a professional kitchen
sure m8

>> No.8024486


>everyone has the cooking aptitude of an experienced restaurant line cook

Keep on believing that. Sure, it only takes a couple years working full time to gain those basic skills, but very few healthy people actually put themselves through that.

>> No.8024520

Third shift at the new job, first time flying solo for the whole run, went just fine.

Working garnish, so it's all relatively simple. Having a lot of fun plating up and all, though. Working with a good crew helps.

>> No.8024532

Exactly what part of that was delusional? I dont see any sweeping statements other than in real fine dining establishments the exec chefs call the shots and the stereotypical immigrant worker is just there to get paid. Im not sure which one of those things you think is delusional. The fact that I have an incredible job?

>> No.8024545

Further, youre just jaded as shit because youve worked in shit restaurants rather than genuine fine dining? The best of the best take care of their employees in order to get the best chefs. Thats just basic capitalism dude.

>> No.8024547


>working with a good crew helps

That makes all the difference in the world. When they start respecting you and you realize you're also part of a good crew, and even start training people and managing them it's a pretty good feeling. Most industry people rarely work with a 90% solid team in their entire careers.

>> No.8024555

Yeah man those stations are always a mixed bag to work. Its all plating and assembly so its objectively fun, but on those busy weekend night services, for every push you effectively get hit twice. Lol at least you get your reps in on plating.

>> No.8024587

Yeah man, at my restaurant we have an extremely experienced staff, most of which have culinary degrees. There's only be turnover at one position while ive been there and that was only one time. Shitty situation desu. The other breakfast cook other than me, really talented girl, culinary degree, had been in the industry for like 10 years, super legit resume. Fucking obviously a recovering, like everything. Her best friend died in a car accident and so she had to go deal with that for a week. Fucking she comes back and one morning apparently just dove into the cooking wine and was just shit drunk by 7 am to the point of confusing leeks with lettuce. That shit was like 2 months ago and she still hasnt come to get her knife roll which has the complete shun classic set in it.

>> No.8024589

No specifics but let's say 2-3 hrs away from the closest major city?

>> No.8024595

she got fired that day*

>> No.8024612
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I've been there and done that and only fucking micky mouse seemed to understand the concept well enough:

>You are the 6 hour part time closing shift because you are both fresh enough and desperate enough to work extra hours so the full timers don't at least have to close

As awful as working for them was, i only saw one roach.

>> No.8024620
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Knives are accessible to all.

>> No.8024630
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In comparison, I sit at a desk and do data entry (ie bitch work for 6 others) for $60k a yr and dream of sucking lead from a barrel of a .22 or .25 or .32 or .380 or 9mm

>> No.8024637

im joining the job corps for their culinary programs

anyone ever do this? i heard its great

>> No.8024638


Those wages/salaries are really low, especially for the hours you're claiming. The lowest I ever worked as a starting line cook was $10/hour, and that was almost a decade ago.

>> No.8024642
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After union dues and taxes, you'll break down.

When realizing your 'colleagues' rely on the new blood labor, you'll break down.

I worked there for a month ... nearly a decade ago. Fuck them.

>> No.8024648

Truly you need to shop around. Other places are at least marginally better.

Your best bet is as boring as someone asking to be healthy:

You need more exercise. You need a degree in anything.

In the meanwhile ask other restaurants, and try to get personal interactions (in person better, but at least phone calls) with other restraunt leaders. They will take you if you are competent.

>> No.8024663

Most restaurants are filled with owner who:

Think it is easy money, so divert money in wasteful things (cars, etc)

Are wanting to be chefs so completely fuck how to understand the industry.

Either way there is a reason among businesses the restraunt owner fucks up so much.

>> No.8024680

If you were not born there then the most important edge (social connections) are gone.

Sure, maybe you get a job there due to superior professional skills, but those very same qualities would earn you much more elsewhere.

>> No.8024682

yeah working at a corporate hotel where the keys to the restaurant have been handed to the exec chef is super nice.

>> No.8024762

>13/hr is a pretty decent wage considering where I live and that was my starting, and I dont have a degree

bruh... you realize the fact that you can get your job with no degree and it only pays $13/hr means it isn't anything special, right? I mean, you make about $2,000 a month pre-taxes if you work 40 hrs like you say. I don't know what you consider a "nice car", but I can't see how that's possible unless it was a gift or something.

>> No.8025050
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you're at a wyndham property aren't you, fucker?

>when you see the benefits rollout for the first time

>> No.8025637

No, 21c hotels.

>> No.8025657

I didnt say it was particularly special in the wage category?

