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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 984x1250, 1463529965166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8018644 No.8018644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

British food thread?

>> No.8018649
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>> No.8018653
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>> No.8018666
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Does Britain have the worst food culture of the world?
The only thing that saves living here is the availability of food from other cultures.

>> No.8018673
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this thread

>> No.8018676
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>> No.8018690
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>> No.8018694

>2 posters
Lame thread desu

>> No.8018698
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Now it's 3

>> No.8018701
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>> No.8018704

American detected

>> No.8018706

What's really wrong with it besides the name?

>> No.8018707
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>> No.8018708

Britain has a lot of heritage breed pigs and animals which have very different tastes

>> No.8018710


It's just British food.

>> No.8018711

The Brits have gone too far.

>> No.8018713

It's British and is therefore bland.

>> No.8018715


Gotta respect the guys, just an honest day's work making food for the fellow working man

>> No.8018729
File: 43 KB, 550x413, HR_haddock-and-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There used to be one Harry Ramsden's in Melbourne but it closed like 15 years ago. Maybe more. I'm 31 now and must have been 14 or 15 last time I had it. I remember it being delicious but no one idea if it was to do with me being a kid.

>> No.8018735

It's an extremely plain diet the secret to conquering the world?

>> No.8018744
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>> No.8018802

My mouth's dry just looking at that salty image.
The rest of Europe is so jealous of the fact that the UK and USA are so much better than them, that they have nothing left to do other than circle jerk over their own shitty pretentious food and claim it's better.

>> No.8018816
File: 235 KB, 941x529, Pork-Pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerilard here who always wanted to try a pork pie. Are these things pretty gud?

>> No.8018836


>> No.8018845

Yes. However, Colman's mustard needs to be applied to the pie before consumption.

>> No.8018853

no gravy, no pie.

>> No.8018859

>gravy on a pork pie

>> No.8018860

that looks vile, like a spam pie

>> No.8018874

>spam pie

>> No.8018896

British baked beans always look so tasty.

>> No.8018955
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, An_image_of_a_toast_sandwich,_shot_from_the_side[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic

>> No.8018963


they're good as fuck if they're left in the sun for a few hours

>> No.8018965

>it's the daily shit on British food thread

>> No.8018966

>Needing to shit on British food
It's shit from the getgo

>> No.8018972
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, 20160621_130852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some Fish n Chips in a little village called Kirkby Malham. Best haddock of my life

>> No.8018980

Some of the best food in the world is made by the British. Gordon Ramsay for instance is the worlds most famous, beloved and cherished British chef.

You're just cherrypicking a few bad examples. British cuisine is very broad and has a multitude of complex flavors.

>> No.8018989
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Fucking autocorrect

don't bother coming to London for it, there's practically no pork or pig products to be had because it's not halal

>> No.8018993

I had so much fish n chips last time i went to England, I get sick just by the thought of it

>> No.8018994


>> No.8018997

U havin a giggle m80. I meant haddock, don't pretend to be me pls.

>> No.8019021


>I've never been to England, and certainly not to London, one of the most diverse food cultures in the world

>> No.8019025

What a cunt!

>> No.8019028

fucking great by itself as a spot of lunch, although if you've never had one before you might find the gelatin that seals the pork to the pastry a bit odd.

myself personally, I absolutely adore it just warmed up with some mushy peas and mint sauce on top

>> No.8019030

Why the fuck do british people call hammocks into haddocks? am I msising something here?

>> No.8019033

That sounds disgusting, where is the spices? In India where I am from we have many more dishes that don't contain meat but have mushy peas and sauces with mint.

>> No.8019039

>Why the fuck do british people call hammocks into haddocks?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.8019045

>That sounds disgusting, where is the spices?

Mixed in with the pork.

>> No.8019046

In India we don't make pies we make the curries in England too

>> No.8019048

Okay. Nice blog post.

>> No.8019056


only if you are poor and/or lazy. the UK has excellent meat and seafood and many easy recipes.

the problem is that the vast majority of the population are working class scum who eat shit.

>> No.8019059

British what thread?

