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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 200x300, pickle_jar-200x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8017933 No.8017933 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone ever done this before or is it just me

I once tried to open a pickle jar by placing it in a bag, then smashing it with a hammer. Only then did I realize that there is no way to separate the glass shards from the pickles. Then I accidentally opened the bag in the sink to drain the pickles away, only to get the drain clogged full of glass. Had to replace the entire p-trap.

>> No.8017938

Assuming this isn't a troll and you're just retarded run the metal lid under hot water. The heat will cause the metal to expand. Grab a dry towel and wrap it around the warm lid, twist. It will come off. Even if you're a weak, little bitch.

>> No.8017942


>> No.8017944
File: 33 KB, 450x450, jarpop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a gizmo that cracks the vacuum seal better than a spoon, called JarPop.
Never struggle again...

>> No.8017947


>implying I can afford a water heater


I just use the claw on a hammer I have. Works all the time.

>> No.8017948

I've always used a butter knife
it's the only thing I use them for

>> No.8017951
File: 60 KB, 641x480, 1471220989240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is 5am I should not be laughing this hard. I hope you are a troll if not this is the most ass backwards thing I have read tonight and I grade ESOL papers.

>> No.8018003

You must not be the only one OP.
>I once tried to open a pickle jar by placing it in a bag, then smashing it with a hammer. Only then did I realize that there is no way to separate the glass shards from the pickles.
I think you meant to say you tapped on the rim? But, yea, it can cause glass chipping to enter the food. I recall being warned by my Mom about the damage glass in food can cause to your insides, so I never tapped jelly jars on the counter or floor ever again. In the case of sugary foods like jelly, it does help to warm the lid under a hot tap to soften sugary food near the seal, not to mention it can equalize pressure some, if you do it long enough.
>Then I accidentally opened the bag in the sink to drain the pickles away, only to get the drain clogged full of glass. Had to replace the entire p-trap.
People while doing washing up, tip over or drop slippery glasses in their sink which then break. It's happened before.

If you are weak at opening jars, buy a device. But brute force doesn't mean you should ever resort to a method that might introduce glass into your food. When and if it happens in the food industry they have to do a recall.

>> No.8018041


>have awesome giant 750ml jar of delicious home made zucchini relish my grandma gave me
>can't get the fucking thing open it feels like it's super glued shut
>hot water trick doesn't work
>end up rapping on it with a heavy knife after my red sore hands tell me to
>it opens
>notice a small inch of the rim of the jar is chipped and shattered
>end up tossing entire jar because paranoid of glass

it was the worst day ever

>> No.8018046


>> No.8018048


I shit my pants literally a foot away from my toilet and had to take a shower with my clothes on as well as mop my floor, but I can take pride knowing that I'm still not as fucking retarded as you, my handicapped compatriot.

>> No.8018378

Smashes glass in a bag with a hammer bag survives
There's some holes in your story
I'll give this bait a mediocre

>> No.8018385

if all fails just stab the lid with a knife to let some air in
and if that fails too for some reason, expand the hole and cut out the middle of the lid

>> No.8018399

you shud get you a REAL MAN to open ur jars for u, dr octo wussy pickel baby :D

>> No.8018407

jesus fuck yall all you gotta do is slide the tip of something narrow (butter knife is a good choice) under the lip of the lid and pry, that pops the seal and the jar will be easy to open

>> No.8019445

Get fucking Hillary to do it man

>> No.8020550

Yeah, they just suddenly pop open when she touches them and people usually forget about emails you deleted or something.

>> No.8021051

...hillary clinton?

>> No.8021054



>> No.8021108
File: 295 KB, 576x699, cheese_curds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a world where Olympian strength is tested by a jar of pickles

>> No.8021178
File: 3.03 MB, 218x272, 68rfagu1fpax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8021238

Educate yourself /ck/

>> No.8022932

>unitasker meme