You understand theres this thing called credit right? That if you pay all your bills and shit on time that banks will give you loans at a pretty good interest rate? Perhaps youre the one talking out of your ass.

>> No.8026319

>i make 300k 6'5 and fuck straight 10's

fuck off.

>> No.8026365

>customer ordered a rare steak
>sent it back because it "wasn't covered enough. She wants it rare but without red."
>send out well done
>steak gets sent back for "bleeding on the plate"
I don't even know anymore.

>> No.8026370

I meant "cooked". It's been a long and booze filled night.

>> No.8026472

>customer asks for medium rare burger
>temp it at medium well
>customer sends it back says its raw
>look at it
>tiny line of light pink through the middle

What the actual fuck is wrong with people

>> No.8027001

>'colleagues' rely on the new blood labor

Nope. Sure I'm expected to do a lot of heavy lifting, I'm the new guy. My department supervisors are in there unloading the truck with me every day at 5:00am. We bullshit about heavy metal, restaurant industry, and the lazy slackers that refuse to work the hard shifts.

Fuck restaurants, and fuck most factories and retail. I'm in it for the guaranteed 40-hours, benefits, and no mandatory overtime. My day off is my day off, period.

>> No.8028142

Lol I mean you do you bro

>> No.8028759

>I came to work dressed and an octopus
Fucking keked

>> No.8028786

This is your chance. Talk to the sous, spend time with them learning what you need to do. Read up on it, watch vidya and learn learn learn. Cook some fucking steak this weekend and time shit, get some feel for doneness. Fucking Do IT!

>> No.8028971

I worked the line for 15 years at 10 different restaurants. Until I finally decided on a city to live in.

Now I am a partner as chef at a place I was hired at as pantry cook.

>> No.8029002

This is hilarious and you should just fucking quit if it's true.

>> No.8029214

you sound autistic, just quit if you fail so hard at social interaction

>> No.8029224

Service was slow as shit tonight. Bunch of new restaurants just opened up nearby. All the regulars came in tonight, so that was nice.

The nights are getting colder; we'll be in full swing again soon.

Also, I made a pact with the devil and I have tomorrow night off. First Friday night off in 6+ years. I don't even know what the fuck to do.

>> No.8029225

Just off, joining the thread, and this anon has it right imo. I think it is partially the reason that the biz is so saturated with what are considered druggies or more so "functional alcoholics". After the fact, I think that the majority of people that the biz draws are those that tend to live on the fringe for the most part.

>> No.8029234

Somebody give this guy a cake, you nailed it on the head lol

>> No.8029267

Your Dad is a dumb faggot.

>> No.8029273

Had 2 dishwashers decide that it was their destiny to pack up and leave town last night..no call no show, goodbye. Gay servers ex boyfriend keeps showing up "stalking" him. We ask him to leave, he leaves in a huge production screaming and shit. Another server is living in his car, I told him he can crash until he gets on his feet but he wont do it. The bakery we get bread from is jacking up their prices and I need to find somewhere else to get a quality product or else cut a deal.

>> No.8029293

I cant lie, this post made my night. I would help you wash that stripper, as long as the white lady was involved.

>> No.8029297

dude, walmart, get some bread. You think your clientele will know after it is all said and done?

>> No.8029309


Hahah, yes. They will.

>> No.8029318

working in a 'five star' restaurant, best job I ever had bar none. started the summer at the bottom and now I can say I am definitely not the worst here. Feels great man. Looking forward to new adventures, I am going to blow so much cocaine off of so many waitresses. Why didn't I get into this sooner?

>> No.8029321

well shit bro, that sucks. I guess if they would really notice they kinda pay attention anywho. You would have already thought about that.So I guess, uh, plant some quick gro bread seed.

>> No.8029328

>tfw I open tomorrow and Im still not asleep

I never know if sleeping those three hours will actually help.

>> No.8029346
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itt: roleplayers and bitter faggots that work 80 hour weeks for barely livable wages attempt to see who can feign more importance on an anonymous image board

>> No.8029393

Damn I know this feeling. You think you'd sleep like a baby after working 12+ hours but no. You come home and you're in for another 4 hours of dicking around because you're still wired from the excitement of it all.

>> No.8029452

yea, welcome senpai

>> No.8029497

>working solo in what is more or less a food truck
>fucking 32ºC weather
>have to take a piss so badly from the pitcher of iced tea I drank to not die from heat exhaustion
>day is almost done
>can't wait to feel that hot urine leaving my body
>90% of cleanup finished
>5 minute from closing
>bunch of people come in
>start asking if we have things that are not on the menu right beside them
>takes them 15 minutes to get organized
>finally place their order
>comes to $140 worth of food
>balance all this shit so its done at once
>service with a smile despite wanting nothing more than to just quit right then and there and take a piss all over them
>get a 50 cent tip
>all the cleaning has been undone
>end up working an hour late re-cleaning everything

At least it will rain on Sunday.