>> No.8019060

Pies are a poor peoples food when their wives arent having enough time to make the husband food so they cook with an oven instead of a traditional pot and pan. In India our women care about the qualify of food we eat but in Britain your women only make bad food because they are misbehaved and don't know how to make the food. Britain stole spices from India but their food is still bland because Indians have to make the curries for them or else they would starve because their wifes never feed them good foods.

>> No.8019065

That appears to be a hand-made black pudding, which is delicious, bacon, which is delicious, and pork sausages: which are delicious.

Are all these "British food" threads started by vegans?

>> No.8019067

>Britain stole spices from India

No it didn't. Britain owned India and therefore all the spices in India.

>> No.8019073
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>mfw every country with fish and potatoes does fish and chips but only the brits are so deprived of culinary culture that they call it a national dish

>> No.8019077
File: 61 KB, 696x489, caliphatefood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you chicken haba laba ding dong, the national food of New Pakistan (England for you uninformed)

>> No.8019082

>the brits...call [Fish & Chips] a national dish

Found the American.

>> No.8019086

Jesus India, make a fucking effort. Horrendous attempt at banter.

>> No.8019087

Indians own Britain thats why you never see whites in India but in Britain there are many curry shops and successful business Indian doctors. British people invaded the country but Indians always had the power, Google Punjabi power trio secret british control influence cartel. Princess Diana was assassinated because she was in love with an Indian man for instance.

India sold their spices to British because they felt sorry about their bland bad disgusting pig shit food and felt bad about inbred people stuck on the big island so they let them pretend to be in charge while Indians pulled the strings.

If it werent for our spices British cuisine would be irrevalent

>> No.8019089

>He doesn't know the difference between India & Pakistan
>He doesn't realise most "Indian" restaurants in the UK are actually Banglideshi

A geographically challenged /pol/ tier American? I am *shocked*. Shocked, I say.

>> No.8019092

This. We call it hammock and Irish potatos au non-gratin

>> No.8019093

Have your parents told you that you're retarded yet? I live between pakis and niggers and can get all the pork my heart desires.

>> No.8019097

>you never see whites in India

Every single Bollywood actress is desperately trying to be as white as possible. Same as the Koreans and Japanese.

>India sold their spices to British

We owned India. We just took them. Like we took India, really.

>> No.8019105

keep telling yourself that http://www.academia.edu/4429360/Indian_Influences_on_British_culture

>> No.8019106

Walk down any seaside town (or any bigger town) and you'll be eye-fucked by "traditional British/English Fish and Chips". And you couldn't be more wrong with the 'murica thing.

>> No.8019107


>> No.8019115

>Walk down any seaside town (or any bigger town) and you'll be eye-fucked by "traditional British/English Fish and Chips".

Okay, and do they subtitle it "Which is totally our national dish"?

>And you couldn't be more wrong with the 'murica thing.

You're a clapifat in your heart.

>> No.8019121
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United Kingdom
>fish and chips
>chicken tikka masala
Holy fuck my sides

>> No.8019124


>> No.8019125

>traditional British/English Fish and Chips
>all owned by chinese people and muslims

>> No.8019126

what's the green stuff

>> No.8019128

>Wikipedia as a primary source

>> No.8019133

>implying it's incorrect
Look at the United States too if it makes you feel any better britbong

>> No.8019138


>> No.8019139

what's the green stuff

>> No.8019142


>> No.8019143

no, in India you don't make pies, you make poos, but not in loos

>> No.8019144
File: 357 KB, 500x500, 420chan tcctan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats weed my dude, the good shit that sticky af OG ganja

>> No.8019147

false we use the village toilets there is no defecating in streets like people on this board in particular like to suggest that is a myth. in europe before a Turkish Indian rediscovered the toilets whites throw their urine and feces from buckets in the street this is historical fact

>> No.8019176

Sure thing, Panjeet.

>> No.8019194
File: 70 KB, 503x595, 1471584761547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8019196

Britshits call their dunecoons Pakis
Pakis outnumber native Brits a dozen to one in the cities.
New Pakistan, Britlamabad, and the United Caliphate are the current year names for what used to be England before it was conquered by Islam.

>> No.8019201
File: 72 KB, 530x731, ohhhwooow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset anon.