>> No.8029525

fuck late night. fuck pretentious bartenders. fuck lazy dishwashers. what a night...

>> No.8029532

do or die motherfucker. best way to learn

>> No.8029564

Shit man and I bet your boss freaked out on you for being late to get out. Even if you clock out early (which is illegal, the company has to pay you so if a boss tries to get you to do that one time tell them its illegal.)

Only worked in a kitchen for a short while handling a pizza oven, hated it when some fucking drunk ass shitheads wonder in from some party and ask for shit and then reject it after I pull it off the board.

Loved being a butcher though, would just tell people I have the surfaces soaking in chemicals and can't cut on them when they wonder in 5 minutes from closing.

>> No.8029574

Not that anon, but I worked in a decent sized restaurant out in the boonies, and I used to love starting a little early and helping the other cook prep or send out orders. I'd do an hour or two off the clock before actually starting.

Is this wrong? I mean, I did it willingly because I loved the job. My boss and manager knew, and told me that I should always be on the clock if I'm in the kitchen, but they knew. They didn't really care.

While on paper I was a dishwasher, this restaurant was small enough that I took on every position; sometimes in the same day. I'd cook alone, bring the food out, get drinks, cleanup, and even have time to shoot the breeze with the regulars.

Fuck I miss it.

>> No.8029619

It's normal

>> No.8030146

>working unpaid hours in a restaurant
Completely normal.

>> No.8030156

>>8017120 Succesful cooks do not browse on this website anon :)

>> No.8030443

Posting from Tokyo at a traditional Japanese restaurant. Summer is usually a little slower, but with everybody taking their holidays around this time, the rest of the staff are all working extra 16-20 hours per week to cover. This is my eight night in a row and I can't sleep.

It used to be that in the Japanese kitchen hierarchy from WW2 period up to the bubble period, anybody who becomes honored with a suffix-kata after a promotion (yaki-kata aka grill person, ni-kata aka stock master and usually the sous) gets a bunch of perks, like a big pay bump, reasonable hours (5 days instead of 6, 14 hours instead of 18), and permission to marry or move out of the dorms. This system was important because it kept apprentices motivated to work and study hard for the 5-7 years it took to receive the -kata suffix in their position, and it was a pretty good system until the 1980s when there were a ton of apprentices competing for spots at almost every restaurant.

Now, unless you're at a Michelin starred or otherwise highly respected restaurant in the community, there are basically no perks to working your ass off and moving up the ladder, and there is almost no competition amongst peers because there aren't any.

We're extremely short staffed here, the exec here works 16 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, and the apprentices do 18 hour days not counting personal time spent everyday to prepare staff meal, sharpen knives, clean the grease traps, and other menial tasks.

There used to be something for apprentices to aspire to back in the golden period of Japanese cooking, but now almost every new hiree quits within the month because they don't want become 65 years old and still work 80 hour weeks.

Sorry for the rant

>> No.8030476

Where are you from and how did you end up in Japan?

Dont be sorry because that was pretty useful for me, I got into this profession wanting to eventually make my way to Japan and cook there, so now I have an idea of what to expect lol

>> No.8030513


I'm from the US but I have de facto dual citizenship, so I was able to get a full time job pretty easily.

If you don't have Japanese citizenship, or a spouse with one AND some connection to any Japanese restaurant, there is virtually no chance for you to get authentic training here. Just having residency probably wouldnt be enough because Japanese chefs are still very prejudiced and xenophobic.

The second option is to have conversational Japanese skills, be from a developing country and somehow secure a working visa in Japan and hope that you don't end up as a dishwasher for the duration of your visa.

You're better off finding a Japanese chef in your country and learning from him.

>> No.8030749

>he works in the service industry


>> No.8031348

>My three day weekend is at a end
>have to clock in at 5 am

>> No.8031425

Is it normal if you usually get 2 days off a week for them not be together?

>> No.8031457


In my experience is definitely a perk of seniority to get to choose which day(s) off you want and get to days off in a row. When you first start out you usually take what they give you, and getting too days off in a row is pretty rare.

>> No.8031471

>he uses the word cuckhold as if it's not the most overused, abundant, /pol/ meme tier shitpost insult anyone's EVER come up with

>> No.8031621

Getting two days off at all is pretty uncommon. Two in a row is pretty much for senior people only if anyone.

>> No.8031651

Nah, you won't be getting 2 days off a week. Especially your first year at a place.

You can always try to get your shift covered or swap shifts but you start doing that regularly and you'll either start getting scheduled less and less or get more and more work to do. It's the way to push people out of a position if they're unreliable.

>> No.8031729

t. Service industry cuck

>> No.8031810


>two days off at all is pretty uncommon

Many places I've worked don't want to pay overtime, so they'll only schedule 38-39 hours tops for most people, which is only 5 days. It sucks, and is why many cooks work 2 jobs.

>> No.8031838

What type of places have you worked?

Places I've worked you're working 50-60-70 hrs a week. Line cook, manager, dishwasher, delivery. Without any overtime.

Shit... we have recent CIA grads that have come to work 6 days a week 10 hrs a day for like $850ish or so a week. Just to get in the door and work with our 2 chef/owners.

Then of course after you put in a few years with moving through the ranks and working at a few places, making good connections you get paid better. Hopefully lol.

>> No.8031850

lose wight

>> No.8031876

Happened to our current grill cook and now he's the only one the exec trusts on weekend grill

>> No.8031892

Man, we had a 17 year old kid that ran dish, super well I might add. Just an absolute beast and could totally blitz a dinner rush dish stack faster than almost anyone ive ever seen. Like the day he turned 18 was a saturday night and they threw him on my station just to see if we had something and he absolutely blew it out of the park and now is now running QB, that in that kitchen is the line expo that communicates with the actual expo and runs the grill, flattop and pasta well. (italian restaurant) Some people just thrive in that environment man.

>> No.8031926

>get paid better
Ahahahahaha good one

>> No.8032082

Your not a real cook unless you eat like shit at home 80% of the time.

>> No.8032093

Different guy, Im not longer a line cook but I enjoyed the closing shit. Theres somethig zen about it. On top of that no one butts in during the later shifts.

>> No.8032098

Literally quit right now. Like call this minuet and quit

>> No.8032730

>eat a whole pizza

Sounds like my average time spent after a workday

>> No.8033705

my fucking sides

>> No.8034506
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>work at fine dining restaurant that has like 5 sous chefs because we run 3 separate services and also and independent banquet sous
>all of them are totally infighting because they all cant stop sucking their own dicks
>suddenly all of their schedules change so that they can get a more "complete picture of what everyone does"
>its been like that for a month
>the pm sous was now the am sous and hes a cool as shit country boy that as long as shits taken care of hes cool
>actual am chef and I had it out when I first started working there
>open animosity for the better part of 3 months
>went to exec chef about it
>hes chilled out since but you can tell hes just holding back
>always stepping on services throat with legitimately out of the way tasks
>theyre switching back tomorrow
>is also sunday brunch, or their most consistently busy service overall for the restaurant

>> No.8034516

third most*

>> No.8034527

Look kiddo. There will be jerks in every workplace you go to. Sounds like exec chef did something when you complained, so at least there is that. Go get an education, or live frugal and save all your money. You need both to have choices. Be the guy in charge one day where you do the hiring and firing.

>> No.8034561

I mean yeah. And ive had no blowback from it either that Im aware of. It helps that its technically a corporate restaurant with a full HR staff so like there are actual limits placed on what theyre able to get away with and keep their jobs.

>> No.8034599

nah man, I never forgot, I just didn't give a fuck, I was to the point where I could do my job in my sleep if needed, and dexperately needed to get out instead of nothing but work, sleep, repeat

>> No.8035125

It really annoys me the fact that I'm allergic to shellfish. I'm working on a 5-star Hotel for an internship and most of the fanciest dishes on the restaurants there have something that would fuck me up if I ate it. I've been offered at least a few times to try something and having to refuse it just depresses me. If I want to keep on working as a cook, how much does this screw me up?

>> No.8035486
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I was a beignet whore for a year and all I have to commemerate it is pic related and a stack of numbers from women who've done nothing but shit on my heart
>fuck food service

>> No.8035614
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>> No.8035617

Fucking kek, somebody screenshot this. I'd do it myself, but I'm on mobile.

>> No.8035637
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Say no more, anon.

>> No.8035663

You just told the guy he's shit at cooking for no other reason than the fact that he does it as a hobby. You sound like a prick.

>> No.8036255

>fresh out of culinary school
>work in a small fine dining restaurant near the beach
>exec chef has basically taken me under his wing, very focused on mentoring me as long as I'm willing to learn
>close knit group of coworkers, most are from a halfway house the owner is affiliated with so no substance abuse
>owner works FOH, kitchen gets tip out when he works because he doesn't take tips on principal
>legitimately look forward to going to work

Life is pretty good right now.