>> No.8019213

I can't go into the cites for fear of my life and for the first time in my twenty-odd years on this Earth I have to lock my doors when I leave my home or car.

You're damn right I'm upset.

>> No.8019221

no, americans that are afraid of stuff that is not drenched in corn syrup.

>> No.8019231

Well I'm sure you and your EDL mates can cry about it down Wetherspoons.

>> No.8019233

American living in UK. Literally just came back from a pub after work where I ordered some chicken wings. These fuckers serve them with mayo and HP sauce (ketchup mixed with Worchesershershsireere sauce). Nasty

>> No.8019238

Implying there's any difference you fucking nonce

>> No.8019241

People like you are why Brexit won.

>> No.8019242

Briton living in the US. Literally just came back from a bar after work where I ordered a salad. These fuckers serve it with half a pound of cheese & bacon, and ranch dressing (mayo mixed with cheap dried herbs). Nasty

>> No.8019247


Enjoy your billy no-mates club.

>> No.8019266
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1442514993981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no mate that lives in the UK to send me some Bovril

>> No.8019271
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>So mad someone doesn't like shitty HP sauce he made up an entire parallel scenario to get "revenge"

>> No.8019274

>a Turkish Indian rediscovered the toilets

how the fuck is a toilet discovered or even rediscovered? I would love to hear this magical story

>> No.8019276

>So mad someone doesn't like shitty ranch dressing he replied with a reaction image

>> No.8019288
File: 22 KB, 317x366, 1441304439653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants the last word so bad he made up another scenario where I like ranch dressing

>> No.8019290

>Wants the last word so bad he replied with another reaction image

>> No.8019304

Fuck both of you. I want the last word.

>> No.8019311
File: 45 KB, 174x174, 1454381314585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have it as long as the faggot who is >>8019290 doesn't get it.

>> No.8019314


>> No.8019315


So, is this somebody's undergraduate sociology essay? 'Cause it seems like it

>> No.8019327

Anchovy 'go 'za. Top class.

>> No.8019339

It's a slicing pie not a gravy pie. Serve with pickle or chutney, salad and bread and butter.

>> No.8019343

I'd kill for that shit right now fuckkkk

>> No.8019358

You thick cunt

>> No.8019359

Had the same question. Since I'm a spic I thought it might be avocado but it's actually mushy peas.

>> No.8019363

Please go home

>> No.8019389

looks anemic as fuck m8

>> No.8019426

>we don't even mention the G word
>there is no such thing as gravy in pie and mash

Fucking Southern twats with their inferior pies.

>> No.8019455

Big words from someone who uses their hand to wipe their arse after a shit

>people still let Indians cook their food after revealing this fact

>> No.8019461
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I've been waiting a while to post this picture

>> No.8019472

I get them from my local butcher and he uses proper lard for the shortcrust and it's fucking godly. Supermarket ones are shit though.

>> No.8019479

I only like them with suet pastry. They're dry as shit otherwise

>> No.8019484
File: 16 KB, 533x214, yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google says it's okay lads, dig in.

>> No.8019494

>suet pastry.
You sure it's not lard?

>> No.8019510

Shit thats brilliant!

But the slices are untoasted, so it made me cringe. Sad.

>> No.8019522

I don't think lard turns dry, bland shortcrust into a soft, moist piece of heaven.

>> No.8019527

>I don't think

Well luckily for you, you don't need to think.


It isn't shortcrust. It's a hot water crust. Made with lard.

>> No.8019530

I would if you bitches knew how to do proper engineering and didn't need to outsource to Americans.
>inb4 cost of hiring Amerifats. I make plenty more than Bongs in the same position
we're just better

>> No.8019534

It's referred to as "mushy peas".

As a Canadian, I've never had real English fish and chips with mushy peas, but from what I gather, the mushy peas are just as iconic as the newspaper it's wrapped in.

From speculation, I can only assume that they're particularly large and sweet peas that are mostly-mashed-up, with butter.

>> No.8019567

mushy peas

>> No.8019571


>> No.8019589

well what no one ever actually talks about is how toilets, or atleast the posture is really really bad for you. its why hemmeroids and such is like non-existent in countries where you squat but in america every town has like 10 ass related clinics.

the tl:dr is that when you sit to shit, your not really lined up so you exert pressure to shit, when really you should just let it "slide out". if you tense up in any way what so ever, your basically pinching your shit off and only shitting a little bit, leaving a resevoir of shit still in your lower intestines.

seriously, to shit correctly, even if you use a toilet, sit down. and dont even tense ANYTHING. let it just slide out. your shits will double in size because your actually shitting it all out instead of leaving half in there

>> No.8019597

Yeah, just marrowfat peas cooked down really. Sometimes with a bit of mint, but it's predominantly a plain pea taste.

>> No.8019599

Protip: Use foot stools. DON'T try and squat on the toilet bowl like many folk from Asia try to do when they're in Europe because the bowl might crack in half and you'll sever your thigh artery on the broken porcelain and die.

>> No.8019603

well yeah but you dont even really need to squat to shit, i dont. just focus on the not tensing up as hard as you can

>> No.8019614

Squatting makes it much much easier. When I go camping or I'm in a country with squatting toilets I'm a happy guy. Squat poos are fucking brilliant. Western-style toilets are really fucking terrible and some hotels or apartments install them way too high because their craftsmen are imbeciles or 7ft tall and pooping on them is torture.

>> No.8019629


Thanks, Britbros. I'll try it with a simple pork filling and hot water crust pastry. I don't have a deep as fuck pie tin so it might be shit.

>> No.8019641

Probably better to get one or find a way to make one. I imagine it will be kinda crap in a shallow tin because the inside will dry out. You don't want the filling to dry or it's horrible.

>> No.8019646

>I don't have a deep as fuck pie tin

Well that's the trick; a hot water crust will stand on it's own. You don't need a pie tin.

>> No.8019648
File: 25 KB, 400x266, Hand-raising-a-Melton-Mowbray-Pork-Pie-with-a-dolly-e1345182091307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a freestanding pie, you "raise" it around a dolly.

>> No.8019661

>not including he portuguese and spanish colonial empires, which were much bigger.

top kek

>> No.8019676

>much bigger

South America split between them, Central America & the Caribbean split four-ways (including Britain & France) and a few bumbfuck islands? Nah m8.

>> No.8019907

Not so fast buddy boy

>> No.8019956

Completely unrelated to the thread, but how does one discern whether or not dry pasta has gone bad?
Found an opened pack of cheap macaroni noodles whose best before date was three years ago, and there's nothing left in the house

>> No.8019990

didn't gordon ramsay train in france though?

>> No.8020032

>JFs try to hate on a chip butty

If it's too enough for arguably the most famous chef on the planet it's good enough for me


>> No.8020035

those are literally dutch flags, so try harder, faggot.

>> No.8020041

it's gingerbread, not actual shit

>> No.8020051

>In India where I am from

Are we still replying with the word Designated

>> No.8020055


good job, the best fish and chips are in yorkshire

>> No.8020083


>not enjoying a piping hot chip butty in the winter cold with your mates and then drinking strongbow down at the local park

fuck me it's like you've never lived

>> No.8020105

>with your mates
>not with Kayleigh and Rachel so you can finger them on the swings

>not white lightning

I'm sorry you had a bad childhood.

>> No.8020107

the Dutch shouldn't have made their flag so similar to France's then

>> No.8020111 [DELETED] 

>Someone claims to be eating fish and chips

>>served on a plate
>>no ketchup
>>fish isn't laying on the chips to impart extra flavour


>> No.8020123

Chip Barms/Baps/Rolls/Butties/Muffins/Buns are the shit

Best thing to do is save the bread for last. Eat the chips off the bread.

When you've finished the chips you are left with a piece of bread covered in butter, chip fat/grease, salt and swimming in vinegar.

God-Tier food

>> No.8020163

Not a Brit thing. I'm a Brit and never seen this shit before. Yuck!

>> No.8020169

No, the Americans think it's our national dish.

>> No.8020173

>Princess Diana was assassinated because she was in love with an Indian man for instance.

>Dodi Fayed
>son of Mohammed Al-Fayed
>the well known Egyptian billionaire

None of you picked up on this before?


>pajeet claiming sole ownership of spices being used in British cooking when spices have been traded from the East into Europe since prehistory
>pajeet claiming ownership of curry when its litterally a medieval English word that just means cooking

>> No.8020179

British food? It's crap (except fish and chips). Have you savages learned nothing?

>> No.8020180

>people think chips, cheese and gravy is a Canadian dish when everyone else (especially the Brits) have been eating since before Canada was even a country

>> No.8020184


>implying it isnt

>> No.8020188

Usually make my own. Cook Petit Pois or garden peas, add plain fromage frais, salt, pepper, chopped up spring onions and finely chopped mint, blitz it all up together, and maybe add a squeeze of lemon juice. Goes well with fish!

>> No.8020191

I wouldn't say so. People like fish and chips but it's not our national dish. Our national dish, if we have one, is probably curry or something ironic.

I'm guessing you've never been to Britain? We have some damn good food.

>> No.8020212

Another shitposting thread left up for over a day by our utterly terrible mods.

>> No.8020217

It's funny because this is American.

>> No.8020232

You can't even shitpost properly.

>> No.8020247

>Expecting Ameritwats to have even a childs level of geographical knowledge

>> No.8020256

Do you shart in marts ever get bored of the same tired shitposts?

>> No.8020259


us americans have a shitty hawaiian spam sandwhich but thats the extent. the british are shitty and stubborn. they dont recognize that a lot of their classics are shit in todays world. i would rather eat bugs cooked in africa than shitty potato sandwiches in britain

>> No.8020263


>> No.8020271

you cuck

>> No.8020282

thanks to postcolonialism you really think the british have a shot in modern cuisine

im sorry for you

>> No.8020289
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This kid knows what the fuck's up.

>> No.8020299
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It was so fresh I would be convinced the fish was alive that day. I also loved the food in Wooten Bassett, outside of Swindon. There's a tapas place that does a mixture of spanish and english food, like black pudding and fried goat cheese. No pics of that though. I love england now.

>> No.8020304


>> No.8020310
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, 20160617_105959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greggs is also great, I much prefer savory breakfast pastries over the american tradition of donuts and pancakes. Cheese and onion pasty on a brisk rainy day, so good.

>> No.8020321

>on a brisk rainy day, so good
>rainy day, so good

>> No.8020330


greggs is the shit man glad you're enjoying the food

>> No.8020335

instant mash needs to die, it's disgusting

>> No.8020337

Since when did Greggs stop doing square pasties?

>> No.8020344

any real 'merican will defend the breakfast sandwich or burrito anyway

egg, meat, cheese, potato

>> No.8020355

brits can keep bitching whenever theyre the ones who started shitting in stores in the first place

>> No.8020365

We can? Great.
back to /pol/

>> No.8020373

That had fuck all to do with pol, you triggered faggot.

>> No.8020383

Toast sandwich mate, it's great

>> No.8020384

You sure? you're not convincing me.

>> No.8020390


>> No.8020399

Shart in mart is an /int/ meme, you spastic.

Stop making us look like whiney faggots.

>> No.8020421

They have always done various types though.

>> No.8020439

americans have only started eating that type of stuff after they got cucked by corporations who don't even give them enough time to sleep and have proper breakfast anymore.

>> No.8020449

>Cheese and onion pasty on a brisk rainy day, so good.
It gets old quite quickly.

>> No.8020472

It's a good job they have many different pasties.

Besides, everyone knows that the steak bake is the choice for men with eight inch dicks.

>> No.8020474

It really doesn't. It may taste a bit off depending on where it was stored, (absorbed surrounding smells) but it won't make you sick or anything.

>> No.8020523

Nah I was talking about the whole pasty in the rain experience. It's good when you're a tourist, but the novelty wears quite quickly if you live there.

>> No.8020526

Great, now I want a sausage roll and it's half three in the morning. Thanks a lot you cunts.

>> No.8020534


So in what capacity are you speaking from?

>> No.8020546


>> No.8020568

Heh just like your sex life then.

>> No.8020574

india is a water culture.
westerners have this idea that if you don't use paper, you don't wipe or use your hand.
everyone in the civilized world uses water to wash filth off their bodies.

>> No.8020576

Roast dinners are literally the greatest meal you can eat

>> No.8020578

For gods sake, capitalise your words, you savage thirdworlder.

>> No.8020586

>the mushy peas are just as iconic as the newspaper it's wrapped in.

Only because a bunch of retards who actually enjoyed their awful school lunches decided to get into the industry

>> No.8020605

You dropped your fedora.

>> No.8020641
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FUCK. Wish I had seen this. Was going to make them tomorrow but read they need an overnight rest so I fucking rushed it tonight in the smallest round pan I could find. Will show slice tomorrow if I remember. Thank you to the anons with the tips.

>> No.8021514

I was last in the UK 5 years ago and now im thinking about all the food I can't get anymore.

Welsh Breakfast with:
>fried bread
So good.


Chips covered in tikka masala

Pork pie with Branston Pickle

Not shitty Cadbury

Balti served in a huge bowl

A Pasty

>> No.8021522

>/int/ pretends it isn't just /pol/-lite


>> No.8021526

Okay, great, but do they need to do it right in the river that other people are drinking from?

>> No.8021534

>Didn't grow up in england or have school lunches
>this means I wear a fedora


>> No.8021856

I'll send you some Bovril, mate, but be forewarned; it tastes EXACTLY like you'd expect it to taste.

>> No.8021870
File: 17 KB, 265x300, 094905_laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Mart Sharter.

>> No.8022001

Fucking americans not recognizing a bip hob on a wob jobbler

>> No.8022038

Enjoying your familygetting raped, Russell?

>> No.8022233


>Once upon a time

>> No.8022267


The only thing good about London is that it is somewhere where you can get food from all over the world.

Aside from that the place, including the whole of England is disgustingly expensive for no reason other than to be expensive, the locals are ugly, the traffic is horendus, any city is disgustingly dirty, 1 out of 50 britfags are cucks and the service you get for the price is terrible.

It was once a great nation but the only thing holding it together now is that everything is expensive so they have a false commercial power which funds their shitty endevours and gives britfags a false sense of superiority.

>> No.8022276

Damn, that looks pretty good. Nice job anon.

Nothing wrong with using a tin, was just pointing out that you can do without too.

>> No.8022280


>1st world fag detected

I can make all of those myself and my country is not even on half the atlases printed

>> No.8022295

>gives britfags a false sense of superiority
>false sense of superiority

>> No.8022323


They are.

They are that annoying little guy everyone throws a bone to every now and then, to get him to shutup.

I lived there for 4 years and outside of that I have had to deal with you niggers for 30 years and i can tell you that you fuckers are all sheep led by a select few superiors.

Which would be alright if you just stood there bleeting and grazing like you should but every single one of you think that you are something special.

>> No.8022325

>think that you are something special.
>think that you are

>> No.8023747

>A few hours ago, had a stupendous roast with excellent vegetables far better than you could ever have in the US, then enjoyed a wonderful pot of tea with a cream cake, again, far beyond what you could ever purchase in the US and now am settling into the night with a gorgeous Scotch and some very nice beers.

Trust me, I've lived all over the US. I've eaten at your finest restaurants, in houses across your social classes, had junk food, had good food, but even at it's best, it's not as good as what you can get in this country if you have a half-decent butcher near you, access to any rural county and a good bakery.

>> No.8023753

The same is true in the US. In fact, it's even more so because the standard of living is so dire. The only things good about the US are what you got from British common law. Everything else is shit.

>> No.8025476

>An american calling anyone stubborn

>> No.8025478

Immediately discarded

>> No.8025491

He spent a few years in France but i'm pretty sure he regards Marco Pierre White as his main tutor

>> No.8025498

Fuck off, pajeet

>> No.8025501

> don't poo in public places

Now we know you're just trolling

>> No.8025586

This says less about the dish being good and more about Gordon Ramsay being retarded and addicted to fats and sugars

>> No.8025590

You sure are a fucking moron.

>> No.8025595

Shut up Rasheed.

>> No.8025602

Crymore, bitch. Enjoy being remembered as the ones who chose to make your country not exist, all to try and get one over on the big boys.

There is a special place in hell for traitors like you.

>> No.8025610


>> No.8025614
